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  • is it illegal to put solar panels on side of house facing peoples gardens?

    My neighbour is putting solar panels up just above a 6ft garden fence at the bottom of five properties gardens for us all to see actually on the side of the house and not the roof. His house is only about 3ft away from the the bottom of the gardens. Most people will be looking directly at them whilst sitting in their lounge. Is this legal as i am worried about the tilt of them. Also does he need a professional to mount them?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • My 24 year old horse is developing tumours?

    My 24 year old horse (Clarence) is a 17.2 T.b. He has recently developed a lump just under his jaw line (not a tooth problem as the vet has been out to rasp his teeth about 4 months ago.) and now today i have found a lump under his abdomen about 10 inches behind his elbow on one side. The lump in his throat is about the size of a golf ball and the lump under his belly about the size of half a tennis ball. I have posed the question to ask if anyone can tell me if the lumps could be benign or is there more chance of being malignant. I haven't and won't call a vet out until i think he is going downhill as he has a heart condition, is lame (Paddock sound) on his near hind as he has a bone cyst in his stifle and has had for over 15 yrs so couldn't possibly be transported to a veterinary practice . He is eating well and trying his best to trot up to me in the evening to bring him in, but he is hyperflexing more now in his bad leg but not appearing to be in long term discomfort. I cannot feed bute to him as he hates it and gets distressed when given orally via suringe. My main concern is the lumps i have found. Is there anyone out there that has ageing horses with benign tumours as i am interested to have some feedback. He is a horse that never coughs and recently over the last month i hear an intermittent cough if he trots. If this lump in his throat and abdomen grow then i maybe faced with either colic, breathing problems or inability to swallow. Any advice will be much appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • windows xp/internet explorer 7 why are all video pics black on you tube help please?

    Not computer literate atall, all seems slow when logging on and had an expert clear all junk n stuff. Have i done something wrong as all you tube videos are buffering all the time and cant really watch anything and all pics of other vids just black. was informed that you tube wouldnt be able to support explorer 7. How can i update safely? I do have anti virus. pleeeze help. I need a computer expert.

    2 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • I have horses that are in the vicinity of water?

    I have tried many formulas over the years to try and deter midges. Flies are irritating but midges are a nightmare as the don't go away. I am sure anyone that reads this will be at their wits end trying to control the buggies that love our horses ears and all the sweaty areas. I have tried everything i.e "if i make a pizza with garlic why do they land on it/but we feed garlic to horses to repel flies. Hmmm sounds a bit strange to me. All of us horsey people are buying very expensive products to repel these obnoxious characters that maybe kept at bay by buying "lemon juice" that u would add to food? It worked tonight with my horse as he was tail swishing/looking fed up etc. Used "cif" try it the buggies hated it.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets9 years ago
  • karomed bed settings?

    my mum suffers pressure sores and we have been told to set the bed in ----------- mode but i believe she should be in the semi recumbent position as she sits and sleeps with her head up at night. the chambers of the bed under her bottom turned round so she became in a v shape that has been corrected but i feel that she needs to be on the setting of visually head up and legs slighty raised. Am i correct as i am unsure if the bed will work on the ---------- mode? N.b the --------- is what the light at the bottom of the bed is showing to bed setting

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • my mum is mrsa positive is vomiting after solid food can anyone help?

    She has cellulitis mrsa and is now vomiting when she ingests solid food. Is this a problem which maybe linked to Mrsa and Heliobacter Pylori. I have some Peptac liquid for her prescribed by the doctor will this help. I have taken her off anti sickness tablets as they are making her sick. She is on Analapril too. can anyone advise me please? Her appetite is extremely poor and she is reluctant to drink as many fluids as she needs. She is mentally astute and has been in hospital recently so doesn't need re admitting as there is nothing more they can do. I just need to sort out her feeling nauseas after food. It doesnt always happen.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • dehydration vomiting and cellulitis?

    My mum is 77 and is in hospital. she has had massive amounts of inravenous antibiotics and still gets pus on her extremeties. She is complus mentus but getting worse in hospital. The nurses cant give her water as and when she needs it as they are "busy" looking after all the other sick patients.and every time she ingests either water or any fluid that will rehydrate her she is sick She is presently leaking fluid from her arm(It has been legs fingers etc) it is the fluid loss of cellulitis. She has low blood pressure, raised temperature which i presume is the pneumonia that the doctor managed to diagnose today. She is a very complex case as she also suffers erysipelas in bouts. She refuses to eat as it makes her sick. Why is it everytime she ingests either food or liquids she feels sick. She has had a scan and obviously nothing found. Is it cellulitis/Sepsis(which i think it is), lyphodoema or is something else happening that has been missed by a doctor? N.B. My mum needs 24/7 attention to allow her to drink as she cannot physically lift her hands up to grasp the bottle. We are allowed 2 hours per day to visit. The nurses appear to spend far less time looking after my mum than we do. Is she dehydrared or is it more complex. I will be grateful for any feedback.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • horses and skin complaints?

    My horse is 22 and has always been bedded down on straw. He is now suffering Urticaria/nettle rash/hives every time i bed him down. I have removed all old bedding and replaced it with new straw. This did not work. If i leave him out they go down. (diet remains the same) and doesn't affect him. He is fine in himself and seems to be unaware of the problem. During the mild spell we are having he is well rugged up and coping outdoors at night. I have concerns that if we have a cold spell i will have to bring him in which long term could be detrimental to his health if he is exposed to "whatever allergen" he is not coping with. I have never had a problem before but have to admit after winter i have left his bed banked up ready for the next winter. I leave my horses out in the summer so they are never stabled during this time. So stable -wise bedding stands still. Obviously this is not the case anymore. I am doing a process of elimination at present to find out what is causing the allergy and have narrowed it down to stabling. I have thought of shavings and perhaps leaving his new zealand on and not to do a rug change in case that is creating a problem too. He is a 17.2 TB that will not survive being outdoors all winter so any advice will be much appreciated

    1 AnswerOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Why has my friends abusive (Male) partner walked away?

    My friend has been in a relationship for 5 yrs. It is her home he moved in to. She has 2 children from a previous marriage that he accepted and took a small amount of responsibility for. To cut a long story short he has now moved out and is spending most of his time demoralising my friend saying she was either "too fat", kids too noisy (they were monitored to how much bath water they were allowed to use too) He says he felt trapped apparently, but my friend questioned him for stealing money from her. He now says after putting a few holes in the wall, trying to strangle her and saying that she smothered and constantly nagged him decided to leave. I was in a violent relationship once but walked away. Can anyone advise me on how to help my friend and also the main question.... Why did he walk away and just switch off from not only my friend but her children also(he has blocked them on facebook), I feel that is cruel to do that to a child. He has blamed all his failed relationships on his ex partners and said they all drove him away, as i believe abusive men do. I have never heard of a violent/aggresive man walking away. In January this year a holiday was booked for the family and himself too which he had a financial investment in but only to cover his own costs and possibly a bit more, but he is now saying he was fed up before then so why book a holiday if u know u want out. He has done the quiet stuff i.e cant speak to u as u are too emotional, and also if she cried she was irritating and stupid, he says she never supported him but she cooked, cleaned, did his sandwiches, cared for him when his father died but in his mind this was not enough. I am interested to know why he left and not that she is better off without him as i have helped her with this already. I am supporting her at the moment as she feels she is losing the plot and i keep telling her it is going to take time to heal not only your emotions but also to repair the damage he has done gradually over a 5 year period. Please can someone advise me on how to help her and what she should do she is struggling to function even a month after they have separated.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why has my friends abusive (Male) partner walked away?

    My friend has been in a relationship for 5 yrs. It is her home he moved in to. She has 2 children from a previous marriage that he accepted and took a small amount of responsibility for. To cut a long story short he has now moved out and is spending most of his time demoralising my friend saying she was either "too fat", kids too noisy (they were monitored to how much bath water they were allowed to use too) He says he felt trapped apparently, but my friend questioned him for stealing money from her. He now says after putting a few holes in the wall, trying to strangle her and saying that she smothered and constantly nagged him decided to leave. I was in a violent relationship once but walked away. Can anyone advise me on how to help my friend and also the main question.... Why did he walk away and just switch off from not only my friend but her children also(he has blocked them on facebook), I feel that is cruel to do that to a child. He has blamed all his failed relationships on his ex partners and said they all drove him away, as i believe abusive men do. I have never heard of a violent/aggresive man walking away. In January this year a holiday was booked for the family and himself too which he had a financial investment in but only to cover his own costs and possibly a bit more, but he is now saying he was fed up before then so why book a holiday if u know u want out. He has done the quiet stuff i.e cant speak to u as u are too emotional, and also if she cried she was irritating and stupid, he says she never supported him but she cooked, cleaned, did his sandwiches, cared for him when his father died but in his mind this was not enough. I am interested to know why he left and not that she is better off without him as i have helped her with this already. I am supporting her at the moment as she feels she is losing the plot and i keep telling her it is going to take time to heal not only your emotions but also to repair the damage he has done gradually over a 5 year period. Please can someone advise me on how to help her and what she should do she is struggling to function even a month after they have separated.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • why have i got blonde eyebrows?

    I am 45 i was born white blonde hair, and then went strawberry blonde which i believe is an undertone of ginger. Please can someone explain to me why my hair is now dark and i still have no eyebrows? If i don't dye them i look like an albino. My skin colour is normal and my hair changes colour every decade. I am bemused to why my hair colour is changing and why my eyebrows are blonde. I live close to a family that have 2 red- headed kids and they have eyebrows why dont i. If i stop dyeing i look as though someone has shaved them off.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • can my neighbour cut a hedge down that is not even in the road they live in?

    We looked out onto a hedge that has been cut down by our neighbour directly outside our lounge which is now an 8ft brick wall. I believe it to have been put up (the hedge) by the council or the builders. It has now been taken down and we are now looking at a very high brick wall with fence panels in and it looks awful. Can we do anything about this and will we have the law on our side? Can i point out that the hedge in question is on the side of their garden and not even in their road. It is outside the perimeter of their owned land. Legal advice only please.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Malignant melanoma. why are people taken off morphine and put onto paracetamol when in pain?

    My friend passed away last night, she had malignant melanoma and was taken off morphine and i dont understand why. Is it because the body is shutting down and stops people feeling any pain or does it make you pass away more quickly? She was given morphine because of violent headaches. She was fine 6 weeks ago and went downhill very quickly. She suffered diplopia of the eye, mastoiditus, fluid in the brain and had a grommit fitted in her ear as she was becoming deaf and also suffered facial palsy and eventually couldnt speak. I hope there is a doctor out there that can explain why my friend died. Was it a brain tumour as it seems to have the same symptoms. I need to know why she died?

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • malignant melanoma and hot spots on bone scan?

    i am stage 3 metastatic malignant melanoma suffering diplopia of the eye, mastoiditis and inflammation of the adenoid. My bone scan showed up hot spots on my knee and pelvis but i am suffering severe headaches with inflammation behind my ear too and have had a grommit put in my ear to drain the fluid. I want to know how long i will live as my diagnosis is looking grim. Serious answers only please as i am desperate. Is melanoma taking over my body?

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • metastatic malignant melanoma and gradenigos syndrome. Is there a link?

    Diplopia. blood test abnormal but non conclusive. Mastoiditis. some problem with my adenoid. fluid to left side of head. grommit in ear. major headache. problem with bone at back of head doctors unsure. 27 lymph nodes removed 6 months ago under armpit. stage 3. in hospital can anyone help. been in hospital for over a week a doctors cannot locate problem. is this the way melanoma works or are the doctors not very good. I am partially deaf in my left ear and have a patch over my left eye to alleviate eye strain. My other eye is now painful too as i think its working overtime. prior to my hospitalisation i have suffered some tingling in my arms very briefly but no fatigue or dramatic weight loss. can someone help with advice or knowledge please?

    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • malignant melanoma and fluid in the head?

    Mri scan clear of Melanoma. Fluid on left hand side of my head. lymph nodes were removed on that side from armpit(27) in total. Since july 2009 headaches most days behind left eye and in back of neck. Feel quite well in myself. also have outwards diplopia (eye turning outwards) also on left hand side. Occasionally slight numbness in right arm. Have been to hospital and am being treated at present any advice or info would help.

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • malingnant melanoma, blurred vision, deafness in ear, and eye disorientation i.e eye turning outwards help?

    Metastatic malignant melanoma, 27 lymph nodes removed from left armpit. feel well. Massive headaches then double vision. then eye sticks to the outside and won't move. Have to wear something over eye so i can see. Blood test found something in the blood that was untowards waiting for results is it grim? I am energetic and well could i function this way if i had been diagnosed in july 2009 and still feel well in november 2009. I am stage 3 cancer. CT scan didn't show anything MRI scan on thurs 12th nov will that show more?

    2 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • My friend has malignant melanoma(metastatic) Double vision and now her left eye is "stuck" Won't move atall?

    My friend had double vision some weeks ago that subsided and her eyesight went back to normal. She now has a left eye that is stuck towards the outside and is wearing a patch to ease the problem. Her eye is sore but no pain as such. Anti-depressants were prescribed to alleviate any stress that she has now stopped taking. She is suffering headaches, eye problems as described and no other symptoms. Could this be a ciliary muscle problem linked with Melanoma?

    7 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Common assault at magistrates court with no legal aid?

    My friend is in court tomorrow morn after slapping a homosexual for pushing her over. He now has 5 witnesses 3 are of the same family and the other being his boyfriend and himself have manufactured a story saying she is homophobic and that she defamed his character which is untrue. She used to be friends with these people. He was unmarked after her slapping him back and is due in court tomorrow with only a duty solicitor representing her. She is stage 3 cancer, filing as bankrupted and is losing everything. She is on beta blockers because of stress related migraines. What should she say in court? She has no criminal record and is 44 years old? All these witnesses have got together and manufactured a story to suit. She has no witness at all. Does she stand a chance?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How much should i be charged per bale for a farmer to bale my own grass in england?

    I have been charged £2.00 per bale to clear my paddocks is this too much to charge? We had to stack it ourselves. Just need a fair rate price per bale if someone is just baling it and moving it with a picker towards the barn?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago