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Lv 43,338 points

Marc Preston

Favorite Answers16%
  • Name three people (alive or dead) you'd love to an all night drinking sesh with?

    My would be;

    Chrisopher Hitchens (loved a drink, great conversation, great debates, would really be the source of intelligent debate)

    John Lennon (one of my musical influences, funny, great stories, would bring an aspect of mad genius to the party)

    Freddie Mercury (would be "the party starter" - again, great stories, personality and flamboyant)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Any other WEbookers out there?

    Looking for fellow WEbookers to exchange feedback with. I'd be happy to return the favor for those with give some feedback. Thanks.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Anyone care to read the first two chapters of my story?

    Would love to hear some feedback on the first two chapters of this story I am writing. I don't want to give away too much but all I can say is that it starts as a fantasy type book.

    It's about a young boy called Isaac. He and his family are mourning over the recent loss of their mother. He is stuck in a dead end town called Grimshaw and dreams of a better life. Events transpire and his life is changed forever. For better or worse.


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Thoughts on this scene?

    This is a scene in the first chapter of my story, thought?

    Isaac passed the usual hustle and bustle of the local tavern, ‘the fisherman’s catch’. A place where the townsfolk could drown their sorrows and reminisce.

    “Boy!” blurted one of the drunks, as Isaac walked past. “Boy, I’m talking to you!”

    Isaac turned round and faced the drunken man. His long shaggy hair drooling over his face, windswept and untidy. He sat alone at a small, dirty table outside the tavern.

    “Care to join me?” he grinned, as he nodded to the empty seat.

    “No thank you, I have somewhere to be.”

    The drunk’s smile quickly turned to a scowl, “It’s rude to refuse a man’s offer, boy. Besides, I wasn’t asking.”

    The man grabbed an empty bottle from the table and stuttered towards Isaac.

    Isaac’s heart started to pick up the pace as the ragtag man came towards him, muttering words of profanity under his breath. Suddenly the tavern door flew open and the drunk turned around.

    In the doorway stood a seven-foot silhouette. It looked more troll than man, with broad shoulders and legs as thick as tree trucks.

    “What do you think you are doing?” said the silhouette, in a soft voice.

    “I’m talking to this here boy, what’s it to you?”

    “Talking to the boy you say? And what’s that in your hand?”

    The drunk looked down at the bottle in his hand hid it clumsily behind his back.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Can someone do some rough sketches for me?

    I can't pay you anything for this, all that this can offer would be drawing for fun or to gain some experience.

    I'd be expecting you to read the first chapter of my story set in a fictional town/time and draw your interpretations of some of the scenes and characters.

    It is a rough first chapter, roughly 4K words. Give me a message on this if you are interested and we can have a chat about it. Thanks!

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration5 years ago
  • Feedback on the first chapter of my story?

    I'd love it if you were able to give me any feedback on the first chapter of my story?

    I've uploaded it to a site called Worth of Publishing, which lets you upload stories for free.

    Thanks in advance!

    Books & Authors5 years ago
  • Thoughts on first chapter of my story?

    Looking for honest opinions of my first chapter. I C&P it on a website called Worthy of Publishing which lets you upload anything you write to the net for free.

    The first chapter is pretty much just setting the scene/building the character up to the point that he is ready to leave everything behind.

    I'm looking for some honest opinions/constructive criticism. Thanks in adavance.

    PS please don't just comment "it was good" etc

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • How many words do you aim for per chapter?

    I just finished my first chapter on 2,809 (pre edit) how many pages do you think that would roughly work out to on an average sized book?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Would anyone like to become writing buddies?

    Looking for someone to give their opinion on my story, give feedback, what you thought was good, what you weren't too clear on and how you think I could improve.

    Of course if you send me a story back I will give you my honest feedback on it.

    If you would like to do this leave a comment with your email and I will give you a message! Cheers!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Looking for some feedback to the opening page to my novel?

    This is a rough version of the opening page to my novel. It's only a thousand words. Looking for any feedback you can give me on the opening, much appreciated! Thanks

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Things a good science fiction book needs?

    Things you think a good science fiction book needs. Be that to develop the plot or characters, or something new to bring a breath of fresh air into it.

    Can you give me a list of what you think every great science fiction novel should/shouldn t have.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Betrayal by best friend.?

    It's a long story but the short version is like this. Myself and two friends recently went to the download festival in Donnington. We had a small argument which he totally blew out of proportion and he ditched me for 4 out of the five days to go see the bands with other people.

    We didn't talk to each other the full time after the small argument, mainly because he was too stubborn to see he had done anything wrong.

    When we got back he messaged me on facebook demanding an apology when I had done nothing wrong. He called me a "little rat" and numerous other names. I told him not to speak to me again as I didn't want to be friends with someone thatg would just leave their "best friend" by themselves miles away from home when they had both spent over £500 getting there.

    A few days later he messages me apologizing and saying that he was in the wrong. I was still really pi**ed off so I didn't want to "just forget about it" as he said.

    He said he didn't care if I had a bad time at download (which was my first ever festival) because he had a good time. He described it as a "sh*t happens moment" Now he's acting like nothing happened at all.

    "sh*t happens"? for four days?

    I really feel like I am ready to move on from him and cut off all contact but he was my best friend for 2-3 years and most of my other friends still hang around with him.

    What do you think I should do?

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • How to fall out of love?

    You know it's a sad time when you need to fall "out" of love for the "greater good"

    Any tips on how to fall out of love without completely cutting off contact with the person?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Natural Born Athletes?

    Do you think some people are born naturally more athletic than others?

    The reason why I ask this is because I'm a smoker yet I beat the whole of my team in a sort of mini marathon. I do try and keep myself in decent shape but I don't exactly work out every day or eat the foods an athlete should be eating.

    Is there such a thing as a natural born athlete?

    3 AnswersOther - Sports6 years ago
  • Can you really judge someone's intelligence?

    Take schools for example. The majority of students are made to take the same tests/exams and are expecting to be "judged/rated" on how well they done in that particular test.

    Now we know that humans are unique and different, so why would it make sense to judge them all by the same expectations?

    That would be like having a monkey and a dolphin and judging them both on how well they can climb a tree.


    6 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Why can't humans grasp the immensity of life?

    Have you ever just thought of the universe. We, as humans pale in comparison.

    Yet we have created an ego for ourselves. It is as if people walk around their whole lives never thinking if there is something else. Thinking that our planet is the only planet with any chance of life. Hardly even realizing that we are currently traveling through space, hurdling around a giant ball of gas and fire.

    Why does the every day person seem so oblivious to this?

    18 AnswersPhilosophy6 years ago
  • Football (Back Injury)?

    Hi, I've got a friendly with my football team tonight (soccer for those americans) but I done something to my back on Tuesday. I had previously hurt my back back in November/December and it took a few months to get fully fit.

    It feels the same as it did back then. It is in the lower left region of my back and it hurts when I move my neck around certain ways and when I turn my body. There is no swelling or bruising on my back though.

    Does anyone know would could be up with my back and how I could help speed up the time of recover?

    1 AnswerMen's Health7 years ago
  • Having Faith or being Gullible?

    Gullible; easily persuaded to believe something

    Faith; strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

    If you looked at some of the many other religions out there (yes there are more than one Christians!) you would recognize that a lot of them sound very similar. Most notably the ancient pagan and Egyptian religions.

    Jesus and Horus were both born of a virgin, baptized, started their work/preaching at age 30, crucified and rose from the dead.

    What makes Jesus so different from Horus?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Most common cliche in a book?

    I'm not limiting this to one specific genre, I'm talking about any/every genre.

    What do you find are the most common cliches in a book. Which ones bug you the most when you come across them in a novel & which ones do you overlook? (because you secretly enjoy them haha)

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago