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  • Email attack or just a joker?

    Here my non situation.. Lol I have ppl pretending to be me on yahoo using my email to ask an answer questions! it doesnt bother me bc I no who it is have been known. My question is since u got such a problem wit me why u neva face up lmao huh?? Ur 1silly joke to me just so u no!

    1 AnswerOther - News & Events9 years ago
  • Is it true wat they say?

    I have heard that misery loves company and i believe it to be true thats why i dnt visit ppl often lol if ur miserable im in no way keepin u company i dnt care how many times u call me or text me.. Am i wrong for wanting no dealings wit miserable ppl who pretend they have their stuff in order ppl who pretend to be who they arent! Am i wrong bc 4the facts: they will neva have a find in me?? Neva is a mighty long time who in their right minds friend ppl who arent even worthy??

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Wondering how to handle this situation need ur help 20pts?

    Ok there is a person who dnt like me but wnt confront me.. I dnt bother at all... They have violated my privacy thinking i wouldnt find out who was behind the nonsense so i played stupid while i looked into it.. Finally found out who this person is an im wonderin wat to do.. I already have a million ideas but i want to be clear on making a statement to them letting them no u cant do wateva u want 2ppl and think u can get away wit it.. Times running out wat should i do??????

    4 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • Why she wished she was me?

    Dnt no wat it is ppl hate n i no we need haters but gee wiz ppl actually dat miserable they'd sit at home pretending to be someone they are not, dats crazy! My question is: Is there help for ppl who cant be themselves bc they live each day wishing they was some1 esle?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Secure ppl vs Insecure ppl?

    If ppl were more secure wit themselves there would probably be less drama going around.. Why do ppl talk about ppl, got a problem wit sum1 an wnt address it.. Why worry about wat sum1 else is or isnt doing dnt u have a life of ur own? If u dnt like sum1 oh well dnt deal wit'em... Why do ppl say dey got dey stuff in order but focus on other ppl lives lol i dnt get it, ppl calling names is jealousy dat bad lmao my main question is wen will ppl do wat dey need 2do 4themselves & stop talking bout ppl looking down on dem? Will dey ever show they r secure or keep being insecure??

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Who messed da entire site up?

    I came here saw a few ppl asking 4advice i was like ok cool let me help give dem sure gud advice now my big question is why have u flooded da entire site wit all da drama? Like are u kidding me SMH everybody cheating on everybody and nobody trusting nobody im wondering wat happens from here? Will anybody do anything 2make any changes dnt answer dat i c my job is done here hope i helped those who actually needed help im still stuck on why u flood da site dats real messed up lol gotta LAUGH is dis really wat ppl are doing wit their wonderful lives WOW dats gud living i guess

    4 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Im giving 20pt 4this question?

    Why in da world is all these ppl on here airing out their business instead of doing something about it if u got a problem ppl here can give all da advice u need u still gotta make ur own choices besides were not da ppl in da situation so its easier 4us 2give advice were on da outside looking in but in all reality theres a much bigger picture take it 2da table communicate about wats going on make changes or leave if u must wateva da situation is its up 2u 2do something about it if not ur mad, hurt and posting my bf says i talk 2much baby im communicating rather its gud or bad this way we have less road blocks gud luck 2 u all ima have 2stay outta relationship issues got my own but will help wit other issues if i can give gud helpful advice..

    3 AnswersMySpace9 years ago
  • Is it hard 2be urself or wat?

    Do u live up 2ppl expectations? U no ppl please? Just wondering if u cant be urself an have ppl except u da way u are wit flaws n all wats da point in pleasing ppl wen its only 4da moment! If ppl cant/wont accept me da way i am oh well bc i keep hearing how nobodys perfect why should i try 2be just a waste of energy 2me tell ur take on da bleek situation

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Are u da one or mrs # 2 please explain?

    Gurls why oh why do u mess wit guys who have a gf then come on here complaining about wat 2do or wats wrong wit him! Ladies if u play wit fire ur sure 2get burned dats da best advice i can give and how awesum is a guy who cheats on his gf dnt dat make him slimy and sneaky wat woman in their rite mind want a guy who promises 2leave da very woman he wont... Ladies are u there i no ur like wtf dats how i feel wen i gotta read da crap after ur hurt wat about wen u was hurting da woman who aint do nuffin 2 deserve da bs dnt dat make u just like him a match made on earth so why yall not 2gether ask urself whos da bigger fool u or him i can talk i been there da #1 and #2 nuffin gud comes in da end but pain gud luck 2da ladies who lay down by theirself at night noing he layed up wit da one he loves den u wanna knock his head off wen he says hes busy ir stands u up bc he cant sneak out tell him 2choose u wont be confused... I hope this helps mz showstopper she all bout 2kill herself ova a dude dat dnt no wat love is

    2 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • Are u the other gurl?

    Lol it breaks my heart da amount of woman on here talking bout goin out wit a guy who has a wife/gf u mean 2tell me woman are stoopin dat low just 2get attention from a dude who dnt no if hes coming or going of course he gone tell ya all these sad stories bout how his gf aint treating him rite bs u no it just like i do... If hes so unhappy and yall make such a great item why is he still there? Please tell me bc he love her bs, maybe he stands 2lose alot lol bigger bs why cant woman get da facts sum men gotta have cake+ice cream! U mean 2tell me a man will have all this fun wit u then lay heads wit da same gf who is this+aint dat except wen ur being played or been played real men walk away wen relationship fails mice men cheat and laugh until da joke is on dem SMH sum real weak woman amongst us wat a shame

    3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Wats up wit family these days?

    I remember wen family use 2stick 2getha no matter wat, dey use 2break bread 2gether get money 2getha wateva it was family was meaningful dey excepted each other flaws no questions asked, u could turn 2family @ anytime now tables have turned my question is wat da heck happened???

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Actors...? Why do ppl act like dey are perfect?

    Why do ppl act like dey stuff dnt stink like dey live a perfect life, neva make mistakes, neva say da wrong thing, neva take responsibilty wen dey no dey wrong? Wtf why do ppl point da finger at everybody else but neva look at their faults! Wat makes anybody any better than da next man/woman? I will gladly accept all smart remarks Lol

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Saving the relationship or just be friends?

    Ok im wit my bf 3years love him wit all my heart dnt imagine life witout him, lately we been having issues communicating but still we love each other so we stick+stay. He dnt treat me bad were just not getting along like we argue ova da least thing. Knowing I dnt want 2let go my question is at wat point do let and try 2have a friendship? Its killing me dat we use 2be best friends now we barely have a decent convo. Dnt want things 2end been trying but still seems like we are at a cross road. I have expressed my concerns still feeling not so sure. Please help wat in da world should I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago