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  • Weight Gain and Insomnia?

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction or tell me if they have had similar experiences. Six months ago I began suffering from insomnia and hypersensitivity to caffeine. I had to cut caffeine completely out of my diet as one cup of coffee in the morning will have me tossing and turning all night. The insomnia comes and goes but its always the same. For the first few hours I try to sleep I only go into a light sleep from which I wake up frequently. Eventually, I'll fall asleep for 5 to 6 hours. These episodes can last for a month or a few weeks and between them I'll have completely normal periods of sleep. Other things have also started popping up. I have gained a lot of weight but the weight gain actually preceded the insomnia. I have problems with loose bowel movements, fatigue, hair loss and anxious depression. I also have muscle pain and twitching as well as stiff joints, ac dry mouth, very thirsty, frequent urination, and lighter periods. Has anyone had this type of experience?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • I have bad credit will I be able to get an installment loan?

    Back a year ago when my credit was excellent I took out an installment loan with Sun Loan Company.I just paid off that loan in March. Since then however my credit has taken a nose dive because I have had accounts reported to collections against me. They are paid off now but I want to take out another installment loan as i heard that paying off installment loans can raise you credit. Will I be able to? What are my chances of getting a loan from somewhere else if I can't?

    2 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Ladies, if you had a choice...?

    Would you take a man that is a virgin or a man that is good in bed?

    This is just a survey that I am doing. I have a separate question for the men.

    11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Gentlemen, If you had a choice...?

    Would you want to have sex with a virgin or a woman that is good in bed?

    This is just a more of a survey than anything. I'll be asking a separate question for the ladies.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • In your opinion has racism worsened here in the U.S. in the last decade?

    Except now all groups are being discrimintated against. Why do you think this is happening. Does technology have something to do with it?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Katara vs. Kagome vs. Sakura?

    Which of these three do you think would win in a battle to the death?

    Which of these do you think is the best heroine?

    Which one is the worst heroine?

    Which one is you favorite?

    Which one is you least favorite?

    6 AnswersComics & Animation10 years ago
  • Am I the only one who thinks all of the hype of the Casey Anthony case was ridiculous?

    I mean there was nothing really interesting about the case at all. Yet people are so worked up over it. What factor do you believe race and gender played in this case? If Casey Anthony had been a black man would people have been as interested? If Caylee Anthony had been a hispanic boy would people have been as interested? Plus consider the fact that while everyone is so worked up over this case, A 13 year old boy justdied after living his whole like in a cage from being beaten and malnourished yet I see no publicity for that heinous act. Was Missing White Woman Syndrome the driving factor behind the publicity of this case.

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • What should I do about my hair?

    My hair was damaged from excessive heat and relaxing my hair. So I stopped perming and curling my hair and I haven't done anything to it except pull it back and take care of it regularly and just pulling it back into a ponytail and so far my hair is rebounding. The only problem is when I told my parents about it they started jumping on my case. My hair is much nappier now that I stopped relaxing it because all of new growth at the roots of my hair it started growing pretty fast. They told me I should go get a relaxer from a beautician then preceded to get upset because I refused. What should I do. I wanted to go natural all year and see how my hair is doing then. Should I go get a relaxer or stick to my original plan. I know perms are what damaged my hair in the first place. Not only that but I caused my hair to get thinner. Should I go for convience and mangability or stick to my original plan?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Why are the questions on here so racist?

    I have seen racist questions against, blacks, whites and well really we seem to be going back and forth. Why can't we all get along. There is a such thing as intelligent debate you know.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Yusuke vs. Naruto who would win?

    Who would win demon Yusuke Urameshi or Naruto in his 8 tailed form in a battle to the death.

    Plus who do you think is the better main character.

    9 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Is Rukia Kuchiki overrated?

    A whole lot of bleach fans are running around like she is the best thing ever. Granted she is somewhat strong she isn't amazing. I feel like she is a mediocre heroine. She just gets saved a little to much for my tastes. Am I the only one that thinks this.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • How do I get my divorced and remarried father to stop putting my mother down in front of me?

    When my parents got divorced it was very bitter. I live with my dad now and he and my stepmother put my mother down in front of me and talk about her in front of me. Its like they don't know that I have feelings. My mother has done wrong but they talk about her like she is the absolute worst person in the world. She has done a lot of wrong but no more wrong than my father has done. They put her down and talk about her in front of me. I love her dearly even if I haven't lived with her since and no matter what she will always be my mother. What should I do. When I asked them to stop during my childhood I was told I wasn't over the divorce yet and I was being to sensitive. Even today it still haunts me. Me stepmother was talking about her again a few weeks ago. It makes me depressed when they do it. What do I do?

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • How did you deal when your husband or wife left you for another man or woman?

    This is only for people who have had this happen. It seems like adultery and people leaving their spouses for another person have been happening a lot lately. So how did you deal when it happened to you?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Rukia Kuchiki or Sakura Haruno?

    Which character do you like better and which do you feel make the better heroine best answer gets ten points. Do NOT include any NaruSaku or IchiRuki bullshit BTW this is about their character not their potential romances.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Why hasn't Jane Velez Mitchell covered the domestic violence case on teen mom?

    I don't watch the show but it has been every where on the news. For those of you who have better taste like I do, here is what is going on. Amber one the mothers on the show has been caught viciously assaulting her boyfriend gary. She has has choked him, slapped, punched (basically beat the living **** out of him) right in front of their baby. Now fellow feminist Jane Velez Mitchell has been doing a special on domestic violence. I have heard nothing about this case. I am apalled she has an example of it right in front of her face and she has been basically ignoring it. She spend weeks on the Chrihanna incident may I remind you and in my mind this incident is far worse (Rihanna got the **** beat out of her once). Gary has gotten it multiple times and the fact of the matter is there is a baby involved and the baby's welfare is at stake here. Had it have been the opposite She would have been all over it. Is anyone else outraged about the fact that Amber has gotten basically a pass for assaulting her baby's father but if it had been vice versa he would be in jail right not and would never be able to see her child again

    5 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Inuyasha females vs. Naruto females?

    Collectively which series has the better females? Which series do you think has stronger females? Which series has females with more depth or more admirable attributes? Who do you think is the better heroine Kagome or Sakura? Who do you think is the better mangaka Rumiko Takahashi or Masashi Kishimoto?

    8 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Who is your favorite Inuyasha female?

    My favorite Inuyasha female is Kikyo because she is the opposite of Shounen females. She is strong, independent, and complex. Her death was beautiful too. My second fav female character is a tie between Sango and Kagura. They were also strong, independent women. I love all three of these characters and all three of them sacrificed or was willing to sacrifice their lives for Kohaku.

    So who's your favorite Inuyasha female.

    No hating please!!

    11 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Can I get a permanant set of teeth?

    I lost my two front teeth in a bike accident 7 years ago and I have been wearing a partial since I was 13 years old. I just want to know is there are such thing as false teeth that they can screw in or something or will I be stuck with a partial for the rest of my life. They said something about a permanant set of teeh when I got my last partial two years ago. They didn't go into further detail and I haven't seen a dentist since then because I generally don't have problems with my teeh? So is there like a sugery that can give you a more realistic permant set of teeth that you don't have to take out or will I be stuck wearing a partial for the rest of my life.

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Who would win in this battle? Hiei v. Sesshomaru.?

    Don't answer this if you haven't read both of the series. If you are a fangirl please don't answer. Give me a good reason why the person you choose would win.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • What is the name of the Bleach Ending?

    I know it takes place during the arrancar saga but its not Tsumasaki Ore Ska Band. The first thing it shows is a picture of Ichigo with his face bloody after a battle. I know it shows pictures of Yammy, Ulquiorra, Rukia, and Shinji. Could someone tell me what it is. I've looked all over but I can't seem to find it.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago