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  • Why is there so much hate here between the Religions and the Non?

    Look, I just don't get it. We're supposed be in the "age of acceptance" these days. I'm a Christian man. I speak what I believe to others. If they don't want to listen, I leave them alone. Everyone I've met in real-life, that's either Muslim, Atheist, Buddhist, etc seem perfectly fine with me speaking my beliefs and walking away when they don't want to hear it.

    I have friends that are Muslim that I sit down with and talk religion and we don't go hating each other because it doesn't line up. Same with my friends who I know are Atheist through and through.

    But on here? I see so much hate! And I'm not blaming any group on here. Other Christians like myself, are just as bad as the Atheists that scream about how stupid religion is. Muslims too. Every groups seems so negative. Any specific reason why?

    If you read this entire rant then I have too thank you.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • A name for a fictional cult?

    I'm in to RPG's and story writing, usually using some of my RPG experiences to help write my stories. Or form the basis of a story to play in a RPG in which my friends actions help me write the rest.

    I am currently trying to figure out what to name a cult that isn't necessarily evil, but they aren't the good guys either. They've helped some of the local populace (usually discretely) in the area's wherever they've been stationed, either for free or money (depending on the member and/or the local leader). Of course they also have some of their own goals, and if requires slander, theft, or flat out murder they will go ahead and do it. As a generally rule however, they try to pick the option that causes the least harm and/or get's them in the least trouble.

    And as a final note: This is a Fantasy story, set up for a RPG. It does entail magic and fictional creatures etc. This cult uses magic that is publicly unacceptable, believing that all magic, however dangerous, must be studied and used. They also tend to hoard powerful objects (again especially the dangerous ones). Sorry for being so long but I think detail is important. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • A great last meal for my Jack Russel Terrier?

    Hi, my 13 year old Jack Russel Terrier has a cancerous tumor on her foreleg. I simply can't afford the cost to remove it. I think even if I could that she's at the age it would ruin her life quality. It was either remove the leg, surgically remove it but she'd have no skin left in the tumor's attachment area, or put her to sleep.

    For now, she has a lot of energy left in her. Still eats, enjoys walks and behaves normally. The vet said she has at least a month or 2. Maybe more. Until her life quality has gone down, I've been taking her on more walks, and spending time with her etc. Even though I have at least a month before I have to put her to sleep, I want to prepare so I can make her final days happy. So I want to know what would be a truly excellent last meal for my dog when the time finally comes?

    10 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Why isn't Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin available in Walmart stores but you can buy the disk online?

    I want to get it and it's already available as of April 7th I believe, but I can only buy it online, and can't do shipping and handling fees. My Wi-Fi also isn't the best for downloading. Walmart is really my only store option. No EB Games around where I live.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Is scanning a picture, that is drawn, and scanned onto a computer, then saved, Digital Media?

    I was considering going into video game design where I need to create a portfolio. They place that offers the course says on they're website that they want 3 forms of digital media. I can't make any digital 3D models (which is why I would need the course) or anything like that, but I can draw pictures and save them on my computer. So does this count?

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration6 years ago
  • AQW: What do I do now?

    I recently defeated Drakath and his 13 Lords of Chaos (felt pretty good). Then I started Queen of Monsters: Ancient Evil and recently beat the "Summon" area. But when I did all the quest's there, and got to the end, it sent me back to Battleon right after the final cutscene. Is this some sort of glitch? Is the Mother of Monsters Questline not finished? What do I do to continue this story?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • MTG Commander Question?

    I've looked into the recent Commander sets and have seen Planeswalker Commanders. Now I'm wondering, can I use ANY Planeswalker as my commander? Or am I restricted to the ones that SAY they can be your commander.

    4 AnswersCard Games6 years ago
  • Fantasy RPGs where you can be left-handed.?

    I kind of want to play a RPG for PS3 or 3DS where you can be left-handed since I'm left-handed. I've played a lot RPG and I've never been able to make my character left-handed (as far as I know) and I absolutely love making my own personalized characters so being left-handed in game would add to the fun for me.

    I've played:

    - All the Elder Scrolls games

    - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

    - Demon Souls

    - Dark Souls I and II

    - White Knight Chronicles 1 and 2

    - Dark Kingdom

    - All Fire Emblem Games

    - Dragon Age 1 and 2

    - Diablo 1-3

    - All Final Fantasy Games

    - Sacred 2

    Not sure if any of these games lets be effectively left-handed (Skyrim lets you have weapons in your left hand but you couldn't block). So is there a game I can be left-handed or do these games have an option I'm simply not aware of? Thanks.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Any Good Sci-Fi Games?

    I'm wondering if there are any good sci-fi games that allow a personal character creation (I'd like to be an alien personally but that doesn't matter so much) or at least allow some for of creation.

    I'd also prefer it be on the PS3 i have an Xbox360 but i only use it for games that are exclusive to it (halo for example) but please i'd rather get some on my playstation.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago