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Lv 56,376 points

Kelly S

Favorite Answers16%
  • Now that being openly gay is acceptable...why...?

    is there still a need for Gay Pride Days and Gay Pride Marches?

    We don't see any Heterosexual Pride Days or Heterosexual Pride Marches.

    Do you think that it has now become an extortion by commerce to make money out of gays on these particular days?

  • Mercantile Marine in Cardiff?

    My uncle worked as a seaman in the UK for Cardiff Mercantile Marine in 1955. He also worked at Middleton Tower.

    Would that make me eligible for a British passport?

    He was my mother's brother.

    1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • Spider Bite?

    Something bit me badly on my upper back about 2 hours ago. It stings and burns like crazy and my daughter took a look and saw two distinct bite marks and tiny bumps surrounding the bite. It is hot and swollen. I've taken an antihistamine and rubbed the bite with vinegar. What else can I do? It is Saturday night and I don't want to go to the emergency for this - or should I?

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Who pays for tertiary education?

    My teenage daughter fell pregnant when she had just graduated from high school. The guy that made her pregnant was much older and I felt he had taken advantage of her. Their baby is almost a year old now. She must still do her tertiary education - can't he be held liable for some of it - after all he interrupted her schooling? Or am I just being resentful?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Flashing Can Cause Epileptics to have Seizures?

    Is the Yahoo Committee aware of the above?

    Because I don't know about you, but I am continually getting the most irritating flashing adverts to the right of my screen while on Yahoo Answers.

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Professionals only DVT symptoms?

    What are the symptoms of a deep vein thrombosis?

    I am on medication whereby the package insert states that if I fly often or am incapacitated for a while, I should stop the pills for that time.

    I live quite a sedentary life and spend quite a lot of time in front of the PC. I feel that I could be at some risk, so take daily aspirin - but how would I actually know if I did have a DVT?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Assylum Seeker?

    I know of someone who is desperately seeking refugee status - he is very ill and could even die. I have approached various embassies by e-mail and received no response.

    Who can I contact? It's now becoming an emergency!

    1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • Zimbabwe arms shipment from China?

    Does anyone have any idea what we can do - any human-rights links etc., to stop this arms cache being offloaded ANYWHERE? I believe the ship is bound for either Mocambique - or even Angola.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Zimbabwe - War?

    Have you heard that this morning 50,000 tons of arms were offloaded at Durban Docks in South Africa headed for Zimbabwe? It was on Sky News today.

    Why did South Africa allow these arms to be offloaded? They came from China.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago