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  • Replaced brake light switch, still stuck in park?

    2005 crown vic w/ police interceptor, had a bad brake light switch. Replaced and the lights are working now but it still wont come out of park. Please help!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • 12 what?

    Ok so I adopted a female dog whom I was assured was spayed. I insisted I could not take her if she wasn't fixed because my male is not neutered, and next thing I knew she was pregnant. Now we have 12 one-week -old puppies. A couple of questions:

    1- How long must I wait after she had her pups to get her spayed. (I AM NOT NEUTERING MY MALE please no judgments on this, I have fixed males in the past and it totally changed their personalities. If they did vasectomies it would be different but I am not chopping his balls off).

    2- There are 12 pups so sometimes they just don't seem to be getting enough food. I have a can of powdered puppy formula and we are supplementally feeding them a few times a day to make sure they get enough. A friend of mine gave me powdered human baby formula. Can I mix this with the puppy formula to make it stretch? I was trying to save a homeless animal not make 12 more and $ is an issue here. They are still feeding from the mom so I'm not as worried about the nutritional value as I am if it is safe for them to mix with the puppy formula.

    3- Any other suggestions? Again, please no judgments here, I'm not trying to breed and have been researching what to do since I found out she was pregnant but I want to make sure these puppies are healthy.

    PS- I have already verified homes for 6 of the puppies and am very very actively looking for the rest. I was assured the female was fixed or I would have never let her come in contact with my male. Thanks.

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • what does san pedro cactus smell like while cooking?

    My friend brought some over and i think it may have gone bad. It wasn't brown but the skin was dull green and it was mushy inside. We are trying to cook it but omg it smells HORRIBLE! Like feet and unwashed balls. Is it supposed to stink??? Please help i dont want to discard it if its still good but i dont want to get sick either.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • What does San Pedro cactus smell like when cooking?

    My frind brought over a san pedro cactus. It seems like it went bad...i was not brown, but the color was kind of dull and the inside was mushy. We are cooking it and the whole house smells disgusting. Is this normal or should ee dicard? The odor is terrible! I know it is supposed to tast bad but is it supposed to stink too? Like straight up a$$... unwashed feet....terrible. help! I dont want to discard if its ok, but i dont want to get sick either....

    1 AnswerBotany7 years ago
  • Car dies out in cold idle?

    I have a 2006 Chrysler 300 with 82k miles. Having a problem when the engine is cold the rpms jump high to 1500 or so then the car dies out...repeatedly. This happens continually every time I'm in idle or stopped or reversing until it has been driven for a few minutes. It seems to be low on power too...very difficult to get accelerated & even the lights seem to sliiiightly dim. When I'm starting it, it almost seems to be choking to stay alive! The past few weeks it was idling kind of high at about 1000-1200 rpms (seemed to jump slightly while iding but not severely). The day it first died out my husband had just ran it completely out of gas, so I'm thinking maybe fuel filter? But would this cause my car to die only when cold? I ran a couple fuel cleaning products thru since but no luck. My fuel filter is inside the fuel pump so its not any easy fix.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Car dying out when in idle?

    I have a 2007 Chrysler 300 with 80K miles. The last couple of weeks, when idling, the rmps were just slightly jumping between 1000-1200 rpms, but other than that no problem. Yesterday morning, when I tried to start my car & back out of the driveway, the car died out 3 times. Got all the way to work with no other issues. When I left work and backed out in reverse, it died again. Then I noticed it is now idling at around 500-750 rpms. It died out on me 5 times this morning on the way to work, always when stopped. Seems to run ok on the highway, maybe a little low on rpms.. My husband did let the car run out of gas yesterday right before this problem started, but I don't know if maybe this has something to do with it? It is at 3/4 of a tank now, and I have no idea what the problem is. I can hear it not really running smoothly, when in idle it jumps slightly. Any ideas would be very helpful.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • illegal to fire someone leaving for a family emergency?

    My boss fired me because I had to leave work to take my father to the hospital. I live in Illinois. Can I sue him? I ended up getting evicted, ruined my credit, and had my car repo'd because I couldn't find another job very quickly. Also, when I applied at other companies called to check my references he told them I was fired due to my work ethic...whic is BS because I worked my a$$ of for that jerk, never been written up for anything, and put in sometimes 70-80 hours a week to do everything at his company...and I was on salary, so I didn't get anything extra for staying on my own time! Had no benefits or vacation after over 3 years of working for him, and he required me to be on a W9 even though I was his Traffic Manager, and in every way an employee. They also swore at me throughout the day and harrassed me constantly...I even have some voice recordings of this. It was a nightmare to work for them. Do I have any legal right to compensation? I'm not a vengeful person, but I think in this case I need to do something to stand up for myself and have him compensate me for what he did.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Escort vehicles for wide loads?

    Do the escort drivers need to be certified? My ex-boss is putting lights on his pickup truck (and all necessary decals, etc..) and escorting the vehicles himself through IL, IN, OH, PA, WV, and DE. He is not certified. Is this legal?

    4 AnswersSafety9 years ago
  • How to get property records for the deceased?

    My grandmother died in 2010. She left everything to be split evenly between my father and aunt. She named my Aunt as executor of the will. My father and aunt have been in a long-time feud, and my grandmother was worth a minimum of $4million. Since her death, my aunt has been very secretive of everything she is doing, selling properties without telling my father, and will not communicate with him in any way. Since her death, my father has seen only $200,000 and my aunt told him yesterday that is all he is getting. She has moved money from account to account and left basically no trail for us to follow. How can we get records of everything my grandmother had? It has been over 2 years now since she died and we have no idea what to do. 6 months ago, my fathers dad also died and no one even informed him of his death. How can we find out if anything was left to him? If his father had no will (not sure if he did or not) what can we do? My father has had a lawyer since my grandmother passed, but he has been no help at all. Please help!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • Someone else's tear fell into my father's eye. Now it waters all the time. Ideas?

    My stepmother was crying one day and a tear fell into father's eye. This was 2 years ago. Since then, his eye waters on a regular basis. No irritation or itching or burning. Maybe a dull pain, and a small amount of swelling now and then. When he wakes up, there is excess "crust" and sometimes a thin layer of filmy mucus. Optomitrist said his eye looks ok....any ideas?

    1 AnswerOptical9 years ago
  • Question about blood sugar levels?

    I was recently diagnosed with type II diabetes. My fasting blood sugar was 315. My doctor wanted to put me on some medication, but the pills she prescribed would cost me over $600 per month, which I can not afford. She said the only other option for me would be insulin, which at 32 years old, I absolutely do not want to be dependent on for the rest of my life. I spoke with some members of my family and my husband's family that have diabetes, and they all agree that insulin is not a good option for me.

    I have heard that exercising, changing my diet to a low sugar / low carb diet, and losing weight can actually make my diabetes reverse itself. I would like to try losing weight and changing my diet to bring down my blood sugar levels. Eating very little carbs & drinking lots of water has brought down my average blood sugar to 215 when fasting - around 300 after a complete meal. Sometimes after meals, if I can not exercise because of long hours at my desk job, my blood sugar will raise to as high as 380 or so, but most times it is 300 or less. My concern is whether this can be harmful to my body to have blood sugars levels of 215-350 on an every day basis while I try to get my diabetes under control? And what kind of harm can this do to my body? I really want to try to beat this on my own if possible, but I am scared to have high blood sugar on a daily basis while I try to undo the damage I have already done to my body by being overweight & not taking care of myself properly. Thanks for any advice & info.

    13 AnswersDiabetes10 years ago
  • Guys: Best Valentines Day gift ever?

    Just a question for the guys; What was the best Valentines Day gift you ever received?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Guys: Best Valentines Day Gift Ever?

    Just a question for the guys; What was the best Valentines Day gift you ever received?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guys: Best Valentines Gift Ever?

    Just a question for the guys; What was the best Valentines Day gift you ever received?

    2 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade ago
  • Please help me figure out what to get him for Valentines Day?

    Its our first Valentines Day as a married couple. We have known each other 11 years, and have been together 2 1/2 years. He loves stuff he can "play" with...RC Helicopters, paintball, video games, motorcycles...but I don't want to get him something he already has. I'd like to get him something totally new and surprising; any ideas? (Not sexual please, he's gonna get that anyways, so I'm not going to count that as a gift! Lol!) Thanks for the help!

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Getting married....need some advice on the guest list?

    I'm getting married this Saturday, and need some advice. My cousin is supposed to be my maid of honor. She hates her mother. I want them both to be able to come to my wedding, because I love them both, but my cousin says if her mother is there, she and my 6 year old neice will not be attending. I know my cousin has legitimate reasons for not wanting to be around her, and she does not want her daughter around my aunt. But this day is supposed to be about me and my fiance....what should I do? I just want everyone to be able to come and celebrate our marriage, but I see that is not going to be possible. I am much closer to my cousin, and want her there, but I am very upset that she is giving me this ulimatum. Her mother just wants to be there, because I am her only neice (and she is my only aunt) and she loves me, and even though My aunt doesn't want to see my cousin, she is not the one saying she won't go if my cousin is there. What do I do???? Help!!!! I'm miserable enough because none of the rest of my family is going to be there because they are all crazy as*holes, and now I have to chose between my only attending blood relatives......

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Court house wedding in Cook County, IL?

    My fiance and I are getting married next Saturday at the Courthouse in Bridgeview, IL. Can anyone tell me what to expect? I'm totally clueless you walk down an aisle? Can you have family there / how many people? Can my father give me away? Do they play any music? Should I dress up / have a bouquet? Please any info would be helpful. Thanks.

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Good haunted house for an 8 yr old in Chicago?

    I have an 8 yr old stepdaughter that really wants to go to a haunted house...but I know shes going to be too scared for like Statesville Prison or something like that. I don't want her screaming and crying that she wants to leave but she wants to be a little scared...anyone know of a good kids haunted house in the Chicagoland area? Thanks!

    1 AnswerChicago1 decade ago
  • Can a driver legally be signed on with 2 trucking companies?

    Can a driver legally be signed on with 2 trucking companies, as long as he keeps logs of both companies?

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Something to do on Friday night?

    So me and my cousin (both 30 year old ladies) have a free night away from our significant others this Friday, which, like, never happens lately...looking to have some fun in Chicago (kinda on the cheaper side, if possible) this Friday night. We do drink, but are looking for something to do besides the usual club scene...getting a little old for that Lol! Any ideas?

    1 AnswerChicago1 decade ago