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  • where do you find instructions for games purchased in itunes?

    I just got the iphone 5. I downloaded some games from itunes. Where do you find info on how to play the games?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Is Obama still going to be blaming George W. Bush in the next four years?

    I mean, c'mon. When is this empty suit going to take responsibility?

    13 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Should the Obama's start packing?

    including the mother in law.....

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why does my remote only work for the cable functions?

    I have Verizon Fios and the remote changes channels, etc, but will not turn the tv on and off or control volume. It is onlly controlling the cable box functions and not the TV in my bedroom. I have a Toshiba. I have tried every code that Verizon gave me when they did the installation. It worked for awhile and all of a sudden would not work. I changed the batteries too. Help!

    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • How do I get Red Sox vs Yankee tickets at Fenway Park?

    I keep seeing messages on the Red Sox website that Yankee tickets are not available for sale and you must get them through the lottery.

    How do I get into a lottery to be able to purchase them? How do they sell these tickets if their website sells tickets to all games except Yankee games?

    9 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Why is my computer re-booting over and over again?

    I have been having major computing problems this week. After some malware, I cleaned out my hard drive and had it restored to factory settings. This was the only way that I could get rid of this program that was maliciously put in my C drive. I then had to re-install a lot of window updates including SP2. After I did that my computer re-booted and now it only keeps re-booting and I can't even get to my desktop. What should I do to try and fix this?

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Is Obama planning a third term Clinton?

    He campaigned against McCain stating there would be a third term Bush if you elected McCain. Obama promised change, change, change. I do not recall him stating that we would have a third term Clinton. Regardless if the Clinton years were good or not, Obama promised change and not more of the same. He never said in any of his campaign speeches when he was telling us no third term Bush, that if you vote for me and loved Clinton, I will give you a third term Clinton administration???

    31 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where is all the change that Obama campaigned on and promised?

    He is appointing all the same old same old that he said he would be against. Every appointee of his cabinet is a Clintonite and one is even a Clinton. This is going against what he promised. It is more of the same.

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did Oprah Winfrey make a fool of herself on her show?

    What a loser. She walks out with a t-shirt that says Hope Won, carrying a flag and a newspaper with the messiahs picture on the front page. Then she starts screaming like a maniac because he won and states that if he lost she would be in intensive care. I'll say it again, what a loser!

    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where is all this change that Obama promised?

    Obama is putting all the same people that Bill Clinton had in his administration and most likely the same exact people that Hillary would have chosen. So where is this change? How can he get change from using the same old veterans in Washington? Wasn't that exactly what he campaigned against. Please, this is just the beginning. You Obamabots have been snowballed.

    31 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How could the people of Pennsylvania vote for the person that made fun of them while speaking in San Francisco?

    He talked down about people in Pennsylvania and they thanked him by voting for him????

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • what can we do to stop the Obama Express?

    This man cannot be elected at any cost. He will turn this country into a socialistic country. All our values and what we have stood for all these years will be gone. His policies will wreak havoc on our already weakened economy. He does not have the experience and defensively will be be vulnerable. Biden himself stated that.

    In this last week, we cannot afford to sit back and simply watch this election unfold. We must act now. Is there anything you think we can do as individual citizens to stop the Obama express before it is too late?

    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Joe Biden's latest remark?

    He stated that Obama supporters, if Obama is elected shoud stick with him because something really bad will probably happen internationally within the first six months of his presidencey to test him.

    Biden stuck his foot in his mouth again! He is making people seriously think about what an Obama presidency would mean. Other countries know that he is not up to the task and Joe is asking Americans to stick with them because it could get messy.

    Thanks Joe, you just re-affirmed why McCain is the better choice for the safety of our country. Free advertisment, you gotta love it!

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you think they will get a handle on this voter registration fraud before the election?

    I don't want this election stolen and that is what seems to be happening especially in all the swing states. They found a dog registered in one Acorn registration place, another had the Dallas Cowboys, another one woman registered thirty five times with different birthdays and addresses, yet they showed that the signatures were all the same. The race is close and it appears that Obama and his cronies are planning on stealing this election. Is there anything we can do to insure that all the recent new registrations are legitimate.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the Acorn Nevada raid that just took place?

    They found a lot of voter fraud all pointing to Obama and the Democrats. They seized computers and fraudulent voter registration cards. This is only the beginning of Obama's downfall. How can anyone vote for a man to become president that will lie and cheat to get there. They are also investigating in Connecticut, MIchigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Do not vote for Obama. His is a fraud, cheater, and liar.

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Don't you think that it is about time that the McCain campaign is exposing Obama and aren't you glad? ?

    It is about time that all Obama's radical associations are being aired especially Ayres. I mean come on, I cannot imagine a US President that has such radical and or terrorist associations. I kept saying that McCain should be bringing all this home and at last they are doing that.

    Be prepared for a meltdown of the Obama campaign. What he is offering the country we do not need. It will destroy this country and who will Obama seek advice from? Will it be the Reverend Wright, Tony Ayres, people from Acorn?

    33 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are you going to watch Barack & Friends tonight!?

    Hannity's America is going to air a special on Barack and all his evil radical friends tonight. Tell everyone you know to tune in because it will be quite the show. Barack Hussein Obama exposed. 9:00 Fox tonight!

    25 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Want to be educated, you need to watch this Sunday night?

    Watch Hannity's America on Sunday night. He is having the entire hour show about Obama and all the corrupt radicals that Obama has dealt with in his career. This will include Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Father Flager, Tony Rezco. Acorn and others. He will have tapes and soundbites that cannot be disputed. He will also discuss every underhanded thing that Obama has done in his career. I know we know most of the names and dealings, but it will be interesting to see everything unfold in one hour. Everyone watch it and tell everyone you know so they will be enlightened and more educated to make the right choice on November 4.

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago