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  • so i met this guy...?

    i met this guy the other day, i was sitting and he was running and he stopped to talk to me. he started off saying he didnt bring a towel so running was his way of drying off today (at a beach) then he asked me a few questions about myself (where im from, what i do for work, was i local to the area) n the whole time he was fidgeting n didnt really smile n seemed a bit nervous wasnt keeping eye contact, i know his name but no number, is this a guy who liked me but was scared to do anything about it?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • does he just see me as a friend?


    ive known this guy for about a year and weve been out a few times ina big group of friends, we flirt alot when its just the 2 of us, he says things to tease me and we have mock arguments and laugh about pretty much everything. today he said to me tomorrow night he will be out with one of his friends if im interested in joining them. does this mean he just sees me as a friend?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Trying to figure this out, need a hand please?

    My boyfriend has told me he is in love with me and I'm really happy because I'm in love with him too, but the last couple of days he's been saying things like 'if we get married' and 'at our wedding' and then says 'not that i'm thinking about it'. I'm a bit confused, he talks about it but says he's not thinking about it, so why is he bringing it up? Is it just him talking casually?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • got a new/old crush question?

    Theres this guy I first met when we were about 16/17, I knew he had a crush on me back then cause he always used to blush, look at me then look away when i looked etc, then we didnt see eachother for a long long time. Its been about 3 years now and last week I saw him working behind a counter in a shop, he kept looking at me slightly smiling and looking right into my eyes while I was in the queue, but then I got served by someone else so I didn't get to talk to him. since then I havent been able to get him out of my head. I dont go to wheere he works too often as its a bit out of my way, but i plan to go there on my next day off work o see if i can see him again. my question is do you think after all the time we havent seen eachother for and the way he kept looking in my eyes smiling suggests he might still like me? and what should I say if i see him next time? thanks :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Opinions please not sure what to think...?

    I met this guy on a night out on wednesday and we got on really well,we had drinks together and he offered to walk me home.while we were walking he held my hand,asked me questions and then stopped and kissed me,told me he really likes me and kissed me alot more.we got back to my place and crashed out on the sofa (no sex!).he had put his number in my phone that night and mine in his.the next morning we walked together not holding hands til our ways had to separate and he took my hand tight and gave me a hug and told me he really enjoyed meeting me.should I bother thinking that he will call me,I really liked him we were obvs a bit drunk but idk how long should I wait before I write it off?thanks and sorry it's a bit long x

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What does this mean if anything?

    I was out with some friends last night we were all pretty drunk and one of the guys said to me 'this one here wants u'pointing at the guy sitting next to me,I looked at him and he said back to him 'ur taking thoughts out of my head'.then later me and the guy went off to get some food together and he put his arm round me and asked me to put mine round him,we got our food then we were walking along and he turned round and tried to kiss me,I turned my head away because we were both drunk and I didn't want to harm our u think all this means he actually likes me or was he just drunk and trying it on ?

    Thanks x

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Does this mean something or not...?

    Today a friend and I were chatting about relationships and she suddenly said to me 'what about you and Mark?' (Mark is a mutual friend) I asked what she meant and she said 'have u ever considered u 2 being together?' and I said i had never thoight of him like that (I was lying) and she said how well me and him get on and I asked if someone had said something and she said u think this means the guy has asked her to find out for him?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Confused,Can someone help?

    There's a guy who admitted to a mutual friend about a year ago that he had feelings for me,but I was in a relationship at the time and then moved so didn't see him for a year.I found him on fb and his status said single as does mine(I ended my relationship a few months ago) and we chatted for almost 4 hour straight,he was asking lots of questions about me my job hobbies etc,and he said he would love to come see me for a drink but couldn't get to me as we live far apart,he also talked to me about feeling depressed with his life and his job,and another mutual friend said a couple of days ago that he saw him and that he was asking about me.I saw him a few days ago and he mentioned a girlfriend,my heart sank.I was wondering if he possibly still has feelings for me even though he has a girlfriend,what do you think?


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Guy asked mutual friend about me?

    If a guy asks a mutual friend questions about you does it mean he likes you/is interested in you?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is this guy still interested?

    There was this guy I used to see all the time at work and a mutual friend told me he likes me and heard him talking about me alot,I then left that job and never saw him for about a year.then a couple of weeks ago I found him on fb and added him,I messages him a day or so later asking if he remembered me,when he did we chatted for 3 hours on fb chat,he was asking alot of questions like about my job,what sports/hobbies I do etc,and he told me why he is so stressed and how he feels depressed with his life etc,then he was telling me about his dad dying etc.I asked him if he wanted to come for a drink but he said he would love to but couldn't because of how far apart we live and neither of us drives there a chance he still likes me after all this time?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Guy has a girlfriend but says this?

    A guy I work with has a girlfriend but I am moving to his department for a month and when I told him he said good,you'll be able to spend time with me xxx. This guy has a girlfriend but does he like me?is he a player and should I keep my distance?thanks

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is this guy asking for a date?

    A guy i started working with a few weeks ago facebooked me saying hi etc then asking if I want to come out tonight for a drink with him,then I said I couldn't but said I could tomorrow,so he said yeh and I asked if anyone else is coming n he said it's just u and me at the moment but as long as we have a good time I don't care where and who he asking me on a date or not? Thanks

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • If a guy does this .....,,,,,,,,,,,?

    If a guy is driving but instead of watching the road is holding your eye contact while you talk to him what does it mean?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Guy starts doing this like me?

    A guy at work I'm interested in has started always sitting right next to me even when the room is empty or when there are other spaces available,looks right in my eyes when I'm talking and keeps looking at me when I've finished talking and someone else starts.he also catches up with me to walk with me around work whenever he can and when im talking to someone else I can see him staring at me out the corner o my eye.I havent told anyone I like him,do you think he likes me too?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What to wear for works night out?

    Hey ladies,

    My colleagues and I are going for a meal then into town in a couple of weeks time and I want to wear a dress but I'm not sure if it is too much for a works night out?I don't want to look over or under dressed for it,is a black dress with tights and heels ok?it's a Chinese restaurant lol.

    Thanks :))

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • What to wear on works night out?

    Hi all,

    I have a night out with my new colleagues in 2 weeks,were going for a Chinese meal then into town.a guy I really like is coming aswell and I dont know what to wear??

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerMakeup9 years ago
  • Is this showing he likes me?

    If a guy seems down but after talking with you he is happy and singing as he works,and seems more keen to talk to you again and wants to be around you,ie catching up with you to walk beside you without saying much,offering to help you with everything,not wanting to break eye contact,never stops smiling when he's with you,does this mean he likes me more than a friend?

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Guy wants to know...?

    If a guy you like asks you what your favourite chocolate is,and if I went into a shop what chocolate would I buy,does it mean he might like me too?


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What's the next step here?

    There's a guy at work who is really chatty and outgoing with everybody else in the workplace,but with me he goes quiet and some days he will talk and try to make me laugh and other days he will just look at me from across the proverbial room but not say anything at all to me.he is normal with all the women at work but like I said with me most of the time he goes quiet,I see him sometimes flirt with another girl at work but then his head snaps my way like he is clocking my reactions.I really like him he has an amazing personality and open mind and is pretty good looking too,but I am shy around him too and I can never get alone with him to try and talk one on one so I don't know,I think because I am shy I get scared to look at him and maybe he thinks I don't like do I show him that I like him without scaring him away and also is it normal for an outgoing guy to get like this around a girl if he likes her?

    Thanks :))

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • If a guy wants to walk with you?

    The guy I posted about ignoring me the other day started talking to me today again and we had a laugh,then I finished work late and he never stays behind but he did,followed me up to clock out then asked me if I was walking home and where I live,unfortunately I was getting a lift and we live in opposite directions lol and he seemed a bit disappointed then said goodnight and went his way :( do you think he likes me?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago