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I have 4 girls, a boa constrictor, a tortise, an adult on line store, and 2 other full time jobs to keep busy. And I love reading paranormal romance in my spare time. And I am happily married to a great guy for 10yrs now.

  • Orange hair fix?!?! (EXTREMELY DESPERATE)?

    So kinda long story, I am a natural dirty blonde gal, and decided to go brunette. In this process i managed to **** up and buy an "auburn" color thinking it was just brown. I then got it to the correct brown i wanted but it quickly started to fade, as it was temporary hair color. Straight to the point, I start school in 3 days and i have red / orange hair. If you know ANY way I can get my hair back to blonde in 3 days without going to the salon, it would be HIGHLY appreciated.

    2 AnswersHair5 years ago
  • I am learning HTML, and I am kinda stuck, is there someone that might be able to help me figure out what I am missing?

    I try to submit my document, and the error message comes up and says, I am missing two li elements? I can't see where it's missing...The document shows as follows:




    <li>Sheila </li>

    <li>Browse </li>

    <li>Item 3 </li>




    4 AnswersProgramming & Design6 years ago
  • Im going swimming and my hair dye is coming out in water! What do I do?

    I'm going to the pool with my friends today. I just took a shower and noticed that my hair dye is coming out when exposed to water. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Is there any way to make it stop coming out in water? HURRY!

    5 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • My husband was hired temporary seasonal and only worked three months, is he still able to file unemployment?

    My husband works construction and only worked about three months this year because of our area, He was originally hired as Temporary Seasonal, will he be able to collect unemployment in California?

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal7 years ago
  • I am looking to make a career change and want to be a mortgage broker?

    I am looking to make a career change, and was considering becoming a mortgage broker or loan processor, any thoughts or input would be wonderful, I have gone to school in the past for credit and collections so have a basic knowledge, but am wondering how difficult or challenging it would be to break into this field? My job will not allow me to really go to school, but hopefully this is a course I can take on line...Any thoughts or input on this would be greatly appreciated I am looking for something that pays better and is less physically taxing than what I do now :) all reply's are welcome

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Anybody ever wonder....What happens at Santa's Workshop..?

    Now we all know what the end result is, and know that Santa is The Man as it were, but I am trying to start a new kinda Night before Christmas...So consider if you will, the man with the plan, if you were at the north pole...what things might go wrong they say if it can, it will..I have it on good authority that Santa's Head Elf in Charge of wrapping got a severe case of Elf Pox...Anybody?

    2 AnswersChristmas8 years ago
  • Has anybody used turbotax and had problems?

    I usually pay about 600 every year to do our taxes thru H&R block and I am kinda not feelin it this year. I am considering using Turbo tax or another option. I have both personal and business taxes to do and was looking for feedback.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • I Watched Adrian Morrison about Affiliate Marketing?

    I am only working part time and am looking to supplement my income. He was talking about Affiliate Marketing and being able to make money just by someone clicking on my ad, does anybody know if these things really work? If so can you point me in the direction of a good place to start, I am not looking to make a million, but a couple hundred a day would be awesome just to supplement what I don't get now. Any thoughts would be great Yes, I did repost this in another place, sorry for the repeat, but trying to get as much help as possible. I am told I will get paid for someone simply clicking on my ad.. Thoughts, suggestions would be welcome, cause 24hrs a week don't work for a family of five

    4 AnswersMarketing & Sales9 years ago
  • I recently saw Adrian Morrison and need to know about Affiliate Marketing?

    I am looking to supplement my income on the internet, I saw Adrian Morrison on TV last night and he was talking about affiliate marketing, and making money just for other people clicking on the add and signing up for the product. Can anybody tell me if this actually works? If so, what do I need to do to get started? I don't know much about backlinks, I suck at adwords I have had a site before but it did not go well. Can someone point me in the right direction that won't cost me much to get started? I am told you don't need a website to get started...any and all help is welcome. Thanks.

    2 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization9 years ago
  • I am writing, and would like an opinion on what you see so far?

    Jace McKenna had been around a long time, not much surprised him anymore, He had learned that as much as things change they stay the same, there isn't much that's new, almost a thousand years as a vampire can do that to a guy.

    Jace was an impressive 6'4", jet black hair, cold blue eyes, and a body honed to perfection by time and hard work. He owned the Midnight Rendevous Ranch about 25 miles outside of town and liked his privacy.

    He came to town to conduct some business, and get supplies for the week, He would often stop at the Broken Saddle Cafe for a cup of coffee, and a glimpse at the pretty red head Jenna Masters. She was a cute little thing, about 5'4, a body that would just stop a man cold, brazen red hair, and emerald green eyes he could get lost in.

    He was just about to leave when he saw she was having trouble with Mac Johnson. A local rancher who owned the Double Nickle on the other end of town. He had been trying, unsucessfully for the last twenty minutes to ask Jenna out on a date, with some dribble about how she needed a "real" man to show her a good time.

    With that statement, Jace took his cue. If she needed the real thing, she wasn't going to get it with Mac. He had been planning to ask her out for a while anyway, He sauntered up behind Jenna and whispered in her ear, while clearly making Mac uncomfortable with his territorial display. Jace looked at Mac and simply said, "She's with me".

    Mac was not about to let it go however, and looked to Jenna for confirmation, Jenna was grateful for Jace's help. She went along with it "Sorry Mac, it totally slipped my mind, being so busy here at the cafe, but I already made plans this weekend with Jace. Mac eye'd them suspiciously and stomped off clearly beaten.

    Jenna thanked Jace and was getting ready to walk away when he'd caught her hand and told her, "I'll be by at 6 to pick you up." Before she could protest, he was gone.

    Jenna was trying to stay busy throughout the day, trying not to think about the "Date" with Jace. Good luck with that. It ended up being the exact opposite, that was all she could think about. She had seen him around town, the man had a body. He oozed sex appeal in a way few men did. The way the man filled out his jeans really should be a crime! And he wanted to date her? He was just being polite and keeping up appearances she was sure. She would tell him there was no need, she was sure he had a string of other women more than willing to keep company with him.

    Leaving early, she figured she would have enough time to clean up and be able to politely let him out of the date. As she ran a brush through her hair, and was about to head out, she opened the door to find tall, dark, and sinful already at her door.

    He was dressed casual. Black tshirt and jeans that she could have sworn were painted on, it was all she could do, not to stare at the way his muscles filled out underneath the shirt, it wasn't polite to stare, so she quickly looked up...Nope, didn't help, the man could melt chocolate with a voice like velvet, as he said "Ready, for our date?" she could have sworn she would melt into a puddle on the spot.

    She was in highschool all over again, all they needed now was to pass a note in class ! Jenna shook her head clear and came back to the moment at hand, "I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared to go out, and I was comming to tell you there was no need, when you were clearly just being helpful"

    Jace was anything but helpful, actually Mac just helped him out, and he wasn't letting Jenna off the hook so quickly. He had alterior motives, and they included Jenna.

    "Ready?" We're going for a drive.

    The drive was quiet. To say that Jenna was nervous, would be silly right? But she was. She tried to stop fidgeting and focus on something other than this man sitting two inches away. She knew by the drive they were going to his ranch or someplace close to it.

    On the drive she listened to the sounds of the night sky. Crickets chirping, water running in the creek, and the feel of the breeze on her face.

    They arrived at Midnight Rendevous Ranch about an hour later. He came around to the passenger side and opened the door for her. They walked to the stables to find a horse ready to go.

    "Wanna go for a ride?" He helped her into the saddle, and slid on behind her. He took the reins and she found herself melting against his chest in spite of herself.

    The smell of her hair filled his nostrils, the touch of her body against his was almost too much to bare, his body betrayed him, but he kept his control.

    They enjoyed the beauty of the night sky, the sounds that were like a love song working in tandem to create the seductive sonata that was Midnight Rendevous Ranch. It had always called to him.

    As they strolled along in comfortable silence, Jenna was the one w

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • I have seen so many unhappy people lately?

    I have seen so many people in Marriage and Divorce considering cheating and what not, I just had to ask, is it seriously that bad, have you come to a point that you feel it can't be fixed? Are you happy in your relationship, whatever it may be? Is there anything you would wish to work on changing if you could? For the record, I am happily married to a wonderful guy, and we have never fought in the ten years we have been married. Just looking for other's views.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • If I looked at your playlist, or entire music collection?

    What would be the most interesting thing I would find? What secret would I learn about you? Share some of your favorite stuff...

    5 AnswersR&B & Soul9 years ago
  • I need an honest opinion here, I think this is not the smartest thing they could have done?

    Now, I do realize that it is every parents personal choice on what children do and dont do, But as our children struggle daily with who they are and what they will become, its hard enough to be accepted for who they are, now this?

    5 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Romance....Music Needed pls?

    I am planning a romantic evening for some special friends was going to add romantic music as well, thoughts would be welcome Thus far I have Boyz to Men and Brian McKnight links would be appreciated

    2 AnswersR&B & Soul9 years ago
  • I want to send a music link to a friend?

    I would like to send a music video link to a friend to comfort her, but not sure how to do it, I am technically challenged, can someone explain it, I am sure it is simple, just never done it thanks in advance

    2 AnswersAttachments and Photos9 years ago
  • I am not a tekkie, need help with IE best options pls?

    I am technically challenged. I have IE 9 I really dont want to try to change everything that I have set up, but all week long there have been glitches in the system and nobody can help me fix them, do I really need to dump everything I have, I tried Chrome, but would loose all the info I have stored, any suggestions on how to fix this would be great.

    3 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Have you ever shared a secret about yourself...?

    have you ever finally worked up the nerve to share some part of youself ? How did it go? Were you accepted for "comming out" did it not go so well? I shared a pretty big secret recently and got a pretty negative reaction... It really rattled my cage for a few days and I doubted my abilities because of it.... Does that reaction still affect you long term today? How did you move forward from it?

    7 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago