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eliza l

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  • What do you do with your unused portion of canned dog food ? Do you refrigerate it ?

    My husband gets angry with me when I refrigerate it . He will take it out of the refrigerator and put it outside when I'm not home .. ( I put foil on top and keep it on the side shelf away from the human food ) .. What do u think ? Am I wrong or is he wrong ?

    10 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Husband gets mad when I put the unused portion of the canned dog food in the refrigerator. He throws it out.?

    I mostly feed my dogs the whole can , but occasionally need to refrigerate the rest of the can . I put it away from the other food and usually put foil on top. Whenever my husband sees a can in the fridge , he puts the can outside and let's it sit out there all day (we work different hours so I'm there when he does this) .. What do you think ? Is he wrong or am I wrong ?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Husband is non affectionate to me?

    Does my husband love me ? He doesn't care About anything I say bothers me .. Cuts me off when I expressing my feelings by saying I whine and complain .. Doesn't sleep in same room, never tells me he loves me , doesn't wear his ring cuz it " bothers him " and he's not a ring person .. Has cheated on me twice in marriage .. Doesnt hold my hand , walks in front of me sometimes .. As long as things r on a surface level then things go ok.. We do have intimacy in bedroom but that's it .. and he's a good father .. Does he love me ? And if not , why does he stay married to me ? We both make equal Amounts of Money at work .. and we have kids. .. Does he stay because of kids ?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Husband never cares about how I feel ?

    My husband snapped at me the other day for something minor. And when I told him I didn't like him talking to me like that , it started another argument .. When I tried to explain my feelings , he didn't want to hear them , and said he's tired of my whining and bitching all the time .. But whenever anything bothers me , he cuts me off by not answering the phone , not answering my text messages , leaving house mid -discussion .. I'm at my wits end .. What should I do ? I feel this is so disrespectful .. I try to communicate but he always refuses and just says he did nothing wrong .. But him Ignoring me for days over minor stuff aggrevates the hell out of me

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • When a man gives you pink roses on valentines day what does that mean ? My husband never gives me red roses.. ?

    Does that mean anything ? Does it mean that he thinks of me more as a friend ? He never tells me he loves me either

    5 AnswersValentine's Day9 years ago
  • Can God change a two time adulterer husband?

    Husband has cheated twice since we have been together. He says he is praying to God to change him, and he has been going to church regularly now. But can God change him or does he need extensive counseling also ?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • my husband wants me back after he cheated on me again?

    now that i have filed for divorce, my husband wants me back. He swears he will go to church, go to counseling, or do anything it takes to make it work.. He cheated on me twice.. the first time I forgave him, and he swore he would never cheat again on me.. Well recently I found out that he cheated again, and so I kicked him out of the house, and then filed for divorce a week later.. I am trying to be strong, but it is so hard because I do still love him.. any words of advice? When I tried to get him to go to counseling before, he did go to a few sessions, but he wouldnt talk about the cheating outside of the counselors office..and then he would storm out of the house and tell me that I was the one with the problem, and then he would not go back to counseling again.. but now that I filed for divorce, now all of a sudden he will go..

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • my husband cheated on for the second time?

    my husband cheated on me again for the second time..the first time was about five years ago.. i forgave him the first time, and we went to counseling very briefly..he would not talk to me about the cheating outside of the couseling session.. he even tried going to church and seemed like he was making a real change..well, recently i found out he was cheating again with a co-worker for a few months.. the co-worker pursued him, and he gave in, and had a three month sexual relationship with her.. now, he is saying he wants me back, and he is sorry, etc.. i know that once a cheater, always a cheater, and that i was a fool to even give him a chance the first time.. how do i get over him? what should i do? i plan on filing for divorce soon.. im scared because even though he did me wrong and my head definately says to divorce him, i still love him and feel lonely..i am scared of being alone and starting over since i am in my forties..

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • getting bored in my marriage..?

    my husband never holds my hand, never tells me he loves me.. we sleep in seperate rooms (which i kinda dont mind because he snores really loud).. and even when we go on vacation together, we usually start to argue about something.. our sex life is pretty good, but that is about it..there is no communication, and we dont really have anything in common..he is non-adventerous and always moody.. and i am fun loving .. he wont go to counseling, and he has cheated on me in the past.. should i divorce him or just try to work it out somehow..or try to find someone else to meet my emotional needs? we have kids together...

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • husband doesnt act like he cares?

    My husband and I work different shifts at work..When I got home from work the other night, he just stayed upstairs in the room and was watching tv..he never even got up to say hi or how was your day or anything..he had his family over our house while i was at work, and then when i got home, he couldnt even acknowledge that I was home.I always feel like i dont matter to him..when i tell him how i feel, he just says that i could come upstairs and talk to him.. he never holds my hand in public, he never tells me he loves me... I just feel like we are roommates..we work different shifts, have different days off, etc.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • my husband and i received a check from the mortgage company for an escrow overage.?

    my husband and i received a check from the mortgage company for an escrow overage..we split all of our bills in half..he pays the house note, and i pay all the other bills which equal to the house note (daycare, groceries, lights, phone, etc.) ..well, i say we should split the escrow money in half but he doesnt think we should..he thinks that because he pays the house note in his portion of the bills, that he should be able to keep all of the money ( about $1100) .. is this fair?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • does my husband still love me?

    My husband barely talks to me..we never sleep in the same room..and for christmas eve he spent most of the day in the other room doing his work..he makes time for his family, but when it comes to me, he is busy.. we have children together, and when i am home with them, he just goes into the other room..when he does call me when he is at work, it is always the same conversation, just about work..he never talks to me about anything deep.. he also cheated on me several years ago.. is he just staying with me because he is afraid to leave? he is also inconsiderate about my feelings, and for example, on christmas, he will say that his family is not coming over, so i will cook enough food for my family, and then his family will show up and i run out of food because i didnt know his family was coming over.. i try to hang in there, and work on things, but its the same thing year after year..

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • i cant talk to my husband about anything serious?

    Everytime i try to talk to my husband about anything serious, such as our relationship, or anything that is going on in the news such as scandals, or subjects regarding our finances, etc., he immediately starts raising his voice and starts an argument with me so he doesnt have to talk. He will even walk out of the room if i dont stop talking. I am getting annoyed with this and have suggested counseling, etc. and he doesnt want to go..i am thinking about getting a divorce..any suggestions?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • husband cant have a conversation with me without raising his voice?

    husband yells at me when i try to tell him how i feel about certain things, such as when he yelled at me for being a few minutes late and then cursed at me in front of our children..when i told him i wasnt going to tolerate that treatment, he turns it around on me and says that i need to be on time, etc. and that im late for everything, etc. which isnt true.we cant even resolve minor problems because he never communicates with me, he just tries to not talk, and if i bring it up, then it becomes an argument where he yells at me, and then i get mad and we dont talk for a week.. what should i do?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 9 yr old daughter is afraid of everything and still whines all the time?

    i thought that she would get over acting like a 2 yr old as she got older, but she still whines and cries all the time over minor stuff such as when she doesnt understand homework, or when she is scared about things, like going to sleep in her room because she saw a bug in her room or something. What can i do to get her to stop this when she does it? i get so frustrated!!

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • husband lied about losing his wedding ring?

    my husband lied to me and said he lost his wedding ring a few months ago. I found the ring at underneath his underwear in the drawer, as if it were hidden there.. I did not tell him i found it, i told him i would go buy him another one over the weekend if he didnt find it soon, just to see what he would say. He told me that he would look for it over the weekend and see if he could find it. Why would he lie to me? is he cheating on me?

    30 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • would you be mad if your spouse...?

    i went to the movies with my husband and child this weekend..the movie theater was crowded and there weren't three seats together except for at the front of the movie theater.. so while he went to get the snacks, i got three seats in the second row of the movie theater..well, my husband came into the theater and would not sit with me and my child because the "seats near the front are too close and give him a headache and hurt his neck" , so he goes and sits somewhere else about seven rows back.. would you be mad? men, would you do that to your wife?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • what are some hobbies i can do to get a life and stop soley focusing on my relationship?

    i feel i need to get a life in order to stop focusing all my attention on my husband.. what other hobbies can i do? i do work outside the home also.. i just want a more exciting life..

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how do i feel more loved by my husband?

    i just dont feel that my husband loves me..he doesnt show me enough.. i know it is wrong, but i wish i could find someone else so that i wouldnt focus so much on my husband.. my husband cheated on me several years ago, and although i should have left him, i guess i am afraid of being old and lonely..what should i do? should i get someone else on the side? i have suggested counseling for both of us, we have went to a few sessions, but it didnt really work, as he would not talk about anything outside of the session..and i have even tried to convince him to go to a marriage bootcamp, but he refuses to go..i dont want to go to counseling by myself, as i feel that he made the problem and he should want to deal with it with me

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago