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My kids & I grew up together with Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Journey (Steve Perry), Grace Slick, etc. Moved to Calif.'s Wine Country from the PNW, have been here 1-1/2 yrs.I lost my kitty last December; we were very close & we'd talk to each other all the time; she was only 18 months old when she succumbed to a kidney failure. As soon as I get a new apt., I'll get a new kitty too. ;o) I enjoy local 'fusion' cooking, wine-tasting, & whale watching (to name just a few). I love the smell of salt air, the sound of seagulls crying, the sound of a ferryboat whistles, a good hockey game, ballroom dancing, open-wheel car racing, and power naps with the window open when it's raining!
I've recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's desease. My doctor promptly preescribed Cennex and having no?
good results from anything else, I began taking it again. My son just heard about a new one...called "ISTRADEFFYLLNE" (that begins with a capital i). Does anyone know about this new drug?...or either one for that matter?
1 AnswerOther - Diseases10 years agoHow "Dysfunctional" is your family?
Mine is terribly. 2 siblings don't SPEAK to each other, and we are all so broke we never buy presents.
Got a "juicy" tale to TOP this?
4 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWhat do you think of the repair price I got?
I have a Nissan 200SX-SER, with a 2.0 liter engine. It is an "Infinity" engine with DUAL head gaskets. The prices I got was $2,100 from a reputable shop; $1,600 from another reputable one, and $781. from another. The latter (a 'performance' shop whose owner absolutely LOVES Nissans & will begin work after I pay $400 down and will let me take the finished car and make payments of $125 until the balance is paid. I'd like to know what the knowledgeable opinions are? Please don't comment if you're just being a 'smart ***'.
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoDoes anyone know why people think I'm drinking when I'm NOT?
I lose my balance and stumble into walls---especially when I'm leaning to the left.
Sometimes when I'm trying to tell someone something, I 'draw a blank' and can't pull up what I was going to say. I recall it soon enough, (For ME...not for THEM) lol.
I'm not that what's up with me?
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhat are the best foods to help lower cholesterol and fat intake?
Especially foods filling enough for meals. I know about Old Fashion Oatmeal and Tuna Fish (using lemon juice in place of salt etc.), but what of those more filling for lunch and dinner. (Beans? Avocado?);;;SUGGESTIONS please
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoMoving into new apt. & setting up new computers...?
I've had a laptop for 9 years & enjoy it a lot, but I need a new one. What should I buy? I want a flatscreen monitor at a corner desk with a keyboard & HD. I'd also like to have a "mini-laptop".. I presently own a black keyboard and "air-mouse" and I also own a 27 inch (black) Samsung TV. Some people think I should use the TV for my monitor (?). & I'm also wondering if I have a laptop, should I also get a minilaptop? I'm not worried about spending too much money...what I am worried about is "overkill", & moreover, I don't want to be unplugging this to plug that in---ALL THE TIME.
3 AnswersMonitors1 decade agoDoes an Agricultural driving permit still exist?
In your State? What age is it?
5 AnswersAgriculture1 decade agoWhat the heck is this?>>?
I just got an exclamation mark within a yellow triangle that had this statement after it: " To learn more about the upcoming updates to the Answers homepage, please review the blog post found here..." What's up with THIS???
4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoHow do I tell if someone has been on my computer?
On the main page where there's a Search Bar below the "answer" (between the "ask" & the "discover" squares, when I clicked on the empty bar for "Search"---I THOUGHT the last search came up under it so I could click on it---. But, IT HAD SOMETHING UNDER THE SEARCH BAR I HAD NEVER TYPED IN THE SEARCH BAR. So, I thought "someone's been sleeping in MY bed" (Goldilocks). Am I beding silly to think someone's been on my 'puter? Could I check some other way?
(I'll change my passwords anyway.)
1 AnswerSecurity1 decade agoI dll & installed "Registry Easy" & want to know how I should choose whether or not to optomize my system?
I nearly went BLIND (eyes burning and neaaarly went cross-eyed) reading the definitions of each thing I waas "ticking". (checking OFF). & like my son said, 'what happens when later, you're working and something stops working and you find out it's b/c of something you chose on the R.E. softwaaare and you HAVE to go "Oh! No! I didn't mean that.!!' He's right. like when I thought about this
Like one thing that made me back out and close the scan was 'the gloved-like hand would be stopped in IE and in My Documents. Well, I don't use IE at all, but I do use My Documents. Computer Geeks....HELP. Is this program something I should REMOVE?...I was told to install it, but now that I have, I'm doubting it MAJORLY. In the lst place, when I choose to 'back up & not change defaults to 'Register Now'....which would mean I need to plunk down $30 to $60...just to spend HOURS trying to choose which items I should keep or not keep. HELP.
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoIs the ONLY excuse for "single-facetNESS..'being from the Planet Mars::?
I'm temporarily rooming with 2 men (no other women) & neirher of them can watch ANYTHING on TV and answer an easy yes/no question at the same time. (Not sports)...just a movie, news, or whatever. WHY?
2 AnswersSociology1 decade agoDo you like being told you're taking things personally, when they ARE (personal)?
Lately, there's a saying going around: "Don't take it personally?"...& when I say it IS personal, so how can I NOT take it that way, I'm told I need to get "over it".
My feelings on this are: How can I get over something that JUST happened? Like, my brother poked me in the butt and asked me if that "jelly" was me. (?) & I was told not to take it personally by someone else in the family & it made me angry (was that wrong?) I'm so sick of not being allowed to BE angry about getting a little defensive. Other people get angry about things that bother them & they are looked up to, yet when I get angry, I'm told this.
4 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoWould anyone know why when I lean toward the left...?
I FALL toward the left. Like when I'm putting my sox on, my shoes on, or
when I'm sitting on the couch and have nothing to catch me (pillow, arm, etc.), I FALL to the left if I lean to the left at ALL.
Please don't say this has something to do with my inner ear--it's been tested and it doesn't.
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoA pychological quiz. Does a funeral of a parent help to create bad behavior?
A woman killed her own sister shortly after the funeral of their mother. At the funeral, she met a guy; she thought he was amazing.. She believed him to be her dream guy so much that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister. This is a physhological quiz. Why do you rhink she did it?
The B.A. will be chosen based on why you thought she would do that. I'll select the BA based on the history of the test; if more than one gets it right, the BA will be based on presentation, and I'll mention all "IDs" except the one selected as the BA... in my reply.
Question: What is her motive for killing her sister?
3 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoOk...PRObiotic/PREbiotic....but who can explain what INULIN is?
These explain the difference of Prebotic & Probiotic...thus:
PREBIOTIC is a nondigestible dietary supplement. a dietary supplement in the form of nondigestible carbohydrate that favours the growth of desirable microflora in the large bowel.
PRObiotic is a substance containing beneficial microorganisms: a substance containing live microorganisms that claims to be beneficial to humans and animals, e.g. by restoring the balance of microflora in the digestive tract.
But what affect does Probiotic & Prebiotics have on Inulin...? or visa versa?
1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoWhat is the difference between PRObiotics & PREbiotics.?
3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoDoes anyone know the 5 foods NOT to eat if you might have h-pylori----? & wouldn't it be a good idea...?
to cleanse your colon too. All research I've brought up online says it takes a couple of weeks to notice good changes from these 2 things.
NOTE: If you don't know the answers to these 2 questions---please don't make a smart reply---just move on to the next question.
I really need to know what foods to avoid. I already know yogurt with PROBIOTICS is good...and 1 of the 5 is probably ANIMAL FAT (beef, etc.)...
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade agoGIRLS ONLY: What colour is your bra?
I'm travelling and brought only a red one, and a black one with me....I'm going to go buy a new one, and it's going to be----------WHAT ELSE? PINK!!!! What colour are you wearing now?
14 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhat's the difference between Acid Reflux & a "string" of phelm in my throat that I have trouble clearing?
Is Acid Reflux next?
Can it be controlled/reveraed with proper diet like some say?
Does anyone know the benefits of the O.T.C.called PREV/Acid/? What is the difference between it and PRILOSEC?
2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoWhat's the least expensive & least fuss of any family get together---that's also fun?
& also won't make family "Drama Queen's" dysfunction worse?
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago