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  • How much did a fax machine cost in the mid 1980's?

    I'm writing a piece based in 1985 and I was wondering how much a fax machine costed back then? A quick google search led me to an answer saying around $10,000 - $15,000 and I find that hard to believe. This is just a standard phone-line fax machine for home use.

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics3 years ago
  • I get an electric shock feeling in my hand whenever I touch it?

    The title basically says it all, but before anyone questions the symptoms, I'll just relay everything.

    I'm only 17, so it's probably unlikely to be anything which is developed with age.

    It's not SEVERELY painful, it's just extremely odd and annoying.

    It is basically the exact feeling of an electric shock, I honestly thought I was getting shocked by my xbox controller at first, until I realized I was getting it at work whenever I touched a certain part of my hand (just around before the pinky.)

    A lot of the time when this area gets touched it sort of has a reaction where my entire arm sort of flinches.

    This has only happened for the past 2 days, no obvious injury caused it.

    I do lift heavy objects at work, and move my hands and fingers a lot for computer work etc. which might have some relevance to whatever is up with my hand.

    Please don't write a reply if you actually don't know exactly what you're talking about, and please no over-exaggerated answers. I more or less want to know whether it's worth getting checked by a doctor or not. (Doctor visits cost about $60 so I really can't afford a "just to make sure" visit.)

    3 AnswersInjuries7 years ago
  • Why do people stare?

    Now before you answer, allow me to add more.

    This question has two little parts to it, so the first part is a "does this guy like me or think I look weird" type part, so if you have no interest in answering that, skip to the paragraph after.

    So at work there's this guy I somewhat fancy, for God knows what reason. He's not exactly physically appealing, and he's 10 years older than I (I'm not a minor, but close enough) and there is absolutely no sign of liking or disliking each other shared between us. We talk about coworkers and work and video games and such, but the conversation never really wavers any further than that. So anyway, he does this thing where every single time I walk past his aisle, he'll look at me, or watch me. I do the same to him, and that's because I'm genuinely interested in him, but because I'm a lot younger than this dude I'm sort of conflicted about why he's looking at me. I'm not at all physically appealing, in fact my appearance barely differs from that of a 12 year old prepubescent boy, and as much as I'd like to wish that this guy is looking at me because he finds me attractive for some unknown reason, I think I can determine from logical physical evaluation and age differences that this most likely is not the case. SO, here comes the actual question, I put this part in here so people can relate your answers to this little hopeful paragraph.

    When YOU look at someone, or stare at someone, why is it usually? I ran out of room to write more.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What's the word for being friendly unless threatened?

    Like what's the word you use to describe something or someone who is completely passive unless they have been pressurized or threatened into being aggressive and hostile?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • What should I get my mum for mother's day?

    Now I have got her quite a lot, but I never feel like it's enough, and I haven't been around for the past 3 mother's day so I feel like it should be a really good day for her.

    I've already got her chocolate's, earrings, professional portrait, wine, but I feel like I'm missing anything with great sentimental value. I'll most likely do a card for her too, but I just want something big, something she'll never forget, and something I can get within the next 3 days. (I can't really go anywhere to get anything because I'm working)

    And I can't really do anything for her on the day because I'm working 12 hours on mother's day, so I can't get her lunch, do breakfast in bed, or anything like that :( And there's nowhere around her for anything like a spa or massage, so pllleeeaassseee can I have someone help me with more ideas.

    Thanks for your ideas in advance.

    6 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • What are some boy names?

    What are some good names for a boy?

    My brother is having a kid - they say no names that sound like pet names.

    Any ideas?

    6 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • Are you a virgin, or when did you lose your virginity?

    I'm doing a study on the comparison between age, gender and marital status of those who have and haven't lost their virginity.

    Please and answer the question with:

    Virgin? Yes or no

    Age you lost your virginity, or age now if you're a virgin

    Gender? Male or female

    Were you married at time of intercourse/are you a married virgin? Yes or No

    The gender is based upon your body parts, if you are transgender.

    If you are homosexual and haven't had intercourse, just state so.

    If you lost your virginity through forceful acts, state so if you'd be virgin otherwise, or just state the age of your first voluntary intercourse.

    Thank you for your time

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • How to stop my mums drinking problem?

    My mum has had a drinking problem for probably about 15 years that I know of, and I know it is a big step to try and stop it but I can't sit back and watch her drink her life away.

    I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me come up with ideas on how to stop her drinking problem, I've tried a few ways but nothing is helping.

    A little about her problem: she buys a bottle or 2 of wine every day and finishes at least one a night, she's not necessarily an aggressive drunk but she does and says very idiotic things when she's drunk. A major example being when she agreed with her mum that she'll move countries to Australia and booked the tickets while she was drunk. That is the exact reason why I currently live in australia. More minor ones would be smashing things I'd buy her for her birthday and completely embarrass herself in public. She doesn't realize when she is drunk and she gets offended when I point it out and tries to deny it. She gets tipsy after about one glass of wine so can't exactly handle alcohol very well despite her constant consumption.

    I've tried black mailing her to stop, doesn't seem to work.

    I've also told her I'll go around to every liquor store in our area handing out posters saying not to serve her, problem being we don't have a printer and I don't have a computer.

    I've got extreme tactics in mind such as literally smashing her bottles in front of her or consuming it myself, but were not exactly wealthy.

    I've also tried talking to her about it but all she does is deny it.

    I'm also considering doing a whole name and shame thing, maybe recording her drunk just to prove to her that it's not worth it, but I just want to explore other ways to go about to problem first.

    Please help me and give me ideas to stop it, she's wound up in hospital a few times from it and shes wasting so much money and tearing the family she has left apart.

    I'll answer any other questions by editing this so please just give me any ideas.


    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Can somebody with one testicle run out of sperm?

    This question just "came" over me when I was having a conversation with my friend whose father who conceived him with just one nut, after he lost the other nut from a bit of a cancer "balls" up. I have heard that males can't run out of sperm, but I'm just curious if they can if they only have one ball.

    2 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Answer with the most creative way of saying you need to go toilet?

    Title self explanatory. In the mood for a laugh, answer with the most hilarious way of saying you need to go toilet. :)

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What were the important political and social issues of the Baroque period?

    What were the important political and social issues of the Baroque music period?

    2 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Need good video editing for windows 7?

    What's a good programme to download to edit videos for windows 7? APART FROM WINDOWS LIVE MOVIE MAKER.

    Needs to do the following:

    Speed up videos

    Edit several videos

    Be able to put background music on

    Title and credits

    Editing OVER videos

    Edit up about an hours worth of recording

    Edit HD videos

    Work on WINDOWS 7

    I used to use Windows Movie Maker on my vista but it wasn't able to edit HD video's, and I'm unable to get normal Windows Movie Maker, NOT WINDOWS LIVE MOVIE MAKER, on my Windows 7.

    Please help me out, thanks.

    5 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Help me with extremely simple English homework?

    I only just got back to school and I just can't think and pretty much forgotten absolutely everything I learnt last year... So can you pleeeassee help me with this, if you can't can you please explain various types of "techniques" that could of been used. I can't remember many techniques and just really am stressing over this one simple worksheet... anyway please help...


    I can see him even now. George, the big fat aggressive lout, the school bully. Ranked by four confederates, he preyed on weaker students, abusing his strength with aggression, building his ego on the shattered remains of his victims.

    For months I watched him and his cronies pick on younger boys, separating them from their friends and beating them up.

    I knew what they were doing - I and everyone else at the school - but they were left to rampage in peace, no-one standing up to their truculent tactics as they savaged with apparent immunity.

    We were all equally guilty - guilty as George and his fellow perpetratirs, We should have stood up to them collectively, nipped their aggression in the bud, put them in their place. The longer we stood back and accepted their behaviour and the longer they were able to rage throughout the school, the stronger they became.

    The five thoughs came for me one winter's morning. I'd been smoking an illicit cigarette in the middle of the school oval behind a masking curtain of fog that hid all but the intermittent red glowing points of nearby smokers.

    Big George and his four outrigging cronies loomed out of the fog, swaggering aggressively as they'd formed a crescent of belligerency.

    "Keith, you four-eyed toad," the bully said. "It's your turn."

    Such simple words, so much unsaid, I didn't need any further explanations, I'd seen others after they'd have their 'turn'. It hadn't been a pretty site.

    Tactics used were invariably foul: a knee to the groin; two holding while George hammered the victim with massive meaty fists; the boot going in while the unfortunate was writhing in agony on the ground. No blow too cruel, no technique too crude.

    They were artists in this field, artists of hate. In time they would have inevitably progressed beyond schoolyard aggression, sinking lower into the anti-social mire of the criminal underworld. They'd never be leaders, just thugs. They'd been well schooled in this art.

    To say I was scared of the imminent attack would be an underestimate - I was petrified. Overshadowed by five leering thugs, I knew that even in a fair fight I couldn't possibly win.

    This underweight pre-adolescent David had been facing five physically mature Goliaths - five louts who tried to be rogues.


    1. Tell TWO techniques used to describe George and quote the examples.

    2 Find another example of this type of bahaviour and identify the techniques used

    3a. Identify the techniques used in "No blow too cruel, no technique too crude"

    3b. How does this develop the reader

    readers* feelings about the bullies?

    4. Identify the technique and explain ""They wre artists in this field, artists of hate" and "Well schooled in this art"

    5a. Identify the techniques used in the final paragraph

    b. Discuss the effect of this technique

    Thank you if you can help me

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • What are those big witch bowl's called where they make their stew and stuff?

    It's bugging me, the words in my head but I can't quite think of it.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Maths question please help?

    If i want to make a dome that is made of glass that is 100 metres high and has a diameter of 140 metres, and i want the dome 10 inches thick, how much glass will i need.

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Why am I saying things I don't want to say?

    Just recently I've been saying stupid/weird things that I really don't want to say; which is getting me in deep ****. Like if my mum randomly walks past out of nowhere I'd start calling her names.... or start swearing at a random I walk past on the street. What is wrong with me and wtf can I do???

    4 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • What is it from the sun that tans you? Is it the same with tanning beds?

    Is it the UV rays? I have no idea, I want to prove to a friend that I'm fair skinned and can't get a tan either way. Do tanning beds tan you the same way as the sun tans you? can you get sun burnt from tanning beds? Please tell me as much as you know. This is driving me nuts

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago