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Favorite Answers16%
  • Question about piano sheet music?

    I got some new piano music. It's got one bass clef and two treble cleft - one of which is for vocals. My question is that if I don't plan on singing and I still want to be able to enjoy the vocals, will the bass clef and the vocals work together well? Or is that impossible?

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • Marlowe - primarily girl name or primarily boy name?

    I absolutely love Marlowe on a girl, but I'm afraid it's seen as more masculine. What are your thoughts?

    8 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Should I go into law school? What do you think?

    I'm only a sophomore in high school, so no real rush, but I just like having everything planned out. I'm on my high school's debate team and I absolutely love it, although I like debating more than I like doing actual research. I've looked into teaching and journalism, and the reason I'm choosing law school is a) it's more respected, b) most financially beneficial, and c) I like my debate class more than I like my journalism class. I haven't looked into anything specifically, but I just want to know if it's right for me before I start getting serious about it.

    I probably should mention that this year, I grudgingly admit that I got a 2.8 GPA because I took a medical release for a long time in third quarter. Hooray for depression/anxiety. :P Could that be a problem? (Planning on doing better in my junior/senior year.)

    Also important - I do plan on getting married and having kids. I would put that as a top priority in my life, but...adkfjheksdf;kl. JUST HELP ME, GUYS.

    So...I don't know. I just want some input from people who might know what they're talking about.

    Thank you!

    - Amanda

    ~ Bonus Question ~

    Good law schools that are a bit easier to get into? (GUYS. I am so ashamed. 2.8. HOW COULD I.)

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Could my doctor get me out of gym credit with this?

    I have severe depression/anxiety and it's been said that physical activity can sometimes prevent it from getting worse. I have tried this method but I must be a freak of nature because it actually makes it worse for me. Both depression and anxiety, but anxiety especially. I haven't talked to my doctor yet, but I've been putting off my gym credit for two years now because of this reason and my friend, who has physical reasons to not do gym, suggested that mental health is just as important.

    Yay or nay?

  • My dog just got fixed and now he's humping everything?

    He's a German shepherd and he's about six months old. Before he got fixed, he rarely humped anything - I can remember two occurrences where he did. And now that he's been neutered, he's humping almost everything, especially a pillow he's seemed to taken a specific liking to. He's been humping it almost nonstop since he came home without his man parts. Is there a reason behind this? The only thing I can come up with is that there's a surge of testosterone flowing before its gone. Is that possible? Or is my dog just a freak of nature?

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How to forgive someone who has bullied you?

    There's this girl...She has told me to kill myself, spread lies about me, and called me the b word in the hallways. This is all because she likes a guy who likes me. She's a junior and I'm a sophomore and I know she's holding a grudge against me for stupid reasons, but I'd really like to be able to forgive her and get over it. I don't want to care what she thinks. I don't want to be constantly preoccupied with dwelling on how much she hates me. But I don't know how to get over it. Any advice? Thanks!

    5 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How do I tell a character's back story without telling the entire thing?

    So each of my characters in this story has a back story that needs to be told in order for the story to make complete sense. And I've tried writing out every single back story one at a time, but it just gets so...boring. I want to leave the reader wondering, and I'm curious if any of you have tips on how to do this.

    BQ: If you haven't already guessed, my story is kind of complicated and involves a lot of weaving together characters and such - but I have NO idea where to start. Somebody help me?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • I've got a boyfriend. It's Christmas. He needs a gift. Good idea? Guys help?

    We've been together about five months. He's almost seventeen, I'm almost sixteen. He already knows what he's getting me, apparently, but I have NO clue what I'm going to do and there's not much time until Christmas! So I'm getting really stressed!

    My cousin is making her boyfriend a blanket with his favorite sports team's logo on it and she suggested that. My boyfriend's not really a *huge* sports fan, so I'd probably pick something else to go on it, but this is something arguably easy...But do you think it's kind of stupid? I dunno. Teenage boys...would this be a good idea or a bad idea? THANKS YOU'RE AWESOME.


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • If I got a new computer, can I transfer over my old iTunes account?

    Sooo I got a new computer that I'd like to sync my iPhone with. I don't know how to get all of my old songs onto this computer instead :(






    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago

    Sooooo my boyfriend is turning 17 in January and obviously Christmas is coming up. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO GET HIM FOR EITHER EVENT. It's like....I don't want to get him just anything, you know? I don't knooooooooow. I'm lost. Gosh. I thought about making him something...? For example, I'm a writer, so I thought maybe I'd write him a poem or a short story or something. (He's a sappy guy, he'd love it.) Which is why I'm thinking I should start NOW so I can have it perfected by December/January. But I can't get him the same thing for booooth or maybe that's not even a good idea at all, I don't know.

    I'm lost.

    Give me ideas, Yahoo.


    Plz <3



    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • My best friend hates my boyfriend?

    I don't know what to do. My best friend, whom we'll call Emma, has recently met my new boyfriend (whom we'll call Jason) who I'm crazy about. Seriously, I haven't been this happy in a long time. And she absolutely hates him and won't tell me why. It kind of bothers me, because every time I even mention him, she groans and gets mad at me. She says she "doesn't trust him" but she's only met him once, and even then, it wasn't like they did anything but exchange greetings. Jason doesn't mind her at all, in fact he smiles and waves at her whenever he sees her at school. But Emma totally hates him, even though he's flipping awesome. She might make me choose between them and I don't know what to do. Any ideas, guys? Please help!

    Thank you so much in advance!

    - Mandy

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How to help a friend's self esteem?

    I have this friend, and he's absolutely amazing. He's sweet, he's a gentleman, he's athletic and handsome, he's really kind, and he's smart and funny. But the crazy thing is, he doesn't like himself. At all. He denies the compliments I try to give him all the time. And I really wish he could know how amazing he is. How can I help him realize it??

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Any ideas for middle names for 'Nola?'?

    BQ: Middle names for Asher?

    4 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Which names would you use to make a sibset?

    Here are my top 6 for each gender...Feel free to move them around. Sibset should be either four or five kids; two boys/two girls or three boys/two girls. Whichever you want.


    Seth Austin

    Thomas Gordon

    Kenneth William

    Carter Joseph

    Logan Michael

    James Nathaniel


    Tessa Marie

    Lily Diane

    Violet Jo

    Erica Beth

    Lydia May

    Joanna Kathryn

    Thanks! :)

    - Mandy

    note; Not pregnant or even expecting to be. Just a name-obsessed teenage girl.

    BQ: Rate the names in general?

    12 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Would it be a bad idea to name two sisters Lily & Violet?

    I like both names, but I usually don't like names that are matchy-matchy, and in this case, they're both flowers.

    So do you think using both would be a bad idea?

    If you had to choose one, which would it be?

    Note: Not pregnant, just a name-crazy teenage girl :)

    11 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • I need help thinking of made-up words for my story, any theories?

    I don't want you to think of the words for me. That's cheating, and I've got enough self respect to not do that. So what I want to know is if you have any ideas for HOW I can think of them. For example....have you ever had to make words up for your story? How did you do it?

    I already know what letters I want them to start with, so tell me where to go from there.

    (P.S. If you need more, the names I need are for two "tribes." They're rivals. The rest of my story is a secret because, frankly, I don't trust the internet. Letters for them to start with are H for the bad guys and D for the good guys.)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Too much for one plot? Please help?

    So I've finally managed to get a plot I'm excited about. But I'm worried that there's too much for each character...

    So basically, you've got your character. Each character has one of five different kinds of "magic", so you'd have to know that. And there are different (for now we'll call them gangs) gangs that each character belongs to, so you might have to know that. And then they also have Bloodlines, meaning that there magic is either Full or Half (Full means both of their parents were of the same magic, Half means one of their parents had the same kind of magic and one didn't)

    So...Obviously, you wouldn't have to know every single one of these about every single character. And the gang they belong to would probably be easy to remember, wouldn't it?

    So...Your thoughts?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • I'm having trouble with guys, help?

    So...I went out with this guy quite a bit a year ago. I REALLY liked him. And then he did a thing that was very high in the levels of douche-baggery. He stopped talking to me one day, just like that. Everything was perfect one day, and then BOOM it's ten months later and he hasn't even looked at me.

    Okay. NOW...I haven't exactly properly fancied anyone since him. I've had PLENTY of opportunities, with guys that were even better than him, but I just can't like them. And it's not like I'm still stuck on Mr. Douche Bag either. I got over him a very long time ago. you think it's just because I got hurt? Or do you think I just haven't met a guy that I hit it off with? Or maybe I'm just stupid?

    Thanks, lovelies. Take 2 points.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Carbon monoxide? What can I do?

    We have a carbon monoxide alarm (as I'm sure most houses do nowadays) and all of them started going off this morning. I took my dog and brother outside and called my dad. He looked at the alarm system and it turned out it was just a malfunction. So then it just started going off again. I took out the batteries (it's flipping annoying) and opened a bunch of windows. My dog isn't allowed downstairs, so she's locked in her room. I opened all the windows in there too. Do you think it's just malfunctioning again? I don't know how to work the alarm system, so I can't tell if there's legitimately anything going on...

    Did I do the right thing? What should I do? Ahhhhhh freaking out

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago