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  • Can symbolic interactionism be applied to ideas instead of objects? Can it be applied on a more macro level?

    I'm in an upper level sociology class with no sociology background and am trying to write a term paper on the Uyghur problem in Xinjiang China. I need a sociological approach to my paper and I thought symbolic interactionism might be a fresh look at the ethnic conflict in that region. However, some major points I was going to make involved the following, and I wasn't sure if it was proper to do so with this approach:

    1. The Chinese government is striving for control and stability which in turn makes them appear to be a stronger world power. Stability, control, and strength are the symbols motivating their oppression and other various acts against the Uyghurs.

    2. The Uyghurs are striving for the symbols of true autonomy and self-respect. They've lost control of their native land and it has been taken over by the Han, in their eyes.

    So using the symbolic interactionism approach, are my points valid? I can only find explanations involving very micro levels and objects rather than concepts or ideas.

    2 AnswersSociology10 years ago
  • What to get best friend in hospital?

    My best friend got into a terrible car wreck today. :( He's stable but completely screwed his leg up and got a concussion 2 weeks before he leaves for college. Physically, he'll be ok. I'm just worried about him emotionally because he hasn't had the best summer and he'll probably have to skip his first semester in college or take online classes. He was going to run track (they didn't offer any scholarship money) but that's not going to happen. So FhisL.

    Anyway, I'm hoping he'll be visitable before I leave so I can see him. In the mean time, I want to get him something. I know random internet strangers don't know him like I do, but anything helps. I didn't want to do flowers or anything too sad. Something to cheer him up. (A couple of bottles of cheap vodka was my first thought, but I have a feeling that won't fly with the nurses.)

    He loves Angelina Jolie and Emma Watson. So I'm getting him a sexy poster of both. He adores France and knows pretty good French for two years in HS, so I'm buying him Dirty French. If there's a laugh out loud book you know of or a cute gag gift to make him smile, I'd appreciate it.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • Could you give me some travel advice for France?

    July 14th I'll be leaving for a 9-day trip to France. We'll spend a lot of time in Paris, but also got to the northern and southern part of the country as well. I've checked the temps for July and it seems I can get away with a pants or a long sleeve shirt during the day. But is it humid at all over there? And are there any other weather quirks I should know about?

    Also, what do you suggest clothing-wise? I don't want to look too American, but I understand it's probably inevitable. I've read that shorts are a no, but I've looked on Paris Street Style and seen some shorts. I don't mind to wear skirts and dresses, I just wanted to know if I could wear shorts. Will it be too hot to layer? (Shirt plus cardigan or blazer...?)

    I've also read that American heat styling products (blow dryers, straighteners) don't work well with electric converters and it's best to just buy a cheap blow dryer over there. Is that true? I've also read to roll your clothes when packing for more room. Is that also true? My goal is to make it in one carry on suitcase because I'm so afraid of losing luggage. And I just don't want to haul it around.

    Any other tips would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - France10 years ago
  • What laptop should I get for college?

    Price is roughly around $1000. I'm majoring in Chemical Engineering. I don't like to play games (I might get Sims if I get really bored), but I do like using photo editing software such as Paintshop. I'm really into photography, but I don't mind storing my photos on an external hard drive (which is what I'm already doing with my current computer.) I know my school has computer labs for CAD so I shouldn't need to download it onto my personal comp. I also want an HP because my school is HP certified so if they have to open it, it won't void the warranty. I also want something that will last me all 4-5 years. I'm thinking something in the 15" range. I want my laptop to straddle the line between portable and powerful.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Where can I go to find a specific magazine article?

    It was written by Tom Stoppard in 1999 and called "On Turning Out to be Jewish." It was published in Sunday Telegraph Magazine in 1999.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How to style my hair like Brooklyn Decker (picture)?

    I'd really like to style my hair like this. My hair is that length, fine and in between wavy and straight. I'd like to keep as much heat off of it as possible because it's so fine. Thank you!

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • How to make nail polish last?

    I love painting my fingernails but it's never worth it because I can hardly make it day without chipping. Is it the brand I'm using? The technique? Any and all advice on how to give yourself a manicure would be appreciated.

    Also, is it worth dropping $$$ for OPI nail polish? And will Sephora by OPI work as well?

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Who are some historical figures who came to be historical b/c they were in the right place at the right time?

    I'm writing an essay for a scholarship and I'm going off the theme that sometimes people can only prove their greatness by the opportunities presented to them. Had those opportunities not arisen, they wouldn't have been in our history books. They weren't seeking to change the world; the world was seeking change through them.

    I could only come up with Abe Lincoln. Had he not chosen to run against Douglass and/or participate in the Lincoln/Douglass debates, he would not have become a national figure and ran for the presidency (the rest of course is history.) But I'm not sure if that example is strong enough.

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Where could I find a travel tripod and a cheap remote for my DSLR?

    It's a Canon XS, so it can't do wireless (unfortunately.) I found a remote on eBay for $5, but you have to be 18 to have an account, and I don't feel like bothering my parents if I don't have to. If I can find another for less than $10, I'd be happy.

    As for tripod, I'm willing to go up to around $50. I want something for travel that folds up compactly, is relatively light, and easy to set up. Or would I be better with a monopod? What are the disadvantages of a monopod vs. a tripod? I want to use it mostly for travel. I have an old clunker tripod already that my parents bought before I was born for a camcorder.

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • What should I buy my boyfriend for Christmas?

    We just started dating a month ago so I only want to spend about $50 on him. He's 18, half-German, loves soccer, is the punter for the football team, is a total boy when it comes to video games. We have this inside-thing for Star Wars. (It's dorky but it's cute.)

    I thought at first buying him that Black Ops game that all the guys are raving about, but I heard it's not as good on the Wii, which is what he has. I also thought about getting him a Germany soccer t-shirt. Any other ideas would be great.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How long does it take for those infamous Accutane dry lips to go away?

    My last dose was today. I'd really like to know when my lips will be back to normal because it makes kissing suck. (Although winter is upon us, so I'm sure that's not helping my cause any.)

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Help with the Christmas list?

    Mom is a-naggin' about that Christmas list, and usually I ask for the normal 17-year-old stuff, like clothes, but I'm trying to be a little more strategic this year. I'm a senior and will be starting college next fall. I wanted to ask for practical things and keep in mind what I might buy/have money to buy/will get as a graduation present (or will be purchased with graduation money.) So far, my wants consist of a

    13" Macbook pro

    Nikon D3000 plus 55-200mm and 17-55mm lens

    George Foreman grill

    Aluminum (eco-friendly) water bottle

    External battery for my iPod Touch

    16 gb Memory card

    Wrinkle steamer

    My parents spend usually no more than $400, so of course that knocks off the camera and computer. Those are just things I want, but will have to buy with graduation/summer job money. Of course, if I buy the camera now, I can ask for the 55-200 lens for Christmas. Although I have a wonderful point-and-shoot Sony camera, I wanted the DSLR because I'm going to France next summer and want to take fabulous pictures. However, I'm worried that I won't use it in college (I'm going into engineering, so I'm going to be swamped with homework). So I'm a little unsure about that purchase. Most of those, I'll obviously use when I get to college, and the memory card and charger are for France (13hr flight is a lot of movies on the iPod.) I'm also using my brother's old Swiss Army backpack and it will hold a 13" laptop, so that's not something to worry about. I have all of the basics (phone, iPod, camera) and I never have time to watch movies or tv or play games. I also don't want a Kindle because I'd just rather check out books from the library than buy them.

    I would ask for college gear, but I'm not sure where I'm going.

    5 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Edgy prom/evening dress?

    A little early to be shopping, but I figured I might be able to get the leftovers of homecoming dresses and the beginnings of holiday dresses.

    I want to wear those designer temporary tattoos because it's my senior prom and I can do crazy stuff like that. The problem is getting an edgy dress to go with it.

    I don't care if it's short or long, but it must be under $500, and preferably under $300. So if you have any ideas, I'd really appreciate them.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Mac or PC for college?

    Alas, the age old question. I want it for college, where I plan on being a chemical engineer. I know it makes a difference if the campus is compatible with macs, but I'll take that into consideration as soon as I figure out where I'm going.

    I want something to write papers, surf the web, watch youtube videos/movies, and possible photo editing because I'm considering getting into photography. I want something that will last through the next 4 or 5 years.

    I'm fairly computer illiterate. But I don't want something where the motherboard blows up on me 2 years in. I don't need a lot of hard drive space. My current desktop has 200GB and it's fine. I'm pretty clueless on RAM and a processor though. I just don't want my computer fizzling right before I graduate, because I'll be way too poor of a college kid to get a new one.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Help with Twilight and student council t-shirts?

    For StuCo we get t-shirts each year. They're usually themed with something in pop culture. Last year was Transformers with the slogan "More than meets the eye." The year before that it was Gatorade with "Is it in you?" Then before that was a royal flush (not pop culture themed) with "King of Clubs."

    I thought this year we could do something with Twilight, but I don't have any cute/catchy slogans. Well, so far I have "Yes, we bite." But I think it's kind of crappy. I thought they'd be better with an actual quote from the book, but I'm not a fan of the series, so I don't actually have any of the books or the immediate knowledge of quotes that ANYONE would know. So something relevant to vampires/Twilight or a variation of my slogan would be wonderful. I also thought of doing it with a pic of plastic vampire teeth, which I think the 2nd book in the New Moan series used already, but oh well.

    Just so you know, we are the Tigers (and our athletic club already took the Hangover "What do Tigers dream of" song.) Our shirts have been black the past two years, but the year before that blue. Our school colors are blue and white, but we tend to stick with navy or columbia (light) blue. But a random color would probably be fine.

    Also, I'm sure this is completely irrelevant to the category, but I figure most of the Twilight readers would be here.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How do I improve my ACT score?

    My mom has made me take the ACT every six months since December of my freshman year. I never really studied, just gave her a dirty look and went. 5th time around (Dec. of my Jr. year), I scored a 32 and almost wept for joy. A 31 or above get's you a Bright Flight scholarship in Missouri. The specific amount is jumping around because of state funding and I might even go to school out of state, but being eligible still makes you a smartie.

    But for whatever reason my mom wants me to take it again in September and on my birthday, too. My subscores are 30 English, 29 Math, 36 Reading, 31 Science. I think her reasoning is that I need to improve my math because I am interested in engineering.

    She tells me to start studying now (not a bad idea because I have a month before school starts and I don't think school will whip me into mental shape quick enough for the test.) My English I know I can improve, I just need a resource to brush up on my grammar (like when to use who or whom.) My math definitely needs help. I know my geometry is a little shotty, so anything with common postulates/theorems/equations will help me a lot. I could also probably use a quick refresher in trig. My algebra is pretty good, I think. Although I might have forgotten some of the concepts from College Algebra that I saw pop up when I was flipping through an old practice test I had already taken. My reading, obviously, I don't need help on. I've worked out a system that works for me. I just hope my perfect 36 doesn't drop because it looks so pretty. :) Science has always been an up and down thing for me. In my early days, I was just overwhelmed by the information and tried to read everything, answer questions, and go back to the data. It also didn't help that I had no idea what the material was talking about. But I've taken two years of chemistry and a year of biology and a year of simple conceptual physics (my freshman year.) I'll be in "Big Girl" physics this year. And now I jump straight to the questions, see what graph they're referring to, and then answer the question, and that seems to help. But any other strategic advice is welcome, especially since the science isn't really about how much you know about science.

    So basically, any place to read up on the information, especially for math and English. Science is more of an advice needed area. My score averages to 31.5, so I'd have to score at least 4 more points in the subscores to get it up to a 33. I do want to raise my composite, but I really want to raise my math, and definitely don't want to lower my composite or (hopefully) my reading.

    I've been looking for advice through Google, but it's all directed at kids who have a 21 and need a 25 or something. I know I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth, but I really should get that math up and I want my composite to be fabulous to get maximum scholarships possible.

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Are you a different size in Hollister?

    So I went in to Hollister the other day because I was in desperate need of some shorts. So I bgrabbed four different pairs in a 7, which is what I normally wear. Two fit just fine, one was way too tight and with the other I could have completely depantsed myself with the buttoned. So I was just curious if anyone else had that problem.

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Are you in favor of human cloning?

    Yes or no? Why or why not?

    Also, please state your gender and age. I'm doing a project and we have to collect data on this. Thank you!

    21 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on Gilly Hicks?

    I'm just interested in the underwear, possibly the bras, and maybe the swim (when it goes on clearance.) $2.90 for a pair of underwear and $10 for a bra (clearance) seems pretty good, especially for an Abercrombie line. I don't have a store anywhere near me, so I can't really try anything on. :(

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • If you had a $100 Visa gift card, what would you spend it on?

    I don't want to blow it on just whatever, I'd like to get some good use out of whatever I get.

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago