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I'm married, I have a son of 27, a daughter of 23 and a step-son of 23. I have a grand daughter who is almost 2 and another grand daughter who was born on 17/06/09. My eldest son got married in april, he's the one with the kids.I have a 4 yr old labrador and a 5 mth old german shepherd. I work with special needs kids, I love that job. My daughter is a qualified hairdresser, who enjoys thai boxing, my boys work with their dad in the building trade. We are really quite a happy family, and I thank god for that! We have a large extended family as my hubby has 6 brothers and sisters, I have only 1!Neices and nephews run into about 23! and some of them have kids too! We love to holiday in greece, mainly tsilivi in zante. I am 43 yrs old, and having the time of my life, just getting to enjoy my life now my kids are up!! I think that I am very lucky, to live the life I do, apart from the usual cash problems, I am happy with my lot!!

  • why is my mouth so sore?

    Last week I was at the dentist's and he removed two teeth from my right side, upper jaw. It was uncomfortable, but I was fine after wards. Yesterday, I was back and he removed two teeth from the left side, upper jaw!! He had to give me a stronger anesthetic, as the one I'd had last week wasn't enough! He pulled the two teeth and I got up and left the surgery, I was physically shaking!! I thought I was going to faint! It took about 6 hours for the jag to wear off, then I was in agony, I swiftly took pain killers, and managed to get some sleep. When I woke this morning, my mouth is still sore and I have a horrible taste, like the poison from an abscess, my breath stinks and it's as if the poison is leaking from the gap in my gum!! Is this normal? Last week by the 2nd day, I felt ok, but this week, I feel rotten!! Any advice any one? It's driving me nuts, I'm 43 by the way, not a kid!!!

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • For all the Scots out there?!!?

    What do you make of the national library banning the saltires and tartan, as it's offencive!?! Have you ever heard as much mince in your life? SO if it's offencive, are they going to take it off the union jack too? I think this country is turning into such a nanny state it's frightening, does any one else agree?

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I have a spiders nest in my shed!!!!?

    How do I get rid of it? They seem to be popping up in every room in the house, I'm sick to death of hoovering them up!! They're just common garden spiders, I usually don't bother too much with spiders, but the numbers are huge!! Any advice would be welcome, thanks in advance xx

    9 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Why is signing off as much work as signing on?

    My hubby and I both lost our jobs in the same week!! It was horrid! It took us 6 weeks before the DSS payed us a penny, that was a nightmare, but we got through it somehow. Now I'm glad to say, we have both managed to find work. But to top it all off, we signed off last week and are still waiting for the DSS to pay us the cash they owe us!! Surely with the way that things are now, they'd be only too happy to sign a couple off and get the numbers down? I wouldn't mind so much, but this was the day they'd have been due to pay us our fortnightly pittance anyway!! Why is it so difficult for them to get things right? We've had nothing but problems since we had to go to them at the start.Is it just us? Or does anyone else have the same trouble with them?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Trying to get the house cleaned & getting nowhere!!!?

    I've been unemployed for a few weeks now, and to be honest, I've not been doing that much around the house!! I've tidied up, hoovered, polished, did the washing ect, but I've been out of my routine for so long, I'm finding it so hard to get it back!! Both my hubby & I got paid off in the same week, and beleive it or not, we both start work on the 25th!! So I'm trying to get the house into some sort of shape before I start back! Can anyone give me any tips on how to get it done?? Have a 3 bed house, 2 kids ( youngest is 23!! ) a husband and 2 dogs to contend with!! Any house keeping cheats welcome!! Apart form the sweep it under the carpet routine!! I mean serious tips. Thanks in advance.

    9 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • what age is a b***h's 1st break?

    I have a 4 1/2 month old german shepherd b***h, I have found spots of blood, and my 4 year old labrador is drooling all over her. Is this not a bit young for her 1st season? Never had a female dog since I was a kid, and just want to be sure!! Please help with any advice you can.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why does my 27 year old son hate me so much?

    I had my son when I was 17, I lived with my mum then. For the 1st year, we stayed with her, then I got my own place, I brought him up by myself, when he was just over 3, I married & had his sister. That didn't last long, when he was almost 6 I met my husband now, he & I have brought them up together. He was a great kid growing up, then he met his soon wife to be. She & I don't really get on, so I stay back as much as possible. I now have a lovely grand daughter who I adore. Then last October, she found out she was pregnant again, so the wedding they had planned was cancelled, then a month ago they announced it was back on! I was going to find it hard to go as I don't get on with her family at all, but for his sake & my grand daughter's I was going. Then at the start of the week, he started texting me, I tried to phone, but he wouldn't answer the phone & talk to me, so I text back and forth while he spewed out all this hate to me, how I never take anything to do with him or phone him or go & see him, until I was told not to go to his wedding in 2 weeks! I can't understand what I have did that is so bad that I deserved that. He always stuck to my mother and now she's in pride of place at his wedding, his sister said theres no way she's going after the way he treated me, and to be honest I feel so bad about it all as if it is all my fault, my hubby said to ignore it, but it's eating away at me, and I think that if he doesn't come to see me & sort it out before the wedding, I'm going to wash my hands of him completely. Is that too harsh?

    14 AnswersFamily1 decade ago