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  • Why do people ask questions with the assumption that Christians and Atheists are polar opposites?

    I'm a Christian and I do not consider an Atheist to be my opposite... just someone in search of answers. Just like I am still searching for answers about my Christianity.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Atheists... Do you believe evil should be punished?

    I ask because it is obvious that many criminals get away with crimes because our justice system is so flawed. But God's justice is perfect. No sin goes unpunished...

    So imagine, your parents or your kids get murdered... but the murderer gets set free due to a technicallity... say, lack of evidence... he gets to live the rest of his life without punishment... are you ok with that?

    But if you believe in God, you'll know that the sin will be punished. Is that a good reason to believe in God?

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Question based on what I've heard Atheists say...?

    I believe that it's human nature to want to stay alive... to want to live forever.

    For example, if you're drowning, you're not gonna stop trying to reach the surface... you are gonna do whatever you can to stay alive, right? If you're shipwrecked on a deserted island, you will find ways to survive... if a wild animal omes charging at you, you will find a weapon to stop that animal...

    That's why I think, for anyone to be content with thinking there is nothing after this life has lost their humanity.

    So to believe that there is no life after death on this earth is pretty much just llike committing suicide... its called giving up on life...

    Atheists - Is that what you're promoting? For us to just lay down and die?

    Please enlighten me in what you truly believe...

    Unless you assume a God, the question of life's purpose is meaningless - Bertrand Russell(atheist)

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Question for former Christian Atheists...?

    Will you be upset if you end up in heaven?

    I mean think about it. What if as a young teen, you prayed to receive Christ as your Lord and savior... then life took a bad turn. You ended up denying the existence of God, spent the rest of your life denying His existence because you feel he never answered any of your prayers or showed Himself to you...

    But because of that one little act of faith... a moment that you tried to supress... he fulfilled the promise of giving you eternal life in heaven...

    (BTW... I have asked this question a long time ago... just wanted to see how others would respond)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is the more logical thing to believe?

    Creation - recorded in several books of the Bible, thousands of years ago. No one has ever disproved what was written in these books, archaeological findings support what is written in these books. Don't feel like going into detail...

    Bottom line, The accounts have not changed, what was written back then is the same belief today.

    Evolution - theorized back in the 1800's by Charles Darwin, died before he could finish his work... Left it to future scientists to complete, but to this day still cannot find substantial evidence to confirm...

    Story has changed so many times... (we evolved from monkeys, no we evolved from the same species as monkeys, etc.)

    Believed to have happened a few million... Or billion years ago... Who knows...

    Bottom line - the same problem Darwin had when he thought it up, is the same problem scientists are running into today... Still can't find that missing link between species.

    So should I believe something that was written give or take a few hundred years after the said event, or should I believe something that supposedly happened give or take a few billion years ago??

    Recorded history or unresolved idea? Tough choice...

    BTW... Before you go telling me that the Bible is fiction, you're going to need to show me proof of that.

    Just because you don't believe it's true doesn't mean it's not. You're not qualified to make that statement.

    And I never said Evolution wasn't possible... Im just saying Creation is better supported than Evolution.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do Atheists keep insisting that the Bible has been proven to be false?

    Every answer or comment has either been an opinion of another Atheist or their own opinion. Never based on a 'FACT'.

    The Bible is filled with facts... do your own research.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Problems with my 94 BMW 325i?

    Ive been having issues with the cooling system and with car overheating all the time... I changed the water pump, I changed the thermostat, changed the radiator, drained the coolant... Refilled the coolant... Now I have to change the coolant flange...

    Hopefully after I change this part, the car will no longer wreak of coolant burning...

    Has anyone else had these problems with this car???

    3 AnswersBMW9 years ago
  • Question for Muslims...?

    What exactly did The Prophet Muhammad prophesy?? Did any of his prophecies come true...

    Actually, to be deemed a True Prophet, everything he prophesied needs to come to fruition 100%...

    Just something I was wondering about... I've never heard any of his prophecies.

    Please enlighten me.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Atheists... Why do you give humans so much credit?

    The bible for instance... You claim it's just a book written by humans, to get people to believe in God... Or for whatever reason...

    I'm just saying, if you think a man could come up with a book as brilliant as the Bible, you must be smoking some kinda crazy stuff...

    People have tried and tried to disprove the bible but have failed every single time.

    Sorry, but mankind is not capable of coming up with anything that even comes close to the Bible...

    Then you say we created the idea of a God who would come down to earth to die for our sins... Do,you really believe man could come up with something so complex... Sorry, man is selfish... he would only be looking for a way to save himself.

    If it was up to man, they would make up stuff like we evolved from monkeys... Haha

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How accurate is carbon dating?

    I ask that because when I went to the Museum of Natural History, some fossils were labeled as being between 5 to 10 million years old... or even 3-5 million years old...

    That just makes me wonder because the difference between 5 million and ten million... is 5 million...

    5 million years is a long time. 2 million years is a long time...

    Is there a more accurate way of dating a fossil other than carbon dating?

    4 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • Atheists- Are you thankful that you are alive?

    I ask this because as Christians we thank God everyday that we are alive, because we believe he created us.

    Who are you thankful to for being alive?

    Note: You can thank your parents, but they didn't create you... Who did?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Atheists: Why don't you believe in God?

    Kings, queens, princes, princesses, presidents, senators etc. etc. and so on believe in God, past and present.

    Thousands of historians wrote about God, people are still writing about him.

    Why do you find it so hard to believe God exists?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why does mankind try to complicate what Christ did?

    John 3:16-17

    16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

    1. God loves the world

    2. He doesn't want us to perish

    Why did God send His only son?

    1 Not to condemn us

    2. He came to save us from our sins

    Plain and simple truth!

    Why is this so hard to comprehend?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Atheists - Have you ever read or watched The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel?

    If so, what did you think of his investigation and the evidence that he provided?

    If not, I suggest you read or watch it.. It's actually on NetFlix. It might give you a little more insight on 'If God really exists.'

    Keep in mind, Lee Strobel was an Atheist who decided to try and disprove the existence of God...

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • About the Big Bang Theory...?

    I have a project for you...

    Get a bunch of car parts, put it in your garage, throw a grenade or some dynamite in the middle of all that junk.

    Leave the room before the explosion then after the smoke clears look in the room...tell me what you see?

    Did a car magically form?

    You would think scientists knew what an explosion does. It scatters things all over, and there is no order to it.

    If the universe started from a big explosion then why are the planets aligned so perfectly? Why doesn't all the planets just collide with each other?

    39 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • For those who struggle with homosexuality... you were not born gay!?

    If you believe that you were born this way please read this article

    Do you still think people are born gay?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Proof that God is real...?

    For all you God-haters. Try posting a question about Jesus Christ... So now tell me, why didn't your question fall under mythology and folklore? It's because Yahoo recognizes Jesus as being real!!!

    If you post a question about Zeus, it'll fall under Mythology... so don't get the 2 mixed up... Jesus - real... Zeus - Myth.

    C'mon guys... you know I have a good point... haha

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why does God have to prove he exists? (again...)?

    For all you people who want God to appear to you, he will...

    Remember he's coming back... but if I were you I wouldn't wait till that day to believe in him.

    But if you want other proof that he exists, read the Bible. There are 4 Biographies of Jesus in it. The first 4 books of the New Testament. Still not convinced... read the Old Testament prophecies keeping in mind that they were written at least 700 years before Jesus was born. And take note: All the prophecies about Jesus' birth were fufilled. Even his birthplace.. that's not something you could fake.

    And before you answer 'I don't believe in Fairy Tales' or the Bible is a fraud...' go to a Bible school and learn the truth about it.

    If you go to a website that is dedicated to sending negativity about the bible... all you'll get out of it is, you guessed it, negative opinions from negative Bible haters. Most of the articles you read on the internet are from random people that you will never meet in your lifetime yet you're willing to take their word on the subject?

    Learn from people who know what they're talking about.

    Richard Dawkins... if I wanted to learn about Science, I would ask him, but when it comes to God or the Bible, he is not qualified to answer. Tell him to take some Theology classes then maybe we can talk.

    Here's an analogy for getting proper information... Let's say you work for a company and you want to move up... do you go to someone who got fired for advice or should you ask the Employee of the Month who just got promoted.

    Same concept right?

    Anyways back to the subject... God already proved he exists! He walked the earth as a man... we rejected him. He's probably sitting up in heaven shaking his head in disbelief saying 'You want me to do it again?'

    Also to prove he was God he performed miracles... *not Magic or sorcery* that requires chanting and dead chickens... hehe. He cured the sick brought people back from the dead... he told people how he was going to die then 3 days after that he would rise again. And this was witnessed by thousands!!!

    So again I ask, 'Why'?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • To all Beliefs: Are you ready for what's in store for you when you die?

    I bring this up because a Wiccan friend of mine brought up the idea that after we die, we start our lives over and try to correct the wrongs we did in our lives... then we keep starting over until we finally get it right... so in other words, she believes in reincarnation.

    I just want to get some feedback on what you think..

    According to the bible in Luke 16 after death, there are no second chances... we need to get it right before we die or else we are doomed... only one man was able to come back from the dead to tell us that there is eternal life in heaven after we die here on earth and that was Jesus Christ.

    So ask yourself... are you really ready for whatever is in store for you after you die? And how sure are you that you are right?

    Remember only Christ made the claim that he is the only way to Heaven... a very bold claim that was backed up not only by Him dying on the cross for us... but most importantly he rose again and He ascended into Heaven to prove that he is God. No religion out there can ever claim that.

    Even before he died he performed tons of miracles... turned water into wine, healed the sick, calmed a storm... His birth fulfilled a 700 year old prophecy...

    Sorry... I was just voicing out my thoughts on the question... please let me know what you all believe and why it's right... thanks!!

    36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the point of Evolution?

    Let's say that Evolutionist's by some miracle are able to prove their theory (which I of course don't believe they ever will) What is the point of it all?

    I ask this because I don't think Darwin's idea was to disprove the existence of God, but people seem to be using this as a platform to do this...

    So if it's not to disprove God.. then what is the point???

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago