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  • I took Plan B, I have some questions?

    on the 22nd (around 11pm) my boyfriend and I had a condom mishap and it broke. We rushed to walgreens and I ended up taking: Next Choice One Dose about 15 minutes later.

    My period ended sometime between the 20th/21st (got it on the 15th) So I would have been ovulating around the 1st of march?

    Since then I've had very very mild nausea/lightheadedness and a bit of bloating. the first day after I had some light cramping

    No spotting or bleeding.

    Is this normal?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Plan B and Paranoid? help? please?

    I took Plan B 2 days ago. 15 minutes after a condom mishap. Since then I've had minor cramping, some bloating and light headedness on and off.

    but the worst is i'm very paranoid about being pregnant. I can't have a baby now I need to finish college.

    Is there anything I can do to ease this paranoia?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • I want to have a baby? or is it hormonal?

    As I hit 18 years old...I think my motherly instincts are kicking in. I want a baby... is that normal to want to have a baby?

    For the record I'm not going to have one right now. I wanna be married and have college over and done with before I even think about it.

    but is it normal to want to have a baby? or be a mother. Is it hormonal?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • boyfriend issues? cheating?

    My boyfriend of 5 months and I have had a rocky relationship lately. We've been fighting on and off. Sometimes we've had days were we haven't even talked. During the mist of this I befriended a boy at my college. We've been hanging out a lot after classes. Then the other day I was really upset and a fight with my boyfriend. He hugged me tightly and put his arm around me while watching TV. He then leaned his head on my shoulder and looked up at me and then kissed me. I pulled away instantly.

    Later I went home and i suddenly realized I REALLY wished i kissed him back...but I know it was wrong.

    I love my boyfriend but now I feel like im developing feelings for this other guy to..

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Not sure what to do anymore(Boyfriend Problems)...?

    My boyfriend of 5 months and I have had a rocky relationship lately. We've been fighting on and off. Sometimes we've had days were we haven't even talked. During the mist of this I befriended a boy at my college. We've been hanging out a lot after classes. Then the other day I was really upset and a fight with my boyfriend. He hugged me tightly and put his arm around me while watching TV. He then leaned his head on my shoulder and looked up at me and then kissed me. I pulled away instantly.

    Later I went home and i suddenly realized I REALLY wished i kissed him back...but I know it was wrong.

    I love my boyfriend but now I feel like I have feelings developing for this guy...what do I do? What should I think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can Plan B mess up your menstrual cycle?

    I took plan B on July 26. Got the "Emergency" period on the 30th, 4 days later. Then got my normal period a few days early the 7th of August. Now its September and I haven't gotten my period. i'm 100% sure Im not pregnant. I had protected intercourse and to be safe even took a pregnancy test that came out negative.

    I'm also anemic and i've been dehydrated plus stressed cause I started college this year.

    can plan b mess up your cycle? HELP!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • She needs help and her parents would help her! Should I step in?

    My friend is a pregnant teenager and I went over to her house to hang with her to watch some movies because she's been staying home with morning sickess.

    anyway, she started a medication to help with that and a side effect is REALLY REALLY REALLY bad cramping stomach aches that basically immobilize her. She gets scared and starts crying. I told her crying only makes it worse. Upon reading her medications box, it said if any bad cramping or stomach aches happen go see a doctor, because this is a side effect.

    She asked for dad and mom to go to the doctor. Her dad refused and told her to suck it up it comes with being pregnant and refused to read the box and because she's not bleeding or spotting its not a miscarriage.

    I work at a medical chiropractic office and gave my friend a massage in homes it would get some blood moving to make the pain go away. it didn't help, but i expect it wouldn't.

    I can drive..should I take her to the hospital? or a doctor? should I help her? She's in a lot of pain. What can i do? Her parents are helping her!

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • I'm most likely not pregnant..but what if i am?

    June 23rd had a condom mishap and took Plan B(the first pill) an hour later (and the other pill 12 hours later.)

    About a week later I got an early period. Then on the 10th of July I got my normal period.

    But i'm still a bit nervous... so I took a pregnancy test yesterday. The walmart brand +/- one. The result was a VERY faint negative line. BUT the control was dark.

    I also have been having some back pain upper and lower and neck pain and a bit of nausea(barely any) But i haven't been sleeping well or eating well because its summer and i stay up late, and when i eat its almost always fast or junk food with my friends. Also i stopped putting my laptop on my stomach.

    I also have high anxiety so this is bothering me...i'm most likely not pregnant right?

    i know i sound sorry

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Took Plan B last month, trying to configure next period?

    I took Plan B last month on the 23rd due to a little condom mishap. I got my period on the 30th(early) and then again on the 10th(normal), I know Plan B can mess with your period a bit, should I expect an early period again? or on time? Or even 2 periods again? Sorry if this is dumb to ask. BUT thank you!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • How can I report a pedophile in IL?

    i don't wanna call 911 because that's for emergencies...

    but is there a number i can call to report a pedophile in my area?

    my neighbor is a 14 year old girl. She is dating guy over 20 and now she is pregnant. Her brother comes over and stays at my house because he is sick of his sister doing this stuff while her parents are out and wants a number we can call for this kinda situation.

    were in northern IL if that helps

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • What should I wear to Warped Tour 2012?

    I'm going to the Vans Warped Tour 2012, in Tinley Park IL, and Its the weather said it is gunna be a high of 87 and a low of 67. I'm unsure what to wear..its my first time going..

    I have a band shirt thats black but it has the neck cut off, its kinda baggy


    a white slim fitting tee that i have to wear a cami-tank top under.

    I'm wearing shorts and my vans. I'm just unsure about the shirt...

    any other shirt suggestions? lm stuck haha


    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • early period because of plan b?

    i got my period a little less then 2 weeks early. When should i expect my next period? Will it be at my normal time or will i have this cycle from now on? thanks!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Did Plan B and my Medication make my period come early?

    I took plan b saturday june 23rd, because the condom broke. Earlier that day we went in his hot tub and he didn't know his mom didn't change the chemicals. I have sensitive skin and broke out in hives because of the hot tub chemicals (NOT AN ALLERGIC REACTION TO PLAN B, the hives match hot tub hives, i conformed this with my allergist)

    ANYWAY, 3 days after i got the hives and they didn't subside i was give a steroid type medication for my hives. Then TODAY i got my period...i usually start it around the 5-13th of a month. Either way my period is early.

    could my medications I've take and plan b effected my period?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • did the Plan B plus my medication jumpstart my period?

    I took plan b saturday june 23rd, because the condom broke. Earlier that day we went in his hot tub and he didn't know his mom didn't change the chemicals. I have sensitive skin and broke out in hives because of the hot tub chemicals (NOT AN ALLERGIC REACTION TO PLAN B, the hives match hot tub hives, i conformed this with my allergist)

    ANYWAY, 3 days after i got the hives and they didn't subside i was give a steroid type medication for my hives. Then TODAY i got my period...i usually start it around the 5-13th of a month. Either way my period is early.

    could my medications I've take and plan b effected my period?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Normal Plan B symptoms?

    Took Plan B the Next Choice one. I took my first pill at 11:50pm on Saturday I felt a bit nauseous and a bit dizzy(not bad at all) a couple hours later. Then I took the second pill 12 hours later as directed. I didn't feel any symptoms until later in the afternoon, i felt the same as the night before a bit nauseous and dizzy. Now its 2AM were i am and i'm a bit nauseous again. but like i said not bad at all.

    Is it natural to have symptoms on and off or barely any at all?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • can i get pregnant from having sex in a hot tub?

    My boyfriend and I were rubbing gentiles together(no penetration) in his hot tub and then he stuck it inside me for a second, then we realized it was wrong and pulled out. There was no ejaculation! The temperature was about 99-100 degrees in the hot tub.

    could i have gotten pregnant from this?

    (i took the plan B just in case though)

    7 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Can ovulation make sex feel different?

    I had intercourse with my boyfriend last night. I either have ovulated or am ovulating. I barely felt anything during intercourse. I've felt this before right before my period as well. Could it be menstrual cycle related? I know the walls of the vagina etc. etc. change throughout the cycle.

    Could it be possible, because I was ovulating that my sexual experience felt different?

    has this happened to anyone else?

    I am not pregnant, we use condoms+pull out together. He doesn't not ever finish inside me even with a condom on.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • I barely felt anything during intercourse?

    Last night, my boyfriend I did it. I didn't tell him but I honestly feeling anything down there. The last time I experienced this was a few days before my period. My last one was on the 11th of this month. I counted and it was 14 days ago. So basically i'm ovulating or will soon. Does that cause me not to feel aanything down there during intercourse? Because I know due to "womanly" things the walls of the vagina can change. If its not because of this what else could it be?

    We've used protection. So I can't be pregnant. He wears a condom and also even if he's wearing a condom he pulls out when he finishes just to be sure.

    7 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What do you about a boy obsessed friend?

    I have a friend, who when she gets in or out of relationships she's just really obsessive!

    For example 1: she dated a guy for a week. When he broke up with her she went ape, and said she was drop dead in love with him and complained about him everyday for a good 2 months.

    example 2: She told her current boyfriend that she may be pregnant (when she's not!) just so he would consider marrying her. They've dated a month!

    Not to mention she's ditched me several times in public places(leaving me all alone *sad face*) to go hang with guys who she goes GaGa over! Also when she can't see her boyfriend she legit, drops down crying her eyes out! She sees him almost everyday! I even stopped being her friend for a while because I couldn't handle it.

    Right now I'm just so fed up with her obsessions. What do I do? I've tried talking to her and I'm at wits end. I have to either drop her annoying *** as a friend or try and talk to her again..

    what should i do? What should i say?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago