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im 39 and from the UK,married for 20 years have two wonderful kids the oldest 16, im very proud of him as he left school with 11 GCSE's all A's and A* Is now at college training to be a scientist. youngest just a baby is now 9 months,growing well learning all the time ,hes just started crawling and loves getting in to mischieve, he knows what clap your hands means and does this with pride, he will also dance especially if he likes the music or if you ask him, hes also learned what hug and kiss mean, and he loves chasing the cat. my family mean everything to me, Ive had a few career changes, ive been a post office clerk, a factory worker, i then went on to be a pre-school Teacher for several years, my latest was a ACE(assistant community editor) and BBCi tester for H2G2 Im sure many of you know of the late Douglas Adams. a favourite quote of mine, what comes around goes around, I truely believe this

  • Why do all the good people die first?

    Its been a rough few years with the loss of loved ones, both my parents,

    a couple of uncles my grandad at christmas and now today i learn of my 37 year old cousin,

    What age is that,

    She had two young children, its so sad,

    They say the good always goes first, but that don't help us that's left behind.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did any one else feel like this?? or is it just me?

    yesterday i turned the big 40 and over the last week or so i was dreading it,

    Now its happened i feel really scared that ive hit the big 40

    I know they say life begins at 40 so why does it scare me so much,

    It could just be that i know in 10 years time i will be 50 and that a lot of my family including my Mother died in their early 50's so im guessing may be that's what frightens me so much.

    Be grateful of your views on this and anyone else who has had the same fear.

    Thank you.


    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • what car to get for a 17 year old new driver?

    My 17 year old is getting close to doing his driving test

    It would be nice to get him a run around,

    What should i be looking for as a first run around??

    He wants something that will help him get to and from uni when he starts in september.

    Thanks for all suggestion's.


    32 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Whats the point??

    I once enjoyed using yahoo answers, recieveing emails from my loyal contacts that many what i would consider good friends,

    but now i never get any contact details saying etc etc as asked a question,

    it just seems like everyone as vanished,

    i check my contacts on my file and sometimes it says i have no contacts, i look again and they are all back.


    12 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • what is best to give my baby for breakfast?

    he is one next week so be nice to experiment more,

    he was easy to wean and has been a pleasure to try new things with,

    But im wondering now hes one wht else would be good to try him on.

    Thanx for and good sugestions..


    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did you achieve in adulthood,what you set out to achieve as a child?

    When we was kids we all said at some point in our lives i want to be, or i want to do.

    But how many of us actually do??

    12 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • i was wondering how many of you on here knew of and actually used LEISURE DISTRICT?

    the chat site?

    and what did you think when it closed down?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • When did Yahoo Answers actually start??

    How did you come across Yahoo Answers,??

    and can anyone remember who the first user was??

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • As everyone left??

    The questions are staying the same and not changing,

    The questions that are showing as been here for 8 hours,

    so does this mean im the only one here??

    If so BOOHOO its lonely lol

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do i have a TROLL??

    I think i must have,

    every time lately i put up a question i get a violation saying its chatting.

    EERRMM i dont think me asking, whats your most embarrassing moment? is chatting.

    My added details was what my embarrasing moment was and thats all.

    so who ever my troll is that keep getting my posts deleated get a life will you and stop being so blinking sad.

    some people really need to get a life.

    OOPPSSS another violation.

    So whats the defination of a question Because it seems to be if it starts with what,who, why,where,when,do,ends with a question mark all seem to be chatting.

    Whats up with you at Yahoo??

    FOOT NOTE FOR YAHOO ANSWERS: Would it be unreasonable to check what your actually deleating as you seem to deleate questions even though it is a question, that does not contravine any rules..

    Let me see how long it is before i get a violation for this one??

    17 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How long does a coffee break take??

    Yahoo answers seems to be taking forever,

    But how strange we can ask a question but not able to do anything else??

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • puddings??

    why is spotted D!ck called this??

    anyone know why?

    9 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • anyone else had this nasty viral infection thats going around?

    first my eldesty son had it,

    then i caught it,

    Then last week my 8 month was really ill with it,

    Now my eldest is unwell again,

    its just a visious circle.

    if you have not had it then i hope you dont, it knocks you about in a big way,

    watching my 8 month old suffer like he did and not sleep or eat for a few days was torture to see,

    he got so poorly last friday that dr thought about sending him to hospital, in the end he didnt but kept a close eye on him through the night by keeping in contact of his progress with me by phone,

    thankfully after being pumped with antibiotics hes much more himself,

    10 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • as anyone else recieved any of these emails today?

    I dont know about you but im fed up of recieving these,

    Good Day To You,

    Though i have not considered this medium to be the best manner to have

    approached you on this issue being that the Internet has been greatly

    abused over the recent years and is very unsecured for in formations of

    vital importance. I have decided to take the chance seeing that no


    means could have been faster and more efficient than the E-mail.

    I am Stephen .H.Powell, Staff of Standard Life trust Bank Limited.I am

    contacting you concerning a deceased customer and an investment he


    under our banks management four years ago to the tune of Fifty million

    united states dollars($50,000,000,00).I would respectfully request


    keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the integrity


    the information you come by as a result of this mail.I have been


    of this department for six years and to best of my knowledge,i

    havedischarged my duty with equity.

    In the process of review of the financial report by my department, I

    discovered that both of you have a similar last name, hence I


    so that I can give you further briefing on my intention and how to

    disburse the funds and estate he left behind.My proposal; you share the

    same surname With our late client; I am prepared to place you in


    to instruct The security Firm to release the deposit to you as the


    surviving relation.Upon receipt of the deposit,I am prepared to share


    money with you in half. That is: I will simply nominate you as the next


    kin and have them release the deposit to you. We share the

    proceeds 50/50.

    I ask that you do not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me


    me know and let me move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a

    family man and this is an opportunity to provide them with new

    opportunities. There is a reward for this project and it is a task well

    worth undertaking.

    I will most welcome your prompt response via this as that would enable us to start

    something immediately.


    stephen powell email:

    16 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • isnt it strange??

    a baby with out any teeth smiling looks so cute,

    but see a old woman smiling with out teeth makes you cringe.


    12 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • does it get on your nerves??

    you dont know how they got your email address.

    but keep getting these.

    But how many of us actually do??

    How many actually fall for these scams??

    how mant reply back.

    i wouldnt reply or fall for these scams but we all know people do.

    The email i just recieved is as follows.

    Good Day.

    My name is Mr. Song Lile, I am the credit officer

    in Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong. I have a business

    proposal in the tune of $19.5m to be transferred

    to an offshore account with your assistance.

    After the successful transfer, we shall share in

    ratio of 30% for you and 70% for me. Should you be

    interested, please respond to my letter immediately,

    so we can commence all arrangements and I will give

    you more information on the project and how we would

    handle it. Please treat this business with utmost


    You can contact me on my private email:

    ( and send me the

    following information for documentation purpose:

    (1)Full names:

    (2)private phone number:

    (3)current residential address:


    (5)Age and Sex:

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind Regards,

    Mr. Song Lile.

    9 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • Do you think yahoo answers should have a silly question section?

    only everyday seems to be more and more silly questions asked.



    27 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Fennel for babys??

    when i had my first born 16 years ago i gave my son fennel to drink,

    i used to get it in a tin from the chemists, much better than the sugary juice yoiu get today.

    Ive looked everywhere for this for now my 7 month old son, But i just can not find it anywhere,

    Does anyone know where i can get this?

    or does anyone know what other things i can give instead of just water or baby juices,

    something that is kind to his teeth especially as he already has two.

    Please help any sugestions be much apreciated..

    Enjoy your thinking☺


    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Heal spurs As anyone ever had this?

    My husband as been suffering with a very painful foot for about 4 months, been going back and forth to drs,

    Today another trip as still no better, Dr said its a Heal spur and if no better in another month to go back to dr to be refered to hospital for xrays and may be surgary,

    as anyone had this and if so how long did it take to heal,and if surgary is nessesary how long is the stay in hospital??

    Whats the best way to cushion it as dr says this is best, also as pain killers are not helping and other sugestions

    Thankyou for any real replies.


    6 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Valentine's Day in Britain?

    Valentine's Day in Britain

    St Valentine's Day is celebrated with gaiety, enthusiasm and charm in Britain. Just as in many other countries, people in Britain express love for their beloved on this day by presenting them flowers, cards, chocolates and other special gifts. Different regions of the country have their specific traditions to celebrate Valentine's Day but one uniform custom is the singing of special songs by children. These children are rewarded with gifts of candy, fruit or money. In some regions delectable Valentine buns are baked with caraway seeds, plums or raisins.

    Penning of verses is another extremely popular tradition of Valentine's Day. Weeks before the festival tabloids and magazines publish sonnets and verses to commemorate St Valentine's Day. The custom owes its origin to the poets of Britain who have penned the majority of the best-loved romantic verses associated with Saint Valentine.

    Valentine's Day in History

    Customs associated with Valentine's Day had their origin in the popular belief held by people in Great Britain and France during 14th and 15th century that birds begin to mate on February 14, halfway through the month of February. Lovers, therefore found St Valentine's Day an appropriate time to send love letters and gifts to beloved. Romantic image of the festival was further established by English and French poets and litterateurs who drew parallel between mating of birds and St Valentine's Day. In the Paston Letters, Dame Elizabeth Brews writes thus about a match she hopes to make for her daughter (spelling modernize), addressing the favored suitor:

    And, cousin mine, upon Monday is Saint Valentine's Day and every bird chooses himself a mate, and if it like you to come on Thursday night, and make provision that you may abide till then, I trust to God that ye shall speak to my husband and I shall pray that we may bring the matter to a conclusion.

    Early Valentine's Day Tradition in Britain

    Unmarried girls in Britain and Italy used to wake up before sunrise on Valentine's Day. They believed that the first man they see on Valentine's Day or someone who looks like him would marry them within a year. Girls, therefore, used to wake up early to stand by their window and wait for the man to pass. William Shakespeare, the famous English playwright, mentions this belief in Hamlet (1603). Ophelia, a woman in the play, sings:

    Good morrow! 'Tis St. Valentine's Day

    All in the morning betime,

    And I a maid at your window,

    To be your valentine!

    Another popular belief held by people of Great Britain made women pin four bay leaves to the corners of their pillow and eat eggs with salt replacing the removed yokes on Valentine's Day eve. Unmarried girls to dream of their future husband followed the custom. Unmarried ladies also used to write their lover's names on paper and put them on clay balls that they would drop into the water. It was believed that whichever paper came up first, that man would be their future husband!

    10 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade ago