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  • Guns Rights and Conservative Christians in Countries other than America?

    It seems to me that in America the religious right is one of the strongest groups that supports the right to bear arms. However, I know that America is rather unique in its penchant for firearms. Most other countries do not have the same appreciation of guns that Americans do. However, I was wondering if any other countries more hardcore Christians still are among the proponets of the right to bear arms in other countries or if this phenomena is just limited to America

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Guns and the Religious Right in countries other than America?

    It seems to me that in America the religious right is one of the strongest groups that supports the right to bear arms. However, I know that America is rather unique in its penchant for firearms. Most other countries do not have the same appreciation of guns that Americans do. However, I was wondering if any other countries more hardcore Christians still are among the proponets of the right to bear arms in other countries or if this phenomena is just limited to America

    5 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • Which tattoo looks better?

    I love both my tattoos but, I am just curious for an opinion on which one looks better and why you think so.

    Here is my first tattoos which is one of a raven

    Here is the link to my second tattoo which is starry night.

    4 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • Helping with economics homework?

    Question 1. How do I do this what is the maximum revenue associated with the following total revenue curve

    tr=45,000 + 3500q - 50q^2

    question 2.

    if p1= $5 q1=10000 , p2=$6 and q2=5000 then a linear estatime of the demand curve is?

    1 AnswerEconomics9 years ago
  • Tell me what you think of my starry night tattoo?

    OKay, so this is mainly just an ego boosting question because, I personally love my tattoo. Although, I was curious what others think about it so, tell me what you think of my starry night tattoo. This was done by Kyle Cotterman from distinction tattoo

    4 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • A question for the Christians?

    To all the Christians out there, I would like to know, If god came down from heaven and declared, I am real, and so is heaven But. hell is not real and never has been, and everyone gets into heaven regardless of what they do, and thus it isn't important that you worship or believe in me. Would you still choose to worship god. If so why?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Statistics Question Help?

    How would I do this Problem. CRp will adopt changes to its curriculum if the average IQ of the students is 125 or more, and will not adopt them if it is less than 125. Find a decision rule for Crp using a sample of n=49 q=10 and alpha= 0.05. Calculate Five values of the Beta Risk and draw the power of the function curve for both cases. Thank you

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Help with a stats question prob (62<x<79)?

    Can someone please tell me step by step how to solve this problem. A variable x is normally distributed, with a mean of 70 and a standard deviation of 5. Find Prob(62<x<79). My teacher is crappy and so I don't have great notes. If someone can show me how to solve this step by step, I would really appreciate it

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Help With a coin tossing Stats Problem?

    Here is the Problem. If Someone could give me the answer and show me the work they did to arrive at the answer I would appreciate it (Unfortunately my stat teacher does a terrible job of lecturing and I only have haphazard notes). Four coins are tossed together. What is the probability of obtaining at least 3 heads.

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • why does heavy metal music have so few black fans?

    I have thought about this before but, last night when I was at an Arch enemy concert I really started to wonder, why does heavy metal music have so few african american fans? At any metal concert I have been to (which is about a 100) whites always make up the majority of fans. Obviously other forms of music such as rap are made up of predominately black fans but I imagine has far more white fans than metal does black fans. I am really curious as to hearing your guy's take on the issue (especially african americans) because I really have no idea why this i.

    6 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Can someone estimate how long a tattoo similar to this would take?

    I have decided that for my next tattoo I am going to get Van Goh's starry night. I am sure the tattoo will cost in the upper hundreds or close to a a thousand and take several hours of work. Still,I found this tattoo of starry night and was very impressed by it. I was hoping someone could give me an estimate of how long this tattoo or one similar would take (estimates on price would also be appreciated)

    2 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Did Jesus ever say you will go to hell if you don't believe in me?

    From what I have heard, Judaism did not originally believe in hell and their concept of hell/ hades was originally was that if you do not believe in god you just fade to dust and fail to have eternal life. Zoroastrianism influenced judaism's perception of the afterlife so their concept of hades/ hell evolved into how most people think of it today. However, I was wondering, so many Christan's think that if you don't accept Jesus as your Savior you go to hell and, I know that Jesus supposedly said, I am the only way to the father, etc ,etc. Did Jesus however, DIRECTLY say that you will go to hell for not believing in him?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do any restaurants in Columbus Oh serve snake?

    IS there any place in columbus Oh or nearby where I can eat snake at a restaurant ?

    2 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • The ending of scream 4 (WARNING SPOILERS?

    Was anyone else here really disappointed by the ending of scream four. I thought that scream four was decent until the ending which just killed it because it lacked any substance. Perhaps it was just me but i also thought the ending made it feel like scream 3 all over again, seeming as how the killer was again someone in sydeny's family and the plot became somewhat absurd at the end. Am I alone in this or did you guys like the ending ?

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Christians if hell did not exist would you still worship god?

    Let's assume that God came down and told you that hell did not exist and he does not really care if people worship him or not and that everyone gets into heaven regardless of what they believe? Would you still go to church and make an effort to worship god and to be what you perceive as a good person? Or would you then just go about your life and give little thought to the notion god besides knowing that he now exists. For those of you on the other hand, who would still choose to worship god if you knew hell did not exist (which I am sure there are many who would) what would compel you to want to worship god?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If God is all loving why did god create hell?

    If god is all loving then why would he create hell? I know that some might answer and say that God created hell because he can not stand to be in the presence of sin. However, if by chance Jesus is the only way to heaven, then why not just let those who do not believe in Jesus just fade into dust instead of suffering an eternity of suffering and damnation? Surely if God is all powerful, he has the ability to do this, and while I would not consider this all loving (as God could choose to let everyone into heaven regardless if they believe in jesus or not and this would be all loving to me) it as at least all loving then allowing people to be sent to hell. I know some people say that god does not send us to hell we make the choice. However, if christianity is the right way, how is it fair to expect people to overcome huge barriers and ask them to accept christ as the only true way to god. Let us say a child is raised muslim and told if he is not muslim he will go to hell (which muslims believe). and then the child grows up believing the only way to salvation is through the muslim faith and stays a muslim for the rest of their life. Or let us say that a child is taught to believe in science at an early age and grows up being an athiest. Then both of these individuals die and God basically sends them to hell for being a product of how they were raised, how is that fair, just or loving ?

    Also, from what I understand (though I am not christian) my perception of hell is that it is suppose to be an eternity of suffering. However, if you do not think hell is an eternity of physical torture please let me know what you think hell is like and what happens there.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For Christan's, Why is god against knowledge?

    I am not christan but, I was wondering why god is against my knowledge. To my understanding, God did not want adam and even to eat the apple because, of the knowledge that was contained in the apple. Though, I do not understand why God wanted man to remain stupid and not have the knowledge that came with eating the apple. Also, why did eating the apple make man acquire original sin, because of this act? (other than because God said so, which seems like a dumb reason to me(

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • a question for atheists Why does anything exist ?

    Judging by the somewhat hostile responses my last question did not get interrupted as intended. Anyhow, I am going to reword my question. If you are an atheist why do you believe that anything at all exists as opposed to nothing and does it not blow your mind that anything at all exists?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Calling all Atheists Why do you not believe in God (NOT an attack)?

    For all those who are atheists how come you do do not think there is at least a 50% chance of their being a God ?(AND I AM NOT talking about the christian version of God.) I understand in not believing in some Tyrannical all powerful dictator that condemns you to hell if you choose the wrong religion. Nor do I think God pays any attention to us or even cares in the slightest what happens to us. Yet, I still believe in the concept of God. What I don't understand, is why most atheists don't at least think god is a possibility. I am fine with saying that random proteins bumping around accidentally created life. However my issue comes down to why does ANYTHING at all exist. It really does blow my mind that anything exists as opposed to nothing which would seem more logical to me. obiviousally all the material in the universe that existed prior to the big bang either had to always exist or come from nothing. To me, both concepts are very difficult to wrap my mind around and I doubt there we will every be able to find a Scientific explanation as to why anything at all exists. However, when you consider that everything was suddenly created out of a void or some stuff always existed is it that much more illogical then the notion of god (both blow my mind)? If by chance any atheists out there have any theories as to why anything at all exists besides it stuff was created for nothing or it always existed I'd be interested to hear alternative theories.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are Fundamentalist Christians against socialism?

    I am not a Christian or a socialist, but do not understand why fundamentalists are so dead set against socialism. I think the concepts of socialism are far more in line with what Jesus preached then capitalism. I can't picture Jesus giving a crap about finding ways so multi-billion dollar companies like Exon can make more money. Yet, (and while I do not agree with the current way it is setup ) I could see Jesus supporting concepts such as free health care.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago