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I come from the planet Neptari

  • What does this all mean?

    I been rejected by women for so long, that I no longer have any sex drive for then at all. (neither men either not gay)

    I watch porn can't get erection from them, if one flirts with me, I don't get turned on. I feel nothing for them at all.

    But the worst part is, it's not really bothering me. What are your thoughts on this

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I need tenant legal advice? 10 pts.?

    Okay so to make a long story short. My mom rented out an apartment last year and she didn't even run it by me, even though I help with the rent. Everything was fine until, we found out that the landlords brother lives in the garage underneath our 2nd floor multi family house. (My aunt lives upstairs but that's irrelevant) his brother (my landlord( is a mental case, he curses so loud, speaks to himself and blasts his music at night. I guess cause the floors are wooden we can hear everything through the floor. It's getting to the point where after multiple times of telling my landlord, my landlord does nothing to solve the problem. Is it legal for a landlord to let his brother live in the garage underneath us, I mean it's not even a real apartment. And his brother is mentally ill. He talks to himself, curses at us through the floor. My moms afraid to tell police on his brother cause she fears that he will retaliate and evict us on spite or raise our rent. Please help with whatever advice u can give.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • What causes vaginal odor/BV/period?

    Just wondering cause it's so disgusting.

    At least when I wash my genital region it stops stinking.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Why does p***y stink during a period?

    My gf and I were making out and things got heavy, I pulled down her boxer shorts before she could tell me she was menstruating. The smell was disgusting like a fishy stinky smell. It really killed my interest in sex, now when I look at all women, I imagine all there ******* being disgusting and smelly. Periods are ******* gross and pussy is nasty the smell. Next time my gf is on the rag I don't wanna be around

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • What's the best suicide method?

    Yes I'm lonely no girls ever like me I'm ugly and the loneliness is too painful. I must go soon. I can't live seeing other couples kiss hug and I gotta rot in misery. I rather die and end the pain. Life is misery

    7 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Is Life a forced existence?

    Nobody asks to come into the world, we have no say so in the matter. Our parents through sex concieve us and we're born? Is Life totalitarian in the way that we have no choice (besides suicide not recommended) so technically existing Is not our choice. And death is not our choice. So we have no choice )?????

    13 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Broken wrist question?

    I broke my wrist yesterday I fell while jogging. To make a long story short I was wondering how long until I can go back into body building? I'm a weight lifter my doctor said 6 to 8 weeks before my wrist heals. Should I attempt heavy weights after 8 weeks? Currently in a cast

    2 AnswersInjuries7 years ago
  • Why are Gorillas so strong?

    Is it their diet or from climbing? I heard they could flip a car right over

    5 AnswersZoology7 years ago
  • Could a Silverback Gorilla, crush a coconut with its hands?

    Punching or squeezing? I heard they have strength of like 10 men or something ?

    3 AnswersZoology7 years ago
  • Is Super DMZ 3.0 as good as Dbol, Decca or winstrol?

    They have legal pro-hormones called dmz but I was wondering if any serious weight lifters have tried this product?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Can you get really built without Steroids?

    I am a novice weight lifter and I wanted to know if you can get really big without steroids?

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Is it possible, to get as big as Arnold without Roids?

    I would like advice from someone athletic or a fellow weight lifter.

    Can you get a physique like Arnold without Steroids?

    If you, were to lift seriously for 5 years and get adequate protein, could you get to a decent size or are drugs the only way?

    Mature answers please


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Are my parents hiding something?

    My sister and I are from two different Fathers. My mother won't tell me who my sisters father is, my moms past has always been hidden from me and I want to know the truth. Is there anyway I can do a background check on my sister and find out who her real father is. My curiosity is bugging me.

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Why does life have to be so unfair?

    Life seems so unfair both my sisters came out having no disabilities and no facial deformities. I'm

    The last born and I have a minor facial deformity and severe stutter problem. I was born with crooked legs. I mean why must I carry this burden and other people come out fine. Why does life have to be so unfair? I can't even find a wife cause of my looks and my disabilities and my sisters both have love and normal life. I can never see how life is on there side of the fence. I'm not jealous but bitter that I have to suffer and others don't. I want to join a sideshow cause in an oddity.

    4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why am I so sensitive and emotional?

    I am very sensitive and emotional

    I cry over everything. I think about what if I lose my cat and I cry everyday same with my parents. I cry when I think about dolphins ending up in tuna fish cans. Animals being abused, any kind of violence, homeless people,

    I don't know why but I want to change the world and fix everything. I wish people would all get along. I cry wondering how much time my mom has left.

    I hope I'm not crazy

    Mature answers only

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why Did God say "behold man has become like us?"?

    Why didn't God want Adam and Eve having knowledge?

    And how can knowledge of good and evil bring death, if God has full knowledge of good and evil and he ain't dead?

    And if they didn't know what good and evil was, how were they suppose to know that the serpent was doing an evil act getting them to break Gods Law?

    And how could Adam and Eve worship God if they had no idea what good is? If God is good?

    And why did God create Adam being not deceived, but creates Eve being duped and gullible?

    If the woman was created perfect like the man, than why was her logic and reasoning flawed, but not the mans?

    And what would be the point of God testing us if he already knows the full outcome? Why not just create human beings already in Heaven worshipping God and enjoying paradise.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why Did God say "behold man has become like us?"?

    Why didn't God want Adam and Eve having knowledge?

    And how can knowledge of good and evil bring death, if God has full knowledge of good and evil and he ain't dead?

    And if they didn't know what good and evil was, how were they suppose to know that the serpent was doing an evil act getting them to break Gods Law?

    And how could Adam and Eve worship God if they had no idea what good is? If God is good?

    And why did God create Adam being not deceived, but creates Eve being duped and gullible?

    If the woman was created perfect like the man, than why was her logic and reasoning flawed, but not the mans?

    And what would be the point of God testing us if he already knows the full outcome? Why not just create human beings already in Heaven worshipping God and enjoying paradise.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Have I Blasphemed the Holy Spirit?

    I am worried that I mentally blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

    Everyday I get sick blasphemous thoughts I don't want like

    "Holy Spirit is ev.. ( I can't evil fully write it)

    And things about Jesus. Im worried that I committed the unpardonable sin and I'm gonna go to hell.

    I really wanna serve Christ I still have a conscience if I can successfully abstain from porn movies now and even television.

    I been able to fight these temptations and not give in.

    Please Fellow Christians I need your support

    I love Jesus and desperately want him in my life.

    I asked jesus to cleanse my mind several times but God

    Just won't do it for me....

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How do I strengthen my faith?

    I want to faithfully serve The Lord Jesus Christ.

    But sometimes I doubt my faith, I really don't mean too, I just am naive and gullible. I ask God for stronger faith

    But still feel Luke warm. I need Gods help I desire a close relationship with God.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago