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  • Cali Kingsnake burrows down to glass?

    I just got a California Kingsnake and I'm new to burrowing snakes. He is in a glass terrarium and has aspen shavings as his substrate, It's about an inch and a half deep. He has burrowed down to the glass on the hot side, where I have a UTH. If I regulate my UTH with a thermostat to keep it around 85*F, is it ok that he's burrowed down to the glass? I don't want him to burn himself. Should I do something different or create a barrier to put over the UTH?

    Thanks for the advice!

    1.0 Ball Python

    1.0 California King

    0.1 Chilean Rose Hair

    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • 50 gallon slding screen cover?

    I recently acquired a 50 gallon (36" x 18") (h x d) aquarium but the sliding screen top is broke. I am having a hard time tracking down another sliding screen top to replace it with. Has anyone seen any or purchased one before? According to the exo terra website they don't make sliding screens that large, though I did e-mail them just to be sure and I am waiting for a response.

    The tank is already set up for the sliding screen top, but could I put a regular screen top on it? I will be locking it with 4 locks anyway, so I feel like it would be secure enough. Any thoughts?

    Thanks for the input!

    1 bp

    1 rosy hair tarantula

    soon-to-be-1 California king :-)

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • Help regulating temp in bp tank?

    I'm just looking for some advice here form expereinced snake owners to help make my life easier. I have a bp that I got about a month ago.

    Right now I have a UTH on the hot end of my tank and 2 heat lamps above with regular 60-watt bulbs in them. I have a digital thermometer for my hot side and I buried the probe in my aspen bedding right over the UTH. The digital thermometer tells me its at 103, but I have a thermometer "gun" (don't know what its technicallly called) that is usually around 90 when I take a reading over the center of the UTH. Obviously one of them is inaccurate, or is it really that big of a temp difference between where the probe is buried and the surface of the bedding? I have been trusting the "gun" reading because when I feel the bedding with my hand it really doesn't feel that hot Then my cool side is always varying temps, usually hovering around 80. I don't like the fact that I'm getting such different readings and right now I'm just manually turning the lamps on and off every day depending on my temp readings, so I'm thinking of buying an R'Zilla 11939 Temperature Controller so I can plug my stuff in and hopefully it will just regulate itself. Would you reccomend me getting this? So this temperature controller, I just plug in my UTH and lamps and set the temp, and then the thermostat will regulate it correctly? That just seems too easy lol. But I obviously need something a little more reliable than what I've been doing. Any suggestions or personal experiences? Thank you!

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • can I heat my ball python's cage with just a heat lamp?

    I'm gettin a bp and I've got everything I need except for the heat source. I have read alot of mixed opinions on how to heat the cage... it seems that most bp owners reccomend using a UTH and a low wattage bulb to keep the basking spot at 90*, but im wondering if it would be ok for me to just use the heat lamp? I know that bp's are ground-dwelling snakes though so a UTH would be more ideal for them, and UTH's won't dry out my cage as much as a bulb would. I guess I'm just asking for opinions and personal experience... anyone use just a heat lamp for their bp? If so, any problems with humidity? What does everybody else use? Thanks!

    5 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • I have back acne due to hard water, know any products that will help?

    So I never used to have a problem with back acne until I moved to a city that has the hardest water in our state. The back acne could be due to stress or other things I suppose, but I'm guessing its mostly because of the hard water. Anyone know of any products that might help that I could buy without having to get a perscription? Thanks!

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Info about netbooks please?

    I'm thinking of getting a netbook because I like how small and lightweight they are. I don't play games on my computer, all I use it for is microsoft word and the internet for school. I'll need to have adobe on it, i will want itunes on it, and I like watching youtube vids alot. I never download videos, just watch on the internet. Do you think a netbook will be good for me? Thanks, I know nothing about computers that's why I'm asking.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • How do I get cranberry juice stain out of carpet?

    So the stain happened 2 days ago, I tried using oxi clean on it yesterday and it lightened it up to a light pink color, but I can't get it any better than that. I also tried some car upholstry cleaner with a scrub brush on it, that didn't help at all. I live in an apartment and don't want my landlord to keep my security deposit because of this stain, so anyone know how I can get it out? Even if it means I have to spend 50 bucks or so, thats better than not getting $300 my security deposit back!

    The carpet is off-white and is a high fiber carpet. Not shag, but still kinda long.

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • What's your opinion, if a person who lives alone works 8 hour days should he/she get a dog?

    The reason I ask is because I've noticed in some questions people have very mixed opinions on this. Some people think its perfectly fine as long as the puppy or dog is being taken care of, while others think that this is cruel because dogs are social creatures and shouldn't be left alone this long. What's your opinion?

    12 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • When to start dog training?

    I've been wondering this for a while. Someone else's post just inspired me to ask this, as they mentioned that they were told not to train their lab pup till she was 10 months old. When I had a golden retriever they told us not to train her till 6 months cuz she'd be too young and wouldn't even be able to concentrate and absorbe anything before that... so we waited till 6 months. But my ex's family got a labrador mix puppy and started taking it to training classes when it was like 3 months old, and thier puppy did wonderfully, it learned really fast and it didn't have a mental breakdown. I just wonder why people reccomend such different ages to start training?

    Also, the lady who told us that our puppy shouldn't be taken to training classes till 6 months was a certified trainer at our local humane society. We ended up taking our pup to her class when she finally was 6 months. It all worked out, I'm just so curious about this!

    19 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Eclectus male vs. female?

    I'm going to be adopting a parrot and I'm only familiar with cockatiels (don't have one, my parents did when I was growing up) and I've been looking into a few different species. I have a question about eclectus parrots. I don't care if my bird is an excellent talker, what concerns me more is that I'll have a companion that will bond with me and love being on my shoulder, being held, being played with, talked to, etc. Anyone have any opinions or experiences as to which would be a better companion for me, male or female eclectus? I hear that the females can have behavoral issues when they reach sexual maturity, does anyone know if this is a huge problem or is it something that a little training and sensitivity would be able to fix?


    1 AnswerBirds9 years ago
  • Is it sometimes OK to be rude?

    So one of my roomates is very rude, ditsy, and annoying. She's woken the rest of us up at 2am after coming home from the bars at LEAST 5 times in the past 2 weeks. On week nights. She never apologizes or even tries to be quiet. She does a lot of little things like doesn't fill the water pitcher when she empties it, goes into our rooms and rummages through our clothes without asking, lets her drunk friends go in our rooms when we're not home, etc. Just little, annoying things. (we've been living together 7 months she's been doing this stuff the whole time, we leave little notes of friendly reminders for things like "Please fill pitcher back up", but its still too hard for her to do)

    My question is, I'm so frustrated with her lack of common curtosy and I just really don't care for her personality and don't want to be her friend anymore... is it super rude if I am honest with her and call her out on all her rudeness? I want to tell her that all these things she does is rude and annoying and that none of the rest of us roomates have a problem not waking eachother up, filling things back up, respecting eachothers space, etc. I just don't understand how she thinks that she's not being rude and I feel like I need to at least tell her how I feel, but my honest feeling is that I don't want to be her friend anymore and I'm at the point where I don't care if I hurt her feelings and if she thinks I'm a b*tch, I just feel like I gotta tell her the truth about everything I"m feeling. Should I hold back any or shold I just tell her everything, even if it's a little harsh?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Which species would be a quiet pet bird?

    I know that parrots are loud. I owned a cockatiel for 5 years when I was younger and my family didn't know what we were getting ourselves into when we got him, so since he was cooped up in his cage alot he was quite a swuaker. We ended up finding a better home for him who could give him the attention that he needed. I'm considering getting myself some kind of bird now that I'm older because I love the companionship and bonding that you get with a pet bird. I'm considering getting another cockatiel because I absolutely adored ours, but I also want to consider other breeds as well. Here are some breeds that I've heard are generally more quiet birds. Now, I understand that ALL parrots will be vocal, and that if a bird doesn't have at least an hour or 2 of playtime/social time out of its cage then it will get anxious and be even more vocal. I'm looking for a breed that would be fine with an hour or two outside its cage a day and that is *generally* more of a quiet breed.

    1. Senegal parrots

    2. Caiques

    3. Eclectus parrots

    Are these breeds knows for being quieter than other breeds? Can you tell me any other breeds that you'd reccomend to be quiet/less time consuming than some breeds? My main concern is that I would only be able to dedicate 1-2 hours of activity outside its cage every day, so birds like african greys are out.

    Thanks for your input!

    6 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • Where to buy a ball python?

    So I'm going to be getting my first ball python in a couple months. And everyone says its best to get them from a reliable breeder... but how do you find a reliable breeder? Is it ok to just get one from a pet store? I don't know where to start looking for a breeder in WI. And if I find one, do I have the snake shipped to me? I'm going ot be honest, I'm not going to drive 100 miles to get a bp, I'd rather just take my chances and get one in a pet store.

    Thoughts and personal experiences please!

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Is a heat pad enough for my ball python?

    So I've been doing a lot of research in preparing to buy my first ball python, and I've been coming across alot of information, it all seems to vary based on different owner's opinions.

    At first I thought that it would be necessary to have a UTH at one end of the cage and a heat lamp at the other (with thermostats at each end, of course to regulate the basking and cool ends) but now I'm reading that alot of ball python owners don't even reccomend using the heat lamps. Would it be ok to just have a heat pad at one end, keeping that side as its basking side around 90*, and no heat source at the other?


    8 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Is Roundup safe for animals?

    My horse lives in a pasture 24/7. The man who owns the land wants to use Roundup weed killer in his pasture to get rid of some of the stumps and weeds that are growing. I need to know how long do I need to keep my horse out of the pasture after he uses it? Is it harmful to horses or is it relatevely safe for them?

    11 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Is Roundup safe for animals?

    My horse lives in a pasture 24/7. The man who owns the land wants to use Roundup weed killer in his pasture to get rid of some of the stumps and weeds that are growing. I need to know how long do I need to keep my horse out of the pasture after he uses it? Is it harmful to horses or is it relatevely safe for them?

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • How tall is a pony...14.2hh?

    I just bought an 8 yr. old Mustang gelding and his papers say he's 14.1hh. I've heard that 14.2hh and smaller is a is my boy technically considered a pony? :) just curious

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Would this saddle be an OK size for me?

    I'm 19, 5'3, around 145lb. I'm looking for an english saddle. I know that the saddle needs to fit me AND the horsse, but I'm just wondering if you think a 15" would be too small for me?

    13 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Am I using the Neutrogena Wave correctly?

    I've been using the Wave for about 3 weeks now and it seems to be working well for my skin, but I'm just wondering if I'm using it correctly. I run some water on it, turn it on, run it over my skin, but it doesn't really lather that much. Obviously its working because I don't have any acne, but I thought it would lather more? On the commercials it lathers a lot, but I know that they could've exagerated that for TV. It seems to work best (lather the most) if I put it to my face with my face dry. Should I get my face wet? I tried that and it didn't seem to work that well, but maybe I was just doing something wrong. Is it supposed to lather a lot or is it ok that it only lathers a tiny bit? I feel kinda silly asking this because I know it's not really a big deal, but I wonder about it every time I use it. Anyone else use the wave have any suggestions or input? Thanks!

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of a cold sore on the inside of my lip?

    I've had 1 bad breakout before, and it lasted 1-2 months. It was on the outside of my lip and it turned greenish and pusy. The cold sore I have now is on the inside of my upper lip. I've tried putting Abreeva on it but since it's on the inside of my mouth, the cream washes away, even if I don't talk or move my lip a lot. I believe that cold sores usually happen on the outside of your lip, and cankersores are on the inside, but I'm pretty sure that this one is a cold sore because it's swollen and turning greenish and a little pusy. What can I do to get rid of it? Should I ask my doctor or is there something that can make it go away quickly that will work on the inside of my mouth (without washing away)? Any suggestions would be helpful!

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago