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Mr. Funkymunk
What is Newt Gingrich trying to prove by staying in the race?
Too bad he wasn't this committed to his past marriages like he is running for President.
15 AnswersPolitics9 years agoRepublicans, just admit it..?
You gave Obama his re-election by picking Romney as your nominee. You guys really screwed up.
14 AnswersPolitics9 years agoHow to remove a bumper sticker on vehicle?
Without damaging the paint.
9 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years agoPoll: Ron Paul or President Obama again for President?
21 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoIf Gingrich doesn't pull a win in either Alabama or Mississippi should he drop out?
It's long over due.
8 AnswersPolitics9 years agoDid anyone watch last night's episode of The Walking Dead?
Why did Shane turn into a zombie shortly after Rick stabbed him to death? He wasn't bitten or anything, so why did he become a "walker"?
4 AnswersOther - Television9 years agoAmerican opens fire on Afghans, 15 dead?
A U.S. service member walked out of a base in southern Afghanistan before dawn Sunday and started shooting Afghan civilians, 15 dead as a result.
Can you explain to me why were still here again and why these people hate us??
11 AnswersPolitics9 years agoWhat would happen if i didn't get my wisdom teeth removed?
There is pain every once in a while, but it's tolerable. So, what would happen if i continue to ignore them having to be removed?
7 AnswersDental9 years agoSo i heard Ron Paul wanted to put an end to these endless unwinnable wars?
Seriously, whats with this guy?
9 AnswersPolitics9 years agoSo i heard Ron Paul wanted to establish a stable monetary policy?
What a nut!
5 AnswersPolitics9 years agoIs Y!A freezing on you guys too?
Y!A is either going haywire or my connection sucks.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoChristians, out of the 40,000 registered religions in the world, how do you know yours is the right one?
I'm not knocking you guys, i'm just wondering.
22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoWhy is the internet crawling with Atheists and Ron Paul supporters?
They're everywhere, but this scenario doesn't represent whats seen in real life.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoThis video is dedicated to all you war-mongers out there?
It's only 3 minutes long. Open your eyes!
6 AnswersPolitics9 years agoHow do you get "Top Contributor"?
I've been trying to get it for like a year now in the Politics section.
7 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years agoHow long is it going to take for you idiots to wake up and realize both parties are trampling on our Freedoms?
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows the President to detain any American citizen he wants without a warrant or proper Due Process and basically throw away the key, was passed by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress and the President and barely given any media coverage.
When the hell will we wake up and fight against this sort tyranny?!?
11 AnswersPolitics9 years agoAre you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
..and please mention your belief/religion if you are affiliated with one.
Me: Pro-life, Atheist.
33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago