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  • Poll:Have you heard of Lindsey Stirling?

    BQ:Do you like her music? If "yes" what is your favorite song?

    I have heard of Lindsey Stirling, I really love her music and my favorite song is "Zizi's Journey".

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Would you say "Hello Kenton!" so I can think I am famous?

    So you know we all have that desire to be famous, but I was thinking that if you all said hello to me I might think I was famous. And if you like you could tell me what you think of my name. :-)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Poll: What is the best thing you about being you?

    And how about the worst?

    My Best: I am very outgoing and I know how to have conversations with acquaintances without them being awkward.

    Worst: I become jealous very easily, that and I make up a lot of statistics.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • So I want to self publish an album, but I am really confused about somethings please help?

    So I composed a group of 12 songs and I want to put them in an album, the songs are all mine (not copyrighted yet... that is one of the reasons I will be selling the album, to make money for the copyright) So I want to sell the album for $5-10 dollars, mostly to cover supplies and to make a small profit, it won't be registered by any label or recording company. Are there any laws or guidelines about this? Thanks :-)

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Is it okay to dedicate a song I co-wrote to my niece?

    So I wrote a song with someone and I want to dedicate it to my first niece that was born on Sunday, I call it "A bouquet of Zinnias" the biggest reason being that Zinnias represent remembering a loved one far away (they live on the other side of the country). The person I co-wrote it with (they don't know my family) is fine with the idea. I am just not sure if it is an okay thing to do. What would you do if it was to your child or to you?

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • Is it okay to dedicate a song I co-wrote to my niece?

    So I wrote a song with someone and I want to dedicate it to my first niece that was born on Sunday, I call it "A bouquet of Zinnias" the biggest reason being that Zinnias represent remembering a loved one far away (they live on the other side of the country). The person I co-wrote it with (they don't know my family) is fine with the idea. I am just not sure if it is an okay thing to do. What would you do if it was to your child or to you?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What is your favorite thing about homeschooling?

    I am home schooled and my favorite thing is most definitely the ability to work at my own pace, I can do six days of school in one day (my personal best is 15), or I don't have to do any... I also love how I can do school in about 2-3 hours and spend the rest of the day reading, or some other thing I enjoy.

    4 AnswersHome Schooling9 years ago
  • Would you help me determine the difference between "Your" and You're"?

    I get these two mixed up quite often, and it makes you look stupid sometimes so can you...

    A. Give me the basic difference

    B. Give me one or two examples

    Thank you so much for **your** (I hope I got that right) help!

    10 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Poll: no question I just want to see how many answers I can get.?

    ............ Say anything you want, I do not care what you say.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Poll: what is the first (clean) sentence to come to your mind?

    C'mon tell me, I am so bored now.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • How should I handle this situation?

    So my Mother and I don't get along very well, this morning she made some snarky comments that hurt my feelings, and so I told her (in a very nice way, cause I did not want to start a fight) that she had hurt my feelings and that she would not say so again. My Mother laughed at me, and all day when I did something incorrectly, she would say "It hurt her feelings" in a mocking tone. It feels like all she seems to care about is how clean her house is. Sometimes it makes me wish that I could just put myself up for adoption the mental and emotional neglect, and occasionally verbal abuse I receive, it makes me wish (very stupidly and ignorantly) that it would be physical so I could get away from her. I know that sometimes I make mistakes and a lot of this is my fault. But I wish so hard that this would change and I have tried talking with her (nicely) so many times that I regret even trying, I am becoming so apathetic, I want to be free from her, but I am still trapped here for so much longer, with my Mom every minute feels like an hour of mental and emotional torture. I used to have a spot where I could breakdown, cry and think about our clashes, and about how to fix it. But it has been taken away from me, so when I get the urge to cry I have no where to go, I just have to hope that I can make it through without crying otherwise one of my siblings will see me, since they are younger so I need to appear strong for their sakes. I have things that I turn to to escape the pain, they are not illegal, and most people consider them normal for teenage guys, but it is becoming an addiction for me. I am pretty sure I am depressed, I don't want to take any medications for it. I don't need happy pills, I know that I won't act on it, while I may think about suicide, I know that I could never bring myself to actually do it. But that does not stop my imagination from thinking about whenever I hold a knife. I really want someone to talk to, but no ever is there for me. I can't have a counselor cause I am home-schooled and we can't afford another one (6 of my family members are currently seeing one). Please help me! NO TROLL ANSWERS OR I WILL REPORT YOU!! This is a serious problem and I need serious help with this.

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Poll: do you like to sing?

    BQ: If so what Genre?

    I love to sing broadway plays and musicals, as well as old hymns.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • poll: if you were a celebrity, what would your talent?

    Such as sports star, actor, political leader, reformer, musician.

    Be as specific as you want :-)

    Mine would be either a contemporary piano composer, or the antagonist in a movie or stage production.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • You know how everyone says to follow your dreams?

    Well what if your dream is to become a narcissistic, psychopathic spy?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Do you think this presidential election might have one of the lowest voting percentages in history?

    I mean I know quite a few people who wont be voting cause they cannot in good conscience vote for Romney or Obama. That and people are out of town, they don't vote in the first place...

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Poll: Say there was a worldwide catastrophe right now what is the first thing you would do...?

    After you finish panicking?

    Here are the 4 examples of the worldwide catastrophes

    #1. Earthquake

    #2. Nuclear Bomb Terrorist Attack/ Gas Attack

    #3. The earth is torn in half by a meteor

    and of course #4 THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!

    (all hypothetically speaking)

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Poll: Why do you think they changed Yahoo Answers?

    So that you can't give answers thumbs down?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Poll: what is your motivation to keep living and moving forward?

    Mine would be my family and my hope for my future dreams of becoming a pediatric oncologist.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Poll: What is your least favorite book?

    Mine is twilight. Because the plot is dumb (in my opinion) and the writing is about as good as the plot.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why don't people care/listen?

    I am 15 years old and I don't get enough attention at home I have 8 siblings, (5 which are special needs) I don't get very much time just to talk with my parents, not that I want to. My Mom does not listen to my problems and if I confess to something she gets extremely angry and does not give me help. My Dad has something called Aspergers Syndrome which gives him problems understanding emotions. I am okay at some things but good at nothing. I will find something I am good at and then along will come someone who is billions of times better than me and all the other people run to the other person and I am left all by myself. I am struggling with my schoolwork. I feel like I have lots of acquaintances but not many friends, and no really close friends. I just want to feel special and unique, cause I am just an 1st rate loser. I don;t want to do anything to harm myself but I wish I was never born. I don't like to talk to people in person about these things, cause there just like "oh yes I understand" when in fact they don't understand at all. And for some reason I really dislike councilors I don't know why, but I just can't stand them. So that leaves me with few options so I have decided to try the people of the internet hopefully there are some nice people who would be willing to talk with me about my problems out there. But if you don't want to I understand, I am a loser.

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago