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  • What is your take on Sithis?

    I do not know the way to properly worship Sithis. I hear the ideal way is to take one who worships Talos or Mara and burn them in oil to please him.

    Anyone have better suggestions?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How can you not see the light?

    Sikhs will save you! The Adi Granth shows the light and the salivation for all to enjoy! There is not a single person on here saying that the Adi Granth has contradictions, because it has none. Read, and enjoy your new life.

    Note- question is where are the contradictions?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Just where do you think you are going?

    This question is more or less towards people who think that they 'know' for a fact that a god does not exist. Free forum, but directed towards them.

    I will never say that I 'know' that God exists, because I know that the simple statement of knowledge requires proof. As I cannot prove it, I do not know. I can only believe. Let me give you the following to ponder:

    1. There are few definite 'laws' of physics that we have found. There used to be many, until we found exceptions to the rule. One major one was the conservation of matter theory, which stated that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. This theory was the building block of the 'big bang' theory. However, if you know anything about anti-matter, you would know that matter can in fact be created and destroyed, as if matter and antimatter collide, both cease to exist. It generates a tremendous amount of energy in the process, so the new theory is that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It is now thought that this universe was in fact 'created' by a astronomical amount of energy, as even we have created matter through this principle (anti-protons yield protons as well). Since this theory is the most current universe development theory, all known physicists can now call themselves creationists (although some are not theists). The only question is whether there is some anomaly that we cannot fathom that formed the universe, or if it was of intelligent design. And no, neither side can be proven or disproven as of yet.

    2. Dimensional physics also is against making assumptions and stating them as fact. If you look up hafele-keating experiment, you would find that even in 1971, we knew that our fourth dimension, which is time, is not absolute. It seems that as you increase to the speed of light, time is warped around you. If the fourth dimension was absolute, the fourth dimension could not bend. There are many dimensions, we found, possibly ten. We have absolutely no way to measure those. If anything existed in the fifth dimension, we would be oblivious to it. If it were a creature, it would have an entirely different view of our concept of 'time'. For one, being in a higher dimension, it would be able to manipulate our dimension as it sees fit (as we are able to manipulate lower dimensions). To us, it would seem to be a god.

    Keeping all of that in mind, how can you say that it is a fact that there is no god? Yes, there is no way of telling which one or even if there is an afterlife, but to state something that you do not know as a fact is very ignorant indeed.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Where God Went Wrong open to all?

    !!!KEEP IN MIND I AM NOT TRYING TO PROVE / DISPROVE THE EXISTANCE OF GOD!!! Geneses was supposedly written by Moses, who lived in or around the bronze ages. His understanding of the cosmos or universe in general would be, at most, pretty lights in the sky. (Remember that Galileo built the first telescope to look at the start). So, if God was telling him how he made the universe, how would Moses write that down? Evolution is a relatively new concept. So is the Big Bang theory. Creation is not necessarily poof there it is. An artist creates many things, and none of them was a poof entity. Ponder the following.

    - In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This is a very logical start to any universe, because without planets, stars, etc, we would be off to a bad start. One theory of how the universe came to be is the matter/antimatter theory. One law of physics is that Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. This is not true. Matter can be created, and once it is created, antimatter is created as well. When matter and antimatter come into contact, they cancel each other out, and cease to exist (very violently, I might add). The theory is that a massive amount of matter and anti-matter came into existence and made the 'big bang'. Now that would be very confusing to the 'stars are pretty lights' person, so in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

    - Let there be light. One would argue that once the universe was created immediately there would be light. However, one personal theory of mine is that God is not limited by time. He has control over the fourth dimension, so he can manipulate time at will, since he resides in a higher dimension. I won't get into many details of that unless someone asks, since that is really not what I am getting at, but once God got the basics of the universe together (like an artist drawing the building blocks of his artwork), he started the time flow.

    Now let’s look at evolution.

    Evolution in a nutshell states that bacteria eventually became fish, and then birds / reptiles, and then mammals and we are the top of the ladder.

    The creation theory states that fish and birds were created, and then animals that walked on the earth, and then humans. Granted the time-frame is WAY off (six days according to the Bible), but how would you explain that to a Bronze Age person? How would a Bronze Age person write that down?

    From most 'creation' theories that I have looked into, I find it interesting that it is specifically listed in sequence instead of it all being made at once, and that the sequence can be applied to current science (Not being a fundamentalist, by the way).

    Keep in mind I am NOT trying to convert anyone, nor am I trying to prove the existence / nonexistence of a God. I just found this interesting.

    (Question in Reference to a Controversial Book)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Nay-saying atheists - what is your argument?

    I am not asking whether or not God exists, but rather the possibility, and the prospect of proof if he does.

    Consider this: it is widely accepted that we reside in the fourth dimension: time. The second and the third are shape and depth, respectively, and each one can manipulate the previous (i.e., shape manipulates vectors, depth manipulates shape). Time manipulates depth, allowing it to move and change form. However, time is not absolute. Take a look at . It is found that as matter accelerates to the speed of light, time is warped. If there is something that can manipulate time, then it cannot reside in the fourth dimension. A distinct possibility is a fifth dimension. Almost every physics theory today is dependent on a static fourth dimension. Speed is meters per second, acceleration is meters per second squared. If such a dimension exists, any being residing in such a realm would have the ability to manipulated time, space, etc. If a fifth dimension exists, a sixth or a seventh can as well. What abilities would a being in those dimensions have over the fourth? A simple answer is impossible. Certainly, time itself is relative. A few million years in the fourth dimension could be a split second in the eyes of a fifth dimensional being. In fact, with manipulation and total control of the fourth dimension, a being in the fifth dimension would be able to warp time as it sees fit. A higher being is not completely impossible. To state that it is is complete disregard to the scientific method, which is what most atheists swear by. Those who call Theists stupid for believing in a higher being are just as asinine as the Theists who cannot argue past throwing scripture, or are trolls. So, to the Atheists who call theists stupid for believing, why do you do so? Is there some proof that you have that completely shuts off the existence of an unmeasureable fifth dimension, or are you just a troll?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Who is this God person anyway?

    From my observations and knowledge, this is my theory on the existance from mankind:

    To believe that the entire universe started from one big bang is foolish, as the heavier elements in the earth along with the lighter elements in the air prove that a singular event is impossible. Multiple big bangs are improbable, as it would insist that it is a reoccuring event. No element forming blasts have been observed in the known universe.

    To believe that the universe spontaneously existed is foolish as well, as there is proof that the continual adaptation of current species will develop new species.

    All of our theories on existance relies on a fixed four demensional plane (the fourth demension being time, which is the plane we exist in). However, when matter is accellerated to the speed of light, time itself is warped, showing that the fourth dimension is not absolute. Search Hafele-Keating experiment.

    Since the fourth dimension is not absolute, it is logical to conclude that there is a fifth, and possible sixth and seventh dimension, invisible to our eyes and unmeasurable to our instruments. As we can manipulate the third and second demension (shape and mass), so can something in the fifth dimension manipulate the fourth dimension, traveling freely through time, space, etc.

    Because of our existance in the fourth dimension, we would be oblivious to any creature residing in the fifth dimension, however they would be able to see us. They would be able to manipulate any amount of object and matter at will, as the physics of one dimension are dependant of the next. To those residing in the fourth dimension, the acts of a creature in the fifth would be seen as Godly, and in essence that creature could be considered a God.

    Therefore my question is, if you cannot measure beyond time, which is not absolute, how can you say there is no God? Simple deniance is not the scientific method, it is what caused the dark ages.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Hillary Question?

    Ok, before I start, please no enthusiasts on either side. If Hillary were to become president, what would that make Bill? When Bill was President, Hillary was first lady. What would Bill Clinton be?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can christianity condone gay marriage?

    How can a Christian priest or preacher marry a gay couple when in the Bible (Leviticus 20:13) specifically states that it is forbidden? The jop can marry people (in places where gay marriage is allowed), so it is not the priests duty to do so.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago