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Lv 56,243 points

Oh mighty smiter

Favorite Answers9%

This is my second account. My last was deleted because of Christians being bitches. Oh, did I say that out loud? Sorry. Studying to be an English teacher. Anyways, I'm an atheist, freethinker, and comedian. Hopefully I can make you think and laugh at the same time.

  • I'm pretty sure she likes me, but I have reason to doubt. Help?

    Hokay. So. This past weekend I was celebrating a friend's 21st birthday in a cabin with a ton of people, none of whom I previously knew. This girl that I had met once before came up with a friend during the day, and we hit it off. We bonded over Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune(yeah, cool kids yo) and made everyone dinner together, so by the time we got to the party I was pretty into her and hung out with her for the first three hours of so, and she was very flirty(not taking into account her drunkenness that made her much more flirty), but the drunker she got, the more flirty she got with other guys too, to the point of acting exactly how she did with me. I was getting a lot of attention from everyone at the party(I was for some reason I don't know a big hit), and a number of girls were around me, but my eye was on her. ANYWAY. I kind of gave up, until the next day when we all sobered up, she was still flirting and staying around me when I walked off to do something, and then later after we had all gone our separate ways she texted me asking if I was still singing everything(I had been singing and playing guitar for everyone at the party and then that morning everything I said was in song form). Eventually we kept talking and talked about how much we enjoyed each other's company, and I sent this:

    "Also, at the risk of being too forward, this. lulz." and included this ecard:

    She replied with: ":D"

    So I thought things were going pretty well, but then my friend implied I was just wasting my time and that she just gives off the vibe that she likes people and that she has told anyone that was interested that she wasn't looking for anything, but she didn't tell me that when I told her I like her.

    TL;DR: met a girl. like her. think she likes me. friend says probably not.

    Sorry for the wall of text

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why are so many Christians so hypocritical?

    For example, my best friend and his girlfriend are at church right now. They've been having sex all morning and have done it at least 3 times every day for the past three weeks. While I personally have no problem with premarital sex, the bible is pretty clear in regards to fornication being a bad thing. I've pointed this out to him multiple times, and he just ignores it.

    What's with the whole cherry-picking the bible thing?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Co-worker being sued over a car accident that happened last April?

    A co-worker was telling me about how a woman with whom he was in an accident with last April is suing him for medical damages. He said that the accident caused minimal damage and only required $150 worth of repairs on her vehicle. She is claiming now that because of the accident she had to have neck surgery that cost her $120,000.

    They found out that she was recently fired from her job and needs a source of income. How hard of a time would you think one would have proving her case, especially because a lot can happen over the course of 10 months and she is just now filing suit after she had the injury taken care of?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Speeding ticket: not going as fast as officer claims?

    My roommate got a ticket for going 85 in a 70, which in Georgia results in a 'super speeder' fine. He is insistent that he was maintaining speeds between 75-80 and never went above 80. How can he fight this, or at least can he plead down to a lesser violation? He has a clean driving record.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Am I the only one with an irrational fear that my stuff in the oven will burn if I don't take it out as soon?

    as the timer goes off?

    It isn't like a legitimate fear, but I always find myself rushing to the oven when the timer beeps. ha

    It's Friday night and I don't have money to go out drinking. So I'm sitting at home making cheese fries. I'm bored as hell. :)

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do Christians act like they are being persecuted in America?

    People make such a big deal about Tim Tebow being open about his faith. Newsflash people, 75% of Americans agree with him.

    What about the 16 year old girl in Rhode Island getting death threats for being an atheist? As someone who has met her on multiple occasions, she is one of the sweetest girls I know, and yet she stands up for the Constitution and gets death threats and is called evil by a state congressman. It's absurd and reprehensible.

    /end rant\

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Strip club alone midnight of 21st birthday?

    First, I should probably preface this by mentioning that the strip clubs around here are all 21+, save for two in an area of town I'm not comfortable going to at night(right where the ghetto meets an Army base).

    I'm turning 21 Wednesday, and I have plans with some friends to go out drinking. However, I kind of want to go to a strip club and have a drink or two at the bar, but the only one of the guys going with me is comfortable with the idea of being in a strip club, but he won't go because he thinks it's dumb to spend money on a girl he isn't having sex with(a valid point, but I think it would just be a fun thing to do on a 21st birthday). Anyway, I will be out tomorrow night anyway, so I thought I might stop by one after midnight and have a couple of drinks and then be on my way. Would that be weird?

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • Buying alcohol the day before 21st birthday?

    Before you make any assumptions, my reason for asking is that my girlfriend can't go out on my actual birthday, but she could go out the day before.

    Anyway, I know that under common law as established by United States vs Wright, which can be seen in used in a Social Security case, though the precedent should hold true when applied to any circumstance regarding age( a person obtains a given age the day before their established birthday. I know that in Virginia, it is legal to purchase alcohol the day before, since it says so on their ABC website: "The Attorney General's Office has opined that a person attains his/her next year of age on the day prior to his/her birthday."

    However, I live in Georgia and cannot find anything regarding this.

    Wouldn't, however, the precedent set by United States vs Wright, as it was a Federal case, trump any law on the books in Georgia that would prevent me from doing so?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Statistics show that religious people are generally horrible at completing this task quickly?

    In a test group of 100 people(40 randomly selected from self-identified religious and atheist groups, 10 randomly selected from agnostic groups), religious people had a success rate of only 27%, compared to atheists with a 73% success rate and agnostics with a 71%. The task is simple: come up with the opposite to each of the following six words within 30 seconds. Can you do it?

    1. Always

    2. Coming

    3. From

    4. Take

    5. Me

    6. Down

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Statistics show that conservatives are generally horrible at completing this task quickly?

    In a test group of 100 people(40 randomly selected from self-identified liberal and conservative groups, 10 randomly selected from centrist groups), conservatives had a success rate of only 27%, compared to liberals with a 73% success rate and centrists with a 71%. The task is simple: come up with the opposite to each of the following six words within 30 seconds. Can you do it?

    1. Always

    2. Coming

    3. From

    4. Take

    5. Me

    6. Down

    5 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Would a male be favored over a female for an English teaching position?

    simply because of the gender disparity among English teachers, provided obviously that all other things are equal?

    Also, does having a double major in, say, English and History increase one's chances of landing a good teaching position?

    5 AnswersTeaching10 years ago
  • My professor has ruined my favorite subject(and major) for me?

    First, I have always absolutely loved philosophy. I go to a pretty small college that has only one professor teaching upper level courses, and he has absolutely ruined the subject for me. Now every time I think about philosophy I cringe.

    I could at this point easily pursue a degree in English which I enjoy and am very good at. I'm a third year but essentially a sophomore, as it took me a year to decide to do what I wanted and not what my parents wanted. Would it be advisable to switch or endure philosophy?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • Why do people seem so obsessed with the idea that President Obama is waging class warfare?

    If anyone would pay attention, Obama has made nearly $7 million in the last two years. He isn't asking anyone to do anything he is not prepared to do himself.

    I'm not pro-Obama, I'm just sick of the idiotic rhetoric being spewed by people like Bill O'Reilly.

    13 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • How can Ron Paul deny evolution?

    I suppose there is some excuse for science-illiterate sheep, but for a physician who spent four years in medical school there can be none. As a person qualified to prescribe medication, would he prescribe penicillin for a bacterial infection? What about getting a single flu shot in the course of one's lifetime?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Am I wrong for wanting more?

    So, I'm in a situation that most guys would dream of being in: I have an absolutely gorgeous girl with whom I have great sex on a regular basis. She said from the beginning that she didn't want a relationship, and I was cool with it. She talks about not wanting us to get too attached, but she frequently uses terms of endearment when talking to me and tells me how happy I make her, and she loves it when I'm sweet to her, but when I go to kiss her, she says that it's too attaching.

    Am I the only one that sees some hypocrisy? I obviously want more than what we have, but at the same time, what we have is pretty amazing and I would be a fool to screw it up.


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • So there is this girl that is really cool, but I'm not physically attracted to her?

    at all. I mean she is kind of cute in the face, but she's fat. It's not that I only care about looks, but I am simply not attracted at all to overweight women, and I can't control what I like.

    What do?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Have you been paying attention to the quasi-war going on between Richard Dawkins and Rebecca Watson?

    If so, what are your thoughts on it?

    At first I sort of agreed with Watson, but now I'm thinking she is a huge c.un.t.

    Granted Dawkins is being a bit of a jerk, but hey, isn't that what Dawkins is known for?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I was sent a better version of a book I ordered, can they make me send it back?

    I ordered a used book from an amazon third party seller for $9 for the paperback but was instead sent a rare hardcover edition(I've done some research) worth a good deal more(I found prices ranging from $35 to $107).

    My friend thinks they can and will make me return it, but I paid for a book and they sent me the same book just a different edition.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Negative net calories/lose it app?

    The iPhone Lose It! app says my daily net calories should be around 2850 to lose 2 pounds per week. I get a lot of physical activity. For example, today I burned about 2500 calories between Tang Soo Do and work which is very physical. My net calories for today was only 500.

    Is this healthy?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago