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  • My windows 10, no apps will open?

    I just restarted it because of storage issues. I tried to open explorer to get google first thing and it wouldn't work so i tried to open other apps and they appear on the screen for a 1/2 second and then dissapear. What should i do?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • Well, Whats wrong with me?

    I'm going to be in _____ grade (I aint telling you!) and I feel a lack of love even though love is (by definition) a brainwashing term used to get naive people to do your bidding. I hate love. I think it is the worst thing in the world, and causes a feeling so bad they had to make up its own name for it - "heartbreak". So why do i all of a sudden feel a lack of it? Why do i feel like I need it all of a sudden?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Episode interactive My charectors won't move?

    Hey guys in episode interactive my charectors are not moving even though i told them to move and the text turned green and if you don't know what i am talking about can you please NOT ANSWER?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Muslims: What is your opinion on extremists?

    Muslims only and i will know if your a muslim or not. I have heard people think that all muslims are supposed to kill to go to heaven and that we always do bad things. But thats only extremists. I think I will use this as part of my argument that muslims are good and thier religion teaches love, peace, and charity; like any other religion. Muslims are said to be uncreative; that we haven't created anything but wars since the 14th century; but most muslims i know have created strong bonds with other muslims; have created loving familys, and have sacrificed to make sure they are safe. Not everyone can create that.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • How much do you hate being late on a scale of one to ten?

    1 being don't care, 10 being absoloutly despising being late

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • What is your opinion on islam?

    I am a muslim plz answer with no hate and also don't make it long or i will not read it. I believe that killing to go to heaven is wrong, extreme, and unproductful. I believe the quaron is interpreted two ways: a way in which people read it with hate and therefore interpret it with hate: and the way in which people read it with compasion and an open mind and therefore interpret it the way it is supposed to be interpreted; a word of god, that preaches peace and charity. The people who are terrorists are satanists who are giving muslims a bad name. one bad apple DOSE NOT spoil the bunch, just keeps them from getting picked. Also, the actions of islamic nations is not the act of individual muslims.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • What is your opinion on love?

    My opinion is love is a word used to get people to do your bidding, used repeatedly to have people do anything you wish, by pretending you have a deep regard for them. But enough about me....

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • What's the most stupid quote you ever heard?

    Mine is

    "It is not truth that mattters, but victory!"

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • What do you think about my theary behind the green children?

    My theory is simple and sort of scientific;

    Studies show that what you eat can affect the colour of your skin. I think that maybe since the only thing they wanted to eat was bean pods, there skin turned green. Maybe the story was exagerated and the childrens skin only had a hint of green, like a green sunburn (sort of).

    The second part to my theory is about the "unknown language" They spoke. It could have been (1) some sort of mental illness or (2) Studies show that the foods you eat can affect your state of mind. A balanced diet leads to a relaxed and healthy lifestyle, and an unbalanced diet leads to the exact oppisite. Maybe eating only beans (obviously not "balanced" in any way or form" could be a factor in the bizzar language they spoke.

    Is there any part of the story I missed? Is there any part of my theory that isn't reasonable? What is your theory (If you have one)

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases5 years ago
  • Why is my computer storage not emptying?

    My laptop storage is almost full, so i delete a lot of documents and pictures and pwerpints, but still it will not empty. Why?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • Do you believe this story?

    I heard a story on the news and i don't believe it.

    There was a bombing attack on Brighton by a family.

    There was a grandmother, grandfather, some kids, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, etc.

    12 people in total.

    They committed an act of racism by bombing Brighton.

    Then they escaped.

    All people from Syria and Iraq are banned from the country because of one RELIGIOUS family.

    Vicious rumors? True chiz? Accusations?

    Do you think that ALL of Syria and Iraq, a FULL Religious Islamic state, sent 12 people to bomb a country? Would a family agree on that?

    Do you think they where just blaming the person closest to them?

    That would make them racist, don't you think?

    Are they just telling us what they want us to here?

    Or is this something to put Muslims like me to shame for?

    Please don't laugh I can't go to sleep without dreaming I'll be killed by a police just for being a muslim.



    6 AnswersCurrent Events6 years ago
  • Is Katy Perry's song "I kissed a girl" Referring to her lesbian kiss with Miley Cyrus?

    I know. I'm a complete celebrity noob.

    PLEASE GIVE A REAL ANSWER NO LOL'S OR IDK'S OR SUCH JUST ANSWERS LIKE YES OR NO! Can you explain what it's about if it's no, to?

    2 AnswersCelebrities6 years ago
  • How do you make a survey/poll on different websites that are not quiz websites?

    I'm trying to do a study on racisim and end it in the us. I'm also trying to see how many people care about skin color in friends. But the point is How could i make a survey or poll and put it on websites so people can see it?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Do kids deserve to be heard?

    I've been doing some research and most parents think children are like slaves. Through my eyes parents think like this:

    She/he will do anything i say, so why not give them all the work.

    She/he must obey me, only adults are equal to other adults, kids must be put to work.

    I can do whatever i want with my kid and she/he and no one will tell me otherwise because i have every right to do so.

    I Am looking for NON-PARENT AND KID ANSWERS ONLY!!!!

    Got that?

    Do kids deserve to speak up? Do the have any real voice? Or are they just adult play toys?


    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Can I turn a photo into a power point design?

    Hi i have this really pretty picture and I want to turn it into a power point design but i don't know how. I have it in my picture file if that helps. And don't give answers like "No" or "IDK". Don't know, don't answer and If the answer is no, GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS. Thank you!

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Just got tooth pulled?

    I had a tooth pulled 2 hours ago and my lip feels like jello the lady said it would only last for an hour but it's 2 hours. I got a slushee do you think that had anything to do with it. Thanks!

    1 AnswerDental6 years ago
  • Can a human give a deer a disease?

    i know dear can give a disease to a human but can a human give a disease to a dear? Also, how often does it happen if it's possible?

    Thx alot!!!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • What is 2 years minus 1 week?

    No decimals only fractions

    2 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • can your skin change color if you eat too much of something?

    I m trying to discover the mystery behind the 12 century green children. I have an idea, but i am not sure.

    3 AnswersOther - Education6 years ago