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any "Dogs Trust" people in the UK?
Hi, just wondering if anyone can give more more info on fostering dogs through dogs trust in the UK, especially if this is something they've done themselves, or know about. I would like to find out more about temporary fostering, what can be expected, will dogs trust provide food, bedding and cover vet bills etc, or is this expence not covered by them. I know more info will be available at the kennels, but i was just hoping to find out some background information before approaching them. Also, is there another kennel in the UK which welcomes fosterers and also covers the cost of looking after the dog. Oh and how long/short can the fosterers expect to have one of these dogs for?
Many thanks in advance!
2 AnswersDogs10 years agohair looking dull and greasy, help? what am i doing wrong?
My hair has recently become dull and become greasy hours after washing it. Instead of washing it every day i wash it every other day, i don't play with, or run my fingers through my hair during the day, but it's lost it's shine, softness, and just feels coarse and dull. I changed to baby shampoo to keep it simple and use gentle products which haven't helped. I also only wash with shampoo once as i'm scared it's dull from using too much product. i shampoo the top, and only condition the bottom half, i don't use hair gel or spray, but my hair is still not right. Any suggestions?? thanks in advance!
9 AnswersHair1 decade agoteach me about ipods?! which one is best for me? =)?
hiya, i am looking to buy a new ipod except i am confused about which one i should buy! Also, i don't understand apps? do you buy them online from the itunes website? I would like my ipod to have a lot of space for songs and videos and games - internet isn't as important. I've been looking at ipod touches, how expensive are these, and what would you recommend? thank you!!
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agowhere to let piggies run in winter?
hi, i have two young male guinea pigs and in summer they love running around in their run outside. But we live in England, and in Winter it's quite cold and i don't want my piggies developing a cold or worse, from running around in their run outside int he cold, or on damp grass. where do you let your pigs run in winter when they can't go outside. I've tried putting their run in the house, and lining the floor with thick cardboard to keep it tidy, but they just poo lots, and then run around smearing it ever where making a bad smell. I've tried juts holding them more often instead of letting them run around, but i can't stand the smell they make when they mark my clothes with their scent! Also, i really do need an area inside for them to run as i'm becoming concerned about one of my pig's weight. What do you suggest i could do? many thanks!
3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agohaving trouble with my two male guinea pigs?
hi, i have two male guinea pigs who i've had for about 7 months now. In summer time when it was warm they'd spend ages in their run outside playing, but now it's winter they can't go outside, and i've been holding them and handling them more often. I noticed this problem when i got my piggies, but tried to ignore it (especially not to bring it up with my sister, as she didn't want guinea pigs in the first place! :( but they've begun to really smell. It's nothing to do with how hygienic their cage is as i change every week at least. I know they rub their behind on the floor to make a scent and mark their territory in new environments, but i've had them fairly long, and i can't ignore the smell anymore! It stinks, and i'm being put off holding them which is something i don't want to put off, as it's not fair on them. Is their something i can do? when i do hold them, i use a towel to protect my clothes from the smell, but it's very disgusting and i feel bad for not getting them out for as long as i should because of the smell. Poo is another issue! I had the pigs out this morning, and the poor things were literally out for only 5 minutes because with in that time they had made all these horrible smells over the towel and my jumper, and then they start pooing, and it's very off putting and hard for me to look after them, and let them enjoy themselves. what can i do about this? thanks in advance.
6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoplease explain the ipod touch for me!!!?
hiya, i know, where have i been for the last 10 years, but i actually need basic information on the ipod touch, but the not the most recent one. Are songs all bough through itunes, how does this work, and how expensive it it? eg) for a song or video? i know you get apps for it, but where do you buy these, how much are they, and what are available. I'm sorry i'm asking so much, i'd appreciate some basic information, thanks in advance!
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoCannabis info needed!! statistics, have a few questions about it...?
what is cannabis classed as, in terms of depressant, stimulant...? Also, how does cannabis affect your nervous system? Is it more dangerous than tobacco? which is most popular? do you have any statistics to prove this? which causes most deaths? Thanks if you can answer any of these questions!
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agofamous artwork --- shoes!!?
hi, i need help finding information on artist who have produced pieces on shoes or about shoes. a link to the image, or information on the artist and what the piece is about would be wonderful! I'm specifically looking at artwork of shoes inspired (maybe inspired is the wrong word, i mean influenced, or based on) the holocaust (for example, the piles of shoes belonging to the victims) i'm having trouble finding any information on this topic! thanks a bunch!
2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade agothe 5 most famous french desserts?
Whta would you say are the top few most famous french desserts? or really popular desserts from another culture or country? thank you!
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoC and C cages??? Help!?
Hiya, i'm considering making a C+C cage before i buy a pair of guinea pigs (and once i've done enough research and everything!) if any of you own a C and C cage, would you say it is easier to make and clean than a normal cage? (and obviously there's more room for the piggies, right?) Anyway, i live in Warwick shire in England, so finding a store that sells these mesh/grid cubes is very hard! Is there a safe online store that sells them cheap? Where did you get yours from (people in England!?) Many thanks! :)
2 AnswersRodents1 decade agohousing guinea pigs?? Help! Need advice from piggie owners?!?
Hiya, i'm considering buying a pair of guinea pigs, but i'm researching first! If i was to get guinea pigs, i'd keep them in a cage thing inside, as where i live, winter and autumn can be pretty cold. Does anyone else keep guinea pigs inside, if so, what cage do you have, and what do you think is suitable for 2 guinea pigs. I want a reasonable price for the cage, but i don't want my guinea pigs to be squashed and not have enough room! Any links to pictures of cages you think would be good would be very helpful.(Even though i'm keeping them in a cage inside, i'd obviously have an outdoor run for them to play and run about in!) Also, making a cage is really not an option for me! I'm no good with that sort of thing! Any advice or information is greatly appreciated!
Which cage do you think would be better?
Would this cage be suitable for 2 piggies?
Do you agree with this guinea pig cage ratio?!
8 AnswersRodents1 decade agoNeed help about my paradise fish?? He's changed colour! should they be kept together?
Hi, i have a male and a female Paradise fish in my tank, which was unintentional, i don't even think you're meant to have 1 male 1 female kept together if you're not breeding them (i'm not trying to breed them) I'm positive the larger fish with a long pointy tail is a male, and the little, plain co loured one with small rounded tail and fins is a female. But basically, the male paradise fish never used to be particularly colorful, he started off a silver colour with a faint stripy pattern, but now the bottom half of his body is a very dark grey color with dark orange-red stripes, and his top half and his 'head' is silvery and pale. Is there something wrong with him? Is he just changing, or is he ill or abnormal?! Also, is it OK for me to keep a male and a female together with ut wanting to breed them? The male can e quite aggressive to the female sometimes, but he doesn't get hurt. Should i get another female to balance it out about, so the male doesn't dominate the tank so much that he kills her? What should i do?!
Many thanks in advance!
2 AnswersFish1 decade agoQuestion about sacha baron cohen's new film BRUNO ?
Was wondering what age rating Bruno has been given in the UK, i know the american one, but can't seem to find what age rating is in England. Thank you!
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agohorror movie suggestions?
I was wondering if anyone has some good horror movie suggestions, particularly psychological. I've seen the exorcist, the others, the shining, all the saw movies, sixth sense, the grudge, the ring and blair witch project, but i was wondering if anyone can suggest a psychological film like the others or the shining.
Thank you! :)
6 AnswersMovies1 decade agocould you suggest a good mobile phone?
Hi, i'm just having a look around for a new mobile phone, and was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions? i'd like a mobile with a good camera, maybe 4 mega pixels, mp3 player...ect and possibly under or around £100.
If you could put in a link or a website showing a particular phone, that would be great! Thanks!
16 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agomy danio fish - canibles!?
Hi, i have a medium sized cold water tank with a filter and plants and everything, and recently i cleaned it out like normal, i did everything i usually do, and my seven danios and two Paradise fish seemed fine. The next day i woke up and one of the danios had been eaten!! It's eyes had been eaten, and all it's insides had been eaten, too. What was left was practically just the outsize 'shell' of the fish! I had no idea why, and thought maybe it wasn't well, and had already died after being eaten. I fed them extra that day. By the way, i know for a fact that they're getting enough to eat, possibly more than they need. I thought maybe it was a one of thing, but two days later, i found another danio had been eaten. Can anyone help? I don't want this to happen to all my fish! I've DEFINITELY been feeding them enough, and i've had them for a while, and they've never done this. One reason it think this could have happened is because i normally have live plants int he tank, but this time i cleaned the tank, i took the live plant out because it was getting old and the leaves were getting old. I was going to buy a new live plant as soon as possible, but all these fish deaths happened before i could buy another plant. Are they eating each other because they want a live plant, or is something wrong!? I haven't changed the brand of fish food, everything is like it would normally be, i have no idea why they're doing this. Can anyone help??
2 AnswersFish1 decade agoDid china's 1 child policy work???
The policy was enforced around the 70's, Chinese government gave strict rules for china to obey including fines, forced abortions and obviously only being allowed to have one child.
China was simply trying to control the population, do you think it worked? Did the population decrease? What's your opinion on the policy and the effects it had?
Many thanks
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agorabbits? tell me everything! ? mix breeds? one or two?
Hi, i'm trying to find out about keeping rabbits. If i was going to buy two, would it matter if one is a different breed or size to the other? (i don't plan on buying one dwarf rabbit, and one giant rabbit, though!) Or any other information about keeping rabbits, choosing them and the gender. Do you suggest a pair of males or females? what breeds best? I'd like a rabbit that likes to be handled, i know some tend to have different temperaments, and i know it depends on the rabbit itself, what would you suggest?
Thank you! :)
3 AnswersRodents1 decade agoWhat does this tell you about me? (horoscope-wise!)?
I was born on 28th March 1992 on a Tuesday at 10:00 in the morning.
i know i'm an aries, but i'd like to know more about the more detailed horoscopes (rising moons and other things people say that i don't know what they mean!!!)
Thank you! :)
3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade agoGuinea pigs as pets...? info on keeping them?
Hi, I'm finding out about keeping guinea pigs, and would like to know more about them, answers from experienced owners would be very helpful!
I know they like to live with other guinea pigs, but have any of you owned one on it's own, and was it happy? I'm guessing it's better to get a pair, though?
Would you say they're easy to keep? Are they prone to certain illnesses that you have to watch out for? Just facts like that would be helpful, especially if you've owned them before.
Also, if i was going to get some i'd keep them in a cage inside (but obviously have a run outside for them, and give them time everyday to play and be handled) Can anyone suggest a good cage for two guinea pigs? If you have two piggies, and have a cage that you think is perfect for a pair, please send me a link, because i'm after a good sized cage for them.
Would a cage similar to these two be suitable for two guinea pigs?
Sorry, i'm asking a lot of questions, thanks for your help! :)
6 AnswersRodents1 decade ago