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  • Do you think this is wrong for me to say to her ?

    So my girlfriend asked me what are we doing for Valentine’s Day? I told I plan on seeing her but not for more than that day because I don’t have the time to visit her for a week like I did for my birthday(My birthday was like week and I was over her house for 5 days) And she got a bit upset and said I always have time for everyone and everything except her. I told her that is not true but she says that I’m not being a good boyfriend because I don’t make time for her. I don’t get it I see her 2-3 times out of the month. 

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months ago
  • My girlfriend thinks we don’t see each other enough? ?

    I spend the week with her because we had the time off and it was my birthday. We had a bit of a falling out for a few days because she didn’t want me to visit my mom and sisters for my birthday. And once we started talking and treating each other normally again she says she just thinks we don’t see each other enough. I mean I see her whenever I can and she visits me too. We probably see each other 3 to 5 times out of the month but we FaceTime and text almost everyday so I feel that we do at least talk to each other enough but she says we should see each other at least 2 a week. But our schedules are different so it would be hard, maybe once a week but still idk. 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months ago
  • Was visiting my family for my birthday the wrong thing to do ?

    My birthday was 2 days ago, i turned 23 and i wanted to see my parents and my little sisters. Because of covid, i havent been able to see them as much lately The problem is my girlfriend doesn't like my sisters, she think they are spolied and annoying but come on they are 17 and 14 year old girls of course they will act this way, they aren't bad people. I dont complain about how annoying her sister is, and how she never shuts up. Anyway, i told my girlfriend that i was visiting my parents. My girlfriend asked me to just stay home because she doesnt want to deal with my sisters.  I told her that she didnt have to come and she sgreed and said fine so i went ahead and visited my family and when i got back home my girl is giving me the silent treatment. I asked her why was she mad at me and her response was because I never listen to her and she wanted to spend the day with me and that i was over there way too long. I told her to stop acting as if i have to always listen. We exchanged words and now we still arent on good  speaking terms. Il, just play my xbox or be on my phone and she will just be on her phone or ipad. Should i apologize or do i have the right to  visit my family?

    6 AnswersFamily2 months ago
  • I don’t like my room mate? Don’t really know how to deal with this?

    We are both room mates. I know him Because we work at the same job. I’m 20 and He’s 22. We were really cool and he needed a room mate and at the time my brother and two sisters were living there. Last year, My brother moved out and then I moved out a few months after him around october to give people more space. It was good at first butI’m starting to not like him. We get into a lot of arguments. For one, he rarely cleans up the house. I have to clean it up most of the time.

    He also comes up short sometimes and I have to cover his half of the rent so we won’t be late. He does pay me back but it’s annoying because sometimes I need my money at the time. Also, he brings these guys over and all they do is smoke weed and talk loud. I’m not against smoking weed, I’ve done it before but I don’t smoke anymore and those guys act stupid and I don’t know them. I honestly just stay in my room and he wonders why I don’t really talk to him. It’s just so annoying. I don’t even go home after work. I go over my parents house but I leave at like 11pm. I know I’m welcomed at home. But I don’t want to move back in with my parents and two little sisters.

    1 AnswerFamily3 years ago
  • Little sister wants to move out but she’s too young?

    She still lives home with our parents and my other little sister that’s 12. The problem is that she argues with my mom a lot. She’s 14 though so technically she’s too young to move out. I’m 20 and my brother and I moved out last year. He moved out with his gf and I moved out with a friend but I do visit like 4 times a week and to be honest my sister argues a lot with my mom. Really bad arguments that makes her cry.

    I know I’m just her big brother but I understand how she feels. My mom isn’t the easiest to get along with. I felt like her when I was around her age but the thing is I don’t have much money to let her stay with us and I only moved out for two reasons. 1. Because one of my friends at work was looking for a roommate so I moved with him and 2. To make more room in the house for my little sisters and parent since there 6 ppl at the time. I’m just wondering what I can do for her? I’ve already let her sleep at my house twice but I don’t want to keep doing that since I know my mom will blow it out of proportion and feel like I’m against her?

    10 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • Did you feel old at 20?

    If you’re not 20 yet then Fine but today is my birthday and I turned 20. It was a good birthday but my mom kept saying I can’t believe my little man is 20 now. She kept saying it like it’s the shock of a lifetime. Another thing is when I told someone my birthday and they asked how old I am and I said 20 and they were like “wow I thought you were like like 18.”

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Has a teacher ever called you stupid?

    Never happened to me lol. It happened to this guy in my algebra class though.

    27 AnswersHigher Education (University +)6 years ago
  • Have you ever known someone that committed suicide?

    Someone in my school did it last year. He wasn't a close friend or anything but it was still pretty sad.

    4 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Is it bad to give my little sister money for her birthday?

    Her 11th birthday is tomorrow and honestly I don't know what to get her. I had asked her before but she never said anything. My parents are getting her a new phone and that is all she ever wanted I guess. I think I'm going to just give her some cash but I know it's not a real gift.

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • To the nearest tenth of a second, how long will take for the ball to hit the ground?

    Gravity on the moon is about one-sixth of gravity on Earth. An Astronaut standing on a tower 20 feet above the moon's surface throws a ball upward with a velocity of 30 feet per second. The height of the ball at any time, t (in seconds) is h(t)= -2.67t^2+30t+20. To the nearest tenth of a second, how long will take for the ball to hit the ground?

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • is it bad that I don't care about my religion anymore?

    Technically my family is "Christian" but I don't even know god exists anymore and I really don't care about religion anymore. Is that bad?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Does my mom have the right to come in my room?

    Seriously I'm freaking 16. She goes into my room while I'm there or she will just walk in without knocking while I'm in here. I'm a not little kid, and i deserve my privacy. I don't know what to say because mom thinks she is always right.

    17 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • I lik her but she has a boyfriend, what do i do?

    There is this girl that I really like but she already has a boyfriend. She said she would date me if she was single. I just don't know what 2 do. I never liked a girl as much as her! How do i get over dis?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why don't care about school?

    Last year, I was actually improving my GPA and participating in class, but now I'm in my junior year and honestly I never do any work anymore. I'm always always late to school and I'm just sitting in class, on my phone, and I never do any assignments. I tell myself that I'll do it later but it never gets done. I've skipped some classes, and I almost never do any homework. I'm gonna fail lol.

    9 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • how to stop texting while in class?

    I try to be respectful and pay attention but I get bored halfway through the lesson and pull out my phone. I'm not the only one that does this btw.

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Which is more important in a family- Spending time together or buying your kids gifts?

    We don't spend much time as a family. My parents aren't rich but luckily we aren't poor either. There are four of us and my parents have always got us what we wanted for christmas or our birthday, even though they weren't really in the financial position to do it.

    My sisters are 10 and 8- They each have a cell phone, TV in their room, ipad, tablets, nintendo ds2, shoes, handbags and their closet is full of clothes. They get spoiled a lot. And my sister wants a new phone for her 11h birthday this october.

    I'm 16 and I guess I'm kind of spoiled because my mom had bought me a samsung galaxy for my birthday this year and it costs a lot compared to a regular phone. But I don't think I have nearly as many clothes or devices as my sisters do. I have some clothes but not a closet full. I have a xbox360, and xbox1 that my brother and I share. I don't have a TV in my room.

    My 18 year old brother got a freaking macbook last year for his 17th birthday, which is a lot considering my parents spent 1000 bucks on that one item. I was so fcking jealous lol. But, he's a full time student now and works part time and just went away to college a week ago.

    My parents have bought us lots of things and I appreciate it but I think spending time with each other is important too which is something we rarely do anymore. I know every prefers their own time and is busy so should I just be grateful for what I have?

    3 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Should I apologize to my brother?

    I'm 16 and my brother is 18. He still leaves with us but we don't speak to each for about anymore. We had a really bad physical fight about a month ago and ever since I've probably only said a few things to him. The last time we spoke was on the 4th of july and that because we had to. I only speak to my parents and my two little sisters sometimes, but my brother and I pretty much ignore each other. I can tell my mom is upset about it because we used to be close in school and we have a lot of the same friends, I'm going to be a junior and he had just finished high school so he might be moving out soon too. Honestly I hate the fact that we can't act like brothers should but I don't want to apologize, well because I fell like he started it. Should I just apologize anyway or wait for him???

    5 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Why is it so hard to be a virgin these days?

    Don't get me wrong, I've had opportunities I just didn't want to have sex yet because I want to wait for a girl that I really like but at the same time I don't want to be a virgin. It's complicated.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • what kind of relationship is a guy supposed to have with brothers girlfriend?

    I'm just wondering if I have a normal relationship with my brothers girlfriend. I'm 16 and my brother and his girlfriend are 18. I've known her since they both were 16 or 17 from school. But We have a relationship where we tease each other a lot. For example she will say something insulting and I'll say something back and she will laugh and say she hates me. We are only kidding but I'm wondering is it normal? At the fourth of july all we did was tease each other and my brother was tired of us arguing but she usually starts it with me by calling me stupid or something lol. Btw, she only does this with me, she is nice to my parents and my two little sisters.

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago