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  • Christians?

    Why is it that when you are shown evidence of christians being horribly judgmental, and bigoted towards other people, you turn a blind eye and insist christians are good?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, if you're so "good"?

    Explain why Phil Robertson would use rape and murder of an atheist family like a joke in his speech?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Question regarding iphone 4?

    I dropped my iPhone a couple weeks ago and the back of the phone splintered (guess that's what you can call it, shattered, but still stuck on the back). I put a "bandaid" on it by taping it with electrict tape. While replacing the tape a small shard of glass fell out exposing a little bit of silver tubing. My questions are, A. is it safe to use till I get my replacement?

    B. Is there better remedy for using it, until it gets fixed?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Question concerning wording?

    In the book The Gunslinger written by Stephen King there is a certain word used in a way I've never heard. Please take no offense to this, again I've never heard it used in this way. "It came to him that there would be further degradations of the spirit ahead that might make this one seem infinitesimal, and yet he would still flee it, down corridors and through cities, from bed to bed; he would flee the boy's face and try to bury it in ***** or even in further destruction, only to enter one final room and find it looking at him over a candle flame." I'm trying to find out in what way is he using the word "*****"?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Christians, here's a question about marriage?

    What makes you think christians own the right of marriage? You say homosexual people don't have a right to get married, yet marriage is not just a religious commitment. If it was for a religious reason, you would be fighting atheist weddings as well. Are you aware marriage was around at least two thousand years before christianity was ever even thought of? Is it that you think that because your faith took it as one of your "own" traditions, you get to decide who gets married or who doesn't? And don't you dare bring god into it, otherwise you'd also be fighting other faiths getting married. How about those who are gay but are not christian? Shouldn't they be allowed to get married? It's not up to your god if they don't believe in your god.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, random question?

    Since you like saying Mussolini was an "evil atheist", did you know that it was Mussolini that gave the Vatican it's sovereignty?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Coruption in law enforcement?

    We know cops are almost completely corrupt, and I know very few people who trust let alone like the cops. So why do we allow this? Innocent people are getting shot by cops on a daily basis it seems. Yet what can we do? If we go against them, then we are "resisting the law". what happened to the police upholding the law, not abusing their power?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • Christians who claim christians don't do horrible things.?

    What do you think of victor Bernard? He raped a bunch of women in minnisota and ran to Brazil. And you say christians don't do this sort of thing.

    By the way, these excuses are bullshit

    1. It is a cult

    A. It was not a cult while it was active. It was a small christian group that met in a small town. If this group is considered a cult, all christians branches are cults

    2. They just claim they are Christian

    A. Same can be said about every person who says they are christian. You say the Islamic faith is evil because isis claims to be an Islamic group. If you don't think that there is a seperation, how can you claim there is a seperation between "bad" christians and "true" christians?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians who go to other people's house I have a serious question?

    I don't ask this question rudely, though I do the act intentually. When you go house to house (especially with your kids) are you not worried how someone will answer their door? When bothered by you people (after several times of telling them we are not interested and to not return) me and my girlfriend started answering the door nude. Aren't you concerned that you could run into someone like that with your kids around? Why bring children to strangers doors?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, what do you think of the babbel program?

    You know, the software that teaches separate languages? Don't you find it ironic that the very thing that caused the separation of language is the name of one of the programs that tries to connect us?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, I was wondering. Do you like shaq?

    Do you think he is a good person? Someone to look up to? A role model perhaps? Please be honest

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Serious religious question for inside the U.S.?

    I have gotten tired of christians bullcrap. I used to be devout myself, until I opened my eyes to the atrocities that they have and are committing. So here's my question. I'm looking for an Anti-Christian movement in the states to join. Does anyone know of any? Christians, you have no answer, because you assume everyone who isn't christian is an anti-christian agenda

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, question about the bible?

    You claim that the only reason you hate or "don't accept" gay marriage is because it says that it is wrong in the bible. Companies use this to refuse service to gay couples such as chik-fil-a. But what about those who are no longer virgins? I don't see priests saying "I refuse to wed you because you have had premarital relations" I don't see cake companies saying "we refuse to make you a cake because you are not a virgin". So how is breaking biblical law in that way ok, when it's for lust but not ok when it is for love? Do you think homosexuals don't love each-other? Do you think you are better than them?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Inverted cross?

    Christians, why do you claim that an upside cross is either a sign of evil or sacrilege?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, do you know about jesus?

    What do you think of the infancy gospels of Tomas? Did you know your "lord" was a rotten evil child?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, I have a very important question for you?

    According to you, the bible says god created the first man, Adam from clay. He then created Eve from a rib of Adam. After they ate the forbidden fruit, they were cast out of paradise. After being cast out they had 3 sons. Cain, Able, and Seth. After murdering his brother, Cain became a fugitive. Now here's the question. Who was Cain a fugitive from, and where does his wife come from? Do you agree with the Jewish explanation of him mating with his sister? If not, what other explanation can you give? If you do, what does that say about the biblical taboo of incest? If your answer relates to "it was ok then but bad now" it won't be accepted

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Question about a schools teaching?

    My little sister is in 5th grade and we were talking about what she has learned so far this year. Apparently her teacher said there was no water in space, and the only place that has water is earth. This we know for a fact is not true. One of saturns moons is made entirely of ice and water. Comets are a mixture of ice and rock. All water we have on earth came from space. It has been proven that water in all 3 forms have been found in abundance in space. Why would this teacher be "teaching" a blatant lie to her students?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, what is your problem with science?

    You Christians constantly say that science is the devils tool. You complain that creationism is not taught in schools. If science proves something, such as evolution, you automatically plug your ears and say they are lying. Let's look at the facts here. 500 years ago the world was flat. This being "known" because the church said it was so. We now know that the earth is round. The church said that everything revolves around the earth. We now know that the only thing that does revolve around our planet is the moon. Black holes where thought to be science fiction, we now have evidence of black holes. This is only 3 examples. I could go on, but you get the point. Can your faith give any evidence at all? If you can't, then you don't have a leg to stand on. You cannot tell people what is taught to children. You have lied enough to the uneducated. You want your kids taught that, send them to a private school

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, a question about life on other planets?

    People used to think that finding another life sustaining planet like earth would not be possible. Christians claim that it will never happen because we are made in gods image, and he would not create another intelligent life form. There is a star system in our own galaxy that is only 20 light years away from us. Gliese 667c has 3 rocky planets, with at least 1 having liquid water and an atmosphere that can sustain life. Because its a red dwarf, the star will have a longer life then even our sun. So if life is found on that planet, will you understand that science just trys to prove fact. Not disprove you

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians, what kind of God does this?

    A man in Florida who is a registered sex offender won the Florida lottery for over a million dollars. A man who sexually assaulted 2 little boys, can now live easy. How is this justice in gods eyes?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago