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Wolf Force

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  • What kind of trillium is this?

    They're growing in my yard at our new house, 2,300 or so feet in elevation, east side of Grass Valley, CA ( ). The yard has two streams flowing through it, and the ground where the flowers are found is partly shaded by oaks and some other trees. Lots of honeysuckle and blackberry and some kind of brush (my friend suggested coyote brush but I don't think that's what it is).

    I'm pretty sure these flowers are trillium. Picture was taken today. What kind are they specifically? I've never seen purple trillium before.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • What kind of flower is this? (trillium type?)?

    They're growing in my yard at our new house, 2,300 or so feet in elevation, east side of Grass Valley, CA ( ). The yard has two streams flowing through it, and the ground where the flowers are found is partly shaded by oaks and some other trees. Lots of honeysuckle and blackberry and some kind of brush (my friend suggested coyote brush but I don't think that's what it is).

    I'm pretty sure these flowers are trillium. Picture was taken today. What kind are they specifically? I've never seen purple trillium before.

    1 AnswerBotany8 years ago
  • How can I get my friend's leopard gecko to like me?

    So, my friend entrusted me with her leopard gecko about a month ago, and I'm only keeping it until she can move (she is currently at her fiance's parent's house looking for somewhere she and her fiance can live, and his mother doesn't want the gecko in their house). I was hoping it wouldn't take this long for her to take her lizard back. He doesn't hiss or bite, but every time he walks around his tank if he sees me he will freeze, then go back and hide under his log. When I try to take him out of the cage so he can have some outside time he absolutely doesn't want to be held (still won't hiss or bite, but he'll squirm and try to run or even once tried to jump from my hands).

    How can I get him alright with me handling him, or at least have him not hide every time I do so much as look at him if he comes out from under his log while inside of his tank? I'm not sure how he acted before I got him, so I'm worried I'm de-socializing him or something by having him. I've read online you can just try putting your hand in the tank for a while, then when they get used to that let them crawl on your hand, then move to picking them up, etc., but I'm wondering if there's more I could/should do.

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • Is this a yeast infection?

    Woke up early this morning 'cause I felt like I had to pee, and basically that feeling won't go away, especially when I lay down. No real itching or burning, nor discharge or rashes that I can see. My fiance and I had sex a couple of days ago at a hotel but unless you can pick up an STD/STI from a hotel I'm not concerned about that at all (we've been together for the past 6 years and only have had each other for a sexual partner). I was at a convention though and could have gotten hot and sweaty at a dance, so that may have helped lead to a yeast infection? I'm also on the pill, and no it's not close to my period right now. Could this be a budding yeast infection? I'd like to know if I should go to the store to get something for it before I have to go to work tomorrow.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Kingdom Hearts: Eaten by Monstro a Second Time?

    So I just picked this game up again after not playing for maybe a year or so. I tried going to the bottom of my map to go through one of the worm hole things so I could unlock new worlds, and Monstro ate me. According to my journal, I already did the Pinocchio stuff, and I did manage to get down to the bowels somehow, but I can't find a way out of this whale. I went to a save spot but there was no option to go to the gummi ship. Every online walk-through only covers what to do when you're on the Pinocchio level. The last place I remember finishing was Wonderland (or whatever the game calls it). How do I get out of the whale?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How to dispose of ammonia WITHOUT pouring it down the drain?

    I would like to use ammonia to clean bones for a school project, however I don't know how I would dispose of ammonia in my area. Our water drains to a marsh where it gets naturally treated (and has an additional human treatment at the end), and from what I've read it doesn't seem like I should be putting ammonia into water that supplies a small wildlife reserve. I've read about letting the ammonia evaporate, but am unsure I can do that since I live in an apartment. Are there any other options?

    9 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • What size underbust corset based on measurements?

    I'm looking at getting an under-bust corset from eBay. Using their chart, I assume I'd only need my under-bust, waist, and hip size due to those being the only areas the corset covers.

    My under-bust is 36in, waist 33 in, and hips 37 in. According to their chart, my waist earns me a 2XL (wow, I feel extremely fat now...), but my hips would only be a medium. They don't have under-bust on their chart, but my bust would also score in the 2XL range so I'm guessing it's around there.

    I assume I'd want to go with the waist measurement at the cost of my self esteem, but wanted a second opinion before I commit to buying, even if returns are an option. What should I get; a 2XL, or something closer to a medium?

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • How to get rid of a Windows Live Messenger hacker?

    Apparently someone got a hold of my Windows Live Messenger account and is now harassing my friends and family to go to some porn website or something. I've changed my password 3 times and it still takes over. It changed my picture and status thingy (the "share something new" box), and will send messages like "a/s/l?" and "do it, I DARE you!"...aaand just sent me another (yes, it is sending ME messages as well) saying "I'm 23/F/FL".

    How do I get rid of it? I don't want to have to delete my account or anything but I will if I have to. This is getting annoying to be logged out for some fake whore, and I don't want any of my friends to get this virus or hacker or whatever the hell it is. I don't even know where I got this thing considering I barely even use my instant messenger in the first place.

    1 AnswerSecurity9 years ago
  • My friend's dog got in to her brother's "stash"...warning signs to look for?

    I'm not there in person, and I presume stash=pot stash. She got the dog to throw up, but her dog had a seizure before from her brother hotboxing her so my friend is especially worried. Now the dog is sleeping and I guess soundly because she's snoring. Are there any signs that my friend should look for to make sure her dog is ok?

    (And YES, the dog will be taken to the vet when they open tomorrow morning, and her brother will be paying for it)

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How to make a leopard gecko eat mealworms?

    I can't get this leopard gecko I got from my friend to eat mealworms. Crickets stink, keep eating his fresh poop if I don't clean it up (despite having perfectly good lettuce!), are noisy, and they annoy him when he's not eating them. Instead of having to get and find space for another holding container for the crickets, I wanted to switch the gecko to mealworms. I put them in a rather shallow dish my friend gave me, but he didn't touch them. Then I tried making an even more shallow dish by cutting up an egg carton, and I can't tell if he just knocked it over and a worm buried itself, or if he ate one. I even put one right in front of him on a stick that holds up his "rock den" and left him alone to eat, but I'm not sure he even ate that. One worm after an entire week is definitely not enough for him though even if he did, so for now I've given in and got him some crickets (poor guy was hungry!). Still, how can I get him to eat these devil-worms? I've been leaving carrot slices in the dish with the mealworms so they have something to eat and move around for, but they just don't seem to interest him at all.

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • What are questions that can gauge someone's attitude towards animal welfare?

    For my communication course I have to make an attitudes survey, and am choosing to use a Likert-type scale to determine someone's attitude towards animal welfare. People rate if they agree or disagree with a statement on a scale of 1-5, for those of you unfamiliar with a Likert-type scale. And animal welfare is caring for the well-being of animals (not to be confused with animal rights).

    I didn't realize how many single-lined questions you need to fill up an entire page, and am running out of ideas. Suggestions, please? Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science9 years ago
  • Is the website Air-Trekkers a scam?

    I'm trying to find reviews for the jumping stilts on Air-Trekkers, and so far have only found a couple. One person claimed they were scam artists, another said their product broke, and the third said they were wonderful and the accusations from the other two sounded suspicious. The only person I could tell wasn't just someone pushing their agenda was a fourth commenter saying they didn't know who to believe, and were going to get jumping stilts from the website on their own and talk about it later (and that was the last post they ever made on that website). Other than that, every other "review" I find isn't a review, but just an overview of the product.

    Are there any good review sites, or does anyone here know anything about the Air-Trekkers website?

    1 AnswerOther - Sports9 years ago
  • Would people buy large mouth bass if I sold them?

    So a few weeks ago I netted some baby large mouth bass that were being attacked by another bass (we have a few 4-6 lb. bass that hang out around our dock). I have 12 of them, and so far they've been surviving fine on bloodworms and growing nicely. I was thinking that when they get big enough that they start getting more territorial or pick fights with one another I would let them go back into the lake. For now they only bicker if one has food hanging out of its mouth and the others see it (the tank has a good amount of things in it for them to hide in or otherwise be distracted by). However today my mom was proposing the idea of letting them grow then sell them as people-friendly bass ideal for ponds or something, since it's pretty unique that they get all excited when we get close to the tank because people=food. Pet bass, in a way. I was worried that if I let them go they wouldn't know how to fend for themselves properly since we feed them. Would people buy bass like that though? Or would this be a bad idea? And yes, if we kept them longer to do this I would do my best to get them all separate tanks.

    2 AnswersFishing9 years ago
  • Does a vasectomy decrease a guy's sexual interest?

    It's probably a silly question, but I was just wondering if guys who get a vasectomy would have a harder time getting sexually aroused.

    3 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • Can birth control decrease your fertility?

    I was talking with my friend the other day and she mentioned that she might get off the pill because over time it could lower her fertility (and with other medical problems, her chances of having a kid are already lowered). I was wondering if that could actually happen, or if that's just a myth.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Bump on leg still here weeks later?

    A few weeks ago I was riding my motorcycle with a family friend and fell when I hit a big rock. I don't know if my shin hit the rock or my bike (know that the rock bent my bike's shifter though). I wasn't going more than 10 MPH at the time, and I don't recall my bike landing on me even partially, but even if it did it's a smaller bike at 300 lbs. I had to stop riding for a long time 'cause my boot was rubbing where my shin hit and there was a huge painful bump. I figured it was nothing and just ignored it, but it'd hurt when anything touched it or when I walked. It's about an inch up from my ankle. Now it's been weeks and the mark on the skin is almost gone, the bump only sometimes hurts when I press on it, but the bump is still very much there. It feels hard, and my mom is bothering me saying that I might have chipped the bone or caused a bone spur. We'll probably have a doctor look at it, but is there a chance that that's what could have happened?

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • What's the best thing to feed baby bass?

    Yesterday I netted some baby bass that were being chased and eaten by a larger bass. They're not teenie tiny, but they're still small, not even an inch is my guess. I got a small school of them, 13, and if I can't get them to eat soon I'll probably try to release them back into the lake.

    Right now I've been trying to feed them some "BettaMin Tropical Medley"'s got a picture of a beta fish on it and it's flakes, not pellets. But I just watched them feed and noticed that they're spitting it out after they "catch" it and not going for the pieces again (they're just chasing it and "catching" it because the tank filter is pushing it down and making it exciting for them).

    I've kept baby bass in the past and raised them to a decent size to release back into the lake, but I can't remember for the life of me what I fed them. What would be the best kinds of food for them?

    3 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • How do YOU pronounce "coyote"?

    I want to know how other people say it. I always pronounce it as "kai-yote", but someone else was telling me that most people say "kai-yo-tee" for coyote, and then there's saying it more as "coy-yote" (or "coy-yo-tee")...and now I just want to ask, how do YOU pronounce it?

    13 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • How can I get rid of mosquito larvae without killing my tadpoles?

    I netted some tadpoles and took some tadpole egg sacks from a rapidly shrinking river 'outlet' to try to save them from drying out, but I seem to have also brought home some mosquito larvae. My mom is convinced putting oil in the water will kill them, however I am concerned for the just-born tadpoles that are in the tank. I can't put any fish in there because if they'll eat the larvae I'm sure they'll eat the tadpoles (they're very small!), and my mom won't accept me just netting them out and killing them for whatever reason.

    Is there a way to get rid of the mosquito larvae without killing my newborn tadpoles besides netting them out?

    (I'm probably going to net them out anyway, but just wanted to know if there are other ways for future reference since my mother keeps bothering me about it)

    3 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Really confused. Yeast infection...?

    Lately I've been itchy down there, getting worse today despite drinking cranberry juice (as suggested by my mother) all day yesterday, and it's been burning a bit after I pee, and I've been peeing a lot more than usual or at least feeling like I have to. I assumed it was a yeast infection and just got something to treat that, even though it doesn't itch or burn as much as the one other time I did have a yeast infection.

    I've also been having pain in my left ovary that got worse when I walked but overall wasn't too bad of a pain, and some cramping, which went away yesterday (maybe the cranberry juice helped after all?). This has been going on for over a week, but stopped as of yesterday and hasn't returned. The itching and burning has probably been going on for around 5 days at most, slowly getting worse with time.

    But now I just went to the bathroom again, and wiped away blood, so I'm confused.

    I've been taking Seasonique for years (the pills that let you have only 4 periods a year), but for this last cycle (three weeks ago) I tried taking my placebos early because I didn't want to be on my period for a friend's wedding. I barely bled, and then a week later (I took the pills two weeks early) I got cramps and my typical PMS and that icky "you're going to start your period soon" feeling. This was after my placebo week. Now two weeks later after the PMS/cramping started my body has finally stopped giving me the pre-period feelings, but as I said I just went to the bathroom and wiped away blood.

    My partner and I have been slightly sexually active, relying on my birth control pills and him pulling out since we're out of town and forgot to bring condoms, and haven't had the alone time we'd like to go buy some (my friend who is on the same pills has never had a problem, so we assumed we'd be safe so long as he pulls out and finishes himself off, and don't continue after he finishes). Being allergy season, I have been taking Allegra-D daily if that has any effects on the Seasonique birth control pills.

    Oh, and I highly doubt this could be any signs of an STD. My partner and I have never been with anyone else (for him this includes kissing...and no, we're not kids or teenagers), both of us have had some tests done for STDs, and my pap in January yielded nothing suspicious. We're both faithful and haven't cheated on one another, and I know this for a fact since we're practically attached at the hip, ha-ha.

    I'm wondering if I should take a week off of my birth control pills and see if my body has a period, or if this could be something more serious? Has anyone experienced something like this before? Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago