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  • Why am I so broody when I already have 2babys?

    Hi so I have a 6 month old baby boy who was a month premature and I also half a 1 and half year old which I conceived with fertility treatment, both boys are fantastic and I love being a mum so much. Recently I have become so broody?!! By husband is saying we need to wait a wild longer before we have more children but I can't help but feel gutted about. Is being broody something us woman will always feel

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • confidence problems after birth?

    Hi, i have always been of average weight and i have never been bothered by my appeirance,until i had children. I had 2 children in the space of 17 months. Basically after the first child i had gained 2-3 stone, then during my second pregnancy i lost all the weight. After the birth i put my self under so much stress to lose weight that i joined the gym,having 2 smal c hildren it is hard to get baby sitters so i could not find time to go to the gym so i just basically stopped eating. When i did eat i started to purge because i got a feeling of guilt. My husband noticed the weight loss but not the purging. It got to the point were it was ruining my day to day life, going for a meal or eating infront of family was a problem because i would start to gag. Then i got poorly, it started off with a sur throat, i scratched my throat accidentally and from there i got so ill. i was in bed for weeks with what the dr said was a viral infection.

    This gave me a huge reality check and i realised how selfish i was being on my family. I stopped right there and then. Now 2 months on, i am starting to get those feeling back again were my weight is becoming a problem when i look in the mirror, i have died my hair really dark and had a new style cut in to try and hide, if that makes sence.i just want to eat and eat until i am full, then purge to stop the guilty feeling. I have not purged again but the past few days i have wanted to.

    please dont give me horrible messages, i know it is wrong but i am in need of some support or guidance on what i can do, sorry didnt no what section to put this question under

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • My 17 month old wont sleep in his bed?

    We lived with the in laws since he was born so he as sleeping In his cot in mine and my husbands bedroom. We have our own flat now and we are really struggling with him, firstly he won't go to sleep unless he Is strapped in to his high chair, he will only drift off if he is in the living room with us. Sometimes we can still be sat ther at 9-10pm. Once he is asleep I move him to his cot but then anywhere during the early hours he is screaming and shouting bed mummy bed. I have tried getting him back to sleep but he wont unless he is in my bed. How can I make big changes so his sleeping routine? I also have a 6 month old so I am so tired and need him in to a routine

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • What does this illness sound like to you?

    Hi, so on the Thursday I had a really bad head ache plus I had a temperature.friday the same plus sickness.saturday Sunday I could not get my head from the pillow. Also really aching legs and chest/rib a scratchy caugh. Coughing up bloody mucus. I could not eat because my appetite had gone. The dr said it was a viral infection and gave me no prescription or explanation. For the next 5 days all symptoms have died off except ear ache,tooth ache on the same side & a terrible caugh.

    Iv never been ill like this before, how much longer will it last? My 4 month old and 16month olds have started coughing now

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • I think I'm pregnant but I have implanion in?

    Hi, I have had implmion for about 3 months and I am still bleeding everyday, it has started to settle Down thou. I am worried because I have a 16 month old and a 4 month old so pregnancy is still fresh in my mind. I feel pregnant again, I'm so so tired it's unbelievable, head aches sickness. Everything I experienced with my pregnancys is happening but the tests are negative. Could I be pregnant??

    Btw my implant is bent in the middle but my dr assured me that it would stil be working. I bent it in the gym by mistake the week it was fitted

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • my baby has a flat head on the side?

    Hi, i had my baby 4 weeks premature. he was perfectly fine but around 3months old i noticed that the side of his head was going flat. i took him to the dr who told me not to worry as it will grow out as he grows and learns to walk ect. he is 4 months old now and i think its getting more noticable. i have a few friends who work in a nursery and they have told me about children ther who are 3-4 years old and have flat heads.

    i am worried that my dr wont do anything about it until he is older and then he will be in nursary ect. i have seem online some hats that correct ther head. any advice on what i can do to speed up this dr process and get my boy treated sooner rather than later.

    please note that i love him no matter what, i just dont want him to get bullied when he is older

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • i feel pregnant on implaion?

    i have had it in for 3 months and i have bled everyday, im moody. bloated spotty and just recently i feel so pregnant. i have got all the symptoms of a pregnancy.test after test i am not pregnant. the dr likes you to keep it in for 6 months to see if symptoms settle but i hate it. how can i get it removed? im seriously considering cutting it out myself, i have got a 3 month old and a 16 month old to look after and its hard when i am so moody all the time

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Am I pregnant on implanion?

    Hi I have a 4 month old and 16 month old so had the implanion put in. Day 2 of implanion and i bent it in the gym but dr reasured me of would still be workinh.After lightly bleeding everyday for three months it seems to be settling down the last few days but I hve been car sick,head aches bloated sik after meals and so very tierd. All signs that I get when pregnant. I'm going to take. Test but is this possible that I could be pregnant

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • gym scales say I'm 10lb lighter, wich weight do i go off?

    Hi so i got some scales at home and i recorded my weight, i also checked in boots pharmacy and they say the same weight as my scales at home. yet when i go to the gym, no matter when i weight myself i am always 10lb lighter than my home scales. i didn't think gyms are aloud to make you appear lighter? it just seams that how can my scales and the ones in a pharmacy say I'm the same weight but different to the gym, who is right

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • is 3 months enough training time to run a 10k?

    Hi so i have been getting in to running recently and i thought how amazing it would be to try to run a 10k marathon. only the one i booked is in 3 months. i have just realised that maybe I'm being to eager? if i go out running every night to try prepare for this do you think i could realistically finish? I'm not too clued up on marathons so i don't even no what the finishing time is for a 10k. it would be great if somebody could help me?

    5 AnswersRunning9 years ago
  • How soon after implanion can I go swimming? ?

    I had it fitted 3 days ago and forgot what the dr said and he's not rang me back yet. When can I get it wet in the bath or go swimming? Sorry didn't no what category to put this in

  • How long to lose my baby pouch?

    Hi, I had a baby and then got pregnant when my boy was 4 months old so basically I have had 2 children with no pregnancy break. I have been left with what I call a pregnancy pouch.and some extra weight. Iv got love handle. I have started doing crunches everyday and swimming twice a week plus jogging for 5 days a week. Roughly how long until I start to see some results

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Can I spray tan the same day of having the implant fitted?

    Ok so I'm having the implant fitted in my arm tomorow at 4 and supposed to be getting spray tanned at 7, I was going to cancel but im being told that implant gets bandaged up so askin as I cover the bandage then I'll be ok.

    But what about when I need to rinse the tan the following day, wouldn't the implant get infected?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • 14 month old had tooth inbetween front 2, what do I do?

    My 14 month old has a gap inbetween his 2 front teeth, and we had noticed the gap had got a little wider but we never thoulght anything of it until last night he was screaming the house down and holding his front teeth, literally all night he would not settle. When I looked in his mouth I noticed that he's got a tooth through sideways in between his front 2, it has come through about a quarter of the way and pushed his front 2 slightly on a angle. Do I take him drs or dentist? I know I should have spotted the problem sooner but I have a 3 week old aswel and building work on my home so Iv been rushed off my feet lately

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 2 pregnancys so close together caused weight gain and loss...?

    Hi ladies, so during and after my first pregnancy i gained alot of weight, bringing me to 15stone 5lb. 3months after the pregnancy i got coulght pregnant again.he is now 2 weeks old and during that pregnancy i lost weight and now i weigh 13stone 10lb. so i was a size 22 and now im a 14-16. i still want to lose weight, my waist is nice but around my stomache and hips ther is alot of fat. i am aware that iv not recoverd from the pregnancy properly yet but i was looking for some advice for when im fit to sort my body out. how can i lose my love handles and belly area?

    29 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • is getting the implanion to risky? plz help?

    hi, iv got a 13 month old and a 1 week old. im 22 years old and me and my husband dont want anymore children, etleast not for a few years. i have just made a appointment for a consoltation to get the implant fitted. i have batteled with my weight for years now and i am just starting to get it down after alot of hard work. I have just googled about the implanion and it seems everything i read is bad about the implant? mood swings/depression/weight gain ect. please give me your advice on this

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • in labour but when do i go bk to the hospital?

    i am 36 weeks and 4 days. iv been having contractions since 11pm last night, i went in to hospital this morning in agony and they said the machine wasnt piking up my contractions and that i hadnt started to dilate. they said i should go home and if they carry on then call back. i am a size 16 so was wondering if that might have something to do with the machine not piking them up. i have phoned my local midwife and she said go bk to the hospital when im getting roughly 3 contractions in a 10 min period. im currently getting them every 4 minutes and the pain is awful

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 37 weeks constipation,is it safe to take lactulos?

    Hi, i have had a bloody show yesterday. & i am constipated. i was wondering if i could take some lactulos to help me go to the loo, i was prescribed it in early pregnancy. But i am worried that with me being 37 weeks and lost my plug that it might bring on contractions and labour? i can call my dr tomorow but for today i was hoping you ladies would help

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Am I in early labor ?

    I'm 36 weeks plus 1 day & I was up half the night with menstrul like cramps. This morning iv got bloody mucas coming out of me and still period like cramps

    7 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • can i wear fake tan wilst pregnant?

    the lady who usualy does my spray tans says because im 36 weeks pregnant its ok to now have a spray tan. im not going to get one because i dont want to inhale all those fumes but i was wondering would it be ok if i put some fakebake cream tan on?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago