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Can't get the cool function to work properly on my heat pump?
Our house has a heat pump system which we have never dealt with before. It's not hitting mid 70s here outside and it gets hot in the house so like a normal person we flip the system over to cool mode. Within 5 minutes the emergency heat comes on and won't I back off. So we have to turn the system off. Either way it stays about 76 degrees in the house and that's too hot for us. Need to know if there's a simple fix or if someone needs to be called out
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoDoes anyone know if gerber start healthy stay healthy costs?
I want to sing up for this but Idk if it costs anything and if it does how much
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years agoHow can I make more breast milk?
I really want my baby strictly on breast milk but all of a sudden I've pretty much lost my milk. I get less than an oz when I pump and I can't even feel my milk coming in like before. it's only been a week since my milk came in. how can I get my milk to keep producing and produce more
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years agoWhy did the doctor say this was odd?
I'm am now 37 weeks pregnant and had my first cervical check yesterday. the doctor said it was an odd check because my cervix was far forward and completely closed. why is this odd and will it have a negative effect on labor?
4 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoCould I be starting labor?
I'm 36 weeks and all day I've had bad diarrhea, and stomach pain that feels like cramps you get when you get a virus but it's all over my belly not just my stomach area. my hips and back have been hurting for a few days. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning but don't know if I should wait or not.
1 AnswerPregnancy9 years agoShould I worry...36 weeks?
my blood pressure is 170/80. so the top is obviously high while the bottom is normal. I'm also quite swollen and feel like I'm going to start sweating even though my a/c is on 70 and I'm laying on the couch.
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago35 weeks 3 days pregnant what's going on?
I'm miserable....have had diarrhea and lose stools for at least a week. today I felt like I'd been hit by a truck my whole body hurt. no fever or anything bit I violently vomited one time. now I'm starving but have no want to eat. all day I've had a think discharge like maybe my plug? baby is active and just saw the doctor yesterday. anyone else had this or know why this OS all happening suddenly?
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoShould I worry about this?
I'm 34 weeks pregnant and have been sick almost a week with like a bad cold. the whole time my temp has been higher than normal. my usual temp is about 97.5 and it been 99.0-99.9. can this hurt my baby?
1 AnswerPregnancy9 years agoIf I am tired could my baby be too?
Im about to be 30 weeks pregnant and my daughter is usually active all day. Today i have been beyond tired. I woke up at 10am then went back to sleep from 3-6pm. I felt her move at 1:30 pm and it was strong. Other than that she hasnt really moved as far as i know. Once i realized what time it was and that i havent really felt her i started rubbing my stomach where she is and bouncing a little on the bed then she start to move a little. If I am this tired could she be as well?
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agohas anyone else experienced this pain?
From time to time i get a sharp stabbing pain in my chest on the left side. its under my breast and near the bottom of my rib cage....i have been to the ER multiple times for the pain but they never find anything to be wrong. Its a pain that comes on for no APPARENT reason most times and I have gotten it since I was 8. I can still breathe most times and it can last anywhere from like 5 minutes to an hour. I really want to find out why this happens and if i cant fix it
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years agoEhat is this sticky stuff?
Ok I'm 22 weeks pregnant and I'm having this sticky thick 'slime' when I wipe after using the restroom. Would it be part of my mucus plug already? I thought that was way later on... Never had it before and no infections or stds. Also is there any way to help my body be less incontinent?
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agois it possible to not see a twin in ultrasounds?
on my husbands side of the family twins run strong and at my last ultrasound they said i was having a boy. i was about 17 weeks at the time. now i am 21 weeks and they said its a girl. the last ultrasound looked very clear to be a boy but this one looks very clear to be a girl. and i am already the size of all my friends who are in the mid 30 weeks being only 21 weeks everyone thinks im having twins but we have only seen one child....can someone tell me WHY it looked so clear to be boy and now it was so clear to be a girl?
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoBaby girl names needed to go with?
the middle name Marie. Just found out our baby who was originally said to be a boy is a girl and now i cant get my husband to agree on any names. Ideas for little girl name to match marie as her middle name??
10 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoIs my paranoia normal because im pregnant?
Ive always been a little jumpy at some things but now i cant drive down the road 10 miles or ride in a car with someone else without being constantly scared im fixing to be in a wreck. I can be the only car on the road but i get that bad feeling in my gut that im going to get hit or hit someone still. I rode in the car with my husband last night and had a death grip on the door handle and his leg because i felt like at any second we were going to drive off the rode....What is wrong with me It has never been so bad. I hate going anywhere anymore
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoI am separated from my military "husband" and pregnant with someone elses baby?
I am pregnant with my boyfriends baby while i am in the middle of a divorce. In texas i was told they can still give my soon to be EX husband's last name to the baby thats for SURE not his. I left him in november of 2010 and didnt get pregnant till july of this year. The divorce papers that my ex filed state that there are no children adopted or expected from our relationship and he has signed them and here is a court stamp on them. will that be enough to prove its not his and that it is the real fathers? if not what do i need to do so my baby has the right fathers name on the birth certificate?
11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years agoneed a middle name for Rayleigh (girl)?
i thought about Michelle but im just not sure i like it can someone give me more ideas just in case im having a girl and need to find a middle name i like????
10 AnswersBaby Names10 years agoPregnant and still sick?
I 'm almost 12 weeks pregnant and still sick they say it should have resided already does this mean I'm one of the unlucky that will be sick all 9 months? And I've been getting diarrhea is that a sign of anything bad or just something I've been eating? Is there something safe I can do to make this stop?
4 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoAfraid of miscarriage, need info?
Ok this is my first pregnancy and I'm soo paranoid that I'll lose it. I'm 10 weeks along and out of nowhere yesterday I got hit with diarrhea and its still going on today as well as later yesterday I had very light peach colored stains in my underwear but if I wiped it wasn't on the tissue. Please can someone give me any information they can so I know if I'm being paranoid or if I should do something about this
1 AnswerPregnancy10 years agoWhy am i having these dreams? ?
I'm. Almost ten weeks pregnant and having awful dreams. I've had one where I had a miscarriage and another where the father tried to throw me under a truck!! This can't be normal can it? Does it mean anything?
2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years agoIs melatonin ok to take during pregnaNcy?
I've heard its a natural hormone your body makes so is it safe to take while I'm pregnant because I can't sleep.
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago