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  • How do you take care of dull, greasy hair naturally?

    I have naturally fine, oily hair. It's completely lifeless and dull. I've tried the "poo free" method with various mixes of baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice washes, and nothing has worked. I try not to over wash my hair. I don't use styling products often, and still my hair is always against me.

    Does anyone have a *natural* remedy for their own dull and greasy hair? I've looked all over the net with little variance and a lot of bad suggestions, so I was hoping to hear some personal success stories.

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Dell Inspiron 6400. Possessed?

    Ok, no I don't think it's truly demonically possessed but it is definitely doing some weird stuff. Hoping someone a little more tech savvy could give me an idea of whats wrong and what kind of priceline I'm looking at.

    It's four years old and about two years ago it stopped charging. I was never quite sure if it was the battery of the off brand charger I had. I started it up one day about six months ago, went to check my email and it just froze. I was forced to restart and it just never came back on. It'd come on for about 3 seconds and powered off. (I must confess, a few days beforehand it got dropped from the couch to the hardwood floor. Twice.)

    A few months later, I took a shot at it and it started right up, and froze doing a start up diagnostic and same scenario. And now today, with a new cord in hand, I gave it another try. It started right up. Still would not charge, but it didn't freeze. I ran applications, browsed and voila. But. My keyboard won't work. I did everything from unhooking the power to taking out the battery to yelling at it. Control panel says my keyboard is working fine. Just for giggles, I plugged in the old charger and it ran just fine, also, just still without it charging or having a working keyboard.

    So, what's your verdict? Is it really possessed and or is salvation still possible?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • What all anti-virus/spyware/ect. should I use?


    I have AVG Anti-Virus, CCleaner, Spybot - Search & Destroy and Windows Defender. Is there anything else I can get (preferably free) to make sure that my computer stays safe that would complement the other programs I use? Or would anything else be overkill?

    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • How do I erase my hard drive and start over?

    I've been having problems with my computer and the shop I took it to looked at it and gladly told me they'd take $100 and something dollars to erase my computer and put Vista back on it. I still have the disk, so I figure I can do it myself.

    However, I hate Vista, but I can get another OS download file through my school's software/hardware packages.

    However, how do I go about erasing the hard drive and then getting an OS from my school's website without having a disc for it? Will I have to go ahead and use the Vista CD and then add another OS?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What's the weirdest thing you've seen in class?

    Back in high school I was sitting in a math class and saw the guy next to me hitting the buttons on his calculator with his tongue. I kept watching the people around me waiting for someone else to notice and no one did. There's a lot of things I can just ignore and look away, but that was one thing I couldn't help but gape and just be overall grossed out about.

    Anyone else see something emotionally scarring in a class room setting?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do elections seem to bring out the worst in people?

    For the last few months I have seen more and more just flat out rude and ignorant bashing for no reason based on someones political views. Maybe it's just me, but I feel that, for the most part, it is completely uncalled for. To an extent I do understand, I know that the next couple of hours is going to either make or break us, depending on how things turn out, which of course is going to make people edgy. I just don't get why people feel compelled to be so rude to a total stranger based on one aspect of their person.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Anyone else ready to move to Canada?

    No matter which way this ends tonight I'm ready to move on to Canada. Anyone else with me?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Poll: How many of you are total SNL fans?

    I'm sitting here watching SNL and thinking, wow.. I remember watching SNL every week growing up.. and here I am still watching it. I can think of very few things that can top SNL and a beer.

    Anyone else in love with SNL?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do you eat cheaply?

    Even with the little extra money I have now from the decrease in gas prices, I'm still struggling with the grocery bill. So I propose the question: What's your favorite dish you can make pretty cheap price?

    16 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What do you think is the greatest job?

    What would you consider the coolest job and why?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Question for all religious groups?

    First off, please don't bash other faiths in your answer. I want to know your honest opinion about this, but keep in mind that there's absolutely no reason to be hateful towards others just because this is a religious type question.

    So, whatever religion you are, let's imagine you were born in a little remote village off somewhere. Its a poor village, so you have very little communication with people outside our village, and therefore you have verry little experience with other ideas other than what your village upholds. Everyone in your small village grew up in the same religion and with mostly the same ideals and beliefs and you have very little knowledge of outside religions.

    Now, would all of you firm believers in your religion still just "know in your heart" that the religion you are now is still the right one, even though you have been subjected to it very little?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Poll: Anyone else get addicted to tattoos and/or piercings?

    Every since I got my first tattoo for my 18th birthday I've become almost addicted to it. I only want tattoos that are meaningful to me, so even when I can't think of a new tattoo I'll go ahead and get it retouched for the feel. And I can't imagine being without my piercings.

    Anyone else addicted to the rush?

    14 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Anyone here computer savvy?

    Been having a problems trying to download programs from the internet lately. For example, I try to install Java from their website and I get a message telling me that the program can not find an internet connection and therefore will not install. This has happened with several other programs I've tried to install, as well, so I don't think it's a bug on the program. Tried the troubleshoot on the websites, but none of them addressed my problem. I have cable internet and seeing as how I'm posting this my internet connection seems to be working just fine.


    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Best Pick Up Lines?

    What are some of the best pick up lines that you've used or have been used on you?

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do people....?

    Why do people feel the need to come on here and ask questions regarding the health of their kids or pets? If you're cat or dog is so sick you think he's dying.. Go To the Vet. If you're worried your child needs to go to the hospital, take him/her to the hospital. Why would you jeopardize the health of those you love by taking answers of people who more than likely have no medical training and can only base their opinions on your opinions?

    Pets and children should not be diagnosed and treated due to what you read on the internet, it needs to be left up to a professional who can examine them.

    So why do people continue to try?

    12 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago