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Think Before You Ink

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If you have to ask people on the internet what tattoo you should get, then you shouldn't be getting a tattoo.

  • What is this?! Doctors please answer?

    I came down with a cold about a month ago, and while I was sick I got a red spot on the front of my thigh. It was about 6 inches long and about 3-4 inches wide and it was hot to the touch. After I started getting better, it went away. But now a pinkish spot has returned in the area. It is not hot to the touch it is the same size, and it itches sometimes and I've noticed that it feels numb when I scratch it. Almost as if it was shot with Novocain. Some days there are small pink dots in the area, one or two, and some days there is just the large pink area. Does any medical professional have any idea what this is? Please help. I have no medical insurance so I'm hesitant to see a doctor. And I also have no money so I don't want to go into debt by visiting an ER... So any help diagnosing this would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • HELP! Computer whizzes out there?

    My Dell Latitude laptop is acting up on me...again...

    When I startup the computer everything looks normal...the windows xp thing comes up... but when it is supposed to open windows, it instead goes to a blue screen that says "A problem has been detected. Windows has been shutdown to prevent damage."

    underneath that is says, "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME"

    and then a bunch of numbers at the bottom of the screen.. there are instruction to restart in safe mode, but when I do it does the same thing over again. I can't get anywhere with this no matter how I try to start windows... can anyone help??

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Why do people say this?

    People always say "Oh you want to have your cake and eat it too" and I always think, "what else am I going to do with cake if I'm not going to eat it?"

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Who is ready to see my Steelers win?

    When the Steelers win Superbowl XLIII they will be the team with the most superbowl wins EVER!!! 6... breaking the 3 way tie with what other 2 NFL teams???

    16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Theory of Evolution terms. What is this called?

    I heard someone use a word describing the transitional stage of evolution... I forgot what the word was.. anyone know?

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Are members of the media questioning what they did?

    I noticed that since Obama has been elected newscasters have been questioning what anyone really knows about Obama and also asking if the media (who they are a part of) was being too soft on Obama and now they are saying he may not have been the right choice... What's going on?? Did they realize they just helped a socialist get elected??

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Why did Obama change his name from Barry Seotoro to Barrack Hussein Obama??? ?

    I'm curious as to why he changed it.. if anyone knows the real story I'd like to know! :)

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Anyone know if this is harassment? ?

    I owe a little bit of money to a lender and I haven't been able to pay it. Now they call me 3-4 times a day at home and at work attempting to collect the debt. If I actually pick the phone up and talk to them, the wait 24 hours before calling me. Once I even got a phone call at 6:00am on a Sunday! Is this harassment? I can't pay them yet and I've told them that. So short of paying them what can I do to get the phone calls to stop?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • It it me or does anyone else notice...

    The Anti-McCain crowd is really throwing out some cheap lame excuses why he shouldn't be president....

    All I get it this:

    "McCain is too old and his military record doesn't qualify him to be Commander In Chief, and he is a republican and we all know that all republicans are evil and he's too old!!! And his speach writers use wikipedia!! Did I mention he's old??"

    How about discussing some of his policies?? Most of the anti-obama people are at least coming up with something about his political views to speak about.. Can someone PLEASE give me some better dirt on McCain. I am trying really hard to hate him as much as I hate obama, but no one is giving me anything worth while.....

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • need to lose 65 lbs. and only have 4 months to do it...

    Other than diet, anyone got any ideas of what exercises I can do to help me lose this weight as quickly as possible....

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • When did the Republicans become the rich, racist, white guy party??

    I don't know how the republican party became known as the rich white guy party... It was partly started by Abraham Lincoln, the guy who grew up in a log cabin and freed the slaves.... when did they get pegged as the racist party?? 4 U.S. Democrat senators have been confirmed former members of the KKK and George Wallace (who was anti-integration and stood in the door way of the university of alabama) was also a democrat and then an independent. Woodrow Wilson democrat president endorsed the KKK propaganda film "The Birth of a Nation" ... Democrats fought for and passed the jim crow laws and the black codes, All the civil rights laws we have were fought for and passed by REPUBLICANS...So what's the deal???

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is the statute of limitations on a personal injury case?

    I was a passenger in an automobile accident 3 years ago... I contacted a lawyer immediately afterward and had begun the case, but the lawyer has given me sub-par service and has been not returning my phone calls. I'm wondering if I can go to a different lawyer, or I should stick with this one. I still have paperwork he wants from me, but because he has failed to return my phone calls I have not been able to complete the paperwork to send it in. anyone know what I should do here??

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I don't know what tattoo to get?!

    I'm getting a little tired of seeing this question. Why are people asking this? If you don't know what you want, then why are you getting a tattoo in the first place? And furthermore, why would you ask a bunch of strangers on the internet?!? Anyone else tired of people asking these questions????

    9 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Hyphenated last names and the women who have them?

    2 questions.

    Why are women doing this more and more???

    Have you hever met a woman who had this who wasn't a mean, feminazi????

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why don't they adjust the price of shirts?

    I noticed something the other day, I went to buy a shirt and on the sign that showed the price it said "2xl and 3xl $2 more"... That makes sense to me.. more fabric, higher price... But I noticed you don't pay less for smaller shirts... Why don't they charge less for shirts that use less fabric??

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What does a deadhead say when he runs out of drugs???

    This music suX!!!

    Question: Are you a Grateful Dead fan??? And if so, why?

    6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Are there any songs you like that have a memory attached to them?

    List the song and the memory... one good memory, maybe one not so good.....

    Good memory song: "Sin" NIN

    I'm not gonna say what happened because it sound like I'm bragging when I tell it... but this song was playing and I've always had a thing for goth chicks since then............

    Bad memory song: "Brick" Ben Folds Five

    This song was playing on the radio when I got a phone call informing me that a friend of mine had died of an overdose. I can't help but think of him everytime I hear that song.

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Should stupid people be allowed to vote?

    I was listening to a few co-workers talking about the up coming elections and they were discussing who they would be voting for. 3 black co-workers said they would be voting for Obama, and when asked what they liked about his politics, they responded with "Well, He's black. I don't know about his politics" They a hispanic coworker said she was voting for McCain and a white coworker said she was too and when asked why the both said "Because he was a P.O.W. in vietnam"

    I think both answers are not the way you should be deciding on who to vote for. If you don't know the candidates politics then you should find out before deciding. Basing your vote on someone's skin color or war record is stupid. Should we be allowing people like this to vote? Is anyone else concerned about the future of our country with people like this going to the polls.

    34 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • People that know everything?

    I was recently answering a question and I had to edit my answer because I didn't want to sound like an a$$.... The answer I was going to give started out with "Oh yea, a friend of mine has that" but I took that part off of the answer because I didn't want to sound like one of "those" people.. you know, the ones who have experienced everything you have and their story is just a little more intense, or they have a good friend who it happened too, or has the same car, instrument, CD, etc.. that you have..

    The question I have is, do you ever censor your own answers so you don't end up seeming like an a$$hole???

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Why can't people spell?

    I'm seeing a lot of mispellings these days.. The word "does" being spelled "dose" and the improper usage of "your" and "you're" also "there" and "their"... whats up with people nowadays???

    60 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago