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  • the time on my computer is correct, but the timestamp on my emails are not?

    the time on my computer is correct, but when I go to yahoo mail, the time is about 5 hours ahead. so if an email was sent in the 10am hour, the timestamp says something in the 3pm hour. with the types of emails I send and receive, the timestamp is very important. Can anyone help?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • Can I plant Hibiscus and surround with rocks?

    I have an awful space near the front of my house and I wanted to plant hibiscus because I love them but the spot is in a place that's really hard to mow and keep up so I was wondering if I could plant my hibiscus and create a rock garden around them?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • What homeschool is the best for Pre-k and K?

    I have a 2 1/2 year old with cerebral palsy. I have decided to homeschool her. What is the best homeschool curriculum and what do you like and/or dislike about the one you are using?

    5 AnswersHome Schooling7 years ago
  • Ideas for Valentine gift to my boyfriend from my baby?

    I have been a single mom to a beautiful special needs little girl for two years. For the last 7 months a wonderful man has been a a big part of our lives. This man has stepped up and been like a father to my baby girl. I wanted to make something for her to give him, like some sort of craft or poem or something from her to show him how much she loves him being so wonderful to her.

    I can't do handprints or footprints, her disability makes it hard to work with her hands and feet.

    Any cute ideas?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • which hoapitals do minimally invasive pediatric heart surgery?

    What children's hospitals in the country use minimally invasive technology to do open heart surgery? I am looking for ones that do not have to break the breast bone and make the long zipper incision

    2 AnswersMedicine7 years ago
  • How to link data from 52 excel worksheets?

    I do some light book keeping for a company. I recently inherited an excel file to manage and it includes data from each week of the year, so there are 52 spreadsheets. Each spreadsheet is the same with the exception that I change money amounts in one column. I need a running total without having to print and add 52 worksheets. Is there a way to link each spreadsheet to make life easier?

    2 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • What to do with a 38 year old mamas boy?

    I know I can't change my boyfriend and I don't want him to cut ties with his mom, but how can I encourage him to have an adult relationship with her? He will leave me and my daughter and go spend weekends with his mom and not worry about us back at home. I have tried compromising and asking him to make a day trip now and then and not answering her calls during our quiet time in the evening. She knows she is interrupting out together time after the baby has gone to bed. I need him to set some boundaries with her. How do I accomplish this while making sure he knows I don't want him to alienate her.

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • What is a nice way to tell my boyfriend.....?

    My boyfriend is out of town working for a week. He is sick, and ladies, we all know how men act when they are sick.... Like they are the only person in the world who has ever been sick and throwing themselves a little pity party. Anyway, his attitude has been sour and I have tried really hard to lift his spirits and cheer him up, but he is still being a total butt!

    What is a nice, tactical way to say "your not feeling good is not an excuse for being a jerk to me on Christmas and I will talk to you when your attitude improves". Or is there a nicer way to say that?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • My ex husband altered his own check for child support?

    I have court Monday for my ex husbands first probation monitoring hearing for child support, spousal support and other things. He just sent a few checks yesterday, but he altered his own checks so the bank rejected them. He wrote a different amount from the monetary value he wrote on two checks, the biggest ones, so I could not cash them. I know it was done on purpose but he expects to get credit for those checks Monday in court. Is that something a judge will overlook and just say, oh it was an honest mistake, or will they turn him over to criminal court for writing worthless checks?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • What should I get for my boyfriend from my daughter for Christmas?

    I have been dating this man for a while now and while we are not engaged, we have made it clear that we want each other in our futures. He loves my two year old as his own and we have even joked about him being dad. I want some ideas of what I can get him for Christmas to be especially from her that is sweet and simple but heartwarming and meaningful at the same time. He does so much for her, I thought it would be sweet to have sort of a daddy daughter gift from her to him.

    1 AnswerChristmas8 years ago
  • How to make a harness for special needs child?

    My daughter cannot sit up yet but has outgrown all baby gear. I am getting her a child size chair but she will need a 3 or 5 point harness to keep her safe so she will not fall out. Any ideas on how I can make a harness for her needs? I need for it to work like a car seat or high chair harness.

    2 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Question about new relationship after a divorce (30 something's)?

    Me and the new man I am seeing have both been divorced for about two years. He is a wonderful man. I think about him all of the time, can't wait for him to call or text. We enjoy spending time together and have even talked about possibly having future plans with each other. My question is I really like him but I don't feel that "rush" like in my early 20s with my first husband. I am in my early 30s now. Is this just how a mature relationship feels or is something missing? Is it young woman hormones that cause the rush and you don't necessarily have that as you get older?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Can you use 100% cotton fabric for a rag quilt?

    I am wanting to make a rag quilt for my daughter. I see a lot of people using flannel material. Question, does 100% cotton fabric for the top and bottom with a layer of flannel or batting in the middle work well too?

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Question about adoption of a step child?

    If my new husband wanted to adopt my child, is these any clause I could include in adoption that if the marriage results in divorce that he would not have visitation rights or anything to my child?

    3 AnswersAdoption8 years ago
  • What happens when ex husband intentionally gets fired to avoid child support?

    I found out that my ex husband intentionally got fired from his job and took a cash paying job to avoid child support and more specifically a wage garnishment. What will happen in court when he goes in on contempt charges whining he don't have a job?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Meaning of a hug and kiss on the forehead meaning?

    I am 30 and divorced and have been getting to know a 37 year old divorced man. We have went from the shoulder to shoulder hug, to a slight embrace, to a sweet embrace that lasted for about ten seconds. After spending the day together yesterday he REALLY hugged me rubbing up and down on my back, then he kissed my forehead, twice. What exactly does this action mean? Keep in mind we are adults, not teenagers. Just need to know what that kind of body language means.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Have you had a disabled child and then decided to have another child?

    I have a disabled toddler and the thought of having another child had not even crossed my mind until my mother thought I should have a brother or sister for my child. I have been divorced and recently met a man who is almost 40 and wants a child of his own. Does anyone have any experience or advice on bringing a new baby into my disabled child's life?

    3 AnswersPeople with Disabilities8 years ago
  • Question about single man in late 30s?

    I met a man a few weeks ago and we have been talking since through text, since we are both shy, text works easier for us right now. However, I seem to be the one initiating the conversation, but once we start talking we have really good conversations and he is clearly interested in me. I am wanting to wait him out this time and see if he will initiate conversation. If and when he does how can I politely tell him "good job, you should message me first more often" not in a way to hurt his feelings?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • 30 somethings.... What is an acceptable length of time for the new guy to text or call?

    I am 30 and I met a guy that is 38 we are both divorced. I asked him if he would like to come visit me and my daughter and he said "yes, absolutely. I am alone and I would love to come visit" so I gave him my number. I have not done this in a very long time. What's the window of time for him to call or text to show he is honestly interested?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Advice on dating after a divorce?

    I am 30 and have been divorced for about two years and I have a dating prospect. He loves my daughter and we have a lot in common but he is very different than my crazy ex husband. This man is sensitive and has been through someone cheating on him, so he knows what it feels like. He thinks he is not good enough to have a nice woman but that is far from true. How can I give his ego a little boost without being totally obvious? Also, what is your best advice on starting to date after being divorced?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago