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  • Weirdest nurse behavior while in the hospital?

    While i was in the hospital, i had my nurse charging my phone. One time when giving it back to me, she kissed it. Wtf was that. I'm more weirded out by what i was supposed to take away from someone kissing a phone than upset about conduct.

    So here is my question.

    Wtf did she mean by kissing my phone? It wasnt like she blew a kiss to me, or had been flirting with me, she just randomly kissed my phone


    10 AnswersEtiquette3 years ago
  • Knee pain problem from car seat solution?

    Im having extreme pain in the back of my legs from my new car's seat. The seat is comfortable, but something about it cuts the circulation off to my legs apparently, because the pain is very similiar to leaving a tourniquet on for too long. Anyone know a product that fixes this that i can just put on the seat itself?

  • Image publication consent question?

    If i am at an event i am required for some reason to attend (say its a mandatory highschool assembly or something) but im technically in public, what are the image consent laws?

    Does the fact that im in public observe the precedent that i have no legal right to privacy, and therefor the image can be published without my consent?

    Or does that fact that it was mandatory that I attend somehow protect my right to privacy, as i do not have an option to not be there "in public" even if i dont want be?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Is there an idiom for this?

    When someone asks for something ridiculously difficult or labor intensive, with no real gain from it aside from "i want it/thought it would be cool" I know "asking for the moon", but thats about something that is literally unobtainable, not something that is obtainable but insanely difficult for little to no payout

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay3 years ago
  • Disabilities application form?

    One of the questions is "Did you work or will you work for an employer in 2018"

    Im pretty sure they mean am i SCHEDULED to work for an employer, but they might also mean am WILLING to work in 2018. So which is it? Has anyone ever filled it out wrong and knows for sure which they meant?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Autocorrect is off its rocker, and it gets worse by the day?

    It started innocently enough. It wouldn't change slightly misspelled words to different words entirely that were similar, Then it began changing them to words that weren't even close, not even sharing a single letter. Before any time had passed, it was changing correct words to seemingly random words. Then it started changing things like "can > can't" and "should > shouldn't" and vice versa. Now it doesnt even change the words, it just entirely wipes entire words out of a sentence, leaving most of my writing as incomprehensible gibberish if i dont triple of quadruple check it. Now it does all these things at once, and autocorrect only ***** my life over, far more than any word where i accidentally put the e before the i or used than vs then incorrectly.

    What the **** happened guys? This is the same on my s8 as it is on my windows 10 laptop, they all do it. Is this some weird new autocorrect that hates coherent sentences?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay3 years ago
  • 3d printer noise reduction?

    This is my little bro's 3d printer. Its awesome, and it does amazing things, but prints take a long time, so its best to print at night. Except for how fricking loud it is. Is there a way to dampen any of the noises you hear in this video? in particular, the whining noise noticeable mostly at the beginning and end?

    1 AnswerPrinters3 years ago
  • Moving into an empty house, landlord to rent other rooms?

    I was wondering, since i move in first, how do i make sure the landlord isnt renting out to people who i flat out dont want to live with.

    I havent moved in, just looking at renting

    But the one im looking at is an empty 4 bedroom. Im a 23 yo guy, and have specified to the landlord that i dont want to live with certain people (elderly, small children,ect) How can i stop the landlord from renting to these people, or at least break any lease i sign without penalty if the landlord tries to rent to them?

    15 AnswersRenting & Real Estate4 years ago
  • Getting robbed?

    If i go to buy weed in a legal state, but they instead rob me, should i report it? What if they are physically violent? Would i get in trouble for reporting it?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Major ethical theory?

    Whats the name of the ethical theory that states that "wrong" actions are always wrong, no matter who they hurt/affect.

    E.g. stealing from slave owners is still stealing, therefor wrong, no matter how much good/evil comes from the action

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Hard time distinguishing between voices?

    I find that a lot of girls around my age have very similar voices, and i have a hard time identifying them by voice alone. Is there something i can do to help me distinguish voices?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Purely theoretical DUI question?

    I live in a state where marijuana is legal, but it still remains illegal to drive while intoxicated (good!) Lets say a cop pulled me over, and finding that i had weed in the car, assumed (wrongly) I was driving high. There is no way to test current intoxication levels, so how would I prove that I was not intoxicated, if the officer was already in the mindset that I was? He could do a sobriety test and state that I failed, simply because he wanted me too, and I'd have no legal defense.

    This is all hypothetical, but I'm sure any information will help someone somewhere

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Grumpy dog?

    My roommate has two dogs, one 9 years old and one about a year old. Both are relatively well behaved and friendly dogs. But the older dog, a english bulldog, can be rather grumpy. She doesnt like to be physically moved in the slightest, be it being picked up or pushed out of the way. She ll growl, and then bite if persistent. Problem is, her favorite thing to do is sit in the way. What can i do to move her that doesnt require pushing her or picking her up? I cant be teaching her anything new, as she s not my dog and its not my place

    3 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • I never feel full?

    No matter how much i eat, healthy or unhealthy, i never get the feeling of being full. I always feel just a little bit hungry. Im overweight (5'8" 220lbs) but otherwise have stellar physical health. is there something wrong? Is it a dietary craving where im just missing an important vitamin or something? I have a lot of experience in med lab sciences, so feel free to get real nerdy, but im not versed as a dietician

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Finding a job while using medical marijuana?

    Ive been unemployed in california for about 2 months now, and use prescribed medical marijuana to treat a condition that im not willing to disclose to strangers on the internet. There is simply no other treatment, and going without for more than a week is not an option. I've never been intoxicated in any form on the job, as at my old work it was literally life threatening to do so. How am i suppose to find a job, when employers still have legal right to deny me employment for marijuana use?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Can you tell a judge that you have no intention of paying a parking ticket, even if he rules the ticket valid?

    my reason being i simply dont have the ludicrous amount of money they are asking for the fine. I literally cannot afford to eat or pay my electric bill right now, let alone a 170$ ticket (for being parked crooked in my own driveway, i might add)

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Merchandise misrepresentation and negligence?

    I am allergic to cigarette tobacco, but not pipe tobacco. Something in the additives makes my throat close up making it impossible to breathe. I went to a new tobacco store today, and not recognizing any brands, asked the shopkeeper for help. I explained to him my situation, and he gave me a bag of tobacco. I then asked not once, but twice, if he was sure this wasnt cigarette tobacco. I got home, smoked a pipe, and low and behold, 20 minutes later I'm gasping for air trying to force benadryl down my throat. Turns out cigarette tobacco companies label their products "pipe tobacco" to avoid paying additional taxes. I've never had this happen before, as my old shop (Garcia's on church street in Burlington VT) was extremely knowledgeable about what was in their tobacco. Is there anything I can do, aside from going back to the shop and screaming the shop owner into a crying fetal position for nearly killing me?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Minecraft Advanced Player Question?

    I built a mob spawn and grinder (canal drop style, the old fashion way) but I dont want to stay within the block radius to make it work.

    I've already built a hopper loop to keep the chunks loaded, but is it possible to make a player analog to keep mobs spawning while my character is elsewhere

    The problem arises that i must be between 24 and 32 blocks true radius for the canal design to work. Is there a vanilla server method to create a fake analog player that will stay stationary in a designated zone? I need it to act as a player for hostile mob spawn mechanics to function while my player character is away.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago