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I ask, therefore I am. Take nothing for granted.
Does the old car need to use 10w-30 insted of 5w-30 oil ?
Due to the wear of the valve seal, compression ring, and oil ring,
in cold temperature, 10w-30 is thicker than 5w-30,
avoiding oil flowing from valve train to the combustion chamber.
Would 10w-30 reduce the consumption of oil ?
10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years agoDoes the old car need to use the high octane gasoline ?
Due to the carbon deposit in the combustion chamber,
which increased the compression ratio.
Did the old car use high octane gasoline preventing from detonation ?
8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years agoCan I use the portable car battery to recharge the automotive battery ?
I forgot to turn off the headlight, and then the car battery drained off.
My car battery voltage is 2V.
The portable car battery voltage is 12V.
I want to jump start my car, but it didn't work.
I can hear the starter motor turn the engine, but it is too slow to start the engine.
So can I just connect the the portable car battery with my car battery for a while,
and wait for my car battery voltage rises up to 10V ?
(I didn't remove the car battery from my car.)
7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years agoHow does the civil engineering make sure that the skyscraper could withstand the earthquake ?
Computer simulation & Using model experiment !!
Basically, the engineer based and believed everything on mathematics.
How much confident are the engineer to claim the skyscraper is safe ?
4 AnswersEngineering3 years agoIs it possible to become the sport coach or manager, but had never been a player ?
Someone wants to become the sport coach or manager,
but he only studies a lot of knowledge from the book, news, or any articles.
Is it possible ?
5 AnswersOther - Sports3 years agoHow to control the timing of breaking ball (baseball) ?
How to make the breaking ball deviate (or drop) as approaching to the home plate ?
The later the breaking ball changes, the more difficult to hit.
If the breaking ball starts to change from the releasing point of the pitcher, it would be easier to
make the good contact. It is hard to deceive the the hitter.
2 AnswersBaseball3 years agoWhy is the engine hood of off-road vehicle is almost flat ?
Hummer H1
Jeep Wrangler
Land Rover - Defender
Land Rover - Ranger Rover
Mercedes-Benz G-Class
3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation3 years agoWhy is the off-road vehicle windshield nearly vertical and side wall perpendicular to the ground ?
Jeep Wrangler
Mercedes-Benz G-Class
Land Rover Defender
5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation3 years agoWhy did European jet fighter prefer to Delta Wing ?
Dassault Mirage 2000
Dassault Rafale
Eurofighter Typhoon
Saab JAS 39 Gripen
Good for supersonic ?
3 AnswersAircraft3 years agoHow to comment a meal if I'm not the chef ?
Is there any way to make the persuasive and reasonable
comments without knowing the procedure of making this meal ?
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes4 years agoHow to accelerate the car to the certain speed ?
Want the car to cruise at 60 mph
1. (Critical damping) Press the throttle until reached 60mph
larger damping ratio V.S smaller damping ratio
2. Press the throttle and then release and press throttle again
Ex :
accelerate the car to 30 mph and then release the throttle to idle
and then press the throttle again (from 28 mph to 60 mph)
3. (Overshoot) Accelerate the car over 60 mph and then back to
60 mph
Did these ways of acceleration affect Volumetric Efficiency or not ?
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation4 years ago東方文明所宣稱的盛世,是不是東方人在自我膨脹吹牛 ?
飢餓的盛世:乾隆時代的得與失 by 張宏傑, 重慶出版社
20140713 百家讲坛 成败论乾隆(下部)10 鸦片战争的种子
看了一下書本的 preface & Youtube 內容,
*這種東方文明號稱有世界 1/3 GDP,根本是笑話。
人民一點尊嚴 & 思想空間 都沒有 (文字獄)
*請問東方人這樣亂自我吹牛,會感到羞恥嗎 ?
歷史4 years agoDid BMW xDrive derive from Land Rover ?
Did BMW acquire 4WD technologies from Land Rover ?
or BMW developed 4WD by themselves ?
1994: Rover Group is taken over by BMW.
then, BMW produced the first Sport Utility Vehicle X5.
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation4 years ago因為社會因素導致東方文明落後,是不是東方人在自欺欺人 ?
Challenging Viewpoint (挑戰觀點) :
同樣是走集權共產的蘇聯 (Soviet Union),照樣誕生出偉大的
scientists, mathematicians, engineer, & 文學家, 音樂家。
Science & Engineering :
Sergei Korolev (火箭專家)
Dmitri Mendeleev
Lev Landau
Yuri Gagarin
Liberal Arts :
Leo Tolstoy
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Too many to list.
Truth (真理) :
Sincere Recommendation :
Please 東方人不要再拿文革當理由了,在那邊自欺欺人。
東方人跟著一起念 :
歷史4 years ago為什麼東方文明在統一以後,無法做到集思廣益 ?
Challenging Viewpoint (挑戰觀點)
獨尊儒術, 文字獄, 文革。
才能達到 "集思廣益" ?
1.有六小國的東方 ?
2.還是統一下的東方 ?
臉上總是充滿著笑容,洋洋得意的說著 "春秋戰國 百家爭鳴"。
1 Answer歷史4 years agoIs there no miracle if God is omniscient ?
Did omniscience include miracle ?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago古印度文明成就是不是高於古東方 ?
Numbering System :
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
東方人最喜歡吹捧的春秋戰國,有什麼文明程就 ?
世人只要說 number 來自於古印度 (對人類文明有貢獻),
一比之下 : 春秋戰國時期的一堆古書馬上變的黯淡無光。
Common Sense (大家有目共睹)
印度人在現在 computer science 領域裡,有著不錯的表現。
CS 的領域需要有好的 mathematics。
歷史4 years ago因為環境地理因素導致東方文明落後,是不是東方人在自我安慰 ?
Challenging Viewpoint :
In fact, 東方文明根本就沒值得一提的東西。
Reason :
封閉 : 照道理應該是裡面的東西出不來,外面的事物也進不去。
那東方文明裡的東西是又怎麼傳出去的呢 ?
這是不因為沒有邏輯, so 講話又再前後矛盾呢 ?
Conclusion :
這樣一來東方文明所宣稱的貢獻,是不是都是假的 ?
親愛的回答者你們好 :
想請問你們在回答類似這類的題目時心中是做何感想 ?
1 Answer歷史4 years ago東方文明是不是過度自卑變自大 ?
東方文明號稱 博大精深 & 連綿不絕,
BUT 遇到其它文明對世界和人類做出貢獻時,
除了只會 忌妒眼紅,整天在那邊 "酸" 別人的成就。
東方這種文明有什麼可取之處 ?
東方 East :
格物致知 : 格不出 科學 (science)
煉丹術 : 假的還會害人。
西方 West :
Airplane - Wright Brothers
Car : Karl Benz
Lightbulb : Thomas Edison
Telephone : Alexander Graham Bell
*Too many to list.
是不是 現代化 (Modern Civilization) 就是歐美化,
導致東方人過度自卑變自大 ?
2 Answers歷史4 years agoIs Islamic Civilization the most advanced during Medieval ?
1. Algebra (al-Khwarizmi)
In the later, French mathematician Rene Descartes invented
Analytic Geometry = Algebra + Geometry
2. Algorithm
The pith of Computer Science.
3. Islamic Civilization acted as the bridge between Ancient Greece
and High Middle Age.
Recovery of Aristotle
4. Many Al- word derived from Islam.
Alcohol, Alchemy,...
5. Literature
The Book of One Thousand and One Nights
("The Arabian Nights")
BBC : Islam and Science
3 AnswersHistory4 years ago