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  • Is losing your virginity in a hook up bad?

    I know most people think this is weird or trashy to do. But there's someone I'm very attracted to and think is a really cool, nice person. We could never date because I'm moving in a few weeks and I don't know him all that well. Maybe if we talked when I came back we could, idk. But I'm kind of impatient to lose my virginity and I don't think I'll regret it, I'm not a super romantic or traditional person but there's a lot of stigma around this kind of thing so I want to know, what do you genuinely think about this? Personal experiences? thanks

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • How did you lose your virginity and do you regret it?

    I'm asking this to help me make a decision...long story short, I'm 19 and a virgin, i met a guy recently who is very attractive and we only talked a little and kissed and then had to leave the party we were at, we've been talking a little on instagram and now I'm considering inviting him over this weekend and its possible we'd end up having sex. I'm conflicted, i don't really think id necessarily regret it, my first kiss wasn't anything special or romantic and its not a big deal to me, but i also recognize this guy is essentially a stranger. he's also very good looking and seems nice, but do you honestly think id regret losing it to a stranger, or that I'm rushing it, or should I maybe just go for it for the experience? it sounds bad but i honestly kinda do want to just get it over with, I'm one of the last people to still be a virgin and i think it might be a good idea idk. I'm also just interested in hearing other's stories since its not talked about much. thanks!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • My dog ate a grape?

    1 AnswerDogs5 years ago
  • Are there any other libertarians here?

    Just wondering cause ya know, there's a lot of liberals vs conservatives and not a lot of middle ground. Anyone else a libertarian? Hi.

    5 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • How do I deal with my horrible boss?

    I work at a store and have hated one of my managers the whole time but lately shes been unbearable. I signed up to take a class today that ive really wanted to take for a long time. I forgot to request time off work. I asked two people to cover my shift but they couldn't. so today I called in sick. This is maybe the 2nd or 3rd time in a year that I have called in. She said I still have to come in because she had no one else. I told her I was sick and had to go to the doctor and she interrogated me about stuff that's not her business like what I'm sick with and what doctor im going to. I was basically crying at the end of it and told her I would just come in. Then she calls me back and tells me a coworker is coming home early from a trip to cover for me. I feel really bad now, I never asked her to do that and this coworker has to cover for people all the time. And then she calls me again to tell me I need to bring a doctors note tomorrow. What the hell do I do? I know its my fault, I didn't get the time off and I shouldn't have lied, but now I have no freaking clue what to do. I hate my boss so much and want to quit, but im moving in two months so I'm quitting then cause I need the money and no one else is gonna hire me for only two months. Please help.

    11 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Quick questions for actors about tattoos?

    I really want a tattoo on my wrists, but I'm an actress and I don't wanna lose roles because of it and end up regretting it. What's a good way to cove up wrist tattoos? it's just small words on my inner wrist. Or what's a better place to get one that's easier to cover up, but still cute? Maybe my ankle or something? I want to be able to see it myself without looking in a mirror or anything. Thanks

    3 AnswersTattoos6 years ago
  • What should I do about my sister and parents?

    I'm 18 and I have a 20 year old sister, I recently lent her $160 to pay off an MIP she got that no one knows about, so I'm lending her money and keeping her secret. It's been like 3 weeks and she hasn't paid me back. And she has two jobs so I know she has money. She gets mad and cries any time I ask about it. I know youre not supposed to lend money if you need it back, which is why I didn't want to do it but idk shes my sister you know. Also, she caused a ton of drama in our house the other day when my dad said she couldn't use their car and my mom let her but told her to be back before my dad got home so he wouldn't find out, well she decided to get drunk and not come home on time and my dad found out and their was a huge fight and now my parents are mad at each other and sleeping separate and claiming they're getting a divorce. Which I don't believe bc they do this pretty often, but I used to really want them to get divorced but now I don't even care, Im just sick of drama. What can I do? Do I bring up the money to my sister or let it go? Do I talk to my parents about the stupid drama or just let them be? Ugh thanks for any advice

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Help with my friend drama please?

    So. I have a really close group of friends, I'll call them G, L, and C. I went to a party with G a couple weeks ago. She was smoking but not drinking, I was drinking but not smoking. Before we even got there, G kept saying she wanted me to "talk to other people" cause I'm pretty shy, and she didn't want me to cling to her the whole time. Okay. So I barely hung out with her at all, I hung out with some other people and we just had fun and I met this guy I sort of liked and I kissed him but that's all that happened. Then I hung out with C and L the other day and C told me that G was talking bad about me to her, saying that I was needy and clingy and she hates having to take care of me and that the guy I liked was "creepy" and "looks like a pedo." I'm kinda pissed off now. G and I have been friends longer than any of the rest of us have been and I've put up with so much crap from her. She once kissed the guy I liked, she flirts with everyone, she is a total stoner, she is loud and obnoxious and embarrasses me in front of people and tells my secrets to other people all the time. And yet she's still talking about me. L and C are annoyed with her the same way I am and we talk about it all the time, but they swear they're not annoyed with me and don't talk about me. I don't talk about them either and I don't think I've heard them talk about each other either so I believe them, but im still worried, if G talks about me do they as well? Just kinda wondering, what do I do now?

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • French names?

    I need helping naming my characters for a story, they're al French kids back a long long time ago. One of the girls is going to be named Anna-Marie, then I need a name for her younger sister. Her best friend is name Felicite or Felice or whatever the French version would be, and I need names for her two brothers. thanks!

    6 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • What's your dream role?

    Or top few dream roles. Ideally in theatre.

    Just for fun. Thanks!


    Elphaba in Wicked

    Heather C in Heathers

    Miss Honey in Matilda

    Ariel in Footloose

    Wendy in Peter Pan

    and I have tons more

    (I will likely never get any of these roles, but Im dreaming. Lol)

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting6 years ago
  • Any suggestions for me actors or casting directors?

    I've been acting my whole life but I've only been in community, school and kids theatre. In August I'm moving to new York and going to start auditioning for professional shows. I'm excited but I obviously know it's going to suck and be hard lol. I was just wondering if any of you actors had advice for me, heres some info on me as an actor:

    I'm 18 years old

    I'm a girl

    I have blonde hair and blue eyes

    I'm 5'10 so really tall

    I'm a very good actress

    I'm a pretty good dancer

    I'm a horrible singer

    I'm extremely polite and easy to get along with

    However I can definitely play mean characters

    I usually get cast as the serious one or the sweet one, I've played so many lawyers lol.

    I'm smart and good at memorization

    I'm funny in real life and I'm pretty good at comedic acting, I think I'm good at drama but I haven't had much experience

    I used to get leads all the time as a kid so I know I have it in me, but the past few years all I've gotten is ensemble.

    I love musicals, but my voice isn't strong so I'll never be a lead in one.

    Any tips? How to stand out, what kind of roles I should go for, how to get leads, what I should practice? Specific shows and monologues/songs would be great. And please don't bother if you're going to tell me not to try because I'll fail. I've heard it all and that's not helpful.

    Anything helps, but especially if you're a casting director or New York actor!

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting6 years ago
  • Wdyt of these uncommon names?

    It's okay if you don't like them but don't be mean.


    Geneva (jen-ee-vuh)

    Chella (shay-la)

    Chenna (shay-nuh)

    Guinevere (gwin-uh-veer)




    Avalon (ah-vuh-lawn)

    Fina (fee-na)



    Love (as a middle name)





    Nico (nee-ko)




    6 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Do you like this name?

    Lately ive fallen in love with the name Geneva for a girl, jen-eev-uh, nickname Neve/Nevie. Do you think it's cute? Middle names?

    Also what do you like better, Charlotte "Charli" or "Lottie" or Josepheine "Josey"?

    And which is the best of all 3: Charlotte "Charli"

    Charlotte "Lottie"

    Josepheine "Josey"

    Geneva "Nevie"

    Thanks. I'm open to suggestions especially middle names for ALL!

    6 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Different spellings and middle names for Josie/Josephine?

    I really like unique spellings so what's a cute but not totally weird or hard to pronounce way to spell Josephine? And she would go by Josie so a cute spelling for that? And I would love middle name suggestions! All I can think of is Ava or Claire. Thanks!

    3 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • What could Claire be a nickname for?

    Besides Clara. I love it but I think it's too short to be a full name. Thoughts?

    10 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Do you like this sibset?

    ~Juliette Patrica

    ~Rosetta Alice

    ~Lenorah Erica

    Juliette is after the paternal grandmother (Julia) and step grandfather (Patrick) plus it's a tradition in the dad's family to name the first child a J name (his fathers name is Jay, his is Jack)

    Rosetta is a pretty name the mom picked and Alice is her mom's name (maternal grandmother)

    Lenorah is a pretty name the step mom picked (the mom remarried a woman after divorcing Jack) and Erica is after the mom's father eric

    These are characters in my story obviously haha but how do you like the names? For three girls, two natural sisters one adopted. Which is your favorite? do they go together?

    2 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Help with my story idea please?

    So I have this idea for a story and I really like it but I haven't totally figured it out yet.

    It's about a pilot who falls in love with a single mom he meets on one of his flights. I don't know much about the female character yet, she has a 3-4 year old son and a newborn daughter and her husband just recently left, or died, or something. And shes struggling to care for her kids alone.

    The pilot is more interesting. He had a twin brother who died when they were kids. Ever since then, he tries to do what his brother would do. Like he became a pilot not because he wanted to, but because his brother loved planes when they were younger and his mom thought his brother would grow up to be a pilot. He's trying to make his brother live on through him in a way but never lived his own life because of it.

    So my questions:

    1. do you like the idea?

    2. what should have happened to the girls husband? would it be cool if maybe he went missing? I was thinking that and then maybe she finds him and realizes he left her on purpose.

    3. any ideas for scenes in the story?\

    4. What else about the characters should I add? whats an interesting back story for the girl?

    5. suggestions for character names? would it be cheesy for the dead brother to be named skylar?

    6/ suggestions for a title?

    Anything else? Thank you!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • What would you name 5 kids from these choices?


    First: Charlotte, Ellianna, Jovie, Kierstyn, Juliette, Annabelle, Rosalie, Ava, Gracelynn, Amber

    Middle: Noelle, Eva, Matilda, Rose, Anna, Sophia, Michelle, Lia, Ella


    First: Jasper, Leo, Maverick, Camden, Kyle, Ryder, Kai, Mason, Grant, Owen

    Middle: Joel, Ian, Matthew, Isaiah, Ethan, Tyson, Nathaniel, Ezra


    First: Anthony, Elliott, Oliver, Eli, River, Jackson, Maddox, Gage, Steven, Liam

    Middle: Theodore, Jax, John, Cole, Tyler, George, Peter, Ryder, Jace, Flynn

    4+5: Twin Girls

    Pick two first names: Meredith, Marianna, Alessandra, Riley, Finnley, Paisley, Tessa, Melissa, Tinley, Cassia, Elizabelle, Jaden, Hayden, Maylee, Lyla, Sailor, Natalie, Hadley, Hayley

    Pick two middle: Grace, Violet, Emma, Ruby, Victoria, Daisy, Maia, Lauren, Arielle, Taylor, Emmie, Elle, Giselle, Blaze, Eden, Leah, Macie, Dakota, Skylar, Avie, Sienna

    Tried to include a variety haha. Feel free to have multiple names or change spellings. Have fun.

    And do you like the names you ended up with?

    16 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • What would you name 5 kids from these choices?


    First: Charlotte, Ellianna, Jovie, Kierstyn, Juliette, Annabelle, Rosalie, Ava, Gracelynn, Amber

    Middle: Noelle, Eva, Matilda, Rose, Anna, Sophia, Michelle, Lia, Ella


    First: Jasper, Leo, Maverick, Camden, Kyle, Ryder, Kai, Mason, Grant, Owen

    Middle: Joel, Ian, Matthew, Isaiah, Ethan, Tyson, Nathaniel, Ezra


    First: Anthony, Elliott, Oliver, Eli, River, Jackson, Maddox, Gage, Steven, Liam

    Middle: Theodore, Jax, John, Cole, Tyler, George, Peter, Ryder, Jace, Flynn

    4+5: Twin Girls

    Pick two first names: Meredith, Marianna, Alessandra, Riley, Finnley, Paisley, Tessa, Melissa, Tinley, Cassia, Elizabelle, Jaden, Hayden, Maylee, Lyla, Sailor, Natalie, Hadley, Hayley

    Pick two middle: Grace, Violet, Emma, Ruby, Victoria, Daisy, Maia, Lauren, Arielle, Taylor, Emmie, Elle, Giselle, Blaze, Eden, Leah, Macie, Dakota, Skylar, Avie, Sienna

    Tried to include a variety haha. Feel free to have multiple names or change spellings. Have fun.

    And do you like the names you ended up with?

    22 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago