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Hello, I'm 33 years old living in Northern California. I am so happily married. I have three amazing boys and a daughter. I am presently in a desperate search to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, career wise. I am a recovering Baptist and I now proudly consider myself a "Universalist" Christian. I'm still amazed that I ever gave into the false belief of an eternal hell. How absolutely ridiculous such a theology is.

  • In Utah,was it legal for my ex wife to throw my belongings on the curb and change the locks on me?

    I paid all the rent at the home my ex and I rented together in Utah.I paid the bills, I even continued to pay her child support even though we were living together again,I tried to do whatever I could to make her happy,Needless to say i spent far beyond my means to try and make things work, nothing was ever good enough and I went into debt doing so...Is there any laws in utah that say what she did was illegal?can I take her to court and sue her for stripping me of my son, and putting my belongings on the street, changing the locks, andthrowing me out in the snow when I was a resident there?not to mention she changed the locks on me than called the police and asked them to escort me away from our home..they showed up and told me that I needed to be moving along to a hotel!!what a bunch of misjustice!can I sue her for what she did to me?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Name change?why did she ask for it to be changed than just kept it?

    My second wife whom asked her lawyer to ask the judge in court to have her name changed back to her original last name.I have been divorced from her for about 4 yrs and I am in a live in relationship with a great friend I grew up with.She has brought it to my attention that my ex still is using my last name.she is using her maydin name and just putting a hyphen and then my last name.My girlfriend says if my ex who has been institutionalized for mental illnesses and was on high dosages of lithium which she called her salt pill...when we got together...pregnant one month after,married shortly after and a yr to the date wife son all our belongings gone...wants to continue to use your last name it's rude to me your future wife.we have been together almost 2 yrs now and she does have a second marriage was so quick chaotic and filled with control,manipulation,and I was always on eggshells.she stopped her meds after getting pregnant and joined AA...since then everything and everyone except her is toxic,toxic, do I go about asking someone in her mind frame to lose my name?without her saying I'm attacking her?any one?

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • My ex told me from the beginning that she was an 6-8 month girl in dating lingo.?

    She told me early on she had been in a mental institution,and was on a high dosage of lithium.I tried to be understanding...and told put it behind us.we ended up getting pregnant than she went off her meds..she ended up taking my son to another state,took everything in our home,and divorced me because I had a beer and her AA friends and her thought that was best...what the he'll is wrong with this birch I swear she is psychotic and she thinks everyone is she continues to their a name other than big polar for her controlling selfish psycho self?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Same sign total opposites...on the cusp of sag and capricorn..?


    Your Open Question: This is a horoscope question,regarding two people both (supposedly)the same sign..?

    I'm wondering if one person is born on Dec16th,and another on Dec 22nd both people are considered Sagittarius.But how come the person born on the 22nd does not act or have any of a Sags characteristics? They act more like a Capricorn in almost all it because they were born on the cusp of of sag and Capricorn??why is this??

    2 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • This is a horoscope question,regarding two people both (supposedly)the same sign..?

    I'm wondering if one person is born on Dec16th,and another on Dec 22nd both people are considered Sagittarius.But how come the person born on the 22nd does not act or have any of a Sags characteristics? They act more like a Capricorn in almost all it because they were born on the cusp of of sag and Capricorn??why is this??

    3 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago
  • Do you think I should be liable in any way for this type of situation?

    okay here's the situation, my girlfriend and I presently do not have a vehicle to drive and she needed to get her kids to their dads for the weekend. So after being unable to rent a vehicle, she asked an acquaintance to borrow his car for a few hours. 

          he agreed, asking for about 40 dollars in return. After realizing that it was not an automatic she asked asked him if it would be okay for me to drive instead, and he said that it would be fine.

         Although we failed to ensure that all the paperwork was legit we asked him if there was anything in particular that we needed to know about the vehicle before we took it, and all he told us was that the timing was off.

        Anyways, while I was driving the car stalled, and a cop pulled up and asked for my driver's license and registration, well I could only provide my drivers license because there was no  paperwork to be found. The officer then let us know that the registration tags on the vehicle were found to be stolen. So after searching the vehicle and us we were put in the back of the patrol car. Then he released us both without giving us any type of citation. The officer then told us that if the person who loaned us  the car wanted it back he would have to explain where the stolen registration tags came from.

       So we ended up getting picked up by my mother and brought home and when we arrived home he was there so we told him what happened. He became angry and threatening and told us that because I was the driver I should have to pay for the fees to have it removed from the impound.

       Anyways, my question is whether I am ethically liable to him in any way to pay for such fees? 

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • What are realistic or proper boundaries when it comes to your girlfriend or wife having close guy friends.?

    I haven't actually had to deal with this particular issue before because my past partners mainly stuck to just having girl friends. However, my current girl, likes to have mainly guy friends and she seems way too "buddieish" with a certain guy. I mean, she talks about him like they're good ol' "bosom buddies" that used to play in the sand box together in kindergarten..

    So at times I question if she is screwing around on me? Because I know dam well that any guy/girl who seeks to find ways, or excuses, so that he might sneak in some extra alone time with with each other, then they're probably hot for each other

    Am I just being jealous, clingy, fearful dominating, stifling, controlling and paranoid? As she would have me think. Or am I being a complete idiotic, nieve, gullible, Co- dependant type boyfriend?

    Because, on the one hand, I want to be fair. I mean, who am I to judge or meddle with a supposedly "platonic" relationship. But, on the other hand, I'm starting to feel untrusting and suspicious of her. There have been communicative type situations in the past between her and other "friends" in the past that make me think of where the proper lines in relations need to be drawn. I've been in relations where rigidness was to the excess so I've seen the problems that come from that extreme. Love and relationships can have such shifting lines, so it's hard to find the right balance within forgiveness, lifestyles, culture, religion,grace, tolerance, personal follies and self gratification.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do i tranfer a file from my laptop to my lg Android phone?

    I'm sure this is a common question I just can't figure out how to transfer a document from my laptop into my smartphone. I want to send a resume to my phone do i have access to it when job search sites ask me download on. I've tried the USB and email route but it's just not working for me. This is frustrating because it seems like it should be simple.. But I'll admit that simple things can be really difficult for me. So i need the dummie version please. Thanks.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • How should i deal with and feel about being with and being in love with a woman that is technically married.?

    So ok, i already know what the Christians are going to say but i'm looking for answers that don't involve harsh judgments about how God will judge me and how i'm an adulterer that will burn in hell and stuff. But seriously, i believe we both love each other.he left her for another before we got together and there was physical abuse towards her. So should i feel wrong for being with her and loving her even though the paper work has not gone through. They're legally seperared but not technically divorced.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How do i add a family member to the app family locator for android?

    Whenever I try to add a family member it tells me that I have to download that app onto that members phone and log in using using my account information, but when I try this it just says that the username and password is invalid.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Why is God so bent on making us suffer?

    I'm so tired of the general answers, (many I have given myself) but why do I feel like God just will not relent when it comes to making me suffer in this world. I'm tired of justifying God by saying it's the devils fault or even that it's even my fault. They just seem like Gods "scapegoat". I mean, he created both so it seems that he's the creator of suffering. I've been struggling with broken relationships, being out of my children's lives, and basically I've been battered by all that such things entail. How does one take a life full of broken dreams and just go on and find joy and not just suffer over it.I feel so overwhelmed and defeated. God it seems to me enjoys seeing me suffer. Why? Because I failed him in some "code of ethic"? Whatever, God abandoned me. O well, he laughs at my suffering. And no Christian answers please because I've used all of them on others myself and I assure you when someones really hurting it doesn't help to have smoke blown up your ***.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • If intelligent life was discovered in the universe, what are some ways that religon would have to change?

    The discovery of intelligent life out there in our universe would seriously mess Christianity up. Are aliens sinners too, and do they go to hell if they don't hear the gospel? Dang, I really hope we discover aliens soon because I would really love to hear the theological explanation to that doctrinal dilemma.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How is it that I can love a woman so much, and yet know that we are completely incompatible?

    Well, My heart is in love with a woman who's incompatible with me and I with her. She's not affectionate with me at all, and in contrast, I like receiving and giving affection a lot. When I seek any affection from her she gets mad. She tells me I'm being insecure and that only God can fill my longing for affection. She says she loves me, but it's so hard for me to believe her. I don't meet her needs either, no matter how hard I try. She's bugged by just about everything I do. She thinks I'm lazy and that I eat too much. I mean, It's too much to get into, but the list of differences and issues between us is huge. And we can't seem to change, nor do we really want to. I believe in my ways and she believes in hers. We just don't see things in the same way at all. And still, as much as she bugs and frustrates me on so many levels I can't live without her. Literally, it's the classic case of "Can't live with her, can't live without her." Has anyone solved the dilemma to that age old relational conundrum? We've gone to counseling and everything and yet it's like we're just stuck in our ways and character patterns. I don't know, it's difficult to love someone when you know that your personalities, views, perceptions, beliefs and emotions just don't mix at all. And still my heart is in love with her even though I have tried desperately to not love her, because being with her makes very little rational sense. It's extremely aggravating. So how does love and total incompatibility co-exist? Is that even possible?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Will the lawyer I got really be able to help me in my DUI case?

    Well, I was traveling to Utah from California and I got a DUI. I think that I did fine on the fled sobriety test but the cop seemed to have a hard on for me. Anyways, I blew a 0.089. I cooperated with the cop and basically told him that I had some beers the night before and had slept so I thought that I was safe to drive. Well, I got a lawyer that specializes in these cases and I was wondering if that was pointless or not. Don't the courts just see what you blew, and that's all that counts?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is there hope after a DUI?

    Dam, I feel like my life is just over. I got my first DUI. I blew a 0.089. I was on my way to go see my son in Utah from California. I thought me and my x-wife were going to get back toghether and then on the way there she basicly said no, don"t bother coming up "it's over." Anyways, I got all bent out of shape over this and drank over it. The next morning after getting a few hours of sleep I continued on my way to Utah still hoping for the best. But while on my long journey I got busted. It's been all hell since then. I just don't know what to do. I feel like my life is over and I'm just hopeless. I don't know how to keep my life afloat. It was already messed up but now I almost feel suicidal,especially after reading about all of the horrible consequences of a DUI. This has just been crap upon crap. I can't afford a lawyer, and I can't afford a conviction, which seems impossiable to avoid. Is there hope in this situation because I just feel utterly hopeless about my future and want to give up.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • So, why should anyone have faith?

    Ok, has anyone felt like there's no point in faith and hope? Has anyone felt like God has abandoned and forsaken them? He loves everyone else but you because you're not the perfect Christian.Or worse yet, that he has taken sides with those that are wrong?. Has the battles of life been lost one too many times? And you think that the songs that seem so sweet which speak of hope, love and faith seem like an absolute joke. Anyways, that's how I feel, beaten beyond belief and I don't deserve it, yet God allows for this? Why would God allow for a child to not be in his dads life? I have fought so hard and yet the judicial system instituted by "God" is an absolute mockery. I just don't get faith and all that crap when it really just comes down to money and mans laws and will. aghhhh.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do I stop hating my ex?

    I'm convinced that my ex is a sociopath, for there is no other explanation as to how she can be so cruel, and unfeeling. She has taken my son and has convinced the courts through her charm, intelligence and beauty to let her keep him. I actually think that she is a true witch and has bewitched the court authorities, or something because their ruling is beyond wrong. She has exaggerated and skewed the situation and now I will be denied the ability to have proper time with my son and our relationship will be forever hindered. My son is so precious to me and I absolutely hate this woman for what she has done. I am so full of anger, rage, resentment and bitterness towards her and the injustices of society in general. I can't bear it. I've never had such intense negative feelings like this. How do I forgive her? I don't want to keep suffering from such horrible feelings but I can't get over how much she has wronged me. The depth of her cruelty,coldness, unkindness and heartlessness towards me has severely hurt me.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What should I do? Seriously!! I take it hard but I come back fast. (maybe not so fast)?

    All right, I'm not sure if any ones awake to answer this but here we go. Dam, now I forgot my question. I'm sorry, there's actually a few.Can any one tell me what I should do as a career? What? I haven't given enough information for you to tell me seeing everyone has it all figured out already(no they don't). I hate getting jealous over people that know exactly what they want to do.I need eperience but I can't quite get it. Well, my real question is this.How does one overcome heartbreak to the tenth degree? How does one make peace with himself knowing he lost something very precious? How does one fathom and comprehend regret? What is it that makes us heal and how do I find that? Riddle me this: How does the sun allow for things to be so cold? If you say the atmosphere you are thinking in two dimensions.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • My wife has totally forsaken me,seriously, how should I feel about this?

    OK, so here's the situation, my wife is what I like to call a freakin A.A. Nazi. She has been sober for 5 years. That's great and all, and I'm proud of her but she is the most coldest,controlling, meanest, demanding, ungrateful, cruelest, soulless, and heartless person I've ever known ( But she is also beautiful, smart and can be very cute at times) Neverthelesss, she is so bi-polar and hasn't taken her medication in like a year and a half. So, I've what she would call "relapsed" a few times since we've been married (one year, six times, minor stuff) Well, she also has major contempt for my mom(who has been nothing but giving, friendly and kind to her) and has this off the wall idea that we have a co-dependent and "sick" relationship. I assure you I am not a fan of Freud, so I don't even know what she's talking about. Well, she freakin took all my money, all her things and my 10 month old son and moved to Utah.Well, I feel so abandoned, and I don't feel I deserve what she has done. I was so good to her. I tried so hard to appease and accommodate all her crazy control, and unreasonable psycho issues. I feel that I constantly have to walk on eggshells lest I disturb her perfect little world. So, she tells me I need a better job so that I can afford a three bedroom place(even though I now live in a three bedroom home) and I need to stay sober for a whole year before she comes back into my life. We'll, is that how a wife should treat her husband? By abandoning him and her two step sons? because I can't afford to move from the home which I have invested so much into? (She married me while I lived here) Anyways,I feel she has been so wrong in doing this. She won't communicate with me or anything. I filed for custody rights for my son, and a legal separation, and from the way she has treated me in the past and her going so far on this I feel that she is freaking psycho. So should I say screw you for totally forsaking me, or bow down to her extreme control and psycho issues and just somehow get a better job, move to place I can't afford and go into debt, and hope that I never drink again? because If I ever slip up with drinking again I assure you it's over forever as far as she's concerned?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it legal for my wife to take our child out of state while leaving me?

    My wife is Bi-polar and can be pretty extreme sometimes. Well she got mad at me because I drank beer and because I can't afford to leave my home and move elsewhere. She doesn't like that my mom lives near us. So she packed everything she owns and took our 10 month old son to Utah to live with her aunt. She says she won't come back until I have found a better job so that we can move. Also I have to be sober for a year. This has been so painful. I don't know what to do. I'm pretty sure this is legal, but does the father have any rights in such a matter so that I can still be with my son in the future?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago