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  • Amoxicillin for dental infection?

    My GP gave me these as I have an infection. I've been taking them for 4 days now but last night, I was dizzy and generally felt unwell. I've developed a little cough, I'm cold, yet it's like 22 degrees Celsius, I keep sneezing, I have a sore throat and when I cough, My head feels like it's going to expose! I'm a little worried it's my dental infection causing these symptoms although my tooth and gums aren't as bad as they were. Please help, I'm worried :(

    4 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Is taking 4 x 10mg MS Contin the same as taking 1 x 30mg and 1x 10mg?

    Sounds strange but just worried it will work differently, lol

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • I think I might be pregnant?

    I'm 23 and have suffered from PCOS since I was about 15. Me and my partner haven't used contraception for almost 6 years and I've never fallen pregnant. I've recently had surgery to remove my gallbladder and my partner think maybe all that and with the stress has stopped my period coming but generally, the last 2 years, my period's have been between every 27-32 days. I'm roughly 6-8 weeks late. My left breast is hurting, like sharp pains now and again, I have a discharge which is common between 6-7 weeks pregnant, I'm gagging at the smell of foods I like such as chicken, I'm a bit tireder than normal, I'm feeling sick if I don't eat or when I do, I feel bloated and I'm constipated but I had my surgery about 4 weeks ago now so maybe I'm just feeling the effects of that. I'm really excited at the thought of finally being pregnant but I also feel that maybe it's wishful thinking? I'm going to do a pregnancy test tomorrow. Can anyone help me at all? Thank you.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Gallbladder surgery, help?!?

    I'm 22 years old and recently had pancreatitis which were caused by gallstones. I'm having emergency surgery tomorrow and I'm a little worried to say the least. My leaflet told me risks etc but not the mortality rate but I've found this website, link to follow, which says overall, high risk or low risk, is 1 in 200! If that's the case, I really don't want surgery. People may say 1 in 200 isn't that high but I'm 22, already have gallstones and I got pancreatitis and jaundice which is rare for my age so I don't want to risk it. I already have other health problems and I'm just unlucky :( Please tell me if this sounds true

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • MS contin (Morphine) 30mg extended release and alcohol?

    Now, I know people who take morphine and drink willy nilly sometimes but do you think it would be safe to drink say just under 6 units of alcohol? This tablet is 30mg extended release MS Contin. I've taken oramorph before and had a few drinks and have been fine although I do mean just a few of maybe alcopops or something around 4%. Nothing strong just in case. Thanks.

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • Oramorph and alcohol?

    I had to take some oramorph about 2-3 hours ago. I can take 10ml every 4 hours. It says avoid alcohol for obvious reasons but after 4 hours has passed, is it safe to consume alcohol? Like, 3-4 5% bottles? Thanks.

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • Why does my laptop always overheat?

    The battery and charger went but as I couldn't afford new ones, I just used it plugged in constantly and it sometimes overheated but not that much. I've just bought a new battery, charger and a cooling fan but it keeps overheating to the extent it burns the back of my hand if I touch it. I use it without charging it too. When it's full, I take it off charge but it doesn't make much difference. I've taken it apart and cleaned everything, including the fan inside. There was a lot of dirt and dust so I assumed it was that. It was fine for about a day or so but now it's starting overheating again. I was thinking I may have damaged it when I was using it on charge constantly when the battery went and as it was so hot, I may have warped/damaged the motherboard. I'm taking it to a repair shop but I've already spent £50 on it and I don't want to pay someone another £20-£30 for them to say the motherboard has gone or maybe that I'll have to spend more on it when it might be cheaper to just buy a new one! I'm getting a can of compressed air too but don't think it'll make much difference as I said earlier, I've taken everything apart and cleaned it carefully and it's spotless. I've also tried having on power saver and balanced but didn't make any difference. It's a HP compaq 6730s and I've had it about 2 years if that's any help. Any advice and/or help anyone? Thanks, Marie.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Withdrawal symptoms from Oramorph Sulphate?

    I haven't taken it for 3 days as I run out and have had most withdrawal symptoms sweating, chills, yawning, runny nose, feeling weak etc but now I have some and am in a lot of pain in my stomach. I neeeeed to take this as I can't sleep with the pain. Will it be safe to take it gain after 3 days of nothing? I'm scared to take it just in case something happens. I used to take 10ml/20mg but I was thinking I'd just take 5ml/10mg to start and see if the pain eases. I'm in agony here, please help!!

    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Problems putting Tampons in?

    I use Tampax pearl, regular but for the past 2-3 months, I've been having problems putting them in. They either end up coming out or turning themselves sideways at a bit of an angle inside me. I've always used Tampons but I'm using towels more now as my Tampons become very uncomfortable, especially when I'm sat down. It's like there's something blocking the way. I'm 100% sure that I haven't left a tampon in from last month before anyone asks, haha. I've tried standing in different positions but still nothing. Also, when I wee, my tampons are getting wet and heavy and end up coming out from the weight. Please help me! I can't wear towels. I need to be able to wear tampons comfortably!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Does anyone have a 2 day trial code please?

    My account payment has messed up (Even though I have cash in my bank to pay) so I need a 2day trial whilst I fix this. If anyone has one lying around and doesn't need it, it's be much appreciated save it going to waste. Thank you :)

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • I think my knickers are being 'stolen'?

    So when me and my boyfriend ave had sex, he likes me to stuff my worn knickers in his mouth. I'm very open minded & must admit, it was fun. It's only happened a couple of times. I got out of the bath & put my worn clothes outside the door & put them in the washing machine afterwards but I didn't realise I'd forgotten my knickers. So when I went to bed, I realised I'd dropped them so I folded them up & put them on the hamper in the hallway to take down the next day but they'd disappeared. I said to my boyfriend about it & we were saying how strange it was. I looked everywhere & couldn't find them. I woke up today & they were there on the floor, just underneath my bed a little. My boyfriend came to bed after me too so I was asleep when he come up. He said they weren't there when he come up either but I KNOW they weren't there, I'm not going mad even though he's saying I probably just mis-placed them. Argh I'm so angry & annoyed because I know he's lying. I'd me more than happy to let him have them if it tuns him on as it is quite sexy but it's the fact of the lies :(

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • How long after drinking can I take painkillers?

    It says you should be fine taking paracetamol on the NHS website but anything stronger such as opiates (tramadol, morphine etc) then to be cautious as they can add to the sedative effects and can be fatal but, I drank about 3-4 double vodkas and stopped drinking at 10pm last night and I am in a great deal of pain so I took 2 tramadol at about 6am (100mg) and now I'm really worried. Obviously I'm very tired now as I haven't slept but the alcohol nor tramadol have make me sleepy but will I be okay? I know someone who swigs morphine 10ml at a time every 4 hours and takes tramadol yet he drinks whisky, wine etc and he's always been fine. I know it's different for different people though depending on age, weight, sex etc. I'm 22 and am a bit chubby. Please help, I can't sleep through worrying now :(

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Alergic to morphine so am I allergic to oramorph? Doctor or nurse preferably to answer please.?

    I'm 22 and have taken Oramorph for abdo pain on and off for the past year. I was taken into hospital and given oramorph and was fine but pain was still there. I was injected with morphine and became itchy. It felt as if my veins inside were all itchy and started scratching. I was pretty much out of it and I scratched and pulled the cannula out of my arm. The doctor came round and said I'd had an allergic reaction and I was given an antihistamine tablet. My arm was red, a bit swollen from the scratching I assume but it wasn't serious. Now, I forgot to ask them about my oramorph. Does that mean I'm now allergic to oramorph too? I've had a morphine injection before and was fine but this time the nurse injected me really slowly(took about 4-5 minutes to get it all in) and that's when I could feel a bit uncomfortable and feel it through my veins and itchy. Personally, I think it's because she done it so slowly and it started to irritate me as last time it was injected in a few seconds. Any help would be much appreciated as I'm in pain and need my oramorph. I've taken the tramadol but normally take oramorph and tramadol depending on how bad the pain is but I've steered clear just in case. Thank you so much in advance for any help.

    2 AnswersAllergies9 years ago
  • Boss still hasn't paid me, What can I do?

    Okay so I came here a few days ago asking for advice on what to do about my payments owed from my boss. It's now 3 days late (He works 7 days a week so Sunday is counted) and I don't know what to do! We had a bit of a row via email and I told him this always happened and that I had plans for my Birthday with family and he told me I didn't let him know of my plans sooner. I don't see why I should've told him as it's none of his business anyway but nevertheless, He told me I would be paid Friday. Friday came and he said he still didn't have the funds from the company that pays him. He's now told me maybe Monday. I explained I have rent to pay and I would soon be made homeless (Ok so I exaggerated a little) but he bypassed that with some other answer/question for me. He owes me £1110 and he owes my partner £360. Now, I done about 9 days work and per 'one' that I did (Sorry, I can't say as it's confidential) I got £5. Each 'one' has a unique ID number that has to be cross checked to make sure they've been completed. Now, I made a few mistakes so give or take about 5 (£25) they are all fine. I've never had a problem before, I mean maybe 1 or 2 have been rejected as not complete but I understand where I went wrong. That was all paid (Late) but it was only a couple of hundred quid. Now we've come to the big bucks and he keeps making excuses. There are so many holes in his stories it's unbelievable. I know he's lying and so does my partner. I have a very funny feeling he's going to say most of them came back as rejected and only pay me some money. I can't prove it unless I get the other company's director number and speak to him and see what's been paid/rejected and so on. Even then that's a long shot as I could be anyone so I doubt he's going to disclose any financial information. It's my Birthday Tuesday and I've now re-arranged a meal and drinks with my family but if I don't get paid, It will be cancelled again. I also have a roof to keep over my head, Bills, Food, Toiletries etc to buy. I also need a new laptop as mine is on it' last legs. I've tried to talk to my boss several times but he just makes me feel guilty for going on at him. My partner is also very annoyed as he said he's got things to buy me for my Birthday and now he can't and he feels very down and actually quite depressed about the whole situation. My boss gave me £50 as I told him I had no money and he 'kindly' offered it out of his own pocket until we get paid apparently. I'm in such a pickle I haven't slept properly for 2 nights now. I'm so stressed about this whole situation. Can anyone help me at all? My boss said if I took him to a small claims court it would take a long time so there's no point. :(

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • My boss never pays me on time, What should I do?

    I started working for him in November 2011 but it's on an as and when required basis and has been for the past 6 weeks or so. Before that it was constant work. Anyway, It was paid weekly and one time, He told me that he didn't get paid (We work for different companies/contracts and they pay him, He pays us) So I rang the company that was paying him and they said they'd already paid him! He said there was some mistake and eventually paid me after I kicked off. So he had more work and I went for it. It's paid but always late and sometimes he'll say I'll give you £100 now and the rest tomorrow or whenever. Now, I worked for about 9 days and earned £1200 and my boyfriend earned quite a bit too. He told us last week it'll be paid on the 10th May but when I spoke to him today he said it might be a day late. I explained politely I needed the money to pay my rent, Buy food etc and that I'd also arranged a night out for my Birthday with my family and he offered to give me some money to cover my rent so I didn't miss the pay date. My problem is I was doing surveys and I had to open up each ID link seperately to do each survey and he asked me to email all the IDs to him so he could cross check them to make sure they've gone through properly and match up (I've never had a problem before, Maybe a few get rejected for whatever reason) but I think he's going to try and fob me off. Reason being the way he's acting. I told him I was glad to be on this high earner as it was my birthday soon and I needed some new stuff etc and wanted to splash out for once and he seemed really surprised as in ''Oh I see, Well that's awkward'' sort of thing. I know he's going to say he can't pay me or might give me half but what can I do if he says they didn't match up so it means they'r not showing as completed? I'm very worried.

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • What happens if I don't pay my contract bill?

    I know they'll cut the sim but if I don't pay it, Will they block the phone? My boyfriend had a t-mobile contract and didn't pay but they just blocked the sim. He took a different sim card and used the phone as PAYG.

    4 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • I'm up in court on the 17th April 2012?

    I'm up in court for fraud. I used 2 peoples debit cards without permission. The first one I paid her back all the money. Then she claimed back from the bank too! I explained to the police but they won't believe me. The second time I didn't. I developed a gambling problem which is why I did this. No excuse, I get that. I take full responsibility. I was also suffering from a range of mental illnesses including depression but without medication or any help. I was on sickness benefit. I can't explain how this affected me. I have no justifications for what I did but what do I do now? I'm now better, On medication and am on my way to a full time job. I'm stuck now. The police officer was really nice and I explained everything, Never tried to lie once. I even attended voluntarily to all my interviews and co-operated fully. The problem is he made out like he believed me and then bam, He screwed me over. Like really screwed me over. He told me if I admitted to both cases then it would help me and I'd be better off. So I agreed. But when the tapes started, He asked me all these questions that made me look really bad. Trouble was I couldn't answer the questions without lying as I'd already lied and said they were both me even though he told me to lie. Of course none of this was on tape and I'm in a worse situation now. I should of just told the truth that one was me and paid back and the other one wasn't. It's so complicated. I can get a report from my psychiatrist which will back me up that I've had a gambling problem and that I've always had problems with money. This goes back a few years. I need legal aid but I don't know what to do. I also don't think I'm mentally strong enough to stand up in court. I shouldn't of done it in the first place so I guess it's just the way it goes. Can anybody help me at all? Please?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • I've had diarrhea for about 6 days?

    Okay so had it for about 6 days on and off. I took 2 laxatives (senokot) on Wednesday or Thursday just to help a little as I was feeling bloated and constipated. The next day they worked but now it won't stop! Weird thing is that it can be hours before it starts again. I only went to the toilet once after I took them, The next day about 4 times etc etc. Confused much to say the least. I've never had Diarrhea last more than about 18 hours. I'm 21 years old. I also have a banging headache and I feel weak, Tired and awful. I'm also passing a lot of wind which has this horrible smell. I feel so thirsty but I'm drinking regularly and more than normal as I know you're meant to when you have diarrhea. I'm eating more than usual too, Like I really can't stop eating. I'm hungry constantly. :-( P.S Sorry to be so graphic

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Why am I always anxious and panicky?

    I'm always thinking what if I die, What if this headache is a tumour, What if this pain in my ribs is life threatening. I'm on Hydroxyine Hydrochloride for the anxiety and citalopram for depression although the citalopram are meant to help with the anxiety also. They're just aren't working and I'm scared of going to the doctors again. My boyfriends of 5 years has to be with me most of the time. I got a part time job and had the worst panic attack I'd ever had. I was dizzy and sweating and nearly fainted. This is getting worse! I'm always checking my heart rate and worrying it's too slow or too fast and that I'm going to die. I'm absolutely terrified. Just writing now I'm all nervous and can't sit still. I feel like my throat is closing up. I used to just lie down and breathe slowly and it would pass but over the past 4 weeks or so, it's getting really bad. I've even called an ambulance before and told them I blacked out. I was on my own and was crying and scared and didn't know what to do. One time I even made up stomach pains so my boyfriend would call me an ambulance as I was sure I was going to die. It's so bad. I wasted so much time when the doctors could've been dealing with real life and death situations. I feel so guilty but I genuinely though something was seriously wrong :( If I exercise and my heart speeds up, I think it's abnormal and I'm going to die or my heart will explode or I'll have a heart attack. Obviously, I know this won't but when I'm in that situation, I feel like it's really going to happen and I'm going to die. I worry constantly about my boyfriend dying and leaving me because I love him so much. I worry that when he goes to the shop he won't come back and imagine all this scary stuff that's happened to him. I know I sound like a freak and/or over possessive but I'm not. I'm just scared & lonely. I need some reassurance and advice.

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Bleeding after anal sex?

    Me and my partner first tried anal sex a few years ago now, And I was slightly concerned as I was very sore afterwards and I was bleeding a tiny bit. This was caused by a minor tear around the anus as I saw the doctor and this was what he told me. He also asked why i was having anal sex and told me that I shouldn't be doing this as it isn't normal blah blah blah and it was very bad for me. He was very rude and talked down to me and made me feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed. I didn't do it again until some time later after i found out it can be safe as long as you take safe precautions beforehand IE empty your bowels beforehand (In case of infection), use a lot of lube and be gentle. This time it was much more pleasurable and enjoyable and I didn't bleed, Although sometimes it can be quite rough. We normally have anal sex about once every 3-4 months. I had anal sex last night and I was a little sore afterwards, As I normally am but nothing too major. When I went to the toilet this morning, There was blood on my toilet tissue and a big, Bright red streak of blood running down the pan of the toilet. I was worried, I'll admit. I went to the toilet again a couple of hours later and there was drops of blood splashed up the toilet this time and some on the tissue. It was if I was literally dripping drops of blood. I've now called my doctor and they're going to phone me back this afternoon. At my doctors, You can have a phone call rather than going in, Then depending on what is wrong, They may ask to see you. I have no doubts they will want to examine me. I really don't think i can go in and be seen again, Not after last time. Has anybody else experienced this? I'm just looking for some advice. Serious advice only, Not immaturity or the obvious of ''Go to the doctor'' I will more than likely go but would like some advice first. Thank you.

    11 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago