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  • Probability Mass Function (please check my work so far)?

    A box contains 10 dimes , 15 nickles, and 4 pennies. We draw 2 coins at random (without replacement). Let X represent the amount (in cents) that we draw out of the box.

    a. Give Explicitly the probability Mass Function for X.

    So, X can be (2,6,10,11,15,20)


    so the probability of getting 2 cents is the probability of drawing out 2 pennies, which is 4/29 * 3/28 = 3/203

    the probability of getting 6 cents is the probability of drawing a penny and a nickle - which is 4/29*15/28 = 15/203

    and so on, so my PMF looks something lie this

    p(x) ={ 3/203 x=2

    {15/203 x=6


    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • a box contains 10 dimes 15 nickles and 4 pennies what is the probability?

    A box contains 10 dimes 15 nickles and 4 pennies. We draw 2 coins at random (without replacement)

    what is the probability of the sum being 2 cents?

    That is basically the probability of drawing 2 pennies correct?

    So would that be 4/29 * 3/28?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • probability question?

    suppose for simplicity that the number of children in a family is 1, 2, or 3 with probability 1/3 for each. Little Bobby has no sisters. What is the probability that he is an only child.

    I got 1.5 which is CLEARLY wrong.

    let E= there are no sisters

    F = being an only child

    Probably of there being no sisters is 3/14 and being only child is 2/14

    P(e/f) = (3/14)/(2/14) = 1.5 which is wrong.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Mini 14 vs Saiga 7.62x39?

    I am looking to buy a semi-automatic rifle. This basically pushes me into either AK or AR categories, but I am uneasy about owning an AK because I feel that either Chairman Obama or my own State ( I live in one of the Eastern Block states) at some point will come after me. AR I dismiss at once because it is one unworthy piece of garbage. Since I know that countless legions of AR fans will descend upon me for such a blasphemy I must explain that I know from my personal experience that AR is very accurate and pleasant to shoot, but it is still garbage because it is extremely unreliable. I am not talking about using AR under ideal conditions (keep in dry, cool place-take to the range-shoot a few magazines-take back home clean it, oil it, and put back in the safe), I am talking more about situations where gun is not getting cleaned for a while, dragged through mud, sand, gets very little intention and such. More like AK conditions , which I already explained why I wouldn’t get. AR in those conditions will surely be as useful as a stick, I am speaking from personal experience using AR-15 by Bushmaster.

    I am not getting this gun for formal target competitions, I have got a very nice bolt action for that, and not for hunting as I am not really a hunter. I need a plinker/SHTF gun and if it will ever (hopefully not) be used in its second capacity it will have to encounter harsh conditions that I just described above. So now I have two alternatives in mind, Mini 14 or Saiga in 7.62x39. I know that Mini 14 has bad reputation for accuracy, but as I said I do not care for MOA, if I can hit a man-sized target at about 100 yards that’s plenty accurate for me. Saiga: legendary AK reliability, cheaper( $400 vs $700), zero ergonomics, crude looks. Mini 14: not as reliable as AK but far more than AR, US made, available in wood stock (love wood!) not some cheap plastic, esthetically much more appealing, a bit lighter. I guess I want to ask someone who has experience with both, Mini and Saiga( but Mini 14 has to be after 2005 as they got much better I heard from previous versions) and which one you enjoy more and considering the intended use which one is a better option. Please do not tell me to get AR or AK or something horrendous looking like KelTec.

    15 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Is Bushnell .22 scope OK for .17 HMR rifle?

    I bought .17 HMR Savage rifle not a long ago and today my scope arrived, I got Bushnell 3-9 x 32 mm and it was advertised as made specifically for the rimfires. However, I discovered that while it is made for rimfire cartridge it is made specifically for .22 not .17. Here is my question does it make any difference and can i still use it for my Savage?

    5 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Moved to bigger apt and all the sudden my cats want to Eat ALL the time?

    Everytime they see me they bug for food, they are getting fat,... i dont know what gives, they used to be on 1/4 cup 2x a day via the auto feeder, but due to needing prescrition food we now feed them without the autofeeder but they appear constantly hungry, its absurd!!!! What gives?

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • Why does no one share positive c section experiences?

    My c section was GREAT! so much better than my vaginal birth. I wish I had read more stories like my own instead of always hearing negative things about sections. Where are all the section ladies that had a wonderful experience ?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Post c section in hospital snack food ideas?

    what are some good snacks i should have DH bring me. The hospital food is horrible and I am not eating anything until he brings dinner so I am hungry and considering stocking up on some snacks. I cant think of anything but granola bars ... what else do you suggest ? there is no fridge here.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pain factor: C section vs pancretitis?

    If you have experienced these things please rate them in terms of pain level.

    Acute Pancretitis

    Gallbladder removal (laproscopic)

    Pancreatic/Gallbladder attack

    Vaginal Birth

    C section birth (with recovery)

    Breast Augmentation

    I have had all of those except for the C Section. I am considering the C section, so far the Vaginal Birth in my experience was horrible and rates high on that list of things, I can not imagine a C section being any worse than a pancretitis attack a few days after having a baby or any worse than a horrible vaginal birth. I need to know what to prepare for in terms of pain level.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cat peeing on couch- i am starting to resent him?

    This is becoming unacceptable to the point that i would give him back to the shelter if he keeps doing it- and i dont want to do that but I have other concerns besides him being an ****** kitty!

    He doesnt have a urinary tract infect or stones or anything. He only pees there randomly.

    He was about to pee in side my daughters crib! Which is the LAST straw for me, if he does it he is going back.

    Our other cat never pees outside the litter box except for he actually did have blood and stones and he would yell out and he peed in the sink of all places. But this stupid cat decided the couch is his toilet when he feels like it.

    We used vinegar and even rubbing alcahol and it is not helping. Today we did not have time to overly saturate it with vinegar bc we ran out, so he peed there again.

    I am angry and sick of this behavior. He has ruined our couch and we can not even afford a new one. It is absurd that this kitty is costing us this much! (Dont get me wrong, with anything was actually wrong with him, he would get medical help and anything else which would cost an arm and a leg- we just spend 3k on the other cat, but this cat is just being a- hole kitty!)

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • statistics AGAINST owning a shotgun plz?

    My husband wants a shotgun- i dont b/c we have two kids. Yes our kids are infants but eventually they wont be, and there is no need for a shotgun in the home. What are some statistics that show it is dangerous to own a shotgun with children around.

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • color of chicken liver?

    I am cooking some chicken livers and i bought a 4 pound container of livers, some of the livers are the usual color... dark reddish, but some of them are a light brownish yellowish color-.... is this having to do with fat content and age of the chicken or is it bad?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Flying with infant- got middle seat!?

    I am flying with a lap infant and i got the middle seat- was the last seat on the plane besides the exit rows which i can not have with an infant.

    My husband re-assures me that someone will change seats with me but i am soo worried that i will be in the middle. it is really making me dread the 5 hour flight.

    What do you think, will a good samaratin switch seats with me?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is the allergyn in Powdered Formula?

    I started my daughter on Good Start Natural Cultures- that didnt work, then we tried regular Similac Advance, that was awful and through trial and error we ended up on Alimentum. Money was not an issue because we got it really cheap and she took to it well. No fussiness no constipation , etc. Then we tried the Ready To feed Alimentum because i read some babies to better, and it was AMAZING!!!! Perfect baby most of the time , she still got gassy but nothing that gas drops couldnt fix. Her tummy stopped sounding like a volcanic explotion.

    Well she is 8 months now, we still have plenty of ALimentum in powder and in Ready to feed, but we decided to try Similac Sensitive lactose free in RTF and she did fine with that too.

    So now my question is this, she seems to do fine on the RTF, but even on the alimentum powder she is not as great, does anyone know what is thepotential allergin in powder formula that does not exist in RTF?

    Is it the corn ? I know to make it powdery there is some type of corn

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you need to know about radio technology to help you build a quality audio system?

    You are an audio system manufacturer, from an engineering perspective, what do you need to know about radio technology to help you build a quality audio system?

    This is a big research paper so i just need help narrowing down my research a little.

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • pregnancy, driving, naseau?

    I am pregnant with number two. I never had to drive with number one, but right now i am going to graduate school in the early am for one course and i have to drive a rather long distance... about 1.5 hours. It makes me extremely naseated and sometimes dizzy, low and behold i dont feel safe driving, but I HAVE TO go to class. Not going is not an alternative. What drugs are there? or what options are there? Additionally the morning in general is REALLY bad for me in terms of nasea.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • determinant of following matrix?

    D(A) = 1 1 -1

    1 2 1

    1 1 (K^2-5)

    I get K^2 -16

    is that right?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • How to graph polynomials?

    I forgot how to graph polynomials. This is an upper level linear algebra course and my answer requires graphing and i am drawing a blank, I know this is a parobola but i dont remember how to do it to get all the intercepts. And no this is not in the book, i wouldnt ask if it was.

    I need to know how to graph f (x) = 2x^2 - 2x -1

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • system of linear equations with arbitrary number?

    x + y - z = 2

    x + 2 + z = 3

    Z + Y + (k^2 - 5 ) z = k

    i multiplied the top equation by - 1 then subtracted it from the bottom two equations and got the following

    -x - y + 2 = -2

    y + 2 z = 1

    2zk^2 - 4 z = k-2

    what should i do next? For some reason whatever i did gave me y = 5/3 and I dont think that works.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago