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Lv 31,660 points

Derpy Hooves

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  • Attachment image

    What's going on with my package?

    So, I have a package coming in from Japan, and I've been checking up on the tracking. A few days ago it arrived in the US and then... the trscking tells me that the "Origin post is preparing shipment."

    Which is what it USUALLY says while it's being processed in its home country.

    What's happening? Do I need to call the post office?

    3 AnswersNew York City7 years ago
  • Would I be able to qualify for social security benefits?

    I'm trying to plan ahead here.

    I may have to have surgery done on my shoulder that would likely put me out of work for 6+ months.

    I've had my job for 2.5 years now, working fast food, averaging ~17 hours per week. I'm 19. If I end up having to have this surgery done, will I be able to qualify for social security benefits of some kind?

    I don't need a whole lot, just enough to pay my personal bills. I still live with my parents, but I have to pay for my own... everything else. Everything but rent, I pay for.

    I'm not in a position where I can ask my parents to help me out, because they don't make enough to pay for my bills and theirs. I have two younger sisters, and they need to be taken care of.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Cyclobenzaprine for cramps?

    A few months ago, I went to my family doctor for some shoulder pain. She told me I had tendonitis, and prescribed me a steroid to bring down the swelling, a painkiller for acute pain, and a muscle relaxer (because it would lock up so that I could not move it.)

    I only took two of the muscle relaxers (because the steroid had solved the problem) and one of the painkillers (the side effects were less than pleasant for me.)

    I have really terrible mensutral cramps, I can go through half a bottle of midol in the first three days of my period and STILL have pain. I pretty much can't move. Would the muscle relaxer help with cramps? It makes sense to me that it would, as a muscle cramp and a muscle spasm are, at their essence, basically the same thing.

    It's a 10 MG tablet, the instructions say, "take 1 tablet by mouth 3 times a day as needed."

    Would I be alright just taking one at night to calm down the cramps enough to actually sleep?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Will my processor be able to handle Skyrim?

    I have an Intel Core i3-2350M CPU, 2.30 GHz. The steam page says you should have at least a Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor, but I've been able to play Borderlands 2 flawlessly (which requires a 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor).

    Do you think I'll be able to play alright?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Small, itchy red bump?

    I was at my boyfriend's house last night, and I noticed that my leg was itchy. I scratched it, and I realized it didn't make the itching go away. A few weeks ago the cat had brought fleas in, and I'd been bitten up pretty badly, so I checked, and it looked like a small red bump. I assumed it was another bite (they hadn't seen any fleas around in a few days, but there are probably still some around) and left it alone. Now, a little over 24 hours later, it's still itchy, but it looks like a large pimple. There is pus, and the area around it is very warm.

    I've already drained it twice, cleaned it with some rubbing alcohol, and put a band-aid on it.

    Could it have been a different sort of insect bite, or do you think it just got infected, or could it just be a pimple?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Small, itchy red bump?

    I was at my boyfriend's house last night, and I noticed that my leg was itchy. I scratched it, and I realized it didn't make the itching go away. A few weeks ago the cat had brought fleas in, and I'd been bitten up pretty badly, so I checked, and it looked like a small red bump. I assumed it was another bite (they hadn't seen any fleas around in a few days, but there are probably still some around) and left it alone. Now, a little over 24 hours later, it's still itchy, but it looks like a large pimple. There is pus, and the area around it is very warm.

    Could it have been a different sort of insect bite, or do you think it just got infected, or could it just be a pimple?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Why won't the option show up in Ham Hams Unite?

    When I go to the shop to get the bottle for the sick hamster at the elementary school, I should be able to say "Blash-T" to him to get him to lower the price, but the option won't show up. I've definitely already learned the word. Is it just a glitch?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How long will it take for a package from China to arrive?

    I live in Pennsylvania, and I ordered something from China. It was released from customs in China yesterday, how long should it take to arrive?

    1 AnswerChina8 years ago
  • Should I use wood or PVC?

    I'm making Fai's staff (Tsubasa Chronicles) and I need to figure out what material the main shaf will be made of. It's going to be spraypainted gold, and the more like metal it looks, the better. The staff is going to be about 2 meters (a little over 6 feet) tall in total.

    So, here I come to the question. PVC or wood?

    Wood would be more sturdy, but PVC would be easier to transport (as I could make the top and bottom detachable more easily).

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago
  • Where can I find a brown pair of loafers like this?

    I'm cosplaying Anri Sonohara, and I need a pair of shoes. Problem is, I don't want to pay out the *** for them.

    She wears brown loafers like that.

    I've found a pair that are perfect, but I don't want to pay $65 for a pair of shoes I'll only wear once.

    I've looked and looked, but I haven't found anything similar enough :/

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • is this okay to wear to my boyfriend's graduation?

    My boyfriend is graduating high school tonight, and I've only ever been to my own graduation. Is this dress okay to wear, or should I go with something a little more casual?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Where can I find colored prescription contacts?

    I usually wear glasses, but I'm doing a cosplay, and I need colored contacts. Is there a reliable online store for them?

    I also have astigmatism, so that throws another problem in. Will normal contacts work for a short amount of time (I only plan on wearing them for ~2-3 days, only during the day) on someone with astigmatism?

    1 AnswerOptical8 years ago
  • What should I wear to this job interview?

    I have an interview in the morning, for a job as a painter over the summer at my university. I don't have anything really nice that isn't a formal dress, though. What sort of something should I wear? I was thinking perhaps a black and white dress like this, with a jacket over it.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • What sort of haircut will look good on me?

    I'm getting my hair cut short. Donating it. But I don't know exactly what I want to do with the remainder of it. I don't know what will look good (I went short before and it was a DISASTER).

    My face, for reference:

    And, yes, I do wear, and have to wear, my glasses constantly. I can't see **** without them.

    And, and, for god's sake, don't lecture me about "my beautiful long hair" or whatever, I've heard it for weeks now, but I really want to do this.

    6 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • What's a decent purple hair dye?

    Alright, I want a PERMANENT (so no Manic Panic) darker purple hair dye. I usually dye my hair red, so it's easy to find a lot of options... but for unnatural colors, I'm clueless. I'm hoping to not spend a lot of money, but get a half decent purple dye. Suggestions?

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • What's a decent, affordable camera with night vision?

    I'm looking to record some footage of my campus' game of Humans Vs. Zombies, but I need an affordable camera with night vision. There is SOME lighting, but not a great deal. Any suggestions? It doesn't have to be like super awesome quality or anything.

    3 AnswersCamcorders8 years ago
  • How can I make myself less jealous?

    My boyfriend of 8 months and I were talking today, and we got on the subject of past crushes. He's my first boyfriend, but he had a girlfriend before me. I asked about her, and eventually, we ended up on the subject of their sexual encounters. They never had sex, or even fully removed any clothing, but just... hearing all of that made me feel absolutely horrible. Physically sick to my stomach. I asked him to stop, and he did, but I know what I know now. It's not his fault, I asked. But now... I have this nagging feeling that won't go away, this deep pain in my chest. Just... knowing that I'm not the first girl he treated like that, I'm not the first girl that he loved. And the worst of it, he suspects (and from what he's told me, it's true) that she was really just using him to get boned, and to get with his friend. It sickens me. But, he broke up with her for me. They stayed on good terms. She's not angry, they're still friends. And I feel threatened. He assures me that I shouldn't - and I believe and trust him completely. But I can't help but feel nauseated when I think about it. What can I do?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What should I list as "professional background" on my resume?

    I'm writing my first resume and have very little job experience. I'm applying for a summer job, but it's at the college I'm currently attending, so they ask for a resume. I've found a template that works very nicely for me, all except the "professional background bit. What should I list? Or should I just skip it?

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • What are my chances of getting pregnant?

    Right now, I'm on my period. It started two days ago, and usually lasts five days. My next ovulation should be sometime in march.

    We usually use contraceptive jelly in addition to condoms.

    What are the chances of getting pregnant if we had sex without a condom, using the contraceptive jelly?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Do you have to use a specific wireless adapter for xBox 360?

    Does it have to be the xBox adapter, or will other wireless adapters (like one for a computer) work?

    1 AnswerXbox8 years ago