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I have the sweetest puppy in the world!

  • Is this "An Eye for an Eye?"?

    My boyfriend and I are having a disagreement of words. We are wondering if you consider this " an eye for an eye".

    We decided to not post any pictures on Facebook until we looked at them together. I put a few up, but it was on private for only me and him to see. He didn't realize it was private and became upset that i had posted the pictures, so he posted a picture of me where I look rather promiscuous, and told him the second that picture was taken that I do not want it on Facebook.

    Whether right or wrong, it doesn't matter. I want to know if you consider this an eye for an eye?

    4 AnswersQuotations8 years ago
  • Outside Catering to Wedding Reception in San Diego?

    Hello Everyone!

    My Fiance and I are getting married next year and we are trying to figure out where we can have a ceremony and reception that allows us to bring our own catering. We have a restaurant in the family and it is very important to us to use that as our catering; but nearly every place we think of does not allow outside catering.

    My Only thought thus far is an estate rental, but I am not liking the options so far.

    Do you have any ideas?


    1 AnswerSan Diego1 decade ago
  • Bring My Own Catering to Wedding Reception, San Diego?

    Hello Everyone!

    My Fiance and I are getting married next year and we are trying to figure out where we can have a ceremony and reception that allows us to bring our own catering. We have a restaurant in the family and it is very important to us to use that as our catering; but nearly every place we think of does not allow outside catering.

    My Only thought thus far is an estate rental, but I am not liking the options so far.

    Do you have any ideas?


    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Laws Preventing Self Harm?

    Sealt belt laws are generally intended to prevent one from harming themselves in a car accident, and basically only preventing self harm to people individually and not necessarily for preventing harm to others.

    Does anyone know of any laws that are designed to prevent a person from harming themselves?

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Fetal Movement: Tickling Sensation?

    Hello Everyone!

    I am about 22 weeks.

    So at first I would feel a slight tickling feeling, and it would last as long as a minute some times, and I would feel it only like 2x a day.

    Now I feel that tickling sensation a lot. It tickles behind my belly button ( out to the sides a little and lower) I feel it like 2 minutes on and one minute off when I am sitting still. Some times I feel like it doesn't go away; it will stop for a few seconds then start again.

    I havent felt anything like kicks yet, but the very very occasional spasm movement that feels very faint.

    Does this sound like fetal movement to you?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Baby Tickles... Constant or Intermittent?

    When people feel the "butterfly" and tickling feelings before the noticeable kicks, is it just for a few seconds, then goes away for a while?

    Has anyone felt it almost constantly?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Please Tell Me I am Not Going Crazy! Pregnant?

    Hello Everyone,

    Sorry this is so long! Part of me thinks I must be going crazy to think that I might be pregnant, because the tests are negative and I have been having my period (although lighter than normal). I am just wondering what you think about the situation. (Yes there is a doctor's appointment in the near future, but I am just asking you for your Opinions right now, thanks!)

    In December I thought I was pregnant. I just felt like I was: cramping, fatigued, very sore breasts... but the blood test came back negative.

    February: Still felt strange. I had another blood test and a doctor's appointment. Nothing seemed wrong, no thyroid issue, not pregnant, not diabetic... everything was clear. My stomach was as far out in front of me as my breasts.

    March: Breasts began to leak, look swollen (larger areolas and tubercule bumps)

    Now: My stomach is sticking out about 2 to 3 inches past my breasts.

    I feel like I have round ligament pain (I ache in my lower abdomen all the time, and some times when I walk I get a sharp shooting pain and i need to rest for a minute)

    My stomach cannot suck in, or be pressed in anymore. (so, sticking out and feels hard)

    My heart has been pumping harder all the time.

    I developed eczema in the last week or two; something I have never had before.

    My nails are hard; they have always been very soft, to the point I could bend them in half.

    I keep taking HPTs, some come out clearly negative while others have such a faint positive (with blue dye) I have read POAS website about 6 times throught but I still can't figure it out.

    I haven't missed a period, but they are lighter than normal.

    I feel crazy thinking I am pregnant, but I can't help it. The way I feel right now I constantly have this feeling reminding me that something is going on, and although I am not a doctor, it really screams pregnancy, but at the same time it is very unlikely as the tests are negative etc.

    What are your opinions? If this were you, would you be thinking pregnancy too?

    Thank you!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am a Nervous Wreck! Can anyone ease my mind?

    Hello Ladies,

    Normally I only post when I have a question or want opinions from all of you, but to be honest today I am posting because I am a nervous wreck!

    I feel very pregnant. I feel popping sensations and flutters, I am leaking from my breasts, I have gained weight but mostly just in my belly, and I have been very emotional (like right now). I also have heard of phantom pregnancy: this is not that. I am not exactly ready for kids (either is my boyfriend) but we will be happy to have one if it comes along. I know myself very well, I have not been TTC, and I am not imagining this or psychologically bring these symptoms on myself.

    My intuition is currently at war in my head with logic.

    Intuitively my body is telling me I am pregnant.

    Logically it says I am not: I have had my periods (but much lighter) and I am getting negative pregnancy tests (blood) and very light positive hpts (not evap lines).

    I have a doctor's appointment today and I really hope he does an ultrasound.

    Anyway, I am extremely nervous because either my intuition is wrong and there is something else very wrong with me. Or, I am pregnant and I will be a bit shocked, and worried about why I had negative blood tests.

    I know stress is bad if I am indeed pregnant, I am trying my best to relax but I am still worried.

    If anyone has anything encourgaing to say, I would really appreciate it!

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Any Ideas are very Appreciated! Am I Pregnant? What Else Can It Be?

    Hello Everyone,

    I am so confused about my body right now, I really need help! I am 22 years old.

    First, I would like to say that I just had a doctor's appointment and I just made another. I am here for mere suggestions, opinions, or comments from people that have experienced something similar.

    1. I do not have diabetes or a thyroid problem (my doctor just ran tests)

    2. I am gaining quite a bit of weight, mostly right around my lower abdomen. I am normally about 135 but right now I am about 165. I look about 4 months pregnant. (5 months ago started intaking less calories than I output. Eating more vegetables and getting more cardio each week, but am still gaining at least a pound a week)

    3. I have negative pregnancy tests and if I were pregnant, I would have to be at least 6 weeks along.

    4. I was on birth control for a while, and stopped taking them last summer, about 9 months ago.

    5. Extreme fatigue ( like falling asleep at work, unable to concentrate) But getting 7 hours or more sleep each night.

    6. My nipples keep sticking out, and my areolas have grown and gotten a bit darker.

    7. I am dizzy and recently started sweating a lot, and my armpits have started smelling very bad regardless how often I shower (which is 1 to 2 times daily) or how much deodorant I use.

    I really feel pregnant, even though I have negative tests and my periods have not stopped.

    If anyone has any ideas, please help. I am very confused and would like some thoughts before my next doctor's appointment.

    Thank you, Thank You, in advance!


    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • If This Were YOU, Would You Think You Are Pregnant?

    Hello Ladies, I know there are a million of these questions, but I just can't help myself. I have read all of them, but your opinions would be great! I know I need to get another blood test but right now I just want to what you would think if this was you.

    For the past two months my periods have gone from normally being very heavy, to being pretty light. I am gaining weight (Even after exercising a little more and eating much, much healthier)

    My doctor said there is nothing wrong with my thyroid, no diabetes, nothing wrong with me at all.

    I feel pressure in my abdomen, nothing that I have ever felt before. Maybe it is just from gaining weight.

    Also, I know this is silly, my nails have always been very bad- they always bend and break - my entire life. But now they are very hard, I can't bend them, and they look great. Maybe its from eating helthier, but I have heard that nails are often nicer during pregnancy.

    I have taken about 10 pregnancy tests in the last month, and on every single one I have come up with a very, very faint line. (Yes, within the 10 minutes)

    On EPT, blue dye, the positive line has a small sliver that is dark on the left and the rest is light, almost not visible.

    On First Response it is really difficult to see, but if I hold it up to the light I can see something resembling a positive but it is hard to tell.

    In mid December I took a blood test because I really thought I was pregnant but it came back Negative. It was a qualitative test though and the nurse said that my hcg just might not be high enough yet for the lab to consider it a positive even if some did show up in my blood.

    If I am pregnant, I would be at least 4 or even 6 weeks along (No sex for a month).

    Why would I still get my "period", albeit lighter than normal? Why, if I am pregnant, are the lines so faint?

    Thank you in advance Ladies for your opinions and help!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Movies for Kids with Good Messages?

    Hello Everyone,

    I am making a list of great movies for kids. I don't have any kids yet, but I am making a folder of good parenting ideas for when I do have kids. I know it sounds silly but I think about what I want to do and not do as a parent all the time, so I figure keeping it in a folder is a good idea, even though some of my ideas may change once I actually have kids.

    When I was in elementary school Beethoven was one of my favorite movies, and I feel like it has good components for kids about bullies and standing up for what you believe in. I was outside playing most of my childhood so I missed a lot of good movies. I want to have a nice list of movies to choose from for rainy days or family movie nights.

    I am hoping you can give me ideas for good family movies that have good examples for relatively young children about being good people.

    Thank You!

    6 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy or Thyroid?

    Hello Ladies, I am driving myself crazy thinking about this, and hoping you can help!

    Before I start off: I have a doctor appointment very soon. I am just asking for opinions and/or ladies with similar symptoms.

    I have had:

    *Unprecedented weight gain without a lifestyle change. My eating habits are the same as well as exercise.

    *Breast changes (may be due to weight gain)

    *Excessive thirst

    *Slight loss of balance

    *Stopped birth control last summer, with my normal heavy periods at first and now bleeding on time but it is lighter than normal

    *Last month I "felt" pregnant before my expected period. My HPTs had a very light second lines (I was the only one who could see it) I showed the test to my doctor and she saw the line also and ordered a blood test. The test came back negative but she said it could be too early for the blood test to come back positive.

    I still got my "period" but it was lighter than my normal heavy ones.

    I am wondering if it could be a thyroid issue or pregnancy. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Questioning: Pregnancy or Thyroid?

    Hello Ladies, I am driving myself crazy thinking about this, and hoping you can help!

    Before I start off: I have a doctor appointment very soon. I am just asking for opinions and/or ladies with similar symptoms.

    I have had:

    *Unprecedented weight gain without a lifestyle change. My eating habits are the same as well as exercise.

    *Breast changes (may be due to weight gain)

    *Excessive thirst

    *Slight loss of balance

    *Stopped birth control last summer, with my normal heavy periods at first and now bleeding on time but it is lighter than normal

    *Last month I "felt" pregnant before my expected period. My HPTs had a very light second lines (I was the only one who could see it) I showed the test to my doctor and she saw the line also and ordered a blood test. The test came back negative but she said it could be too early for the blood test to come back positive.

    I still got my "period" but it was lighter than my normal heavy ones.

    I am wondering if it could be a thyroid issue or pregnancy. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Ladies, Am I Seeing This or Is My Mind Playing Tricks On Me?

    Hello Everyone,

    I go to a university and it is finals week, and I think I might be pregnant (Which would be a good thing) but it is stressing me out thinking about it, so I am hoping you can tell me if my eyes are working or if my mind is playing tricks.

    I know that I need to test in a few days, just after waking up, but I would greatly appreciate your opinions while I wait :)

    I have been having pregnancy symptoms which is why I decided to test: extremely tired and dizzy, I have been feeling like my period is coming even though its not due for almost a week, and more...

    I took a first response yesterday, FMU, and within the time frame of 10 minutes I saw a line that was very, very difficult to see. I'm talking squinting and twisting in the light.

    My friend looked and didn't see anything at all.

    Also, I know I am testing pretty early because I have not yet missed my period, so I know that my hcg levels could be low still and I will just need to wait.

    My question is: Has anyone ever sworn they saw a line when nobody else did? Did you end up pregnant or not?

    I know nothing can be certain until I see a doctor, but I am just looking for opinions.

    Thank you!! I really appreciate your help, you will ease my finals week just hearing your experiences and thoughts :)

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • First Response: Is it a line or a Shadow?

    I have looked at so many of these pregnancy test questions but I am posting this anyway :)

    I know the drill- I need to retest in a few days in the morning, but I just want some opinions while I wait.

    My First Response (Early Response) test shows the one line very dark, but the second line (the one indicating pregnancy) is extremely, extremely faint. So much so I have to twist it and hold it at the right angle.

    On the back of the test there are plastic lines going up- one right where the 2nd line would be. I cannot tell if what I am looking at is a line, or a shadow from the back. It seems pink, but I think it could be the dye on the whole top.

    I covered the back with several things to block light from hitting the plastic, so hopefully the lines were accurate. Has anyone else had this problem?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Chicken: How to Cook it Safely?

    Hello Everyone,

    I am cooking chicken tonight for my first time. I have read a few recipes and I figured out how to cook it, how long etc.

    I was just wondering, before I start, what are all the safety precautions i should follow? I am worried about raw chicken contamination.

    Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thank you!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Baby Girl Being Abused: How to Report?

    Yesterday, I was walking in to a store and walking out comes a father holding his (about) one year old daughter. Regardless of the general falsities of first impressions my intuition was that he could be very harmful to this baby.

    The daughter was crying (Not screaming or flailing or throwing a tantrum- just crying) and the dad, holding her, was screaming (not yelling or talking loudly- Screaming) into her face "Shut the F*** Up! I told you to stop your f***ing crying!" etc. for about 2 minutes, as he walked to his car. I couldn't help but watch- staying inconspicuous of course. I heard everything he said even though I was eventually about 200 feet away.

    Now, if he was doing that to her in public, I can only imagine how bad it could be at home. It makes me very sad.

    Now, not knowing him or his name or any other specific information, if I wanted to report such an act how would I go about doing so? If I had gotten his license plate number and given it to CPS could they have found out who he was? Or are they too busy with confirmed cases to fish around for this little girl without having any other concrete info?

    I was rattled by this even though I know there are far worse child abusers out there, and I wish I could have done something. Any ideas for next time would be greatly appreciated.

    9 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Fast-Trak: Why Aren't Speeders Pulled Over?

    I drive on the San Diego Fast Trak in the mornings and evenings, and I love it! But, I am having a small issue.

    I am terrified of car accidents, and I absolutely cannot afford a speeding ticket, so I drive about 70 mph. I always stay in the right lane so people can pass me because everyone else in the lanes are going 75 or 80+. I have yet to see anyone get pulled over in the carpool lane.

    I really feel bad for going so slow compared to everyone, but I am not going to take my chances.

    Does anyone think the carpool lane/fast trak is not really monitored for speed? I just don't see how people on the regular part of the freeway can get pulled over for going 74, when there are 20 cars in the carpool lane going over 80, and dangerously weaving around people like me, who are already going over the speed limit but still not going fast enough to be with the "flow of traffic".

    I understand with the divider it is more difficult for police officers to get into the carpool lane, but is there more reasoning behind this rather than just the physical boundary?

    1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Emotional Abuse: Intervention or Support?

    My best friend is in an emotionally abusive relationship. In all subcategories: indirect aggression, denying, and minimizing.

    It could definitely be worse. He is nice to her for the most part, certainly doesn't hurt her physically. But he completely disregards her feelings, opinions, beliefs, makes her feel stupid about any thought she has (And she is not a stupid girl. Straight A's in school, a semester away from graduating college at 21 years old). She told me that she has not had a single day where she has been completely happy in 2 years because of him. (That is how long they've been together)

    A few months ago she broke up with him for about 36 hours then was back together with him for about 3 months. Then she was fed up with him again so they broke up a month ago, and yesterday I found out she has been seeing him again (and didn't tell me because she didn't want me mad at her). I don't know this last time how long they were broken up, but it was at least 2 weeks. I have told her it is an emotionally abusive relationship when looking at it from the outside; and she is constantly distraught: always about things he says, does, or doesn't do.

    My question is... should I stay by her side and support her, hoping that she will eventually break away?

    Or, should I do more of an intervention. (It would only be me though, I am not sure that would quite do the trick, but its the idea behind it that may trigger her senses stronger.)

    I know the best of friends are ones who never leave your side, and are always supportive. But at the same time, a friend would never let you continuously stay in an emotionally abusive relationship.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • A Spin on Tutoring. Would you consider this for your child?

    If this was offered in your area for high school or middle school children, would you consider taking advantage of it?

    With high schools no longer offering Home-Ec or Health classes anymore (At least in California) children no longer learn basics about household things (Like not mixing bleach and amonia), life things (I know this is general, but stuff like explaining what a bounced check means and why it happens) and eating well, except from their family or friends.

    Many parents are too busy these days to teach their children many of these things on a regular basis, or as often as it probably is needed.

    If you are a busy parent, and I set up a Group tutoring program in your area, say once or twice a week after school for about 2 to 3 hours that offered:

    Max 10 kids in the group

    Homework Help

    After School Snack

    Help with SAT info, college info and applications

    Mini-Lessons about household, life, or health things. Nothing overwhelming but enough to give teens some extra knowledge that will come in handy one day.

    I am a 21 year old female, in my last year of college for a degree in teaching. I would have to conduct it in my (nice) home or a public place like a library, because I would be independent. (Similar to how babysitting is more of an "under the table" job)

    Cost would be about $20 to $30 an hour. (Keep in mind that professional tutoring can range from $50 to $70 per hour)

    Would you consider this an option for your child?

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago