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  • Has anybody heard about Agenda 21?

    I just ran across it in a comments section. I thought it was just some tinfoil hat stuff, but then I read from some sources that I trust and I am blown away.

    The gist I got is that we basically follow directives set by the UN under the guise of helping developing nations and improving the environment, but it controls a huge portion of our industrial sector and government regulation. Because it isn't a treaty congress didn't have to sign off on it. There were no public hearings. It is ludicrous. Is this thing as scary as it sounds?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Response to memo from the boss?

    I just read the New York Times piece A Memo from the Boss on Yahoo. It talked about employers like big companies sending memos to employees telling them who they should vote for. Now the memos almost all endorse Mitt Romney and even though I'm a raging Republican, I find this totally unacceptable. The idea that the boss tells you who to vote for is down right un=American. Corporations should not be able to fund a candidate or detail information to employees of who the company backs for an office. I find these Political Action Comittees (pacs) wrong as well. anonymous orginizations backed by God knows who that can turn out attack ads and shameless lies that the candidates get to disavow publicly but reap the benefits of privately. Am I the only one that feels this way?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How to make the world a better place.?

    I'm on a personal campaign to make our world a better place. I read on Yahoo about a music teacher that was given a new music room. The thing about the article that struck me was how easy going the music teacher was. They would bounce him from classroom to classroom, sometimes even a storage room or cafeteria. He just smiled and was said, "Ok, fine by me." I would have been livid, raised holy hell. It struck me that if we were all more like this guy, maybe our world would be a better place. So my personal goals, and I hope others will join me, are:

    1. To not let others discourtesy or rudeness cause me to react in kind.

    2. To smile when I speak to anybody.

    3. To accept a bad situation and try to see the bright side.

    4. To NEVER say anything or think anything bad about somebody, and always see the best of people. As in instead of thinking "Wow, that guy is fat." I will think "He has nice shoes, or he looks kind."

    If everybody projects positive things, then we live in a positive world. THe news lives on bad news. The people that died today or the crime that was committed. They might squeeze a fluff piece about something nice every now and then. Instead if we focus on the positive we can see what a great and beautiful world we live in.

    Will you join me in this crusade?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Is sociology just a class in Communism?

    I have read the first chapter in my Sociology book and it is nothing but the oppression of this group or that group by some other group. Karl Marx is a celebrated sociologist I have just read. I was thinking this course was going to be more about society and how it is structured. So far this course is about the evils of capitalism "you will read about research on the macro level from racism and sexism to the globalization of capitalism" Really lumping Capitalism with racism and sexism? I think I made a huge mistake taking this course, does it get better?

    1 AnswerSociology9 years ago
  • Is the SyFy channel doomed?

    As I am the last to know, Stargate Universe was axed to make room for Wrestling. So while looking up why the show was axed I saw that quite a few other shows got wacked to be replaced by really bad reality TV shows like "The Ghost Whisper" . There's a show called UFO hunters that I would understand if that was on SyFy but thats like on the History Channel or something. SciFi channel used to have Lexx, Farscape, Fire Fly, and what not, now it is wrestling and reality TV. Shouldn't they just call themselves the "All the crap that didn't make it on some other network channel"?

    Am I the only person that enjoyed having a channel dedicated to scifi series? Looking at the SyFy channels forums, its obvious they don't want to hear anything about their programming. They delete or lock anything deragatory about their new programing schedule. With that in mind, is the SyFy channel over?

    1 AnswerReality Television9 years ago
  • Is Steven Spielberg alien happy?

    Close Encounters of the third kind- alien movie

    E.T-Alien Movie

    A.I.- Android wants to become a real boy (kubrik movie) then Spielberg called in to finish movie because Kubrik dies ALIENS come and re-animate android and make real boy.

    Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- Indiana Jones movie that becomes an ALIEN MOVIE.

    I'm begining to think that Steve is a little hung up on Aliens. I just have this picture of him shooting "Saving Private Ryan" and saying, "O.K. the Nazis swarm over the bridge, Tom Hanks is shot, and then a UFO comes in and blast the Nazis off the bridge." While panicked film crews try to talk him out of it.

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Should George Lucas be jailed and kept from being involved in movies ever again?

    Yes I'm one of those "Fan boys" that he disdains. I never really thought of myself as a scifi geek, but I've come to terms that I must be, because George Lucas is really pissing me off!

    Star Wars in 3D!!!!!! Oh come on man give me a break you frickin sell out! He totally screwed the star wars series and only a re-write by a fan boy like maybe Kevin Smith could possibly unscrew what that idiot did.

    Star Wars the Phantom Menance screw ups.

    1. Jar Jar Binks "Meesa no kiddin"

    2. Midaclorians? So its a parasite? So why not culture it and infect all the Sith or Jedi we need?

    3. Jedi are cops. What the hell are the Jedi doing upholding law and order, they were supposed to be like the Shoalin Monks, but instead they're the Key Stone Cops?

    4. Darth Maul gets killed in the first movie? Who the hell didn't expect him to be killed by Anakin when he became Darth Vader? The coolest thing about the new movies wacked in the first movie?

    5. Anakin starts out like 8yrs old because George wanted to snare the younger generation? Luke Skywalker wasn't 8 when I was 8 and saw this movie, and besides everybody wanted to be Han Solo and he was like 40, why the hell did anakin need to be 8?

    6. THE ENTIRE SPACE BATTLE IN PHANTOM MENANCE, WHO WROTE THAT CRAPPY SCENE!!!???!!? "I wonder what happens if I do this? Whooaa!"

    7. Queen Amadala is the ELECTED queen? Then why is Princess leia a princess?

    8. The pod races would have made way more sense if Anakin had been a teenage boy.

    I could go on, but most of it has been said. Can we just get George to sell Star Wars to somebody that actually likes the movie? I'd be willing to by it if everybody would loan me like 350 million or so. :)

    8 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Does this constitute Patient Abandonment?

    As a paramedic I am sometimes called to take patients FROM THE HOSPITAL to a private residence. In most cases the pt is fine but unable to walk or sit up and needs a stretcher to travel from the hospital to home. However; sometimes the patients are on oxygen. This requires us to provide BLS service to the patient as oxygen is considered a drug. Upon arrival at the home the patient is released into the care of his family who are not medical professionals. Now the patient is on oxygen at home normally, but because the pateint was transported in an ambulance and he is on oxygen we must provide BLS care, is leaving the pt with family Abandoment since they are not the same or greater level of care than the ambulance?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Is the movie Avatar a remake?

    I realize i'm much older than most of the people here. I also realize that the taste in theater in America has plumeted to abysmal depths. Which is why The Fast and the Furious, Avatar, and Dumb and Dumber are considered the greatest movies of all time by todays movie goers. However; am i the only one that sees that Avatar and Dances with Wolves are basically the same damn movie? Shouldn't Kevin Costner be pissed? And for that mater TRUE GRIT!!!! John Wayne won an academy award for that movie and somebody has the balls to remake it? What next Casablanca with Ice Cube playing Rick? How about Gone with the wind? (that really scares me because the studios would feel obligated to spend half the movie showing the horrors of slavery, even though that had little to do with the original story, just to show how deeply they share the pains of slavery with the african american community) My question really is, Has Hollywood just run out of gas?

    5 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What would your top eighties filcks be without naming the obvious ones.?

    What would you name as classically eighties movies without naming Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, or the like.

    My list of five would be:

    1. Terminator. (watch it and your like wow the eighties I remember now, special attention to Bill Paxton that has five minutes in the movie as the punker that gets killed for his clothes)

    2. To live and Die in LA. (wow, it's just so eighties.)

    3. Heavy Metal (gotta love the sound track)

    4. Earth Girls are easy (pay special attention to Jim Carey as one of the aliens, and the "Because I'm Blonde" song.)

    5. Flash Dance (Wow did that movie seem a whole lot better the first time I saw it.)

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Your Top eighties flicks without naming the obvious.?

    What would you name as classically eighties movies without naming Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, or the like.

    My list of five would be:

    1. Terminator. (watch it and your like wow the eighties I remember now, special attention to Bill Paxton that has five minutes in the movie as the punker that gets killed for his clothes)

    2. To live and Die in LA. (wow, it's just so eighties.)

    3. Heavy Metal (I just got to chicks in one day, I could never do that back on earth!)

    4. Earth Girls are easy (pay special attention to Jim Carey as one of the aliens, and the "Because I'm Blonde" song.)

    5. Flash Dance (Wow did that movie seem a whole lot better the first time I saw it.)

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is anybody having trouble with their AT&T service?

    SInce about noon today in the north florida area I can't get a call through except to my wife. The phone either immediately says "Your call can not be completed at this time, please try again later." or it will ring a few times and say the same thing. MY friends smart phone says network busy. It's been like this for several hours now. I can't call AT&T for the above reasons or anybody else really except my wife and one other friend, and even then it is sketchy, sometimes working, sometimes not.

    Is anybody else having this problem? Anybody know what's going on?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • A + certification, should I get it?

    I was a lan manager back when NT 4.0 was the hottest new program out there and LAN managers were making 100k plus a year. I was buffing up my resume, and thinking of dipping my feet back into the IT world (which means starting all over because at this point I know JACK about the world of LAN management and router management).

    You used to begin with A+ certification. Is that still needed for your microsoft lan management cert? Do you still get a microsoft lan management cert? What about all these online A+ classes are they any good?

    1. Do you need A+ plus anymore?

    2. Is microsoft lan management cert still important or even available?

    3. Are any of these online classes from places like IT cert. com any good?

    6 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • What are your veiws on War vs Peace?

    I have spent the last few years listening to those that advocate peace above all else. As a veteran of both gulf wars and the cold war (wasn't so cold where I was), I am shocked by the naivety of my fellow Americans.

    1. War isn't the worst thing on earth. War is a necessary part of our existence. Most of our greatest achievements came from war. Food preservation,Commercial refrigeration (developed to keep food for troops over long distances), Flight (considered a hobby until somebody figured out that you could drop bombs on people, then flight development began to get funding), and most of our medical advances (to treat war wounded) including ambulances and transplant surgery. The space program, that rapid aid to refugees from natural disasters, and our highway system were all developed in response to war or for our military.

    2. Some groups of people will NEVER embrace our point of view because it conflicts with their point of view. Japan NEEDED to take China for their agenda, the fact that WE wanted to exploit china meant that there could be no compromise. Thus we had WWII (nobody knew about the holocaust in Europe until after the war). War is a legitimate part of our diplomacy tool box.

    3. As a member of the U.S. military it was my job to go to war. Saying you want peace to save military personnel is like saying let a building burn to save fire fighters (which is what I do now).

    4. ALL wars are about making rich people richer and our fought by the poor. The revolutionary war, civil war, world war I and II, Vietnam, and yes the gulf wars were about money. (Revolutionary war to save rich land owners from paying taxes, civil war about advancing interest in the north and usurping the cheap labor of the freed slaves, word war I and II about controlling the economies in europe and the far east, Vietnam was about the Rubber plantations left by the french, gulf wars were about oil).

    So you that sit at home and don't fight these wars, other than a political talking point, what exactly is your objection to war, more people died in Detroit today than Afghanistan and Iraq all month.

    I ask this question knowing I am going to get bashed, but I was bored and actually love hearing opposing opinions.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How communicable is MRSA?

    I'm a paramedic and I am exposed to MRSA every shift, (Nursing Homes). Whenver I get duped (nursing home "forgets" to mention pt has MRSA as they do with every MRSA pt) and forget to ask directly if pt has MRSA, I always get the same answer: "Why do you care, everybody has MRSA. I guaruntee that your nose is colonized."

    1. It doesn't sound kosher to me that "Everybody" has MRSA, if we did wouldn't a vast quantity of my elderly pts whose immune system isn't the best end up with MRSA? What about my year old baby girl?

    2. How likely is it to get MRSA from handling pts with respiratory or topical MRSA?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • What movies go with these lines.?

    1. "There are two types of people in the world, those that have loaded guns and those that dig. You dig."

    2. "Loui I'm aiming this pistol at your heart!" Rick

    "That is my least voulnerable spot." Loui

    3. "You didn't see La Force out there did you?"


    " Good, for a second I thought we were in trouble."

    4. "It's not personal sonny, it's business."

    5. "You know how to whistle don't you, just put your lips together and blow."

    Just curious to see how many people here REALLY watch movies, or just watch the latest slop out of hollywood.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • LOTRO vs Wizard 101 which is better?

    So I have been playing Wizard 101 for a while and although it is a little over populated and has occasional graphic glitches, it has been a very fun game. Recently I have tried Lord of the Rings online.

    Wizard 101 is easy to play and has great graphics. The chat function is annoying that it limits your ability to say some things, which I understand due to the number of tweens playing. The card thing is fun until you've seen all of them, then it's agravating to wait for the video shot to finish. I really liked the quest pointer that showed you where your next objective was. I have played it to death, beaten the bad guy multiple times, tried all the classes. Still waiting for the new worlds to be made.

    I recently tried LOTRO. I really hate games based on movies, but this one seemed to not be so tied the movie that he felt like you were just re-watching the movie. I haven't played much but so far I've found the chat interface infuriating. In wizard 101 you can just talk to anybody. In LOTRO it seems impossible to get anyone to talk to the point that I'm sure I'm doing it wrong since I can't get one person (game player) to talk to me. The quest pointer doesn't seem to work unless I'm so far away from my goal then it will pop up. I like the combat a lot, I was shocked that you can fail a quest. It looks cool, but after wizard 101 it seems way tougher to play, less intuitive.

    So if you've played both, which do you like more and why?

    If you play LOTRO do you have any tips for somebody just starting (I'm a dwarf/champion).

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Computer vs Console which is best.?

    I have been a video game player since the days of pong. I loved "Ali Baba" played on a TSR 80. I loved Ultima 1, 2, and 3 on the old Atari computer (not the game system). I missed out on castle wolfenstien because I didn't have a computer that could play it. I got back into games when Doom 1 came out, the head to head death matches hooked me. From there games progressed to more and more awesome like Duke Nuke 'em 3D, Mech Warrior, Unreal, Half Life, and I guess about Doom3 it maxed out before console games overtook the market.

    So which is better. Computer based games like Fallout, Mech Warrior, Rainbow six. Games that allowed the player to explore more, do more things, and allowed a richer game experience at the cost of spending a fortune on a game playing computer that was forever behind the curve of the latest game.


    Console games that allow limited interaction with the game environment, but allow for greater graphics, and much better multiplayer play.

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Dollar bill redesign project?

    I just saw the article about redesigning the currency in America. I don't really have to much issue with changing our money, although in a world with checkcards and auto payment it seems like we they want to improve buggy harnesses.

    I do take issue with the groups apparent agenda.

    1. the article was by the huffington post, I would have the same reservations if FOX news had made the article.

    2. They show Obama on the one dollar bill. George washington fought the revolutionary war, declined election to KING, and established the two term presidency (although not made into law untill later). Obama hasn't even finished his presidency, much less done anything of note. I would have the same objections to Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter being on a bill.

    3. All the bills have democrats on them. FDR, John F Kennedy, and Obama.

    4. The other bills were way to PC for me with Rosa Parks, Saquiwiga (however you spell it), Sitting Bull (which I did like, somebody of that stature deserves a bill). I think Presidents on the bill should be the norm.

    5. Obama was on there but Reagan wasn't? Reagan ended the cold war, Obama got govt run healthcare passed, I think Reagan was a bigger influence on the historical stage. On the other hand I think that presidents on dollar bill should be limited to the founding fathers, and Lincoln.

    Any thoughts?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • why is everybody upset about quaran burning?

    If some Imam in pakistan or Saudi Arabia was saying he was going to burn a bible on 9/11 would you be going nuts about it. Would the president of the united states try to apply pressure on the government of pakistan or saudi arabia to put a stop to it?

    When I first heard about the Koran (alternate spelling) burning I was like "what a dip." Now I am a little wierded out that it has gotten so much attention, that people in the highest levels of our government are freaking out about it. Suddenly it's an international story.

    Seriously, if somebody was to burn a bible, an american flag, and a DVD of season one of American Idol; would you expect the same reaction. Why is this such a big deal? Muslims are easily offended, but christians aren't? Or maybe it's because when muslims get offended people die.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago