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I've traveled and have met many beautiful people, experienced their food and night life and have been humbled by their culture.

  • Might have a work related legal case?

    I am an infrastructure engineer recently called in to fix a problem. The hiring manager only spoke about the task not the environment. He did not disclose how hostile the team was. The very first day I arrived - I was confronted. With two-months, In the parking lot- an engineer decided to intimdate me. He was written up for this than later fired. But apparently this same engineer had been doing this for 13 years with other employees but no one ever complained about him.

    This is a big project but apparently - there are no documentations, diagrams and the team could not understand me - I later found out, none of these people ever got trained. To make matters worse - unqualified leaders are making up rules (not best practices) as they go along. Really bad decisions.

    I have no budget to restructure, fix or modify the environment. I have no assistance. I am pissed. I am upset that this was not disclosed to me.

    I requested for help. A new engineer was hired than terminated. The reason - faied psyche test. I was never given one nor the others. The test had nothing to do with the work at hand. Apparently there was something else taking place. The test was not done by a doctor or psychiatrist.

    Tension is high and now - now everything I request from my manager is ignored. (mind you, i am still very new with this company). An easy answer is to walk away -Still What are my alternatives? Might I have a legal case?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • My clone fish just stays in the corner all the time. Does anyone know why?

    I have a 29 gallon tank and two fish. A goby and a clone fish. The clone fish seems to just swim in the corner of the tank. Does anyone know why?

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts about President Obama honoring Jane Fonda?

    Jane Fonda was well known for her exercise videos but she was actually known by another famous or dare I say, infamous name, Hanoi Jane. She became North Vietnamese most powerful supporter and speaker against America and specifically against U.S Vietnam Vets. Many U.S Vietnam Veterans came home only to be slapped, spat at and denounced.

    She continues to reside in the U.S. unpunished due to her status and benefits from what many both living and dead U.S Veterans did for her country.

    Let me know what you think about this.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What do you think of starz, Spartacus?

    I thought I've seen it all. From Stanley Kubrick's version to Mel Gibson. To my surprise, God's of the Arena was good. But that's me. What do you think of it?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • It seems more and more people are angry or upset with our government. Why?

    What precisely are you angry or upset with the government about? Share your thoughts.

    8 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Why are Republicans attacking President Obama Housing Programs?

    For those that are current with the mortgage, good. But for the millions that have lose their jobs due to foreign competition and more, foreclosing on their homes may make for a bad formula-that can increase crime and drugs, and even prostitution.

    But by the banks foreclosing and selling those homes to people that can afford it will only stimulate the financial market again. And since the same people are in power, business as usual.

    Hosing alone is just one of many that can help stimulate the economy.

    Other methods of stimulating the economy.

    Immediately remove Goldman Sachs in the equation. People that can have a direct impact with congress, judges and president makes is not good. Another term for this is fraud and inside trading which if we do it can land us in jail.

    Stop all wars.

    Stop sponsoring other countries and stop handing out aid to other countries.

    Take jobs back and limit import - increase manufacture of foreign goods and services here. Stimulate retail by having government grant companies that can build high competitive products made here in the U.S.

    When people start making money here, they will start spending money here.

    I digress.

    Let's make this a nice discussion.

    I would like to hear your thoughts about this. Why are the Republicans against Obama's Housing program?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Many fear that under President Obama leadership, America will become a Socialist Nation. Can it?

    Socialist Economics is so different to Capitalism that having to have one man change this is like saying that we are all a collective or that I am borg of Obama. It is practically impossible to shift this "practically" except for war or extremely serious war. Even that might be questionable. So, to suggest this to Mad Max can be detrimental to one's health. It can be easily seen as a cult. But many believe this could happen. So what are your thoughts.

    3 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Will the U.S. economy get better if no one is buying products/services that are made in America?

    Look inside your closet. Randomly pull out a few items and look at the tag. Where was it made? Go to the Mall and ask the store owner if they have products that were made in America. When it comes to cars, what is the most popular car in this country? Is it GMC, Chevy, Dodge? Or Toyota? When it comes to U.S animation and cartoons, why are companies like Nickelodeon, Disney, Warner Bros., to name a few, outsourcing them to countries like Korea, the Philippines and other. India has been known to handle IT level support. How long has this been and why can I not understand what they are saying. Why is Microsoft offering free certification to India when it cost up to $3000 dollars for me to take it. Why is the U.S. Government allowing U.S. companies to outsource work in places that are politically volatile and be used against us.

    Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs Writes the President:

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • A Senator states that the Bible supports Capitalism. Its part of being a good Christian. How so?

    Correct me if the statement is wrong, and do correct me if you've seen that broadcast. Apparently many GOP conservative believes that Capitalism is supported by the word of God. Last I heard, it was that eye of the needle thing. So, is that statement accurate?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should religion be considered when electing a leader? If so, what should that religion be?

    Before you blaze the answer, consider why I asked the question. Thomas Jefferson made it clear that this is our human right. Many American still believe that President Obama is Muslim. I see no issue with this but apparently many do - including President Obama. Before winning the election and becoming the President of the United States, Mr. Obama released a statement that he is not Muslim but a Christian. By hearing that statement, I bothered me but I just ignored it.

    Still many believe that President Obama is Muslim. So, the question stands. Many Americans believe that religion is a criteria. So, if we are to consider the next President and ask the question - what is your religion -

    Take it from there....

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would you work for a company that experiments on terminally ill seniors and soldiers without their knowledge?

    Before you say no, please read the scenario.

    Scenario: You've been looking for a job for a year and no luck. You lost your house, your car, your toys, your expensive suits and now you are back home living in the basement at your parents home with your wife and kids. After months of job search you got an offer to work for a very powerful pharmaceutical company.

    This pharmaceutical offered you an executive job with tons of money, company car, and an expense account that weights more than what an average American makes in a year. After, you called out to your wife, your parents and kids and told them all the great news. Your title is executive sales manager and you were assigned a great location. When the day came to show up for work, you were told to head on the HR Department to sign documents and be given a presentation.

    After the break, everyone was called in. The HR personal handed out a copy of your nondisclosure agreement with your signature. Soon after, the Senior VP walks in. After a few seconds he began to speak. During his presentation your joyful smile disappeared. All you could here is "Our company experiments on seniors and active veterans unknowingly," and recently, Congress passed a law allowing this company to continue. With your family on the line versus your moral obligation, would you still accept that job?

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What will happen with Apple once Steve Jobs finally steps down?

    Sooner or later, Steve Jobs will need to step down. This is not the first time. Steve has left Apple before. There are differences as to what happened than, but what might happen to Apple once he leaves for good? Share your thoughts

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Is there a growing trend of angry motorist towards Toyota Prius drivers?

    I don't know if this is true or not, but apparently there is a growing trend of angry Californian motorists targeting Toyota Prius drivers. I want to know if it is true. Is it the driver itself that is the problem or the weight of the car or something else. Share your stories.

    6 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • What are your views about the Oscars?

    Well, I get really annoyed listening to critics but one (can't say). Anyway, let me know what you thought of the Oscars? Did it meet your expectations? Without going into reviewing the movies, was it better than last years or worse?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If Hilary Clinton decided to run for presidency and Sarah Palin switch party affiliation to become her VP?

    Not enough room for the question...

    Of course these are all theory, but if Hilary Clinton were to run for President and Sarah Palin switch party affiliation and became (not only a democrat) but Hilary's VP, would that help or hurt the campaign?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • During the presidential election, do you think Sarah Palin helped or hurt the campaign?

    If you've seen Godfather 3, many will understand the question. You can have the best actors and actresses do what they do best on screen - but one (the very one) could destroy it. Well, I don't know if that is accurate but I am using that as an example. Did Sarah Palin helped or hurt the presidential campaign?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think Sarah Palin is a political genius or a potential scapegoat?

    Besides everything stated about Palin. How is it possible for her to still be in the limelight if she isn't clever? Do you think she is a political genius or a potential scapegoat?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did Superman really and truly kill Doomsday?

    I've been asking some weird questions lately but this is one that I feel is really important. Did Superman really kill Doomsday? If so, can anyone tell me how Doomsday came to be? I mean, what is Doomsday made of?

    Comics & Animation1 decade ago
  • What are we Americans doing to stop the continued damage that both parties are doing to this country?

    I continue to hear and read wise gestures and words. We blame the Democrats than we blame the Republicans while Fox and Daily Shows - make millions exploiting our emotions towards one against the other. So, we hear countless so called experts - most are bold and fat, tell us what this is or that is - doing precisely what Enron did to California. (Speculate) Where did that lead us? Now with AIG and the bailed out banks and SEC, its apparently clear that it is business as usual. I would like to know what you are doing about it? Tell me your stories.

    6 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago