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Favorite Answers17%
  • Is this how crackpot conspiracy theories get started?

    The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee asserts that somebody 'trained' the Boston bombers. His reasons? (a) They have pressure cookers in Afghanistan. (b) The sophistication of the weapons - even though you can find instructions on the internet and buy all the components at Walmart.

    That's it? That's all he needs to conclude that there was a wider conspiracy? No facts, no evidence, he just pulls this stuff out of the air.


    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Sheriff above the law (or just crazy)?

    An Oregon sheriff has announced that he will not enforce gun laws that he considers unconstitutional. Is somebody going to tell this guy that it isn't a sheriff's job to decide on the constitutionality of legislation? Or remind him that the FBI and ATF enforce federal gun laws, so all he has to do is stay out of their way.


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Minorities taking over?

    It's great that every American can have a voice in public debates, but it's just plain wrong when minorities can hold the rest of us hostage to their opinions.

    69% of Americans support women's reproductive rights as set out in Roe v. Wade. 55% of Americans want stronger gun laws. But conservatives are doing everything in their power to thwart the will of the majority. They tout themselves as super-patriots, but they'll do anything to keep democracy from following its course.


    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How will the GOP respond to this?

    A CNN poll indicates that the vast majority of Americans will blame the Republican party if we fall off the 'fiscal cliff'. Understanding that the GOP values its agenda more than the will of American voters, I still think they're going to cave in these negotiations. They can't afford to deepen the hole that they dug for themselves in last month's election.

    What do you think? Will the GOP smarten up or continue trying to steer us toward disaster?


    10 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Questions about Obama and underwear stains ...?

    What is WITH these people? (Or is it maybe just one person.) What compels them to ask endless variations of the same question just so they can get reported and suspended and ask it again with a new id? This is somebody's idea of fun?


    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • A question about questions about secession ...?

    Are there actually people out there who don't understand that a bunch of petitions doesn't mean that any 'states are seeking secession'? Who think that secession is even a remote possibility? And most of whom can't spell 'secede'?

    Bottom line: What % of these posters do you think are trolls?


  • Why do so many secessionists flock here in YA?

    Around 60,000 people have signed online secession petitions - that's 5 ten-thousandths of the 120 million people who voted last Tuesday; and only one-thousandth of the Romney voters. So we're talking about pretty small numbers here.

    Why, then, does it seem like every con in YA thinks the petitions are a good thing?


    6 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • What's your favorite GOP excuse for Romney losing?

    They had to come up with SOMETHING to explain how they lost to such a vulnerable incumbent. My personal favorite: Romney wasn't conservative enough. Right. Uber-conservatives were so turned off by Romney that they went out and voted for Obama. Or did they just stay home on election day?


    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is this the end of Paul Ryan?

    No losing vice presidential candidate has ever been elected President. Will Ryan now focus on constituent issues like expanding the Government Cheese program?


    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Will this election be a wake-up call for the GOP, or ...?

    will they double down on pandering to teabaggers, voodoo economists and religious fanatics?


    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why are most YA Libs cowardly (like 0bama) and hide their Q&A lists?

    PS: I have no objective data to back up this assertion, but based on my vast intelligence and experience, I'm sure it must be true.


    2 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Where can I find the GOP Platform?

    There are articles all over the place about various provisions of the 2012 GOP platform. Does anybody know where there's a complete version of the platform? I can't find one on the internet.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why can't people grow up when it comes to politicians' lies and hypocrisy?

    I'm tired of hearing people complain about politicians (usually the other party's politicians) telling lies. You don't have to take too big of a step back to realize that ALL POLITICIANS LIE.

    On the campaign trail, their every utterance is calculated around, What can I say right here, right now, to get more votes? They'll say one thing today and something else tomorrow, and if you call them on it they'll look you in the eye and lie about what they said. They all promise to do things that they have no real intention of doing if elected. Congressmen are expected to vote the party line, and they'd better if they want party money and good committee assignments. They get a pass if they have to go against the party to win a tough race, but there's no pass for voting your conscience. Ask a politician if he has any shame, and he'll ask an aide to get him dictionary.

    Hypocrisy? The word practically has no meaning when it comes to politicians. Half of them wouldn't even know how to vote for what they really believe because all they really believe is that they want to get in office or stay in office. The other half are willing to go against what they really believe if that's what it takes to win.

    To use Paul Ryan as an example - only because he's convenient: Today he's saying rape is rape is rape. But we all know what he really wants when it comes to abortion. And somehow, this guy who certainly seems to be highly intelligent sees no contradiction between being both a devout Catholic and Ayn Rand's biggest fan.

    There are notable exceptions. Ron Paul, for instance, consistently speaks his mind. That's probably a big part of why he can't win an election.

    Sorry about the rant. I'm not complaining about politicians. They are what they are. I'm complaining about people who can't accept that fact.


    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What affects the future of Americas kids more, $16 Trillion USA debt, or a couple years of Romney's tax return?

    How about no more Social Security and no health care for elderly Americans.


    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Are democrats destined to lose the debate on the federal budget with Paul Ryan in the campaign?

    Somebody has already asked this question (probably 7 or 8 times by now) but I'm blocked from answering it. So, here's my answer: Don't expect a lot of Americans to be excited about the prospect of sliding into poverty. The more people learn about Paul Ryan, the better it is for Obama's campaign.

    Your thoughts?


    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Guns and Marriage ...?

    (a) States shouldn't have to recognize the legality of (gay) marriages performed in other states.

    (b) A concealed handgun permit from any podunk town in America should be valid anywhere in the country.

    Does anybody else find it odd that the biggest advocates of States' Rights agree with both (a) and (b)?


    4 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Poll re Trayvon Martin Case?

    Some of today's questions have me shaking my head. What are you more concerned about?

    (a) A kid getting gunned down in the street for no apparent reason.

    (b) Somebody allegedly overreacting and calling for the killer to be brought in 'dead or alive'.


    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • What kind of sex life do you think Jesus had?

    There's so much we don't know for certain. Hopefully, Biblical scholars will someday be able to shed light on things like how often He got nookie, who He did it with, His favorite practices/positions, how good or bad a partner He was, etc., etc.


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Gay conspiracy against Repub lawmakers?

    Phillip Hinkle, a God fearing Illinois legislator who voted against gay marriage rights, is being shaken down for "allegedly" trying to buy sex from an 18 year old boy. Do you think the kid pulled this off on his own, or is this the work of a big time gay conspiracy?


    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago