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ipod touch help???????????
i just bought a new ipod touch, i turn it on and theres the itunes logo and a usb pointing to it and i dont know what to do. no matter what i do the screen doesnt change. PLZ HELP
6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agolooking for opinions?
ok well for christmas im getting my first cell phone so im exicted (im 15 1/2) and i updated my stutus to : merry christmas IM GETTING A PHONE ^^^^^^^^
and my boyfriend commented: lol ur so immature sometime XD
idk wat im really asking but i just want to know wat you guys think of it
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoi had a dream dont know what it means?
ok well ive been haveing dreams with babies in them, only one at a time in each dream, in these dreams im takeing care sometimes there mine and my boyfriend and sometimes i babysiting with my boyfriend. with my first dream i had a newborn (this one's mine) the baby is a girl. shes rapped in a white and light blue striped blanket (mine from when i was a baby) me and my boyfriend are at a friends house or something and we were playing cards (this would probably be when the parents get out for the first time after the baby) the friends on the other side of the table i dont remember seeing there faces, but i dont think i actually know them. so where playing cards my daughter is in my lap, im just watching, and my boyfriend wins the hand by a very close call. and my baby looks at me and says "i love you mama and dada" first few seconds were all laughing still from the cards, then me and my boyfriend look at each other and we dont say anything but were like omg those were her first words. end of dream. in my next dream it was me and the same baby and my boyfriend and all i remember frome this dream was that someone was trying to get her and to avoid this she started climbing the trees in my front lawn like a monkey, in this same dream i remeber there being a real monkey.
1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade agowho was involved in the black sox scandal?
who was invovled and what role did they play thin the scandal
6 AnswersBaseball1 decade agohelp finding information within this text? about black sox's trial?
using this site
can people find what people where involved, when, where it took place, and a short summary of what it was about.
5 AnswersBaseball1 decade agomagic topics? ideas? interesting things?
im trying to find interesting topics about magic (wicca and pagans). like goddesses, dragons, fairies, magical creatures. im also making a story that kinda revolves around this stuff and i think this kinda stuff would help me. i would also need stuff on familiars demons plants and trees. are there any good books on stuff like this?
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agowhat are reasons that people cut for? (self harm)?
well im just a bit Curious about it, some of my friends do and i don't want to ask them in case it brings up something painful. i know some people do it for attention but i don't care about that, i want actual answers, i don't care if you do or don't cut (just trying to get my point across) i just want to know some reasons, what are reasons you think people do etc.
6 AnswersPsychology1 decade agowhen will the next full moon be on july 24th?
2 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago3 month anniversary ideas for teens?
i know its only 3 months but i feel its important, plus its both of are longest relationship. hes 16 and im 15. are anniversary is on a Wednesday so we have school and since its 3 months i wanna keep it simple nothing too elaborate
2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade agowhat are all good, Beautiful, cute, and/or sexy magical creatures?
nothing demonish or werid looking or bad/evil
3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agocan someone name all the magical creatures and what they are/do or act like?
from different civilizations too
9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agored iris and gray tears?
last night i was with my boyfriend and all of a sudden he broke down, hes not like most people, like when he cryies for however long usually theres no tears exept for maybe one so he really couldnt cry but anyways he looked into a mirror and he said he had red eyes(he has blue icy eyes kinda dark for them and there gold around the pupil ), then i asked what kinda red thinking his eyes were bleeding or something then he told me where the gold was, was a dark red, then i had him look at me so i could see and something wasnt right, then he turns to the mirror again and says in crying im actualy crying then turns and looks at me and then says my tears are gray, casey why are they gray. and i couldnt tell him. what does that mean?
when i say gray tears i mean they have a grayish tint, or they wront clear, and he doent were makeup
1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade agored iris and gray tears?
last night i was with my boyfriend and all of a sudden he broke down, hes not like most people, like when he cryies for however long usually theres no tears exept for maybe one so he really couldnt cry but anyways he looked into a mirror and he said he had red eyes(he has blue icy eyes kinda dark for them and there gold around the pupil ), then i asked what kinda red thinking his eyes were bleeding or something then he told me where the gold was, was a dark red, then i had him look at me so i could see and something wasnt right, then he turns to the mirror again and says in crying im actualy crying then turns and looks at me and then says my tears are gray, casey why are they gray. and i couldnt tell him. what does that mean?
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agowhat does this dream mean?
well the only part i can remember is that im running/traveling though this futuristicly shaped school type of building, i find a door that leads to outside but there's this block/deck thing and its about as wide as 2 driveways and 100-200 ft long. and as im running i see my last boyfriend just sitting i a purple beanbag, looking as happy as he could be or nothing bad had ever happened to him (he was kicked out of his house last week, his last friend that he became very attached to was beaten and raped and is now dead, and the rest of his friends are all dead or forgot about him,mostly dead tho) as im running by him to notice him i either slow down or its in slow motion. after that happens i reach the end of the deck thing and my body jumps off (i say body because i can see myself jump off), the drop is like 23 ft but i land fine. and that's when i woke up
2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agowhat are a guys turn on's?
things i could do at a friends house, kinda being decreat. and things we could do in public and then stuff we could do alone
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agocan someone answer these things about the Huichol Indian's bead work?
do other people assist in making/creating process -
what materials do they use -
what tools do they use -
any type of techniques used -
if threes any machinery used, what is it -
history of craft -
first used and why -
was it a needed to serve a purpose -
why was it needed -
what was it used for -
country of origination -
how were skills obtained -
where did they learn the skill from -
techniquies representative to a particular place -
who/what infuluenced the work -
whats the meaning or fuction/purpose behind the work -
is there a pholophical purpose to the work -
does the work serve a purpose or a function -
is it symbolic/ representative of something -
what other artists or events have influenced the work -
discribe how color is used in the work -
does it reflect/represent a particular mood, event -
discribe shapes, patterns, colors of the work -
what is the present use and skill level of the craft today -
is it still highly regarded and used -
what makes it so unique to identify this work as different from others -
what sets this craft and its skills apart from others -
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agocan someone look something up for me?
i need a recipe for molten chocolate cakes and i need the recipe for the one brian boitano makes, but i cant get onto the website, can someone just copy and paste the ingredients and how to make it please?
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago