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  • how can i check/research to see if my brother-in-law was a US Ranger?

    Things just aint addin' up with his stories!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • So I a family member I've just outright been avoiding:?

    She incessantly only talks politics (which are radically different than mine), religion (also radically different) and obsessively about one of our very broken family members she coddles ...Who is/was so very abusive to her and us. I'm missing out on seeing her husband who is kind and flexible (unlike her).

    Would it be rude to merely set out rules for our visits/conversations?

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Did Einstein think that since the The Big Bang...?

    ...(Almost 14 Billion years) it was unlikely that universe and life could have developed/evolved to the extent it has? In other words: Did he make a known statement about the unlikeliness of the time-line proposed by most? I had a conversation with a guy the other day (not sure how credible) who stated that Einstein thought that even in 14 billion years it wasn't likely we would be where we are, challenging established universe and evolution ideas.

    2 AnswersPhysics10 years ago
  • I keep getting these fake "Windows Team" warnings about my account closing in my hotmail account.?

    I will get several e-mails from them in the same day. They ask for password and other personal info (in an amateur-ish format, I might add; misspelled words, etc.). I just mark them as phishing scam and they're deleted. I really want to respond to them since it's become harassment. If I reply will it open a can of worms?

    2 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • I've lost momentum with my attempt to post videos on the internet?

    I think I'm a fast learner but a novice. Now I've got the things I need except the know-how. I've downloaded Adobe Photoshop Elements 9, I have a real nice camcorder- but I lack the confidence and wish there were courses I could take. I mean some of the Youtube videos I've seen that are posted are by these hacks and numbskulls ; I don't know what to call them- But I say to myself, if they can do it I should certainly be able to. Can anyone steer me clear?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • So... the early dissidents who went against the Christian church were called "Anti-Christian".?

    They were also called Anti- Christ or Heretics. The 16th century reformers were called "Protestants". Scientologists call their adversaries "SP" or Suppressive Person, I think. The Mormons call their attackers "Anti-Mormon. Help me with the list. Are their names the Amish use, the Muslim uses for those who are "whistle blowers" against them, so to speak? I mean the list is long. Baha'i? Buddhist? 7th Day? Help me out.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Obscure Question: There was a news piece out 15 years, 20 years ago?

    It stood out because of how dramatic it was, National news I'm sure. But it was also dramatic because it was all caught on film by this news helicopter. Some guy is being chased by the police through these neighborhoods, having a shoot-out (I think) along the way. The news helicopter gets in on the action and is somehow relaying where this bad guy is to the cops from their eye in the sky. The guy even shoots at the helicopter at one point in the film. The bad guy has a short succession of hijacking dif. vehicles and ends up in a pick-up truck (I'm almost sure with a hostage this time). There's a shoot out in a parking lot and this cop just reaches out and shoots the guy through the windshield with his shotgun. The chase is over. Can anyone remember where that was and some of the details?

    1 AnswerOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Reasons for denial of Concealed Weapon Permit:?

    Does anyone know the factors that might have a concealed weapon permit app denied?

    For example if there is a public intox. on a persons record. I know they may very from state to state. Also I think I heard there were some recent changes in requirements.

    8 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • ...So did God kill Ananias and Sapphira?

    ...for stealing (book of Acts Chapter 5). Seems pretty O.T. in the N.T.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I am not remembering the higher positions/ranks in the Catholic Church?

    What are the titles of the people in the priesthood just beneath the Pope? Aren't there positions that might be compared to an apostle?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Q (1) Can anyone recommend a good anti virus software?

    I overheard a computer guy say he thought there were better ones than Norton. Question (2): My Norton detected 3 Trojan horse viruses when I did a full scan the other night. I can't remember when I ran a full scan last (a week?) - so there's no telling how long it has been in my system. There isn't some guy in a dark room exclusively looking at my computer, just waiting for the instant to get info (cards, accounts) the moment I'm infected, I don't imagine. So now that I've removed the viruses can I feel safe? ALSO why the hell didn't my Norton catch it/block it? By the way my Norton 360 does random full scans often- that's good- I guess.

    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • So I have a question: I never hear a question asked that I think could be asked.?

    I have listened to debates, ad nauseum, between "believers" and "un-believers" (but I can't help it- I'm hooked) about origins and creation and evolution. The theologian will criticize Hitchens or Hawkins or Dennett or Harris, " How can the big bang be plausible; how can nothing come from nothing? ( to quote Julie Andrews). Well I throw the question back (as if it isn't even considered) " where did god come from?" He is "from eternity" as they say, but how did he start? What was he doing before 4000 years ago. I would think he's been pretty bored. He/she has been sitting in the middle of...uh... nothing. Wouldn't that be the check mate? Doesn't it's answer match what the died-in- the-wool atheist would say? " That is, we think "linearly" and there are things just outside our grasp?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can we really step out and act so certain about our "choice" of belief/biases"?

    So with all our limitations as humans can we really be so absolute about anything? We have so many filters- I mean we only see within a range of light, Our hearing is within a small range of vibrations. Our taste buds only have several things we can taste. Our memory is so transitory and subject to interpretation. We seem to be genetically driven according to biases and so gullible (they are finding) to change our minds, etc. I mean this is all science talking. How can we be so bigoted and ignorant and arrogant and full of our selves. It seems that given all our limitations and flaws we could "cut the other guy a little slack," ay? Was it Aristotle who likened us to people in a cave staring only at shadows. That really is us!

    2 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • When I sign in, can Wifi "host" servers monitor my computer and sites I surf?

    Or is there some kind of firewall? My landlord offered Wifi and has it installed in his apartment. Can he see what I'm doing on my computer and is my personal info safe... say if he were to be curious or unscrupulous?

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Take your best shot Trolls and others... but?

    I've been skimming some of the other Y!A sections and why does it seem that the culture and religion sections gets people so hostile and negative?

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Anyone know where Sinead O'Connor is these days?

    Just came across an old Youtube bit on her. I began to wonder if she might feel just a little vindicated as all the dust is still settling

    re: Church & child abuse issues.


    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Was "Christian Purity" joshing when she said dinosaurs didn't exist?

    I had heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend about folks that deny the existence of the dinosaurs. For example I am told my Mormon friends say the fossils were either planted on earth as a test or that they were just used as materials from other "earths". Tell me it aint so.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I remember hearing George Carlin or some other comic...? a bit on grading God. Funny stuff. Today I Googled "God's Report Card" and saw more "grades" on how God did/is doing. How would YOU grade God in the basics? Is God "Passing"?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago