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♀ woody ♀
I'm 14 say alot im 15 i listen to alot of diffrent Music Love to play basketball and football ~~~~~~~Favotrite footbal team~~~~~~ the 49ners ~~~~~~~Favorite Basketball team~~~~ LA laker's ╔╗ ║║ ║║ ╚╝ ╔╗ ║║╔═╦╦╦═╗ ║╚╣║║║║╩╣ ╚═╩═╩═╩═╝ ╔══╗ ║╔╗║ ║╚╝╠══╦╦══╦═╗ ║╔╗║╔╗║║║║║╩╣ ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╩╩╩╩═╝ Love to play alot video's game's :-) Love cartoon's :-)
Why wth happen to my pc?
I just got a new graphics card on the 30 last month, on my birthday.. from bestbuy nvidia 550 ti... and when I started my pc worked find..and today I just got this game..skyrim and I was playing for about 10 mins into story then sparks start shooting out of my pc... what happen... sparks came out by the mini sd etc thingy. Lol whatever you call it idk what happen
1 AnswerPC10 years agoWhats good diet for someone who doesnt eat vegetables and fruits?
All I eat really eat is meat, sagetti, cereal, mac and cheese, pizza, churches and 290 my weight 17 male... I been to the doctor this week to get a physical... and their like I gain like 200pounds in 3 years... their tryin to figure out why am I gaining so much weight... blah blah blah.... what's a good diet for me?
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years agoTell me where is my grapic card <with video hd>?
Can someone tell where is my videocard?
3 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoWhy does my stomach fills funny when im doing crunches?
Im really close to being over weight
and my doctor told me to do
150 sit-ups/crunches
150 jumping jacks
150 walk up and downs(forgot what you call it)
and 150 something else i forgot....
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoHow to record gameplay without a HD TV? xbox 360?
3 AnswersXbox1 decade agoWhich Climate occurs more with the equator?
1 AnswerGlobal Warming1 decade agowhich ocean moves north along aficia's west coast?
2 AnswersGeography1 decade agowhich prevaling winds arise in the polar zones?
1 AnswerGeography1 decade agoWhy does the Northern Hemisphere experience winter at the same time that the southern hemisphere experience..?
Why does the Northern Hemisphere experience winter at the same time that the southern hemisphere experience SUMMER?
1 AnswerGeography1 decade agoLoosing weight? eating oat mill?
Im doing exercises daily, and wondering is it ok just to eat
turkey bacon and gritz for breakfast
and oatmill for launch daily?
is that ok?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoHelp with Messenger!!! <IM>?
Someone had IM me
i was getting ready ti write them back when they pressed "X" and it close how can i fine who was the last person who IM ME??
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade agoXbox 360 (How to play Mp3 Player Videos)?
I got a Xbox 360 right now but i need to know how can i PLAY MY mp3 player videos on it.
Added 3 different types on video and formats
I add some music videos. i downloaded from using YouTube Downloader
Found here
then i use a program called Prism Video Converter
Found here
i converted 3 Music Video in to AVI formats
then i converted then same video into .MPG and again game videos into .FLV
and i found only 1 video played in .AVI formats and the other .AVI front video didn't play
Why didn't it play???
3 AnswersXbox1 decade agoNaruto shippenden need helping finding a episode!
Can someone help me find episode 27 English sub.
Maybe link a new website with all episode not lost or something.
I am useing
some of the episode are missing for some reason >.>
Thank you Very Much xD
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade agoAfther what Naruto episode does Naruto Shippuuden begin?
im on this episode right now
how many i got left till shipuunden
and also i wanna know what episode am i supose to watch next??
3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoRabbit having Babies!!!!! PROBLEM HELP !!!!?
mY RABBIT is having babies
had 1 yesterday and 1 today
and we think these both dead there not moving
are they ok
or are they realy dead???
i dont know
my mom is worries she got baby's all thru te house
4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoWhy ppl say ppl in the band are band geek?
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoLjHutchen instrument? good or bad?
i know they have a web....
i wanna know do u think they are good
1 AnswerClassical1 decade agoI gotta know whats ur funny NICK NAME!!! :D?
mines woody
my parents dont know why they all me that, lol
7 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoEbay - Reserve not met?
can some 1 plz help me i had over bid on something
and i need to decease it hoping that he will accept it!!
i got like a 1h58m left
plz help!!!
2 AnswersYahoo Shopping1 decade agoRabbit problem <-----they bit on alot of stuff?
i got 2 rabbit they, 1 new rabbit love to eat on these's power core's we leave lieing around they bit my mom phone core,Conputer mouse car , my mom cell phone charger ,
and alot more
How do i stop him from chewing on stuff
i was think raping the core around in duck-tape or something....
2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago